Unlimited Edition is a core set with 75 commons, 95 uncommons, 117 rares, and three variations of each standard basic land. The printing was done in Belgium. The sheet layouts and collation method are the same between Unlimited Edition and Limited Edition Beta.
Unlimited Edition was sold in 15 card booster packs and 60 card starter decks. Booster boxes had 36 packs and deck boxes had 10 decks.
Unlimited Edition uses striped collation with 11 × 11 sheets. The rarity ordering and orientation of packs and starters for old products can be inconsistent. Two different kinds of booster packs have been observed. Some have front-facing cards with uncommon-rare-common ordering (which would go on to become the usual ordering from Belgian boosters). Others have back-facing cards with rare-uncommon-common ordering. Basic lands appear on all the print sheets, so they can take the place of a common, uncommon, or rare card.
3 Uncommons | 1 Rare | 11 Commons |
1 Rare | 3 Uncommons | 11 Commons |
Starter decks have 60 cards with 2 rares, 13 uncommons, 45 commons, and a rulebook. Two kinds of starters have been observed. Some have back-facing cards with common-rare-uncommon ordering. A few have front-facing cards with rare-uncommon-common ordering. In the former type, the rulebook may between either the commons and rares, or between the rares and uncommons. In the later type, the rulebook was observed between the uncommons and commons. Both types have inner and outer seals.
45 Commons | Rulebook | 2 Rares | 13 Uncommons |
45 Commons | 2 Rares | Rulebook | 13 Uncommons |
2 Rares | 13 Uncommons | Rulebook | 45 Commons |
Conventional wisdom is that the sheet layouts are exactly the same as Beta. There is also a picture of most of the uncommon sheet that corroborates this. [1] I have verified the similarity of the common sheet using pack openings (and not found contradictions with the other sheets).
There is a single sheet that prints each common card once. The remaining spaces are filled by basic lands. The print sheet is the same as the Beta sheet.
There is a single sheet that prints each uncommon card once. The remaining spaces are filled by basic lands. The print sheet is the same as the Beta sheet.
There is a single sheet that prints each rare card once. The remaining spaces are filled by Islands. The print sheet is the same as the Beta sheet.
[1] The "Compilation of Uncut Sheets" thread on the Magic Librarities Forum has a picture of most of the uncommon sheet.