Fifth Edition Collation

Fifth Edition is a core set with 165 commons, 132 uncommons, 132 rares, and four variations of each standard basic land. There are English printings from both the USA and Belgium.

Fifth Edition was sold in 15 card booster packs and 60 card starter decks. Booster boxes had 36 packs and deck boxes had 10 decks.

US Pack Anatomy

US Fifth Edition uses sequential collation with 10 × 11 sheets (although the exact configuration of the uncommon and rare sheets is unknown). Packs have back-facing cards with common-uncommon-rare ordering. Basic lands do not appear in booster packs.

11 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare

Starter decks have 60 cards including 3 rares, 9 uncommons, 26 commons, 22 basic lands, and a rulebook. The rulebook is front-facing at the front of the pack but the cards are back-facing. The ordering is rare-land-uncommon-land-common with lands split into 12 and 10. Decks have an outer seal but no inner seal.

3 Rares12 Lands9 Uncommons10 Lands26 CommonsRulebook

Commons are divided into three runs each with 55 distinct cards called A, B, and C. Booster packs contain 4 of one group, then 3 or 4 of the next group, then 4 or 3 of the last group. The groups can be ordered A-B-C, B-C-A, or C-A-B. In observed cases, 4-4-3 occurs 2/3 of the time, but there is not enough evidence to be very confident of this result. Starter decks begin with 8 or 9 A commons and can be followed by either B-C-B-C or C-B-C-B. Observed counts are 8-5-4-4-5, 9-3-4-5-5, and 9-4-4-5-4. (Grouping B and C, these are 8-9-9, 9-8-9, and 9-9-8.) The B and C runs that aren't contiguous in the packs are also not contiguous in terms of collation.

Common Runs

Each run contains 55 cards each two times (filling up a sheet). I haven't been able to completely reconstruct the A run. The B run has been reconstructed from pack openings. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Giant GrowthHoly StrengthHill GiantRemove SoulDrain LifeScaled WurmCircle of Protection: BlackHill GiantBrainstormTerror
Llanowar ElvesCircle of Protection: GreenErrantryHomarid WarriorTerrorScaled WurmHealing SalveErrantryUnstable MutationTorture
Craw WurmHealing SalveGiant StrengthHomarid WarriorTortureGiant GrowthCircle of Protection: BlackSabretooth TigerBrainstormHowl from Beyond
Durkwood BoarsHoly StrengthAmbush PartyCounterspellDrain LifeCraw WurmCircle of Protection: RedAmbush PartyUnstable MutationPestilence
Durkwood BoarsCircle of Protection: RedSabretooth TigerCounterspellHowl from BeyondLlanowar ElvesCircle of Protection: GreenGiant StrengthRemove SoulPestilence
Clay StatueBenalish HeroBrothers of FireRay of CommandUnholy StrengthCat WarriorsClay StatueIncinerateProdigal SorcererUnholy Strength
Scavenger FolkMesa PegasusAshnod's TransmograntRay of CommandKjeldoran DeadPradesh GypsiesDisenchantBrothers of FireBarbed SextantNecrite
Scavenger FolkMesa FalconFireballPortentKrovikan FetishGrapeshot CatapultMesa FalconDisintegrateDark MazeKrovikan Fetish
Grizzly BearsAshnod's TransmograntFireballDark MazeBattering RamPradesh GypsiesD'Avenant ArcherDisintegratePortentMindstab Thrull
War MammothD'Avenant ArcherIncinerateBarbed SextantMindstab ThrullCat WarriorsDisenchantGrapeshot CatapultFloodKjeldoran Dead
War MammothMesa PegasusFlareFloodBattering RamGrizzly BearsBenalish HeroFlareProdigal SorcererNecrite

The C run has been reconstructed from pack openings. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Touch of DeathRegenerationSea SerpentBrassclaw OrcsHealInitiates of the Ebon HandNature's LoreMemory LapseDwarven SoldierSamite Healer
Initiates of the Ebon HandLey DruidUpdraftMountain GoatHealErg RaidersGiant SpiderSpell BlastPanicIcatian Scout
Vampire BatsLey DruidSea SerpentPanicSamite HealerVampire BatsCarapaceKrovikan SorcererDwarven WarriorsAysen Bureaucrats
FearRegenerationDandânMountain GoatAysen BureaucratsTouch of DeathNature's LoreDandânShatterIcatian Scout
WeaknessGiant SpiderKrovikan SorcererShatterPearled UnicornFearScryb SpritesSpell BlastDwarven WarriorsRepentant Blacksmith
WeaknessScryb SpritesUpdraftDwarven SoldierPearled UnicornErg RaidersCarapaceMemory LapseBrassclaw OrcsRepentant Blacksmith
Dark RitualZephyr FalconShield WallStream of LifeHurloon MinotaurBog ImpLabyrinth MinotaurDivine OfferingTranquilityHurloon Minotaur
Lost SoulFlightDivine OfferingStream of LifeOrcish FarmerDrudge SkeletonsLabyrinth MinotaurDeath WardTranquilityBird Maiden
Bog ImpUnsummonShield BearerHungry MistBlood LustMind RavelZephyr FalconDeath WardIronroot TreefolkGoblin War Drums
Lost SoulGaseous FormPikemenHungry MistGoblin War DrumsDrudge SkeletonsUnsummonShield WallShanodin DryadsBird Maiden
Mind RavelFlightPikemenShanodin DryadsOrcish FarmerDark RitualGaseous FormShield BearerIronroot TreefolkBlood Lust

Belgian Pack Anatomy

Belgian Fifth Edition uses striped collation with 10 × 11 sheets for the commons and probably 12 × 11 sheets for the uncommons and rares. Packs have back-facing cards with uncommon-rare-common ordering. Basic lands do not appear in booster packs.

3 Uncommons1 Rare11 Commons

Starter decks have 60 cards including 3 rares, 9 uncommons, 26 commons, 22 basic lands, and a rulebook. Cards are front-facing with land-rare-uncommon-common ordering. The rulebook is backwards between the uncommons and commons. Decks have an inner and outer seal.

22 Lands3 Rares9 UncommonsRulebook26 Commons

Commons are divided into two sheets called A and B. Sheet A has 55 distinct cards each appearing twice and sheet B has 110 cards each appearing once. Booster packs contain 3-4 cards from A followed by 7-8 cards from B. Mathematically, 2/3 of packs should have a 4-7 split and 1/3 should have 3-8. For starter decks, the situation is similar. Only 9-17 packs have been observed, but 8-18 packs should also exist. Mathematically, 2/3 of packs should have a 9-17 split and 1/3 should have an 8-18 split.

Commons Sheets

I haven't gathered enough data to reconstruct either common sheet (although I'm close to completing the B sheet), but in most cases, the sheet that a card is on can be easily determined (if the card has been observed).

A Commons

  1. Alabaster Potion
  2. Amulet of Kroog
  3. Armor of Faith
  4. Aurochs
  5. Bog Rats
  6. Boomerang
  7. Brainwash
  8. Circle of Protection: Blue
  9. Cloak of Confusion
  10. Death Speakers
  11. Firebreathing
  12. Fog
  13. Force Spike
  14. Foxfire
  15. Frozen Shade
  16. Ghazbán Ogre
  17. Goblin Digging Team
  18. Goblin Hero
  19. Hipparion
  20. Imposing Visage
  21. Ironclaw Orcs
  22. Marsh Viper
  23. Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
  24. Mons's Goblin Raiders
  25. Murk Dwellers
  26. Orcish Conscripts
  27. Paralyze
  28. Phantasmal Terrain
  29. Pit Scorpion
  30. Prismatic Ward
  31. Psychic Venom
  32. Raise Dead
  33. Reef Pirates
  34. Shrink
  35. Soul Barrier
  36. Stone Rain
  37. Tarpan
  38. The Brute
  39. Tundra Wolves
  40. Urza's Mine
  41. Urza's Power Plant
  42. Urza's Tower
  43. Venom
  44. Vodalian Soldiers
  45. Wall of Spears
  46. Wild Growth

B Commons

  1. Ashnod's Transmogrant
  2. Barbed Sextant
  3. Battering Ram
  4. Benalish Hero
  5. Bird Maiden
  6. Blood Lust
  7. Bog Imp
  8. Brainstorm
  9. Brassclaw Orcs
  10. Brothers of Fire
  11. Carapace
  12. Circle of Protection: Black
  13. Circle of Protection: Green
  14. Clay Statue
  15. Counterspell
  16. Craw Wurm
  17. Dark Maze
  18. Dark Ritual
  19. Death Ward
  20. Disenchant
  21. Disintegrate
  22. Divine Offering
  23. Drain Life
  24. Drudge Skeletons
  25. Durkwood Boars
  26. Dwarven Soldier
  27. Dwarven Warriors
  28. D'Avenant Archer
  29. Erg Raiders
  30. Errantry
  31. Fear
  32. Fireball
  33. Flare
  34. Flight
  35. Flood
  36. Giant Growth
  37. Giant Spider
  38. Giant Strength
  39. Goblin War Drums
  40. Grizzly Bears
  41. Heal
  42. Healing Salve
  43. Hill Giant
  44. Holy Strength
  45. Homarid Warrior
  46. Howl from Beyond
  47. Hurloon Minotaur
  48. Icatian Scout
  49. Incinerate
  50. Initiates of the Ebon Hand
  51. Ironroot Treefolk
  52. Kjeldoran Dead
  53. Krovikan Fetish
  54. Labyrinth Minotaur
  55. Llanowar Elves
  56. Lost Soul
  57. Memory Lapse
  58. Mesa Pegasus
  59. Mind Ravel
  60. Mindstab Thrull
  61. Mountain Goat
  62. Nature's Lore
  63. Necrite
  64. Orcish Farmer
  65. Panic
  66. Pearled Unicorn
  67. Pikemen
  68. Portent
  69. Pradesh Gypsies
  70. Prodigal Sorcerer
  71. Ray of Command
  72. Regeneration
  73. Remove Soul
  74. Repentant Blacksmith
  75. Sabretooth Tiger
  76. Samite Healer
  77. Scaled Wurm
  78. Scavenger Folk
  79. Scryb Sprites
  80. Shanodin Dryads
  81. Shatter
  82. Shield Bearer
  83. Shield Wall
  84. Spell Blast
  85. Stream of Life
  86. Terror
  87. Torture
  88. Touch of Death
  89. Tranquility
  90. Unstable Mutation
  91. Unsummon
  92. Updraft
  93. Vampire Bats
  94. War Mammoth
  95. Weakness