Aether Revolt Collation

Aether Revolt is a small set with 70 commons, 60 uncommons, 42 rares, and 12 mythic rares, three variations of each standard basic land, and 24 masterpieces. Not counting the masterpieces, this is the normal size for a small set of this era. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. Masterpieces have advestised odds of 1 : 2160 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Aether Revolt was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation.

Packs are back-facing and have only 10 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, a basic land or checklist, and an ad card. If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear after the rare. (This includes masterpieces.)

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

There are four common runs: A, B, C1, and C2. Half of packs have A, B, and C1 and half have A, B, and C2. Run A has 22 distinct cards each printed three times, and B has 18 cards each printed three times. These are probably on the same sheet. C1 has 16 cards each four times and two copies of Destructive Tampering, and C2 has 13 cards each four times with the other two copies of Destructive Tampering. These are probably also printed together on a sheet.

C1 packs have 3 A cards followed by 2-3 B cards and 4-5 C cards. C2 packs have 3-4 A cards followed by 2-3 B cards and 4 C cards.


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Common foils displace C2 commons. Uncommon foils displace B commons. Rare foils displace C1 commons. I'm not sure yet about masterpieces.

The uncommons are split into an A and B run each with 30 distinct cards appearing four times each. Packs have either two A uncommons followed by a B or one A uncommon followed by two B uncommons.

All three basic land variations from Kaladesh can appear in packs (including as foils). All the lands are apparently printed on one sheet with each land variation appearing 8 times except for (probably) Plains (251) which appears 9 times.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The cards alternate between white, red, and blue (with two exceptions for white cards appearing in the place of other colors). The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Caught in the BrightsPrecise StrikeAether SwooperAlley EvasionChandra's RevolutionMetallic RebukeDawnfeather EagleEmbraal Gear-SmasherLeave in the DustDecommissionFrontline Rebel
Dispersal TechnicianAudacious InfiltratorShockTake into CustodyGhirapur OspreyWrangleBastion EnforcerConvictionAether ChaserShipwreck MorayCaught in the Brights
Precise StrikeHinterland DrakeAlley EvasionChandra's RevolutionMetallic RebukeAudacious InfiltratorFrontline RebelDispersal TechnicianDawnfeather EagleEmbraal Gear-SmasherAether Swooper
DecommissionAether ChaserLeave in the DustConvictionShockTake into CustodyGhirapur OspreyWrangleHinterland DrakeBastion EnforcerChandra's Revolution
Shipwreck MorayAudacious InfiltratorFrontline RebelMetallic RebukeCaught in the BrightsPrecise StrikeAether SwooperAlley EvasionAether ChaserLeave in the DustDecommission
Embraal Gear-SmasherDispersal TechnicianDawnfeather EagleWrangleHinterland DrakeConvictionGhirapur OspreyTake into CustodyBastion EnforcerShockShipwreck Moray

The B common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times. There are cards are alternating black and green. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Cruel FinalityHighspire InfusionResourceful ReturnDruid of the CowlAlley StranglerUnbridled GrowthNight Market AeronautAether HerderFen HaulerSilkweaver EliteFourth Bridge Prowler
Prey UponDefiant SalvagerScrounging BandarDaring DemolitionNatural ObsolescenceResourceful ReturnLifecraft CavalryRenegade's GetawayHighspire InfusionCruel FinalityUnbridled Growth
Alley StranglerDruid of the CowlFourth Bridge ProwlerAether HerderNight Market AeronautSilkweaver EliteDefiant SalvagerPrey UponRenegade's GetawayLifecraft CavalryFen Hauler
Natural ObsolescenceResourceful ReturnDruid of the CowlAlley StranglerScrounging BandarDaring DemolitionPrey UponDefiant SalvagerHighspire InfusionCruel FinalityUnbridled Growth
Fourth Bridge ProwlerLifecraft CavalryNight Market AeronautAether HerderRenegade's GetawaySilkweaver EliteDaring DemolitionNatural ObsolescenceFen HaulerScrounging Bandar

The C1 common run consists of 16 different cards each appearing four times plus two copies of Destructive Tampering. It includes cards of all colors except white and colorless cards. Most of the cards are artifacts. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Mobile GarrisonConsulate TurretNight Market GuardAether PoisonerImplement of ImprovementAetherstream LeopardPrizefighter ConstructBastion InventorRenegade MapWelder AutomatonLathnu Sailback
Irontread CrusherUniversal SolventNight Market GuardDestructive TamperingFoundry AssemblerNegatePrizefighter ConstructSweatworks BrawlerRenegade MapImplement of ImprovementAether Poisoner
Universal SolventBastion InventorMobile GarrisonLathnu SailbackIrontread CrusherNegateConsulate TurretAetherstream LeopardWelder AutomatonFoundry AssemblerAether Poisoner
Night Market GuardPrizefighter ConstructMobile GarrisonSweatworks BrawlerRenegade MapBastion InventorUniversal SolventLathnu SailbackImplement of ImprovementWelder AutomatonAetherstream Leopard
Irontread CrusherConsulate TurretNight Market GuardNegateRenegade MapDestructive TamperingPrizefighter ConstructAether PoisonerFoundry AssemblerImplement of ImprovementSweatworks Brawler
Consulate TurretBastion InventorWelder AutomatonLathnu SailbackMobile GarrisonAetherstream LeopardUniversal SolventSweatworks BrawlerIrontread CrusherFoundry AssemblerNegate

The C2 common run consists of 13 different cards each appearing four times plus two copies of Destructive Tampering. It includes red, white, and blue cards and colorless cards. Most of the cards are artifacts. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Implement of CombustionVerdant AutomatonAugmenting AutomatonAether InspectorImplement of ExaminationAegis AutomatonImplement of FerocityCountless Gears RenegadeImplement of MaliceReservoir WalkerDestructive Tampering
Filigree CrawlerAugmenting AutomatonImplement of CombustionIce OverVerdant AutomatonWatchful AutomatonAegis AutomatonCountless Gears RenegadeImplement of FerocityImplement of ExaminationAether Inspector
Implement of MaliceReservoir WalkerFiligree CrawlerIce OverImplement of CombustionAegis AutomatonVerdant AutomatonCountless Gears RenegadeWatchful AutomatonAugmenting AutomatonAether Inspector
Implement of FerocityImplement of ExaminationReservoir WalkerDestructive TamperingFiligree CrawlerImplement of MaliceAegis AutomatonCountless Gears RenegadeImplement of CombustionVerdant AutomatonIce Over
Watchful AutomatonAugmenting AutomatonImplement of ExaminationAether InspectorImplement of FerocityReservoir WalkerImplement of MaliceFiligree CrawlerWatchful AutomatonIce Over

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 30 different cards each appearing four times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Hidden HerbalistsFoundry HornetRenegade RallierInvigorated RampageShielded Aether ThiefRestoration SpecialistTreasure KeeperRogue RefinerLifecrafter's GiftWinding ConstrictorRavenous Intruder
Trophy MageDeft DismissalOutland BoarIronclad RevolutionaryDaredevil DragsterWeldfast EngineerGremlin InfestationSkyship PlundererAeronaut AdmiralOrnithopterGifted Aetherborn
Narnam RenegadeRenegade RallierScrapper ChampionSalvage ScuttlerRestoration SpecialistCogwork AssemblerGonti's MachinationsMaulfist RevolutionaryRogue RefinerInvigorated RampageUntethered Express
Deadeye HarpoonerOrnithopterFoundry HornetHidden HerbalistsWinding ConstrictorRavenous IntruderShielded Aether ThiefAeronaut AdmiralTreasure KeeperGifted AetherbornMaulfist Revolutionary
Renegade RallierScrapper ChampionTrophy MageDeft DismissalCogwork AssemblerIronclad RevolutionaryHidden HerbalistsOutland BoarInvigorated RampageSalvage ScuttlerDeadeye Harpooner
Daredevil DragsterFoundry HornetLifecrafter's GiftWeldfast EngineerGremlin InfestationSkyship PlundererAeronaut AdmiralUntethered ExpressGifted AetherbornMaulfist RevolutionaryRogue Refiner
Scrapper ChampionTrophy MageRestoration SpecialistTreasure KeeperGonti's MachinationsNarnam RenegadeWinding ConstrictorRavenous IntruderShielded Aether ThiefDaredevil DragsterIronclad Revolutionary
Lifecrafter's GiftOutland BoarGremlin InfestationSkyship PlundererDeft DismissalOrnithopterFoundry HornetHidden HerbalistsRenegade RallierRavenous IntruderShielded Aether Thief
Restoration SpecialistCogwork AssemblerGonti's MachinationsNarnam RenegadeWeldfast EngineerTreasure KeeperInvigorated RampageSalvage ScuttlerDeadeye HarpoonerUntethered ExpressIronclad Revolutionary
Maulfist RevolutionaryRogue RefinerGremlin InfestationTrophy MageDeft DismissalWinding ConstrictorDaredevil DragsterGonti's MachinationsLifecrafter's GiftOutland BoarScrapper Champion
Skyship PlundererAeronaut AdmiralOrnithopterGifted AetherbornNarnam RenegadeWeldfast EngineerCogwork AssemblerSalvage ScuttlerDeadeye HarpoonerUntethered Express

The B uncommon run also consists of 30 different cards each appearing four times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Peema Aether-SeerMaverick ThopteristHungry FlamesIllusionist's StratagemAirdrop AeronautsCrackdown ConstructPerilous PredicamentMonstrous OnslaughtHidden StockpileEnraged GiantConsulate Dreadnought
Aerial ModificationPacification ArraySly RequisitionerRidgescale TuskerTezzeret's TouchReckless RacerReverse EngineerFelidar GuardianServo SchematicVengeful RebelLifecraft Awakening
Spire PatrolSiege ModificationWind-Kin RaidersBarricade BreakerThopter ArrestSly RequisitionerMonstrous OnslaughtRenegade WheelsmithHungry FlamesEfficient ConstructionAirdrop Aeronauts
Crackdown ConstructFatal PushPeema Aether-SeerMaverick ThopteristReckless RacerIllusionist's StratagemThopter ArrestConsulate DreadnoughtPerilous PredicamentRidgescale TuskerHidden Stockpile
Enraged GiantReverse EngineerServo SchematicAirdrop AeronautsPerilous PredicamentMonstrous OnslaughtTezzeret's TouchSiege ModificationIllusionist's StratagemBarricade BreakerVengeful Rebel
Spire PatrolLifecraft AwakeningHungry FlamesWind-Kin RaidersAerial ModificationCrackdown ConstructFatal PushPeema Aether-SeerMaverick ThopteristEnraged GiantReverse Engineer
Felidar GuardianPacification ArraySly RequisitionerRidgescale TuskerHidden StockpileConsulate DreadnoughtReckless RacerEfficient ConstructionThopter ArrestServo SchematicVengeful Rebel
Lifecraft AwakeningSpire PatrolSiege ModificationWind-Kin RaidersAerial ModificationMaverick ThopteristBarricade BreakerFatal PushPeema Aether-SeerRenegade WheelsmithHungry Flames
Illusionist's StratagemFelidar GuardianPacification ArrayPerilous PredicamentMonstrous OnslaughtHidden StockpileCrackdown ConstructEfficient ConstructionAirdrop AeronautsServo SchematicVengeful Rebel
Lifecraft AwakeningSpire PatrolReckless RacerReverse EngineerAerial ModificationConsulate DreadnoughtTezzeret's TouchRidgescale TuskerRenegade WheelsmithEnraged GiantEfficient Construction
Thopter ArrestTezzeret's TouchSly RequisitionerPacification ArrayRenegade WheelsmithSiege ModificationWind-Kin RaidersFelidar GuardianBarricade BreakerFatal Push

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Aether Revolt have a token or emblem on the front face. Some of the tokens are duplicates of Kaladesh tokens including that expansion symbol, but not all Kaladesh tokens appear here. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for Magic Duels on the front face. (The front has a PEGI rating and the back has ESRB, so I'm not aware of any region differences.) They are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Energy ReserveEtherium CellThopter (8)Servo (6)Energy ReserveServo (5)Magic Duels Ad CardGremlinEnergy ReserveServo (6)Servo (4)
Tezzeret the Schemer EmblemServo (5)Energy ReserveEtherium CellServo (6)Servo (4)Magic Duels Ad CardEnergy ReserveThopter (9)Servo (5)Servo (4)
Energy ReserveThopter (8)Servo (6)GremlinEnergy ReserveServo (5)Magic Duels Ad CardThopter (7)Energy ReserveServo (6)Servo (4)
RagavanGremlinEnergy ReserveServo (5)Thopter (8)Energy ReserveMagic Duels Ad CardServo (6)Tezzeret the Schemer EmblemThopter (9)Servo (4)
GremlinEnergy ReserveServo (5)Thopter (7)Energy ReserveEtherium CellMagic Duels Ad CardRagavanThopter (8)Energy ReserveServo (4)
Servo (5)Servo (6)GremlinEnergy ReserveThopter (9)Thopter (7)Magic Duels Ad CardServo (6)Energy ReserveServo (5)Servo (4)
Etherium CellEnergy ReserveServo (6)RagavanTezzeret the Schemer EmblemEnergy ReserveMagic Duels Ad CardServo (5)GremlinEnergy ReserveServo (4)
Servo (6)Thopter (9)Etherium CellEnergy ReserveServo (5)GremlinMagic Duels Ad CardEnergy ReserveServo (6)Thopter (8)Servo (4)
Energy ReserveThopter (7)Servo (5)Energy ReserveGremlinServo (6)Magic Duels Ad CardThopter (9)Servo (4)Energy ReserveMagic Duels Ad Card
Servo (4)Energy ReserveRagavanServo (5)GremlinEnergy ReserveMagic Duels Ad CardEtherium CellServo (6)Energy ReserveServo (4)
Servo (5)GremlinEnergy ReserveServo (4)Thopter (7)Servo (6)Magic Duels Ad CardEnergy ReserveServo (5)GremlinServo (4)

Token Rarity
Tezzeret the Schemer EmblemTezzeret the Schemer Emblem × 3RagavanRagavan × 4Thopter (7)Thopter × 5
Thopter (8)Thopter × 5Thopter (9)Thopter × 5Etherium CellEtherium Cell × 6
GremlinGremlin × 11Magic Duels Ad CardMagic Duels Ad Card × 12Servo (4)Servo × 14
Servo (5)Servo × 14Servo (6)Servo × 14Energy ReserveEnergy Reserve × 28

Foil Uncommon Sheet

There is a picture of the foil uncommon sheet available. [1] Each uncommon card appears twice. The extra copy of Ridgescale Tusker is presumed to be a filler.

Daredevil DragsterMaulfist RevolutionaryMonstrous OnslaughtRenegade WheelsmithConsulate DreadnoughtSly RequisitionerGonti's MachinationsScrapper ChampionTreasure KeeperTrophy MageDeadeye Harpooner
OrnithopterFelidar GuardianInvigorated RampageAerial ModificationPeema Aether-SeerVengeful RebelIronclad RevolutionarySiege ModificationOutland BoarWind-Kin RaidersDeft Dismissal
Pacification ArrayRestoration SpecialistRavenous IntruderAeronaut AdmiralRidgescale TuskerEnraged GiantPerilous PredicamentHidden HerbalistsSalvage ScuttlerFatal PushTezzeret's Touch
Servo SchematicThopter ArrestReckless RacerAirdrop AeronautsHidden StockpileGremlin InfestationNarnam RenegadeLifecraft AwakeningShielded Aether ThiefFoundry HornetWeldfast Engineer
Deadeye HarpoonerEfficient ConstructionRogue RefinerTrophy MageMaverick ThopteristHungry FlamesDaredevil DragsterLifecrafter's GiftSkyship PlundererGifted AetherbornWinding Constrictor
Deft DismissalIllusionist's StratagemScrapper ChampionWind-Kin RaidersCogwork AssemblerRenegade RallierOrnithopterFelidar GuardianInvigorated RampageSly RequisitionerBarricade Breaker
Salvage ScuttlerReverse EngineerSiege ModificationFatal PushSpire PatrolUntethered ExpressPacification ArrayRestoration SpecialistRavenous IntruderVengeful RebelAerial Modification
Shielded Aether ThiefTezzeret's TouchHidden HerbalistsFoundry HornetGonti's MachinationsPeema Aether-SeerServo SchematicThopter ArrestReckless RacerEnraged GiantAeronaut Admiral
Skyship PlundererWeldfast EngineerLifecraft AwakeningGifted AetherbornIronclad RevolutionaryRidgescale TuskerCrackdown ConstructEfficient ConstructionMaulfist RevolutionaryGremlin InfestationAirdrop Aeronauts
Monstrous OnslaughtWinding ConstrictorLifecrafter's GiftRenegade WheelsmithPerilous PredicamentHidden StockpileConsulate DreadnoughtIllusionist's StratagemTreasure KeeperHungry FlamesOutland Boar
Narnam RenegadeBarricade BreakerRogue RefinerCogwork AssemblerSpire PatrolMaverick ThopteristRenegade RallierReverse EngineerUntethered ExpressCrackdown ConstructRidgescale Tusker

Foil Rare Sheet

There is a picture of the foil rare sheet available. [1] Each rare card appears twice, and each mythic rare card appears once. The extra copies of Disallow are presumed to be fillers.

Quicksmith RebelSram, Senior EdificerSpire of IndustryAetherwind BaskerQuicksmith SpyRishkar's ExpertiseBattle at the BridgeSolemn RecruitCall for UnityPeacewalker ColossusGlint-Sleeve Siphoner
Release the GremlinsAethergeode MinerInspiring StatuaryExquisite ArchangelRishkar, Peema RenegadeDark IntimationsWhir of InventionSram's ExpertiseConsulate CrackdownPlanar BridgeMidnight Entourage
Aid from the CowlHeroic InterventionLifecrafter's BestiaryMerchant's DockhandParadox EngineOath of AjaniScrap TrawlerAethertide WhaleBaral, Chief of ComplianceBaral's ExpertiseKari Zev, Skyship Raider
Greenbelt RampagerCall for UnityHeart of KiranMetallic MimicPia's RevolutionAethersphere HarvesterWalking BallistaHerald of AnguishRishkar's ExpertiseDisallowQuicksmith Rebel
Greenwheel LiberatorConsulate CrackdownSram's ExpertiseTezzeret the SchemerGlint-Sleeve SiphonerHope of GhirapurSolemn RecruitYahenni's ExpertiseDark IntimationsSecret SalvageRelease the Gremlins
Baral, Chief of ComplianceGonti's Aether HeartAethertide WhaleBaral's ExpertiseMidnight EntourageInspiring StatuaryYahenni, Undying PartisanAethergeode MinerOath of AjaniMerchant's DockhandAid from the Cowl
Scrap TrawlerKari Zev, Skyship RaiderFreejam RegentDisallowLightning RunnerLifecrafter's BestiaryKari Zev's ExpertiseSram, Senior EdificerAethersphere HarvesterMetallic MimicGreenbelt Rampager
Walking BallistaSpire of IndustryMechanized ProductionQuicksmith SpyPeacewalker ColossusWhir of InventionRishkar, Peema RenegadeIndomitable CreativityHope of GhirapurHeroic InterventionGreenwheel Liberator
Pia's RevolutionKari Zev's ExpertiseAjani UnyieldingFreejam RegentBattle at the BridgeSecret SalvageYahenni's ExpertiseYahenni, Undying PartisanDisallowDisallowDisallow

[1] Pictures of the US foil uncommon and rare sheets are on WorthPoint (archiving eBay listings).