Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Collation

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms is a large set with 101 commons, 80 uncommons, 60 rares, 20 mythic rares, and four variations of each standard basic land. This is sort of a new standard similar to what was established in Zendikar Rising, but not using double-faced cards. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised rate of 33% of boosters. The set was printed in English in the USA, Belgium, and Japan.

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms was sold in 15 card draft booster packs (which contain an additional ad card or double-faced card placeholder). Draft booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with non-standard common collation to accomodate the showcase land treatment which needs to be gutter-cut (since it has color extending to the edge of the card).

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by a basic land and an ad card. There are 10 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear after the rare.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

There are three common runs. The A run contains 15 distinct cards each eight times plus one copy of Leather Armor, the short-printed common. The one card with a showcase version that appears on this sheet is Goblin Javelineer; two of the copies are the showcase version. The B run contains 60 distinct cards each appearing twice plus another copy of Leather Armor. This makes Leather Armor a 5/8 short-print. None of these cards has a showcase version. The C run is gutter-cut and contains 25 cards each appearing four times. For cards that have a showcase version, one of the four copies is the showcase version. Note that this 25% showcase rate is lower than the rate from previous sets (although I don't believe this rate was ever officially advertised).

Packs contains 1-2 A commons followed by 5-6 B commons and 2-3 C commons. All three possibilities, 1+6+3, 2+5+3, and 2+6+2, have been observed. These same ranges are true for packs with foils, and all these possibilities, 1+6+2, 1+5+3, and 2+5+2, have also been observed.

The uncommons are divided into an A run and a B run. The A run contains distinct cards each appearing twice. The B run is on a gutter-cut sheet and contains 25 cards each appearing four times. Cards with showcase or borderless versions appear in the B run with one of the four copies being the special version. Packs have three consecutive cards from the A run or three from the B run. Naturally, packs with the A run are more common. (I can't easily tell the exact rate, but it seems clear that it is greater than 2/3; and mathematically it should be 11/16 which is plausible.)

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 15 different cards each appearing eight times plus Leather Armor, the short-printed common. Two of the eight copies of Goblin Javelineer are the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Goblin JavelineerPaladin's ShieldThieves' ToolsYou See a Guard ApproachKick in the DoorSpare DaggerUnexpected WindfallPlummetBoots of SpeedSteadfast PaladinEarth-Cult Elemental
Spiked Pit TrapEyes of the BeholderSilver RavenGreataxeKick in the DoorThieves' ToolsYou See a Guard ApproachPaladin's ShieldGoblin Javelineer (Showcase)Spare DaggerBoots of Speed
PlummetSteadfast PaladinKick in the DoorGreataxeSilver RavenEyes of the BeholderSpiked Pit TrapEarth-Cult ElementalPaladin's ShieldYou See a Guard ApproachUnexpected Windfall
Thieves' ToolsGoblin JavelineerEyes of the BeholderSpiked Pit TrapBoots of SpeedPlummetUnexpected WindfallSpare DaggerYou See a Guard ApproachEarth-Cult ElementalSteadfast Paladin
Silver RavenGoblin JavelineerPaladin's ShieldGreataxeThieves' ToolsUnexpected WindfallSteadfast PaladinBoots of SpeedSpare DaggerKick in the DoorLeather Armor
Goblin JavelineerEyes of the BeholderGreataxeSilver RavenPlummetEarth-Cult ElementalSpiked Pit TrapPaladin's ShieldSpare DaggerThieves' ToolsKick in the Door
You See a Guard ApproachSteadfast PaladinUnexpected WindfallPlummetBoots of SpeedGreataxeEyes of the BeholderSpiked Pit TrapEarth-Cult ElementalSilver RavenKick in the Door
You See a Guard ApproachBoots of SpeedSpare DaggerGoblin Javelineer (Showcase)Thieves' ToolsUnexpected WindfallPaladin's ShieldPlummetEyes of the BeholderSpiked Pit TrapSteadfast Paladin
You See a Guard ApproachThieves' ToolsGreataxeUnexpected WindfallSilver RavenPaladin's ShieldEarth-Cult ElementalPlummetEyes of the BeholderKick in the DoorSteadfast Paladin
Goblin JavelineerSpare DaggerBoots of SpeedGreataxeSilver RavenUnexpected WindfallYou See a Guard ApproachThieves' ToolsSpiked Pit TrapEarth-Cult ElementalSpare Dagger
Goblin JavelineerPaladin's ShieldKick in the DoorSteadfast PaladinBoots of SpeedPlummetSilver RavenSpiked Pit TrapEarth-Cult ElementalGreataxeEyes of the Beholder

The B common run consists of 60 different cards each appearing twice plus Leather Armor, the short-printed common. Except for Leather Armor, the cards alternate in a pattern of black, green, white, blue, red. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Precipitous DropElturgard RangerRanger's HawkBar the GateBrazen DwarfShambling GhastScaled HerbalistGloom StalkerScion of StygiaHoarding OgreFeign Death
Inspiring BardPlanar AllyClever ConjurerDragon's FireFates' ReversalCircle of the Moon DruidDwarfhold ChampionShocking GraspPlundering BarbarianYuan-Ti Fang-BladeSpoils of the Hunt
Delver's TorchArcane InvestigatorYou Come to the Gnoll CampHerald of HadarRanger's LongbowYou're Ambushed on the RoadSoulknife SpyImprovised WeaponryHoard RobberCompelled DuelHalf-Elf Monk
Contact Other PlaneFarideh's FireballVampire SpawnBull's StrengthVeteran DungeoneerYou Come to a RiverDueling RapierDeadly DisputeYou Find a Cursed IdolPotion of HealingShortcut Seeker
Armory VeteranHired HexbladeSylvan ShepherdDawnbringer ClericSecret DoorSwarming GoblinsDevour IntellectFind the Path+2 MaceMordenkainen's PolymorphHobgoblin Captain
Sepulcher GhoulHill Giant HerdgorgerDevoted PaladinYou Find the Villains' LairPrice of LoyaltyPrecipitous DropScaled HerbalistRanger's HawkClever ConjurerHoarding OgreShambling Ghast
Elturgard RangerPlanar AllyBar the GateBrazen DwarfFates' ReversalCircle of the Moon DruidGloom StalkerScion of StygiaDragon's FireFeign DeathInspiring Bard
Dwarfhold ChampionArcane InvestigatorYou Come to the Gnoll CampHerald of HadarSpoils of the HuntDelver's TorchShocking GraspPlundering BarbarianYuan-Ti Fang-BladeCompelled DuelHalf-Elf Monk
Soulknife SpyImprovised WeaponryVampire SpawnRanger's LongbowYou're Ambushed on the RoadContact Other PlaneDueling RapierHoard RobberBull's StrengthVeteran DungeoneerShortcut Seeker
Farideh's FireballDevour IntellectSylvan ShepherdDawnbringer ClericYou Come to a RiverArmory VeteranSepulcher GhoulFind the PathPotion of HealingSecret DoorSwarming Goblins
Deadly DisputeYou Find a Cursed Idol+2 MaceMordenkainen's PolymorphPrice of LoyaltyHired HexbladeHill Giant HerdgorgerDevoted PaladinYou Find the Villains' LairHobgoblin CaptainLeather Armor

The C common run consists of 25 different cards each appearing four times. For cards that have a showcase variant, one of the four copies is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Djinni WindseerBaleful Beholder (Showcase)Minimus ContainmentUnderdark BasiliskGrim BountyRimeshield Frost GiantValor SingerDire Wolf ProwlerZombie OgreMimic
Charmed SleepYou Hear Something on WatchOwlbearEvolving Wilds (Showcase)Priest of Ancient LoreManticoreGnoll HunterArborea PegasusPixie Guide (Showcase)Neverwinter Dryad
Clattering Skeletons (Showcase)Celestial UnicornAir-Cult ElementalUnderdark Basilisk (Showcase)Jaded Sell-SwordBaleful BeholderMinimus ContainmentBuletteDjinni Windseer (Showcase)Grim Bounty
Dire Wolf ProwlerValor SingerRimeshield Frost GiantZombie OgreOwlbearEvolving WildsCharmed SleepMimicPriest of Ancient LoreManticore
Gnoll Hunter (Showcase)You Hear Something on WatchAir-Cult ElementalNeverwinter DryadClattering SkeletonsArborea Pegasus (Showcase)Pixie GuideUnderdark BasiliskMinimus ContainmentBaleful Beholder
Jaded Sell-SwordBulette (Showcase)Djinni WindseerCelestial UnicornValor SingerRimeshield Frost GiantGrim BountyDire Wolf ProwlerCharmed SleepManticore (Showcase)
Gnoll HunterArborea PegasusZombie OgreMimic (Showcase)OwlbearYou Hear Something on WatchPixie GuideEvolving WildsPriest of Ancient LoreNeverwinter Dryad (Showcase)
Air-Cult ElementalCelestial UnicornJaded Sell-SwordBaleful BeholderDjinni WindseerUnderdark BasiliskClattering SkeletonsRimeshield Frost Giant (Showcase)Valor SingerBulette
Minimus ContainmentMimicOwlbear (Showcase)You Hear Something on WatchCharmed SleepGrim BountyEvolving WildsPriest of Ancient LoreDire Wolf Prowler (Showcase)Zombie Ogre
Arborea PegasusGnoll HunterManticorePixie GuideNeverwinter DryadClattering SkeletonsAir-Cult ElementalCelestial Unicorn (Showcase)Jaded Sell-SwordBulette

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 55 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Split the PartyTarg Nar, Demon-Fang GnollCheck for TrapsPower of PersuasionChoose Your WeaponBattle Cry GoblinDemogorgon's ClutchesTrickster's TalismanMagic MissileDriderHunter's Mark
Ingenious SmithWarlock ClassYou Meet in a TavernGuild ThiefDragon's DiscipleSkullport MerchantAberrant Mind SorcererChaos ChannelerDungeon CrawlerFifty Feet of RopeYou Happen On a Glade
Burning HandsCleric ClassWizard ClassPower Word KillYou See a Pair of GoblinsFlyRay of EnfeeblementProsperous InnkeeperRay of FrostKeen-Eared SentryBag of Holding
Lightfoot RogueFeywild TricksterMoon-Blessed ClericWandering TroubadourGoblin MorningstarMonk of the Open HandSudden InsightDungeon MapBarbarian ClassPortable HoleDruid Class
Tiger-Tribe HunterDivine SmiteReaper's TalismanEccentric ApprenticePlate ArmorCritical HitWild ShapeGrim WandererRally ManeuverYou Find Some PrisonersIntrepid Outlander
Targ Nar, Demon-Fang GnollSplit the PartyCheck for TrapsBattle Cry GoblinPower of PersuasionDemogorgon's ClutchesChoose Your WeaponTrickster's TalismanDriderIngenious SmithHunter's Mark
Warlock ClassMagic MissileAberrant Mind SorcererDragon's DiscipleSkullport MerchantYou Meet in a TavernGuild ThiefFifty Feet of RopeChaos ChannelerYou Happen On a GladeDungeon Crawler
Wizard ClassBurning HandsCleric ClassFlyPower Word KillYou See a Pair of GoblinsProsperous InnkeeperKeen-Eared SentryRay of FrostRay of EnfeeblementBag of Holding
Moon-Blessed ClericFeywild TricksterLightfoot RogueMonk of the Open HandBarbarian ClassWandering TroubadourPortable HoleGoblin MorningstarSudden InsightDivine SmiteTiger-Tribe Hunter
Dungeon MapDruid ClassCritical HitGrim WandererEccentric ApprenticePlate ArmorWild ShapeReaper's TalismanYou Find Some PrisonersIntrepid OutlanderRally Maneuver

The B uncommon run consists of 25 different cards each appearing four times. For cards that have a showcase or borderless variant, one of the four copies is the variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Iron GolemPurple Worm (Showcase)Blue DragonHama Pashar, Ruin SeekerBlink Dog (Showcase)White DragonBruenor BattlehammerTemple of the Dragon Queen (Showcase)Red DragonGretchen Titchwillow
Kalain, Reclusive PainterDisplacer BeastBlack DragonCloister GargoyleTrelasarra, Moon Dancer (Showcase)Barrowin of Clan UndurrDeath-Priest of MyrkulShessra, Death's WhisperGreen DragonHulking Bugbear
Loathsome Troll (Showcase)Farideh, Devil's ChosenRust MonsterLurking RoperIron Golem (Showcase)Blue DragonHama Pashar, Ruin SeekerPurple WormKrydle of Baldur's Gate (Showcase)White Dragon
Bruenor BattlehammerTemple of the Dragon QueenDisplacer Beast (Showcase)Gretchen TitchwillowRed DragonBlink DogKalain, Reclusive Painter (Showcase)Death-Priest of MyrkulBarrowin of Clan UndurrCloister Gargoyle
Trelasarra, Moon DancerBlack Dragon (Borderless)Iron GolemHulking BugbearGreen DragonShessra, Death's Whisper (Showcase)Loathsome TrollFarideh, Devil's Chosen (Showcase)Rust MonsterLurking Roper
White Dragon (Borderless)Bruenor BattlehammerPurple WormBlue Dragon (Borderless)Hama Pashar, Ruin SeekerKrydle of Baldur's GateRed DragonGretchen Titchwillow (Showcase)Death-Priest of MyrkulBlink Dog
Barrowin of Clan Undurr (Showcase)Displacer BeastTemple of the Dragon QueenKalain, Reclusive PainterShessra, Death's WhisperCloister GargoyleBlack DragonHulking BugbearTrelasarra, Moon DancerGreen Dragon (Borderless)
Rust Monster (Showcase)Loathsome TrollBlue DragonHama Pashar, Ruin Seeker (Showcase)Iron GolemLurking RoperFarideh, Devil's ChosenKrydle of Baldur's GateTemple of the Dragon QueenDisplacer Beast
Gretchen TitchwillowWhite DragonPurple WormBruenor Battlehammer (Showcase)Barrowin of Clan UndurrCloister Gargoyle (Showcase)Blink DogDeath-Priest of MyrkulRed Dragon (Borderless)Kalain, Reclusive Painter
Loathsome TrollTrelasarra, Moon DancerBlack DragonHulking Bugbear (Showcase)Shessra, Death's WhisperGreen DragonKrydle of Baldur's GateLurking Roper (Showcase)Rust MonsterFarideh, Devil's Chosen

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in this set have a token, dungeon, or emblem on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for MTG Arena on the front face. They are printed in a 121 card run with items appearing different numbers of times.

Each dungeon has a token on the back. Dungeon of the Mad Mage has a Goblin, Lost Mine of Phandelver has a Skeleton, and Tomb of Annihilation has The Atropal.

WolfLost Mine of PhandelverArena Ad CardDungeon of the Mad MageTreasureTomb of AnnihilationVecnaLost Mine of PhandelverDungeon of the Mad MageFaerie DragonGuenhwyvar
TreasureDungeon of the Mad MageLost Mine of PhandelverArena Ad CardTomb of AnnihilationWolfSpiderDungeon of the Mad MageLost Mine of PhandelverTomb of AnnihilationSpider
Tomb of AnnihilationDungeon of the Mad MageTreasureLost Mine of PhandelverArena Ad CardZariel, Archduke of Avernus EmblemSpiderTomb of AnnihilationMordenkainen EmblemDungeon of the Mad MageAngel
TreasureWolfLost Mine of PhandelverTomb of AnnihilationLolth, Spider Queen EmblemDungeon of the Mad MageSpiderGuenhwyvarTomb of AnnihilationFaerie DragonArena Ad Card
Lost Mine of PhandelverDungeon of the Mad MageDevilEllywick Tumblestrum EmblemSpiderTreasureTomb of AnnihilationLost Mine of PhandelverDevilDungeon of the Mad MageFaerie Dragon
Arena Ad CardDungeon of the Mad MageTomb of AnnihilationLost Mine of PhandelverTreasureDog IllusionWolfTreasureDungeon of the Mad MageZombieTreasure
Lost Mine of PhandelverArena Ad CardTomb of AnnihilationLost Mine of PhandelverDog IllusionTreasureDungeon of the Mad MageTomb of AnnihilationWolfZombieLost Mine of Phandelver
TreasureArena Ad CardAngelDungeon of the Mad MageZombieTomb of AnnihilationLost Mine of PhandelverTreasureFaerie DragonDungeon of the Mad MageTreasure
Tomb of AnnihilationBooLost Mine of PhandelverWolfTreasureArena Ad CardTomb of AnnihilationLost Mine of PhandelverDungeon of the Mad MageTreasureTomb of Annihilation
WolfLost Mine of PhandelverDungeon of the Mad MageTreasureArena Ad CardTomb of AnnihilationIcingdeath, Frost TongueLost Mine of PhandelverFaerie DragonDungeon of the Mad MageTreasure
Tomb of AnnihilationWolfLost Mine of PhandelverDungeon of the Mad MageTreasureArena Ad CardTomb of AnnihilationDungeon of the Mad MageLost Mine of PhandelverTreasureTomb of Annihilation

Token Rarity
BooBoo × 1Ellywick Tumblestrum EmblemEllywick Tumblestrum Emblem × 1Icingdeath, Frost TongueIcingdeath, Frost Tongue × 1
Lolth, Spider Queen EmblemLolth, Spider Queen Emblem × 1Mordenkainen EmblemMordenkainen Emblem × 1VecnaVecna × 1
Zariel, Archduke of Avernus EmblemZariel, Archduke of Avernus Emblem × 1AngelAngel × 2DevilDevil × 2
Dog IllusionDog Illusion × 2GuenhwyvarGuenhwyvar × 2ZombieZombie × 3
Faerie DragonFaerie Dragon × 5SpiderSpider × 5WolfWolf × 8
Arena Ad CardArena Ad Card × 10TreasureTreasure × 18Dungeon of the Mad MageDungeon of the Mad Mage × 19
Lost Mine of PhandelverLost Mine of Phandelver × 19Tomb of AnnihilationTomb of Annihilation × 19

Tokens (With Reverse Side)
  1. Wolf // FNM
  2. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  3. Arena Ad Card
  4. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  5. Treasure // Secret Lair
  6. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  7. Vecna // Archetypes
  8. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  9. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  10. Faerie Dragon // Companion App
  11. Guenhwyvar // Archetypes
  12. Treasure // Story
  13. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  14. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  15. Arena Ad Card
  16. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  17. Wolf // Locator
  18. Spider // MTGO
  19. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  20. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  21. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  22. Spider // Secret Lair
  23. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  24. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  25. Treasure // Locator
  26. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  27. Arena Ad Card
  28. Zariel, Archduke of Avernus Emblem // Archetypes
  29. Spider // Companion App
  30. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  31. Mordenkainen Emblem // Archetypes
  32. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  33. Angel // Companion App
  34. Treasure // FNM
  35. Wolf // Archetypes
  36. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  37. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  38. Lolth, Spider Queen Emblem // Secret Lair
  39. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  40. Spider // Companion App
  41. Guenhwyvar // Story
  42. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  43. Faerie Dragon // Secret Lair
  44. Arena Ad Card
  45. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  46. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  47. Devil // Archetypes
  48. Ellywick Tumblestrum Emblem // Locator
  49. Spider // Secret Lair
  50. Treasure // Companion App
  51. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  52. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  53. Devil // Archetypes
  54. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  55. Faerie Dragon // Locator
  56. Arena Ad Card
  57. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  58. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  59. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  60. Treasure // Companion App
  61. Dog Illusion // FNM
  62. Wolf // Archetypes
  63. Treasure // Secret Lair
  64. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  65. Zombie // MTGO
  66. Treasure // Story
  67. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  68. Arena Ad Card
  69. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  70. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  71. Dog Illusion // Locator
  72. Treasure // Story
  73. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  74. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  75. Wolf // MTGO
  76. Zombie // Secret Lair
  77. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  78. Treasure // Locator
  79. Arena Ad Card
  80. Angel // Story
  81. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  82. Zombie // FNM
  83. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  84. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  85. Treasure // FNM
  86. Faerie Dragon // Locator
  87. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  88. Treasure // MTGO
  89. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  90. Boo // Story
  91. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  92. Wolf // Story
  93. Treasure // MTGO
  94. Arena Ad Card
  95. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  96. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  97. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  98. Treasure // Archetypes
  99. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  100. Wolf // FNM
  101. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  102. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  103. Treasure // Secret Lair
  104. Arena Ad Card
  105. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  106. Icingdeath, Frost Tongue // Story
  107. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  108. Faerie Dragon // Secret Lair
  109. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  110. Treasure // MTGO
  111. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  112. Wolf // Locator
  113. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  114. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  115. Treasure // Secret Lair
  116. Arena Ad Card
  117. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal
  118. Dungeon of the Mad Mage // Goblin
  119. Lost Mine of Phandelver // Skeleton
  120. Treasure // Archetypes
  121. Tomb of Annihilation // The Atropal

Belgian Pack Anatomy

The Belgian printing uses sequential collation with non-standard common collation to accomodate the showcase land treatment which needs to be gutter-cut (since it has color extending to the edge of the card).

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by a basic land and an ad card. There are 10 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear after the rare.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

There are four common runs. The A run has 60 distinct cards each appearing twice. The B run has 30 distinct card each appearing four times. The cards with showcase versions appear in this run with one of the four copies being the showcase version, except for Evolving Wilds. The C run has 10 distinct cards (probably appearing 12 times each, but I haven't confirmed this). The D run contains only Evolving Wilds.

Each pack has 5-6 cards from A, 2-3 cards from B, 0-1 cards from C, and 0-1 cards from D. These numbers remain true for packs with foils. All pack types have been observed except for foil packs with Evolving Wilds (although such packs would be rare anyway, so I would not be surprised if these exist).

There are three uncommon runs. The A and B runs each have 30 distinct cards each appearing four times. For cards with showcase versions, one of the four copies is the showcase version. The C run has 20 distinct cards including the borderless cards and the showcase land. Packs have 1-2 A cards, 1-2 B cards, and 0-1 C cards. Mathematically, 3/4 of packs should be 1-1-1, 1/8 should be 2-1-0, and 1/8 should be 1-2-0.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 60 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Mordenkainen's PolymorphPrice of LoyaltyInspiring BardEyes of the BeholderPlanar AllyShocking GraspBoots of SpeedBull's StrengthHired HexbladeHalf-Elf MonkBar the Gate
Dueling RapierSpoils of the HuntHerald of HadarDevoted PaladinCharmed SleepFarideh's FireballHill Giant HerdgorgerHoard RobberDelver's TorchAir-Cult ElementalUnexpected Windfall
Ranger's LongbowHired HexbladePaladin's ShieldSoulknife SpyDueling RapierCircle of the Moon DruidHerald of HadarMinimus ContainmentArcane InvestigatorEarth-Cult ElementalSylvan Shepherd
Deadly DisputePriest of Ancient LoreShocking GraspPrice of LoyaltyScaled HerbalistFates' ReversalPlanar AllyAir-Cult ElementalSwarming GoblinsInspiring BardShambling Ghast
Dwarfhold ChampionCharmed SleepArmory VeteranElturgard RangerHoard RobberDawnbringer ClericSoulknife SpySwarming GoblinsFind the PathSepulcher GhoulDevoted Paladin
Mordenkainen's PolymorphUnexpected WindfallRanger's LongbowGrim BountyHalf-Elf MonkSecret DoorFarideh's FireballElturgard RangerZombie OgreGloom StalkerScion of Stygia
Armory VeteranBull's StrengthPrecipitous DropDelver's TorchContact Other PlaneBrazen DwarfSpoils of the HuntEyes of the Beholder+2 MaceClever ConjurerValor Singer
Scaled HerbalistFates' ReversalDawnbringer ClericShortcut SeekerJaded Sell-SwordCompelled DuelDeadly DisputeDwarfhold ChampionClever ConjurerDragon's FireCircle of the Moon Druid
Thieves' ToolsPotion of HealingSecret DoorJaded Sell-SwordCompelled DuelSepulcher Ghoul+2 MaceContact Other PlaneBoots of SpeedSylvan ShepherdGrim Bounty
Gloom StalkerShortcut SeekerEarth-Cult ElementalPlummetZombie OgrePotion of HealingScion of StygiaValor SingerHill Giant HerdgorgerShambling GhastPaladin's Shield
Bar the GateDragon's FireFind the PathPrecipitous DropMinimus ContainmentArcane InvestigatorBrazen DwarfPlummetThieves' ToolsPriest of Ancient Lore

The B common run consists of 30 different cards each appearing four times. For cards that have a showcase variants, one of the four copies is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Improvised WeaponryYou Find a Cursed IdolBaleful BeholderManticoreUnderdark BasiliskFeign DeathDjinni WindseerSteadfast PaladinBulette (Showcase)Spiked Pit TrapPlundering Barbarian
You Come to a RiverSpare DaggerYou See a Guard ApproachSteadfast PaladinClattering Skeletons (Showcase)Celestial UnicornYou're Ambushed on the RoadImprovised WeaponryPlundering BarbarianDjinni Windseer (Showcase)You Find a Cursed Idol
Hobgoblin CaptainNeverwinter DryadMimicGoblin JavelineerOwlbearArborea Pegasus (Showcase)Steadfast PaladinSpiked Pit TrapPixie GuidePlundering BarbarianManticore
Goblin JavelineerSpare DaggerPixie GuideGreataxeDire Wolf Prowler (Showcase)Leather ArmorSpiked Pit TrapImprovised WeaponryClattering SkeletonsDevour IntellectMimic
Rimeshield Frost Giant (Showcase)You're Ambushed on the RoadArborea PegasusPixie GuideSteadfast PaladinGreataxeBaleful Beholder (Showcase)Hobgoblin CaptainDire Wolf ProwlerYou Find a Cursed IdolClattering Skeletons
BuletteCelestial UnicornFeign DeathYou Come to a RiverGnoll Hunter (Showcase)Neverwinter DryadYou See a Guard ApproachSpare DaggerDire Wolf ProwlerOwlbear (Showcase)Devour Intellect
Baleful BeholderImprovised WeaponryYou Come to a RiverFeign DeathNeverwinter DryadPlundering BarbarianOwlbearYou're Ambushed on the RoadUnderdark Basilisk (Showcase)Arborea PegasusMimic
Goblin JavelineerLeather ArmorManticore (Showcase)Spiked Pit TrapGnoll HunterCelestial UnicornDevour IntellectRimeshield Frost GiantPixie Guide (Showcase)You Find a Cursed IdolBulette
You Come to a RiverDevour IntellectLeather ArmorDjinni WindseerCelestial Unicorn (Showcase)GreataxeUnderdark BasiliskManticoreGnoll HunterYou're Ambushed on the RoadArborea Pegasus
Rimeshield Frost GiantSpare DaggerYou See a Guard ApproachDire Wolf ProwlerClattering SkeletonsMimic (Showcase)Feign DeathBaleful BeholderOwlbearUnderdark BasiliskGoblin Javelineer (Showcase)
Hobgoblin CaptainBuletteLeather ArmorGreataxeNeverwinter Dryad (Showcase)Gnoll HunterHobgoblin CaptainYou See a Guard ApproachRimeshield Frost GiantDjinni Windseer

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 30 different cards each appearing four times. For cards that have a showcase variants, one of the four copies is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Shessra, Death's WhisperLightfoot RogueFifty Feet of RopeWizard ClassIntrepid OutlanderCheck for TrapsKrydle of Baldur's GateBlink DogCleric ClassWandering TroubadourGretchen Titchwillow
Divine SmiteDriderProsperous InnkeeperYou Find Some PrisonersDisplacer Beast (Showcase)Druid ClassBarbarian ClassAberrant Mind SorcererLightfoot RogueCritical HitHama Pashar, Ruin Seeker
Hulking BugbearFifty Feet of RopeWizard ClassIron GolemMoon-Blessed ClericRust Monster (Showcase)You Happen On a GladeKeen-Eared SentryLurking RoperBruenor BattlehammerCheck for Traps
Displacer BeastIntrepid OutlanderDragon's DiscipleShessra, Death's WhisperAberrant Mind SorcererCleric ClassBlink Dog (Showcase)Wandering TroubadourYou Find Some PrisonersKrydle of Baldur's GateRust Monster
Divine SmiteGretchen TitchwillowWizard ClassBarbarian ClassHama Pashar, Ruin Seeker (Showcase)DriderMoon-Blessed ClericProsperous InnkeeperIron GolemCritical HitLightfoot Rogue
Hulking Bugbear (Showcase)Keen-Eared SentryDruid ClassBruenor BattlehammerDragon's DiscipleShessra, Death's Whisper (Showcase)You Happen On a GladeFifty Feet of RopeDisplacer BeastLurking RoperCheck for Traps
Blink DogIntrepid OutlanderDivine SmiteKrydle of Baldur's Gate (Showcase)Wandering TroubadourCleric ClassAberrant Mind SorcererProsperous InnkeeperYou Find Some PrisonersDruid ClassRust Monster
Moon-Blessed ClericDriderGretchen TitchwillowKeen-Eared SentryYou Happen On a GladeLightfoot RogueDragon's DiscipleLurking Roper (Showcase)Wizard ClassBarbarian ClassIntrepid Outlander
Hama Pashar, Ruin SeekerCheck for TrapsHulking BugbearIron GolemCritical HitDriderBruenor Battlehammer (Showcase)Divine SmiteShessra, Death's WhisperWandering TroubadourFifty Feet of Rope
Blink DogDisplacer BeastCleric ClassHulking BugbearProsperous InnkeeperYou Find Some PrisonersDruid ClassKrydle of Baldur's GateMoon-Blessed ClericGretchen Titchwillow (Showcase)Rust Monster
Keen-Eared SentryHama Pashar, Ruin SeekerAberrant Mind SorcererCritical HitYou Happen On a GladeIron Golem (Showcase)Dragon's DiscipleBruenor BattlehammerLurking RoperBarbarian Class

The B uncommon run consists of 30 different cards each appearing four times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Warlock ClassPower of PersuasionPortable HoleRay of EnfeeblementTiger-Tribe HunterDungeon CrawlerGuild ThiefWild ShapeReaper's TalismanGoblin MorningstarRay of Frost
Hunter's MarkTrickster's TalismanDeath-Priest of MyrkulYou See a Pair of GoblinsSudden InsightSkullport MerchantWild ShapeFeywild TricksterTarg Nar, Demon-Fang GnollGrim WandererRally Maneuver
Demogorgon's ClutchesFlyMonk of the Open HandHunter's MarkSplit the PartyWarlock ClassBurning HandsPower of PersuasionChoose Your WeaponGuild ThiefBattle Cry Goblin
Ray of EnfeeblementRay of FrostTarg Nar, Demon-Fang GnollTrickster's TalismanPlate ArmorDungeon CrawlerRally ManeuverSudden InsightTiger-Tribe HunterReaper's TalismanHunter's Mark
Death-Priest of MyrkulMonk of the Open HandGoblin MorningstarIngenious SmithFeywild TricksterWild ShapeYou See a Pair of GoblinsFlyBurning HandsSplit the PartySkullport Merchant
Monk of the Open HandGrim WandererPower of PersuasionDemogorgon's ClutchesBattle Cry GoblinGuild ThiefChoose Your WeaponWarlock ClassRay of FrostRay of EnfeeblementTiger-Tribe Hunter
Trickster's TalismanDungeon CrawlerTarg Nar, Demon-Fang GnollReaper's TalismanPlate ArmorSudden InsightPortable HoleWild ShapeDeath-Priest of MyrkulGoblin MorningstarRally Maneuver
You See a Pair of GoblinsFeywild TricksterPlate ArmorBurning HandsSkullport MerchantIngenious SmithFlyBattle Cry GoblinRally ManeuverGrim WandererPortable Hole
Split the PartyDemogorgon's ClutchesPower of PersuasionWarlock ClassGuild ThiefRay of EnfeeblementHunter's MarkIngenious SmithDungeon CrawlerTiger-Tribe HunterRay of Frost
Choose Your WeaponMonk of the Open HandTrickster's TalismanReaper's TalismanPortable HoleSudden InsightDeath-Priest of MyrkulGoblin MorningstarFeywild TricksterYou See a Pair of GoblinsSkullport Merchant
FlyTarg Nar, Demon-Fang GnollGrim WandererSplit the PartyPlate ArmorDemogorgon's ClutchesChoose Your WeaponBurning HandsIngenious SmithBattle Cry Goblin

Japanese Pack Anatomy

The Japanese printing uses sequential collation with 112 card sheets (which is the usual for Japan). Probably the sheets are 14 × 8. (Despite the fact that the showcase land treatment needs to be gutter-cut in other regions, the Japanese printing doesn't seem to be affected.)

Packs are front-facing starting with the ad card and a basic land, then the rare, 3 uncommons, and 10 commons. If there is a foil, it will appear between the basic land and the rare, displacing a common.

1 Ad Card1 Land1 Rare3 Uncommons10 Commons
1 Ad Card1 Land1 Foil1 Rare3 Uncommons9 Commons

There are 3 common runs: A, B, and C. A contains 27 distinct cards, and B and C each contain 37 distinct cards. Each pack gets 2 to 3 cards from A followed by 3 to 4 cards from B and 3 to 4 cards from C. This means packs are either 2-4-4, 3-3-4, or 3-4-3. The exact ratios may depend on the way foil collation works.


Commons with a showcase version appear in the A run. The A run has four copies of each card, and when there is a showcase version, one of the four copies is the showcase version.

Foils displace a common. As far as I've seen, there will still be at least 2 A commons, 3 B commons, and 3 C commons, and I have seen all three possibilities for common distribution given a foil.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing four times. For cards with a showcase version, one of the four copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Celestial UnicornBuletteFarideh's FireballCompelled DuelClattering Skeletons (Showcase)Underdark BasiliskMimicDire Wolf Prowler
Owlbear (Showcase)Arborea PegasusSylvan ShepherdRimeshield Frost GiantGnoll Hunter (Showcase)Baleful BeholderCircle of the Moon DruidPixie Guide
Inspiring BardEvolving Wilds (Showcase)Neverwinter DryadGoblin JavelineerHill Giant HerdgorgerManticoreRanger's LongbowDjinni Windseer (Showcase)
Find the PathSpiked Pit TrapBuletteCelestial UnicornScaled HerbalistClattering SkeletonsUnderdark Basilisk (Showcase)Farideh's Fireball
Compelled DuelOwlbearMimic (Showcase)Dire Wolf ProwlerArborea PegasusGnoll HunterRimeshield Frost Giant (Showcase)Sylvan Shepherd
Baleful BeholderInspiring BardPixie Guide (Showcase)Circle of the Moon DruidEvolving WildsHill Giant HerdgorgerGoblin JavelineerNeverwinter Dryad
Manticore (Showcase)Find the PathDjinni WindseerRanger's LongbowSpiked Pit TrapScaled HerbalistCelestial UnicornBulette (Showcase)
Clattering SkeletonsCompelled DuelFarideh's FireballUnderdark BasiliskOwlbearMimicSylvan ShepherdArborea Pegasus
Gnoll HunterRimeshield Frost GiantDire Wolf Prowler (Showcase)Baleful BeholderHill Giant HerdgorgerPixie GuideCircle of the Moon DruidEvolving Wilds
Inspiring BardGoblin Javelineer (Showcase)Ranger's LongbowManticoreFind the PathDjinni WindseerNeverwinter DryadCelestial Unicorn (Showcase)
Compelled DuelSpiked Pit TrapBuletteClattering SkeletonsScaled HerbalistFarideh's FireballUnderdark BasiliskMimic
Gnoll HunterDire Wolf ProwlerArborea Pegasus (Showcase)OwlbearRimeshield Frost GiantSylvan ShepherdEvolving WildsCircle of the Moon Druid
Pixie GuideInspiring BardBaleful Beholder (Showcase)Hill Giant HerdgorgerSpiked Pit TrapFind the PathManticoreNeverwinter Dryad (Showcase)
Djinni WindseerRanger's LongbowGoblin JavelineerScaled Herbalist

The B common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Soulknife SpyDeadly DisputeHobgoblin CaptainCharmed SleepHired HexbladeMinimus ContainmentArcane InvestigatorHoard Robber
Valor SingerScion of StygiaVampire SpawnPlanar AllySilver RavenSepulcher GhoulElturgard RangerYou Find the Villains' Lair
Grim BountyYou Come to a RiverPrecipitous DropPriest of Ancient LoreClever ConjurerThieves' ToolsBull's StrengthContact Other Plane
Herald of HadarDragon's FireMordenkainen's PolymorphFates' ReversalAir-Cult ElementalHoard RobberJaded Sell-SwordSecret Door
Eyes of the BeholderSpoils of the HuntShocking GraspZombie OgreDevoted PaladinCharmed SleepVampire SpawnHobgoblin Captain
Soulknife SpyHired HexbladePlanar AllyArcane InvestigatorShambling GhastValor SingerSilver RavenDeadly Dispute
Minimus ContainmentScion of StygiaSepulcher GhoulYou Come to a RiverGrim BountyElturgard RangerClever ConjurerZombie Ogre
Priest of Ancient LoreYou Find the Villains' LairFates' ReversalBull's StrengthMordenkainen's PolymorphPrecipitous DropDragon's FireSecret Door
Thieves' ToolsSpoils of the HuntSilver RavenHerald of HadarJaded Sell-SwordContact Other PlaneHoard RobberSoulknife Spy
Vampire SpawnDevoted PaladinAir-Cult ElementalShambling GhastElturgard RangerCharmed SleepEyes of the BeholderMinimus Containment
Shocking GraspHired HexbladeValor SingerArcane InvestigatorDeadly DisputePlanar AllyYou Find the Villains' LairSepulcher Ghoul
Hobgoblin CaptainScion of StygiaGrim BountyClever ConjurerPrecipitous DropBull's StrengthYou Come to a RiverThieves' Tools
Priest of Ancient LoreContact Other PlaneFates' ReversalJaded Sell-SwordMordenkainen's PolymorphHerald of HadarAir-Cult ElementalEyes of the Beholder
Dragon's FireShocking GraspShambling GhastSpoils of the HuntSecret DoorZombie OgreDevoted Paladin

The C common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Potion of HealingPlundering BarbarianShortcut SeekerYou're Ambushed on the RoadSwarming GoblinsSpare DaggerDelver's TorchPrice of Loyalty
Feign DeathYou Hear Something on WatchEarth-Cult ElementalRanger's HawkImprovised WeaponryGreataxePaladin's ShieldArmory Veteran
Dawnbringer ClericHoarding OgreLeather ArmorVeteran DungeoneerBoots of SpeedYou See a Guard ApproachGloom StalkerDueling Rapier
Yuan-Ti Fang-BladeDwarfhold ChampionBrazen DwarfYou Find a Cursed Idol+2 MaceUnexpected WindfallBar the GateHalf-Elf Monk
Plundering BarbarianPlummetSteadfast PaladinYou Come to the Gnoll CampShortcut SeekerPotion of HealingSwarming GoblinsDevour Intellect
Delver's TorchKick in the DoorSpare DaggerYou're Ambushed on the RoadImprovised WeaponryYou Hear Something on WatchPrice of LoyaltyGreataxe
Ranger's HawkHoarding OgrePaladin's ShieldFeign DeathEarth-Cult ElementalDawnbringer ClericDueling RapierPlummet
Veteran DungeoneerArmory VeteranYuan-Ti Fang-BladeGloom StalkerYou Come to the Gnoll CampYou See a Guard ApproachDwarfhold ChampionBoots of Speed
Leather Armor+2 MaceKick in the DoorYou Find a Cursed IdolHalf-Elf MonkBrazen DwarfBar the GateYou're Ambushed on the Road
Plundering BarbarianSpare DaggerPotion of HealingPrice of LoyaltyDevour IntellectYou Hear Something on WatchUnexpected WindfallShortcut Seeker
Steadfast PaladinSwarming GoblinsGreataxeDelver's TorchImprovised WeaponryRanger's HawkEarth-Cult ElementalFeign Death
Paladin's ShieldHoarding OgreDawnbringer ClericArmory VeteranYou See a Guard ApproachVeteran DungeoneerDueling RapierLeather Armor
Gloom StalkerBoots of SpeedYou Find a Cursed IdolDwarfhold ChampionYou Come to the Gnoll CampYuan-Ti Fang-Blade+2 MaceBrazen Dwarf
PlummetHalf-Elf MonkKick in the DoorBar the GateSteadfast PaladinUnexpected WindfallDevour Intellect