Eldritch Moon Collation

Eldritch Moon is a small set with 70 commons, 60 uncommons, 42 rares, 12 mythic rares, and 21 double-faced cards (including 3 pairs of melds cards). Not counting the double-faced cards, this is the normal size for a small set of this era. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Eldritch Moon was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation.

Packs are back-facing and have only 9 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, and a common or uncommon double-faced card. The last two cards with be a basic land (from Shadows Over Innistrad) or checklist followed by an ad card. If there is a foil or rare or mythic rare double-faced card, it will appear after the common or uncommon double-faced card, displacing a common. It is not possible to get a rare or mythic rare double-faced card and a foil in the same pack.

9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 DFC1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 DFC1 Checklist1 Ad Card
8 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 DFC1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card
8 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 DFC1 Foil1 Checklist1 Ad Card
8 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 DFC1 Rare DFC1 Land1 Ad Card
8 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 DFC1 Rare DFC1 Checklist1 Ad Card

There are four common runs: A, B, C1, and C2. Half of packs have A, B, and C1 and half have A, B, and C2. Run A has 22 distinct cards each printed three times, and B has 18 cards each printed three times. These are probably on the same sheet. C1 has 16 cards each four times and two copies of Field Creeper, and C2 has 13 cards each four times with the other two copies of Field Creeper. These are probably also printed together on a sheet.

C1 packs have 2-3 A cards followed by 2-3 B cards and 4-5 C cards. C2 packs have 2-4 A cards followed by 2-3 B cards and 3-4 C cards. (In each case, all the possibilities have been observed.)


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Common foils displace B commons and only appear in C2 packs. Uncommon foils displace C2 commons. Rare foils displace A commons and probably only occur in C1 packs. Double-faced foils displace C1 commons.

Rare and mythic rare double-faced cards also displace A commons and probably only occur in C2 packs.

The common foil sheet includes copies of the Shadows Over Innistrad basic lands.

The uncommons are split into an A run with 27 distinct cards each appearing twice and a B run with 33 cards each appearing twice. These are probably printed on the same sheet. Packs will have one A card followed by two B cards, or two A cards followed by one B card.

Double-faced commons and uncommons appear in a long 120 card run (probably a sheet with one filler) with each common appearing 15 times and each uncommon appearing six times. The rare and mythic rare double-faced cards are collated separately. A rare or mythic rare double-faced card will appear 1/8 of the time.

The basic lands and checklists are apparently printed on separate sheets with lands appearing 1/3 of the time. This suggests that there is one land that is slightly overprinted. I have some evidence that this card is Swamp (291), but not as much as I would like since this sheet appears at a very low rate. (This is certainly not conclusive.)

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. There are cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Wretched GryffDistemper of the BloodSigardian PriestBoon of EmrakulTake InventoryTattered HaunterBorrowed GraceWaxing MoonBrazen WolvesDrag UnderOtherworldly Outburst
Dawn GryffPrey UponCultist's StaffOlivia's DragoonDesperate SentryDistemper of the BloodWretched GryffGalvanic BombardmentStrange AugmentationSigardian PriestBackwoods Survivalists
Take InventoryIngenious SkaabChoking RestraintsSpringsage RitualBoon of EmrakulTattered HaunterCultist's StaffDawn GryffBrazen WolvesWaxing MoonDrag Under
Borrowed GraceOtherworldly OutburstPrey UponOlivia's DragoonTake InventoryDesperate SentryIngenious SkaabStrange AugmentationBackwoods SurvivalistsSigardian PriestCultist's Staff
Galvanic BombardmentWretched GryffDistemper of the BloodChoking RestraintsBoon of EmrakulSpringsage RitualTattered HaunterDawn GryffOtherworldly OutburstBrazen WolvesPrey Upon
Waxing MoonBorrowed GraceDrag UnderOlivia's DragoonDesperate SentryIngenious SkaabSpringsage RitualGalvanic BombardmentChoking RestraintsStrange AugmentationBackwoods Survivalists

The B common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times. There are cards are alternating green and black (counting the emerge card as the corresponding color). The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Woodcutter's GritCertain DeathSwift SpinnerCemetery RecruitmentCrossroads ConsecratorThraben FoulbloodsGrapple with the PastGavony UnhallowedWolfkin BondSuccumb to TemptationBloodbriar
Wailing GhoulWoodland PatrolWeirded VampireIt of the Horrid SwarmBorrowed MalevolenceWoodcutter's GritCertain DeathSwift SpinnerCemetery RecruitmentPrimal DruidThraben Foulbloods
Wolfkin BondSkirsdag SupplicantCrossroads ConsecratorGavony UnhallowedWoodland PatrolSuccumb to TemptationWoodcutter's GritWailing GhoulGrapple with the PastWeirded VampireIt of the Horrid Swarm
Certain DeathSwift SpinnerGavony UnhallowedBloodbriarBorrowed MalevolenceWolfkin BondSkirsdag SupplicantGrapple with the PastThraben FoulbloodsPrimal DruidCemetery Recruitment
Crossroads ConsecratorWailing GhoulBloodbriarBorrowed MalevolenceWoodland PatrolWeirded VampirePrimal DruidSkirsdag SupplicantIt of the Horrid SwarmSuccumb to Temptation

The C1 common run consists of 16 different cards each appearing four times plus two copies of Field Creeper. It includes red, white, and blue cards appearing mostly in that order plus a few colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Prophetic RavingsThraben Standard BearerExultant CultistBorrowed HostilityCathar's ShieldLunarch MantleFogwalkerStensia InnkeeperIronclad SlayerContingency PlanThermo-Alchemist
Fiend BinderTurn AsideAlchemist's GreetingField CreeperSpectral ReservesLaboratory BruteProphetic RavingsLunarch MantleFogwalkerThermo-AlchemistFiend Binder
Contingency PlanBorrowed HostilityThraben Standard BearerCathar's ShieldExultant CultistStensia InnkeeperIronclad SlayerTurn AsideAlchemist's GreetingSpectral ReservesLaboratory Brute
Prophetic RavingsLunarch MantleFogwalkerBorrowed HostilityCathar's ShieldThraben Standard BearerExultant CultistThermo-AlchemistFiend BinderContingency PlanStensia Innkeeper
Ironclad SlayerTurn AsideAlchemist's GreetingField CreeperSpectral ReservesLaboratory BruteProphetic RavingsLunarch MantleExultant CultistBorrowed HostilityThraben Standard Bearer
Contingency PlanThermo-AlchemistFiend BinderCathar's ShieldFogwalkerStensia InnkeeperSpectral ReservesTurn AsideAlchemist's GreetingIronclad SlayerLaboratory Brute

The C2 common run consists of 13 different cards each appearing four times plus two copies of Field Creeper. It includes red, white, and blue cards appearing mostly in that order plus a few colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Falkenrath ReaverIronwright's CleansingEnlightened ManiacBold ImpalerSteadfast CatharSpontaneous MutationTerrarionStensia BanquetGuardian of PilgrimsConvoluteMake Mischief
Ironwright's CleansingDisplaceFalkenrath ReaverFaithbearer PaladinField CreeperBold ImpalerSteadfast CatharEnlightened ManiacStensia BanquetGuardian of PilgrimsConvolute
Make MischiefFaithbearer PaladinSpontaneous MutationStensia BanquetIronwright's CleansingDisplaceTerrarionBold ImpalerGuardian of PilgrimsEnlightened ManiacFalkenrath Reaver
Steadfast CatharConvoluteMake MischiefTerrarionDisplaceFalkenrath ReaverIronwright's CleansingSpontaneous MutationStensia BanquetFaithbearer PaladinEnlightened Maniac
Field CreeperSteadfast CatharSpontaneous MutationBold ImpalerGuardian of PilgrimsDisplaceTerrarionMake MischiefFaithbearer PaladinConvolute

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Peace of MindNebelgast HeraldSlayer's CleaverFuryblade VampireUnsubstantiateWhispers of EmrakulGeist of the Lonely VigilLunar ForceSavage AllianceNephalia AcademyRise from the Grave
Long Road HomeRuthless DisposalBlood MistGeist-Fueled ScarecrowFortune's FavorPrying QuestionsCampaign of VengeanceThirsting AxeBlessed AllianceShreds of SanityHaunted Dead
Emrakul's InfluenceRepel the AbominableWhispers of EmrakulFuryblade VampireNebelgast HeraldSlayer's CleaverGraf HarvestPeace of MindAbandon ReasonLunar ForceMockery of Nature
Nephalia AcademySavage AlliancePrying QuestionsUnsubstantiateGeist of the Lonely VigilBlood MistRise from the GraveThirsting AxeMockery of NatureLong Road HomeRuthless Disposal
Blessed AllianceAbandon ReasonEmrakul's InfluenceHaunted DeadCampaign of VengeanceRepel the AbominableShreds of SanityFortune's FavorGeist-Fueled ScarecrowGraf Harvest

The B uncommon run also consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Courageous OutriderWeaver of LightningClear ShotVexing ScuttlerFaith UnbrokenGnarlwood DryadRide DownInsatiable GorgersScour the LaboratoryFoul EmissaryGeist of the Archives
Noose ConstrictorGive No GroundMurderDeranged WhelpMournwillowMarkov CrusaderDrownyard BehemothHamlet CaptainSubjugator AngelChilling GraspSomberwald Stag
Vampire CutthroatDrogskol ShieldmateMercurial GeistsInsatiable GorgersDusk FeasterCrop SigilAdvanced StitchwingGnarlwood DryadIncendiary FlowAbundant MawClear Shot
Courageous OutriderVexing ScuttlerMurderFoul EmissaryLashweed LurkerSpreading FlamesScour the LaboratoryHamlet CaptainFaith UnbrokenLiliana's EliteNoose Constrictor
Geist of the ArchivesMarkov CrusaderMournwillowWeaver of LightningSubjugator AngelCrop SigilDrownyard BehemothVampire CutthroatRide DownDrogskol ShieldmateDusk Feaster
Chilling GraspDeranged WhelpSomberwald StagAbundant MawMercurial GeistsSpreading FlamesAdvanced StitchwingGive No GroundIncendiary FlowLiliana's EliteLashweed Lurker

Double-faced Card Runs

The common and uncommon double-faced card run contains each common card 15 times and each uncommon card six times. Because the meld cards have art that extends to the edge of the card (on the back face), meld pairs must appear next to each other on the sheet in the correct order, or else on the edge of the sheet. This means the sheet can be aligned pretty accurately. (This should be correct, although the filler could be at the top of the sheet instead.) In some boxes, the double-faced cards appeared in the opposite order. The choice of order presented here is based on the meld cards.

Vildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredConduit of Storms // Conduit of EmrakulExtricator of Sin // Extricator of FleshGrizzled Angler // Grisly AnglerfishUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersSmoldering Werewolf // Erupting DreadwolfVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredCurious Homunculus // Voracious ReaderGraf Rats
Ulvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationKessig Prowler // Sinuous PredatorVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredLone Rider // It That Rides as OneShrill Howler // Howling ChorusGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersTangleclaw Werewolf // Fibrous EntanglerUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationGrizzled Angler // Grisly AnglerfishCryptolith Fragment // Aurora of Emrakul
Midnight ScavengersConduit of Storms // Conduit of EmrakulCurious Homunculus // Voracious ReaderSmoldering Werewolf // Erupting DreadwolfVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersExtricator of Sin // Extricator of FleshUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationKessig Prowler // Sinuous PredatorGraf Rats
Vildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredTangleclaw Werewolf // Fibrous EntanglerUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationShrill Howler // Howling ChorusGrizzled Angler // Grisly AnglerfishGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersCryptolith Fragment // Aurora of EmrakulVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredLone Rider // It That Rides as OneConduit of Storms // Conduit of Emrakul
Midnight ScavengersSmoldering Werewolf // Erupting DreadwolfExtricator of Sin // Extricator of FleshCurious Homunculus // Voracious ReaderUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersKessig Prowler // Sinuous PredatorVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredTangleclaw Werewolf // Fibrous EntanglerLone Rider // It That Rides as One
Ulvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationShrill Howler // Howling ChorusVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredCryptolith Fragment // Aurora of EmrakulConduit of Storms // Conduit of EmrakulGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersExtricator of Sin // Extricator of FleshUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationLone Rider // It That Rides as OneVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack Kindred
Ulvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationSmoldering Werewolf // Erupting DreadwolfCurious Homunculus // Voracious ReaderGrizzled Angler // Grisly AnglerfishVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersKessig Prowler // Sinuous PredatorUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationTangleclaw Werewolf // Fibrous EntanglerGraf Rats
Midnight ScavengersLone Rider // It That Rides as OneVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredShrill Howler // Howling ChorusExtricator of Sin // Extricator of FleshGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersCryptolith Fragment // Aurora of EmrakulUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationGrizzled Angler // Grisly AnglerfishCurious Homunculus // Voracious Reader
Vildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredConduit of Storms // Conduit of EmrakulSmoldering Werewolf // Erupting DreadwolfKessig Prowler // Sinuous PredatorUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersTangleclaw Werewolf // Fibrous EntanglerVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredShrill Howler // Howling ChorusCryptolith Fragment // Aurora of Emrakul
Midnight ScavengersGrizzled Angler // Grisly AnglerfishUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationConduit of Storms // Conduit of EmrakulCurious Homunculus // Voracious ReaderGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersExtricator of Sin // Extricator of FleshVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredSmoldering Werewolf // Erupting DreadwolfGraf Rats
Ulvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationKessig Prowler // Sinuous PredatorLone Rider // It That Rides as OneTangleclaw Werewolf // Fibrous EntanglerVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredGraf RatsMidnight ScavengersShrill Howler // Howling ChorusUlvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald AbominationCryptolith Fragment // Aurora of Emrakul

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Eldritch Moon have a token or emblem on the front face. Some of the tokens are duplicates of Shadows Over Innistrad tokens including that expansion symbol, but not all Shadow Over Innistrad tokens appear here. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for Magic Duels on the front face. (The front has a PEGI rating and the back has ESRB, so I'm not aware of any region differences.) The cards are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Tamiyo, Field Researcher EmblemHuman SoldierSpiderMagic Duels Ad CardZombie (5)SpiritEldrazi HorrorZombie (4)Zombie (3)DevilEldrazi Horror
SpiritLiliana, the Last Hope EmblemHuman SoldierMagic Duels Ad CardEldrazi HorrorInsectZombie (5)Eldrazi HorrorSpiritHuman WizardWolf
Zombie (4)SpiderEldrazi HorrorMagic Duels Ad CardDevilHuman SoldierSpiritEldrazi HorrorInsectZombie (3)Eldrazi Horror
Zombie (5)HumanWolfMagic Duels Ad CardSpiritSpiritZombie (4)DevilEldrazi HorrorHuman SoldierHuman
SpiritEldrazi HorrorZombie (5)Magic Duels Ad CardInsectEldrazi HorrorZombie (3)Human SoldierWolfEldrazi HorrorHuman Wizard
SpiderDevilEldrazi HorrorLiliana, the Last Hope EmblemZombie (4)SpiritEldrazi HorrorInsectHuman SoldierZombie (6)Zombie (3)
SpiderEldrazi HorrorInsectMagic Duels Ad CardWolfZombie (5)Eldrazi HorrorSpiritInsectEldrazi HorrorHuman Soldier
Human WizardEldrazi HorrorSpiritMagic Duels Ad CardSpiderZombie (3)Eldrazi HorrorHuman SoldierDevilInsectSpirit
Eldrazi HorrorZombie (4)HumanMagic Duels Ad CardEldrazi HorrorTamiyo, Field Researcher EmblemInsectHuman SoldierEldrazi HorrorSpiritWolf
Eldrazi HorrorZombie (5)Zombie (6)Magic Duels Ad CardSpiderEldrazi HorrorHuman WizardZombie (3)Zombie (4)Eldrazi HorrorInsect
HumanSpiritEldrazi HorrorMagic Duels Ad CardHuman SoldierDevilEldrazi HorrorWolfSpiritInsectEldrazi Horror

Token Rarity
Liliana, the Last Hope EmblemLiliana, the Last Hope Emblem × 2Tamiyo, Field Researcher EmblemTamiyo, Field Researcher Emblem × 2Zombie (6)Zombie × 2
HumanHuman × 4Human WizardHuman Wizard × 4DevilDevil × 6
SpiderSpider × 6WolfWolf × 6Zombie (3)Zombie × 6
Zombie (4)Zombie × 6Zombie (5)Zombie × 6Human SoldierHuman Soldier × 10
InsectInsect × 10Magic Duels Ad CardMagic Duels Ad Card × 10SpiritSpirit × 14
Eldrazi HorrorEldrazi Horror × 27