Ice Age Collation

Ice Age is a large set with 121 commons, 121 uncommons, 121 rares, three variations of each standard basic land, and five snow-covered basic lands. These numbers are normal for a large set of this era (with the snow-covered land wrinkle). The set was printed in Belgium.

Ice Age was sold in 15 card booster packs. Booster boxes have 36 packs.

Pack Anatomy

Ice Age uses striped collation with 11 × 11 sheets. Packs are back-facing and contain 3 uncommons, 1 rare, and 11 commons (in that order). Basic lands, including snow-convered lands, do not appear in booster packs.

3 Uncommons1 Rare11 Commons

Starter decks have inconsistent ordering. They contain 3 rares, 9 uncommons, 26 commons, and 22 basic lands in addition to a rulebook. Both front-facing and back-facing decks have been observed. There are two main ordering types. Some packs have uncommons, then rares, then lands and commons. Other packs have lands first, then rare, uncommon, and common. In both cases, the rulebook may be before or after the rares. Snow-covered lands are included among the other basic lands.

9 UncommonsRulebook3 Rares22 Lands26 Commons
9 Uncommons3 RaresRulebook22 Lands26 Commons
22 LandsRulebook3 Rares9 Uncommons26 Commons
22 Lands3 RaresRulebook9 Uncommons26 Commons

In some some packs (loose but apparently from the same box), the first common sheet was split into the top five and bottom six rows. Also, cases of width one stripes have been observed on both the common and uncommon sheets.

There is a picture of the land sheet. [1]

Common Sheet

There are two different versions of the common sheet. A given box will only use one sheet for all packs, so probably they were used for different printings. I hypothesize that this first sheet is from an earlier printing because the other sheet has a color pattern similar to other later products. The sheet includes each common once. This is a reconstruction based on pack openings. The top row is chosen based on miscuts. [2]

Gaze of PainWoolly MammothsKrovikan FetishBone ShamanEnervateSoul KissInfuseHealImposing VisageCircle of Protection: WhiteGoblin Ski Patrol
Grizzled WolverineErrantrySnowfallCircle of Protection: GreenBrown OupheWoolly SpiderFlareErrant MinionTarpanPortentEarthlore
Shield BearerSongs of the DamnedKjeldoran GuardKjeldoran DeadTor GiantBarbed SextantKelsinko RangerLegions of Lim-DûlBlessed WineMountain GoatHowl from Beyond
Scaled WurmRay of ErasureLava BurstMystic RemoraCooperationPanicPower SinkRallySeizuresPrismatic WardIllusionary Wall
Soul BurnChub ToadFoul FamiliarCircle of Protection: BlackFoxfireLim-Dûl's CohortFyndhorn BrownieRay of CommandBarbarian GuidesGorilla PackBattle Frenzy
Krovikan SorcererStonehandsFolk of the PinesBrainstormFearKjeldoran WarriorOrcish LumberjackEssence FlareDark BanishingOrcish ConscriptsDeath Ward
Wild GrowthCircle of Protection: RedTouch of DeathPyroblastShambling StriderHydroblastBurnt OfferingCircle of Protection: BlueAurochsClairvoyanceMoor Fiend
Sabretooth TigerRegenerationShatterBalduvian ShamanAdarkar UnicornOrcish FarmerRime DryadZuran SpellcasterGangrenous ZombiesStone RainCounterspell
Pestilence RatsKjeldoran SkyknightDire WolvesFylgjaNorrittMind RavelArmor of FaithIncinerateTinder WallSnow DevilBalduvian Bears
Essence FilterCloak of ConfusionWord of UndoingDark RitualGoblin SappersGiant GrowthIllusionary ForcesBrine ShamanWarningHoar ShadeArenson's Aura
Arctic FoxesArnjlot's AscentBalduvian BarbariansPykniteDisenchantElvish HealerMeteor ShowerFyndhorn ElvesZuran EnchanterJuniper Order DruidMistfolk

The second common sheet also includes each common once. It is also a reconstruction based on pack openings. The top row is chosen based on miscuts. [2]

Fyndhorn BrownieCircle of Protection: RedGoblin Ski PatrolDire WolvesErrant MinionDark BanishingCircle of Protection: BlueBarbarian GuidesWild GrowthSnowfallHowl from Beyond
Songs of the DamnedBalduvian BearsHydroblastGangrenous ZombiesCircle of Protection: WhiteOrcish FarmerRime DryadPower SinkBrine ShamanKelsinko RangerOrcish Conscripts
PanicFearPrismatic WardErrantryAurochsInfuseDark RitualDeath WardGrizzled WolverineFolk of the PinesIllusionary Forces
Ray of CommandBattle FrenzyTinder WallClairvoyanceKjeldoran DeadElvish HealerSabretooth TigerWoolly MammothsBrainstormLegions of Lim-DûlWarning
Kjeldoran WarriorZuran EnchanterSoul BurnAdarkar UnicornMeteor ShowerWoolly SpiderMistfolkSeizuresArmor of FaithImposing VisageGiant Growth
Chub ToadArctic FoxesFlareJuniper Order DruidArnjlot's AscentBurnt OfferingCooperationStonehandsShambling StriderWord of UndoingPestilence Rats
Hoar ShadeFyndhorn ElvesCounterspellTouch of DeathFylgjaBone ShamanEarthloreIllusionary WallMind RavelHealPyroblast
Tor GiantKrovikan FetishKjeldoran SkyknightGoblin SappersRegenerationZuran SpellcasterLim-Dûl's CohortCircle of Protection: GreenMountain GoatEssence FilterKrovikan Sorcerer
Ray of ErasureStone RainGorilla PackEssence FlareSoul KissArenson's AuraShatterScaled WurmSnow DevilFoul FamiliarCircle of Protection: Black
DisenchantEnervateCloak of ConfusionShield BearerOrcish LumberjackBrown OupheBalduvian ShamanGaze of PainKjeldoran GuardBalduvian BarbariansTarpan
Barbed SextantRallyIncineratePyknitePortentMoor FiendBlessed WineLava BurstFoxfireMystic RemoraNorritt

Uncommon Sheet

There is a single sheet that prints each uncommon card once. This sheet accompanies both versions of the common sheet. It has been reconstructed by observing pack openings. The top row is chosen based on miscuts. [3]

Mind WarpSoldevi SimulacrumIcequakePyroclasmThunder WallShield of the AgesFumaroleRed ScarabArcum's WhistleGlacial ChasmAvalanche
Orcish HealerCentaur ArcherSoul BarrierIcy ManipulatorNature's LoreJohtull WurmGoblin SnowmanBreath of DreamsWall of Pine NeedlesNacre TalismanMaddening Wind
White ScarabWithering WispsOrder of the White ShieldAshen GhoulAnarchyIce FloeSnow HoundZuran OrbGiant Trap Door SpiderConquerHyalopterous Lemure
Kjeldoran FrostbeastForce VoidSunstonePhantasmal MountWalking WallUrza's BaubleSea SpiritBattle CryArcum's WeathervaneSacred BoonArcum's Sleigh
Knight of StromgaldFreyalise SupplicantDrift of the DeadHallowed GroundForgotten LoreDance of the DeadVenomous BreathSleight of MindOrcish CannoneersWhiteoutMelee
IcebergKarplusan GiantThoughtleechFire CovenantKrovikan VampireSwords to PlowsharesMeltingGlacial WallAbyssal SpecterWings of AesthirOnyx Talisman
HurricaneBlue ScarabSkull CatapultAggressionWall of ShieldsDiabolic VisionWhalebone GliderBlack ScarabJeweled AmuletUpdraftDemonic Consultation
War ChariotHymn of RebirthWord of BlastingBinding GraspKjeldoran SkycaptainWall of LavaFreyalise's CharmIllusionary TerrainEssence VortexStone SpiritSoldevi Machinist
Leshrac's RiteHipparionTouch of VitaeLapis Lazuli TalismanStench of EvilKrovikan ElementalistDroughtGoblin MutantLureMalachite TalismanFanatical Fever
Yavimaya GnatsPit TrapSpectral ShieldMole WormsVertigoThermokarstWind SpiritLim-Dûl's HexAdarkar SentinelLeshrac's SigilGreen Scarab
JusticeDreams of the DeadFlame SpiritFyndhorn BowKjeldoran Elite GuardCold SnapHematite TalismanFyndhorn ElderBalduvian ConjurerBaton of MoraleSilver Erne

Land Sheet

There is a single sheet that prints each land variation six times except for one of the normal Plains cards which is printed seven times. This means that only about 1/4 of lands are snow-covered.

SwampSnow-Covered PlainsForestIslandMountainMountainSwampPlainsForestSnow-Covered IslandMountain
PlainsForestSnow-Covered IslandMountainSwampSwampSnow-Covered PlainsForestIslandMountainSwamp
Snow-Covered ForestIslandMountainSwampPlainsPlainsSnow-Covered ForestIslandSnow-Covered MountainSnow-Covered SwampSnow-Covered Plains
IslandMountainSwampSnow-Covered PlainsForestForestIslandMountainSwampSnow-Covered PlainsForest
Snow-Covered MountainSwampPlainsForestPlainsIslandSnow-Covered MountainSnow-Covered SwampPlainsSnow-Covered ForestIsland
MountainSwampPlainsForestIslandIslandMountainSwampSnow-Covered PlainsForestIsland
PlainsSnow-Covered ForestIslandSnow-Covered MountainSnow-Covered SwampSnow-Covered SwampPlainsForestSnow-Covered IslandMountainSnow-Covered Swamp
ForestSnow-Covered IslandMountainSwampPlainsPlainsForestIslandMountainSwampPlains
IslandSnow-Covered MountainSnow-Covered SwampPlainsForestSnow-Covered ForestIslandSnow-Covered MountainSwampPlainsSnow-Covered Forest
MountainSwampPlainsForestSnow-Covered IslandIslandMountainSwampPlainsForestSnow-Covered Island

[1] The "Compilation of Uncut Sheets" thread on the Magic Librarities Forum has pictures of the land sheet. It has also been posted here on the "Misprints, Oddities, Rarities for Magic: The Gathering, MtG" Facebook group.

[2] Jakob Munk on the "Misprints, Oddities, Rarities for Magic: The Gathering, MtG" Facebook group posted a partial reconstruction of the common sheets using miscuts as the data source. I have chosen top rows that match cards he puts on the top row. (I have only seen some of the actual top row miscuts.)

[3] There are a lot of uncommon top row miscuts circulating. They have been posted several times including in this post by Keith Chuck Taylor Adams on the "Misprints, Oddities, Rarities for Magic: The Gathering, MtG" Facebook group.