Innistrad Collation

Innistrad is a large set with 101 commons, 60 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares, three variations of each standard basic land, and 20 double-faced cards. This is the normal size for a large set of this era with the addition of doubled-faced cards, and fewer basic lands. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Innistrad was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation (slightly modified to account for fewer commons in each pack).

Packs are back-facing and have only 9 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, and an ad card. The last two cards will be a double-faced card and either a basic land or a checklist. A checklist will be before the double-faced card and a basic land will be after it. If there is a foil, it will be the last card. A foil double-faced card will displace the normal double-faced card. Other foils will displace a common.

9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Ad Card1 Checklist1 DFC
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Ad Card1 DFC1 Land
8 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Ad Card1 Checklist1 DFC1 Foil
8 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Ad Card1 DFC1 Land1 Foil
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Ad Card1 Checklist1 Foil DFC
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Ad Card1 Land1 Foil DFC

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs will contain 2×A + 2×B + 5×C or 3×A + 1×B + 5×C. C2 packs will contains 3×A + 2×B + 4×C or 4×A + 3×B + 2×C.


Non-double-faced foils displace common cards. Foil commons (and basic lands) displace C1 commons. (As far as I've seen, these are always in packs with basic lands.) Foil uncommons displace B commons, and foil rares and mythic rares displace A commons.

Uncommons are printed on one sheet with each card appearing twice (and one filler). This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 33 distinct cards) and a 54-card B run (with 27 distinct cards). Packs can have either 2 A cards followed by 1 B card, or 1 A card followed by 2 B cards. Since the runs are unbalanced, 2 A cards happens 13/20 of the time.

Basic lands appear in 1/4 of packs and checklists occur in the other 3/4. Basic lands always appear in C1 packs.

The double-faced cards are printed on one sheet. The mythic rare appears once, the rares appear two times, the uncommons appear six times, and the commons appear eleven times. (This fills the sheet.) The sheet is divided into a 66-card run (with the mythic, four rares, four uncommons, and three commons) and a 55-card run (with two rares, three uncommons, and three commons).

Calculating the exact rarities of double-faced cards depends on unknown foil rates, but they are all very similar to the non-double-faced rarities.

Rares are printed on two sheets with each sheet divided into a 66-card run and a 55-card run. (This is a change from earlier sets that had only one rare sheet.) Each rare card has four copies in one of the four runs, except Evil Twin is split between the 66-card runs and Kessig Wolf Run which is split between the 55-card runs. All the mythics have two copies in one of the 55-card runs.

Common Runs [1]

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. It includes cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Gruesome DeformityClaustrophobiaFrightful DelusionAshmouth HoundDoomed TravelerSelfless CatharDead WeightSomberwald SpiderRiot DevilsAltar's ReapForbidden Alchemy
Elder CatharKessig WolfWooden StakeFesterhide BoarHysterical BlindnessVoiceless SpiritGhoulcaller's ChantDead WeightUnruly MobAshmouth HoundWoodland Sleuth
Forbidden AlchemyFeral RidgewolfSelfless CatharCurse of OblivionVictim of NightSomberwald SpiderHysterical BlindnessAvacynian PriestRiot DevilsCurse of the Bloody TomeKindercatch
Feral RidgewolfAltar's ReapGruesome DeformityGrave BrambleAvacynian PriestBloodcrazed NeonateSilverchase FoxCurse of the Bloody TomeCobbled WingsWoodland SleuthCurse of Oblivion
Crossway VampireWooden StakeGhoulcaller's ChantDoomed TravelerLost in the MistElder CatharGrave BrambleBloodcrazed NeonateFrightful DelusionCobbled WingsSkeletal Grimace
Voiceless SpiritVictim of NightClaustrophobiaKindercatchCrossway VampireLost in the MistKessig WolfSilverchase FoxUnruly MobSkeletal GrimaceFesterhide Boar

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. It includes cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Ancient GrudgeThraben PurebloodsOrchard SpiritFuror of the BittenDream TwistMoon HeronGhoulcaller's BellMaw of the MireCorpse LungeSpare from EvilNightbird's Clutches
Ambush ViperDream TwistGeistflameNight TerrorsMoment of HeroismMakeshift MaulerBump in the NightNightbird's ClutchesTraveler's AmuletDarkthicket WolfAmbush Viper
Spare from EvilMoon HeronNight TerrorsFuror of the BittenMakeshift MaulerFeeling of DreadNightbird's ClutchesDarkthicket WolfMoment of HeroismMaw of the MireOrchard Spirit
Ghoulcaller's BellMakeshift MaulerSpare from EvilGeistflameMoon HeronAvacyn's PilgrimBump in the NightMaw of the MireThraben PurebloodsFuror of the BittenFeeling of Dread
Darkthicket WolfFortress CrabOrchard SpiritAncient GrudgeTraveler's AmuletCorpse LungeGeistflameThraben PurebloodsDream TwistAvacyn's PilgrimNight Terrors
Fortress CrabFeeling of DreadCorpse LungeAncient GrudgeAmbush ViperGhoulcaller's BellBump in the NightMoment of HeroismFortress CrabTraveler's AmuletAvacyn's Pilgrim

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Shimmering Grotto, the short-printed common. It includes cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Spidery GraspSelhoff OccultistBrimstone VolleyManor SkeletonStitched DrakeHarvest PyreNaturalizeRebukeUrgent ExorcismVampire InterloperSelhoff Occultist
Traitorous BloodMoonmistOne-Eyed ScarecrowMarkov PatricianGhostly PossessionBlazing TorchDeranged AssistantBrimstone VolleyGnaw to the BoneVampire InterloperCurse of the Pierced Heart
Urgent ExorcismManor SkeletonSpidery GraspOne-Eyed ScarecrowArmored SkaabBonds of FaithVampiric FuryNaturalizeTyphoid RatsHarvest PyreMulch
Smite the MonstrousArmored SkaabBlazing TorchStitcher's ApprenticeWalking CorpseVampiric FuryDeranged AssistantGnaw to the BoneGhostly PossessionRebukeTyphoid Rats
Traitorous BloodMarkov PatricianStitcher's ApprenticeMulchStitched DrakeCurse of the Pierced HeartBonds of FaithShimmering GrottoMoonmistWalking CorpseSmite the Monstrous

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Shimmering Grotto, the short-printed common. It includes cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Village Bell-RingerCaravan VigilSensory DeprivationTravel PreparationsGhoulraiserChapel GeistSilent DepartureNight RevelersSpectral FlightRotting FensnakeCaravan Vigil
Infernal PlungeRanger's GuileStromkirk PatrolSilent DepartureThink TwicePitchburn DevilsVillage Bell-RingerPrey UponBrain WeevilRotting FensnakeGhoulraiser
Spectral FlightChapel GeistPitchburn DevilsCaravan VigilAbbey GriffinBrain WeevilSensory DeprivationShimmering GrottoStromkirk PatrolNight RevelersChapel Geist
Travel PreparationsThink TwiceRanger's GuileAbbey GriffinSensory DeprivationInfernal PlungeStromkirk PatrolPitchburn DevilsPrey UponRotting FensnakeTravel Preparations
Village Bell-RingerSpectral FlightBrain WeevilNight RevelersRanger's GuileSilent DepartureGhoulraiserAbbey GriffinPrey UponInfernal PlungeThink Twice

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Village CannibalsSkaab GoliathBurning VengeanceMausoleum GuardMidnight HauntingDemonmail HauberkDisciple of GriselbrandBoneyard WurmMemory's JourneyDesperate RavingsFalkenrath Noble
CuriositySlayer of the WickedTrepanation BladeBurning VengeanceLumberknotVillage CannibalsGrasp of PhantomsMask of AvacynSpectral RiderCurse of the Nightly HuntRunic Repetition
Disciple of GriselbrandSpider SpawningDemonmail HauberkMausoleum GuardSkaab GoliathButcher's CleaverInto the Maw of HellUnburial RitesRunic RepetitionHamlet CaptainBitterheart Witch
Fiend HunterGhost QuarterMask of AvacynRolling TemblorDissipateTrepanation BladeDiregraf GhoulFalkenrath NobleFiend HunterSharpened PitchforkBoneyard Wurm
Desperate RavingsDissipateButcher's CleaverDiregraf GhoulGhost QuarterSpectral RiderInto the Maw of HellLumberknotBitterheart WitchGrasp of PhantomsInquisitor's Flail
Midnight HauntingMemory's JourneyHamlet CaptainCurse of the Nightly HuntUnburial RitesRolling TemblorSlayer of the WickedSharpened PitchforkInquisitor's FlailCuriositySpider Spawning

The B uncommon run also consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Lantern SpiritGeistcatcher's RigRage ThrowerAbattoir GhoulRally the PeasantsCellar DoorGallows WardenMake a WishInvisible StalkerGraveyard ShovelRage Thrower
Full Moon's RiseRally the PeasantsBattleground GeistMorkrut BansheeGalvanic JuggernautBramblecrushSkirsdag CultistPurify the GraveInvisible StalkerScourge of Geier ReachHollowhenge Scavenger
Geistcatcher's RigMorkrut BansheeMurder of CrowsIntangible VirtueSkirsdag CultistCellar DoorMake a WishAbattoir GhoulBramblecrushMoan of the UnhallowedBattleground Geist
Intangible VirtueRakish HeirGraveyard ShovelSilver-Inlaid DaggerTribute to HungerHollowhenge ScavengerParaseleneLantern SpiritPurify the GraveRakish HeirGalvanic Juggernaut
Wreath of GeistsTribute to HungerMurder of CrowsSilver-Inlaid DaggerScourge of Geier ReachParaseleneGallows WardenMoan of the UnhallowedWreath of GeistsFull Moon's Rise

Double-faced Card Runs

The A double-faced run contains one mythic rare card, four rares each appearing twice, four uncommons each appearing six times and three commons each appearing eleven times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Instigator Gang // Wildblood PackVillage Ironsmith // IronfangUlvenwald Mystics // Ulvenwald PrimordialsGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsCloistered Youth // Unholy FiendThraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaScreeching Bat // Stalking VampireVillage Ironsmith // IronfangHanweir Watchkeep // Bane of HanweirGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsMayor of Avabruck // Howlpack Alpha
Thraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaCloistered Youth // Unholy FiendVillage Ironsmith // IronfangUlvenwald Mystics // Ulvenwald PrimordialsGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsHanweir Watchkeep // Bane of HanweirThraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaLudevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's AbominationVillage Ironsmith // IronfangScreeching Bat // Stalking VampireGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde Wantons
Bloodline Keeper // Lord of LineageThraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaUlvenwald Mystics // Ulvenwald PrimordialsVillage Ironsmith // IronfangCloistered Youth // Unholy FiendGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsScreeching Bat // Stalking VampireThraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaHanweir Watchkeep // Bane of HanweirVillage Ironsmith // IronfangInstigator Gang // Wildblood Pack
Grizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsCloistered Youth // Unholy FiendThraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaUlvenwald Mystics // Ulvenwald PrimordialsVillage Ironsmith // IronfangGarruk Relentless // Garruk, the Veil-CursedGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsHanweir Watchkeep // Bane of HanweirThraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaScreeching Bat // Stalking VampireVillage Ironsmith // Ironfang
Mayor of Avabruck // Howlpack AlphaGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsUlvenwald Mystics // Ulvenwald PrimordialsThraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaCloistered Youth // Unholy FiendVillage Ironsmith // IronfangLudevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's AbominationGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsScreeching Bat // Stalking VampireThraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaHanweir Watchkeep // Bane of Hanweir
Village Ironsmith // IronfangBloodline Keeper // Lord of LineageGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsCloistered Youth // Unholy FiendThraben Sentry // Thraben MilitiaUlvenwald Mystics // Ulvenwald PrimordialsVillage Ironsmith // IronfangHanweir Watchkeep // Bane of HanweirGrizzled Outcasts // Krallenhorde WantonsScreeching Bat // Stalking VampireThraben Sentry // Thraben Militia

The B double-faced run contains two rares each appearing twice, three uncommons each appearing six times and three commons each appearing eleven times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Reckless Waif // Merciless PredatorTormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfGatstaf Shepherd // Gatstaf HowlerVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationCivilized Scholar // Homicidal BruteTormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfDaybreak Ranger // Nightfall PredatorVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationReckless Waif // Merciless Predator
Tormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfGatstaf Shepherd // Gatstaf HowlerVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationCivilized Scholar // Homicidal BruteTormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfReckless Waif // Merciless PredatorVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationGatstaf Shepherd // Gatstaf HowlerTormented Pariah // Rampaging Werewolf
Kruin Outlaw // Terror of Kruin PassVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationCivilized Scholar // Homicidal BruteReckless Waif // Merciless PredatorTormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationGatstaf Shepherd // Gatstaf HowlerTormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfCivilized Scholar // Homicidal Brute
Villagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationDaybreak Ranger // Nightfall PredatorTormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfReckless Waif // Merciless PredatorVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationGatstaf Shepherd // Gatstaf HowlerTormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfCivilized Scholar // Homicidal BruteVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of Estwald
Delver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationReckless Waif // Merciless PredatorTormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfGatstaf Shepherd // Gatstaf HowlerVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationKruin Outlaw // Terror of Kruin PassTormented Pariah // Rampaging WerewolfCivilized Scholar // Homicidal BruteVillagers of Estwald // Howlpack of EstwaldDelver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration

Rare Runs[2]

Note that the names of these runs are somewhat non-canonical.

The A rare run consists of 15 mythic rare cards each appearing twice plus 6 rare cards each appearing four times and one copy of Kessig Wolf Run. (The other copies of Kessig Wolf Run are in run B.) The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Angelic OverseerMirror-Mad PhantasmFalkenrath MaraudersLiliana of the VeilEssence of the WildWitchbane OrbGeist-Honored MonkReaper from the AbyssGeist of Saint TraftRooftop StormTree of Redemption
Falkenrath MaraudersArmy of the DamnedWitchbane OrbSkaab RuinatorGeist-Honored MonkTree of RedemptionPast in FlamesOlivia VoldarenRooftop StormWitchbane OrbReaper from the Abyss
Elder of LaurelsMikaeus, the LunarchBalefire DragonSkaab RuinatorSever the BloodlineOlivia VoldarenElder of LaurelsFalkenrath MaraudersGrimoire of the DeadArmy of the DamnedGeist-Honored Monk
Balefire DragonGeist of Saint TraftSever the BloodlineElder of LaurelsMirror-Mad PhantasmPast in FlamesWitchbane OrbLiliana of the VeilRooftop StormElder of LaurelsGrimgrin, Corpse-Born
Mikaeus, the LunarchFalkenrath MaraudersAngelic OverseerSever the BloodlineRooftop StormEssence of the WildGrimoire of the DeadGeist-Honored MonkGrimgrin, Corpse-BornSever the BloodlineKessig Wolf Run

The B rare run consists of 13 rare cards each appearing four times plus three copies of Kessig Wolf Run. (The other copy of Kessig Wolf Run is in run A.) The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Undead AlchemistDivine ReckoningCreeping RenaissanceStensia BloodhallNevermoreBloodgift DemonUnbreathing HordeKessig Wolf RunDivine ReckoningGutter GrimeLaboratory Maniac
Heretic's PunishmentUndead AlchemistUnbreathing HordeBlasphemous ActCreepy DollCreeping RenaissanceBloodgift DemonHeretic's PunishmentNevermoreLaboratory ManiacStensia Bloodhall
Gutter GrimeBlasphemous ActBloodgift DemonNephalia DrownyardNevermoreUndead AlchemistGutter GrimeHeretic's PunishmentUnbreathing HordeDivine ReckoningLaboratory Maniac
Nephalia DrownyardKessig Wolf RunBlasphemous ActCreeping RenaissanceUndead AlchemistStensia BloodhallBloodgift DemonCreepy DollKessig Wolf RunGutter GrimeNephalia Drownyard
Blasphemous ActDivine ReckoningCreepy DollStensia BloodhallHeretic's PunishmentCreeping RenaissanceLaboratory ManiacUnbreathing HordeNevermoreCreepy DollNephalia Drownyard

The C rare run consists of 16 rare cards each appearing four times plus two copies of Evil Twin. (The other copies of Evil Twin are in run D.) The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Stromkirk NobleClifftop RetreatAngel of Flight AlabasterManor GargoyleGavony TownshipMentor of the MeekEvil TwinSulfur FallsRunechanter's PikeIsolated ChapelHeartless Summoning
Elite InquisitorSplinterfrightAngel of Flight AlabasterWoodland CemeteryHinterland HarborManor GargoyleMentor of the MeekClifftop RetreatCackling CounterpartSplinterfrightGavony Township
Elite InquisitorWoodland CemeteryStromkirk NobleHeartless SummoningManor GargoyleClifftop RetreatCackling CounterpartSturmgeistMentor of the MeekHinterland HarborAngel of Flight Alabaster
Sulfur FallsSplinterfrightStromkirk NobleRunechanter's PikeClifftop RetreatElite InquisitorWoodland CemeteryMentor of the MeekSulfur FallsCackling CounterpartSturmgeist
Gavony TownshipManor GargoyleEvil TwinIsolated ChapelHinterland HarborHeartless SummoningRunechanter's PikeCackling CounterpartWoodland CemeterySplinterfrightSturmgeist
Stromkirk NobleSulfur FallsIsolated ChapelAngel of Flight AlabasterHeartless SummoningGavony TownshipRunechanter's PikeHinterland HarborElite InquisitorSturmgeistIsolated Chapel

The D rare run consists of 16 rare cards each appearing four times plus two copies of Evil Twin. (The other copies of Evil Twin are in run C.) The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Skirsdag High PriestParallel LivesMindshriekerStony SilenceKessig CagebreakersCurse of Death's HoldMoorland HauntChampion of the ParishMoldgraf MonstrositySkirsdag High PriestBack from the Brink
Devil's PlaySnapcaster MageParallel LivesCharmbreaker DevilsEndless Ranks of the DeadDearly DepartedCurse of Death's HoldBack from the BrinkMoldgraf MonstrositySnapcaster MageEvil Twin
Curse of Stalked PreyKessig CagebreakersSkirsdag High PriestMindshriekerChampion of the ParishParallel LivesDevil's PlayDearly DepartedCharmbreaker DevilsSnapcaster MageSkirsdag High Priest
Moorland HauntBack from the BrinkParallel LivesEndless Ranks of the DeadCurse of Stalked PreyDearly DepartedMindshriekerKessig CagebreakersChampion of the ParishCurse of Death's HoldStony Silence
Moorland HauntDevil's PlayEndless Ranks of the DeadMindshriekerMoldgraf MonstrosityKessig CagebreakersDearly DepartedStony SilenceBack from the BrinkCharmbreaker DevilsCurse of Death's Hold
Curse of Stalked PreyMoorland HauntMoldgraf MonstrosityEndless Ranks of the DeadSnapcaster MageStony SilenceCharmbreaker DevilsEvil TwinDevil's PlayChampion of the ParishCurse of Stalked Prey

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Innistrad have a token or tip on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for Magic Duels on the front face and another card that has an advertisement for MTG Tactics. The cards are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. In some boxes, the sequence is reversed, so the choice of first card and the direction are both mostly arbitrary.

There are two versions of the Innistrad marketing card sheet. The first version seems to have been used for older boxes and the second versions seems to have been used for newer boxes. The second version of the sheet has the Duels ad removed.

Gatherer Tip CardDuels 2012 Ad CardZombie (9)HomunculusDeck Construction Tip CardTactics Ad CardWolf (6)Flashback Tip CardSpiderSpiritCasual Formats Tip Card
Defeating Planeswalkers Tip CardDuels 2012 Ad CardTransform Tip CardOozeZombie (8)Empty Library Tip CardTactics Ad CardVampireSpiritZombie (9)Deck Construction Tip Card
Tactics Ad CardDuels 2012 Ad CardWolf (12)Casual Formats Tip CardHomunculusSpiritCurses Tip CardZombie (7)OozeMorbid Tip CardSpider
SpiritDuels 2012 Ad CardZombie (8)Deck Proportions Tip CardLimited Tip CardZombie (7)SpiritZombie (9)Using Planeswalkers Tip CardCasual Formats Tip CardTransform Tip Card
Hexproof Tip CardTactics Ad CardEmpty Library Tip CardSpiritMorbid Tip CardZombie (8)Defeating Planeswalkers Tip CardDeck Construction Tip CardZombie (7)Gatherer Tip CardFlashback Tip Card
Curses Tip CardDuels 2012 Ad CardSpiritBooster Draft Tip CardZombie (9)Hexproof Tip CardTransform Tip CardWolf (12)Morbid Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip CardLimited Tip Card
Casual Formats Tip CardDuels 2012 Ad CardTactics Ad CardZombie (7)Using Planeswalkers Tip CardZombie (9)SpiritGatherer Tip CardZombie (8)DemonHomunculus
Empty Library Tip CardDuels 2012 Ad CardZombie (7)Flashback Tip CardVampireTactics Ad CardZombie (8)SpiritZombie (9)Booster Draft Tip CardHexproof Tip Card
Deck Construction Tip CardDuels 2012 Ad CardSpiderTransform Tip CardCurses Tip CardWolf (6)Deck Proportions Tip CardTactics Ad CardDemonHomunculusZombie (7)
Zombie (8)Duels 2012 Ad CardCurses Tip CardDefeating Planeswalkers Tip CardGatherer Tip CardFlashback Tip CardZombie (9)Limited Tip CardSpiritUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardTactics Ad Card
Zombie (7)Duels 2012 Ad CardDeck Proportions Tip CardWolf (12)SpiritMorbid Tip CardBooster Draft Tip CardTransform Tip CardAngelZombie (8)Spirit

Token Rarity
AngelAngel × 1DemonDemon × 2OozeOoze × 2
VampireVampire × 2Wolf (6)Wolf × 2Booster Draft Tip CardBooster Draft Tip Card × 3
Defeating Planeswalkers Tip CardDefeating Planeswalkers Tip Card × 3Empty Library Tip CardEmpty Library Tip Card × 3Hexproof Tip CardHexproof Tip Card × 3
Limited Tip CardLimited Tip Card × 3SpiderSpider × 3Using Planeswalkers Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip Card × 3
Wolf (12)Wolf × 3Casual Formats Tip CardCasual Formats Tip Card × 4Curses Tip CardCurses Tip Card × 4
Deck Construction Tip CardDeck Construction Tip Card × 4Deck Proportions Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip Card × 4Flashback Tip CardFlashback Tip Card × 4
Gatherer Tip CardGatherer Tip Card × 4HomunculusHomunculus × 4Morbid Tip CardMorbid Tip Card × 4
Transform Tip CardTransform Tip Card × 5Zombie (7)Zombie × 7Zombie (8)Zombie × 7
Zombie (9)Zombie × 7Tactics Ad CardTactics Ad Card × 8Duels 2012 Ad CardDuels 2012 Ad Card × 10
SpiritSpirit × 12

The second version of the sheet has the Duels ad removed, so a few of the other cards are slightly more common.

Tactics Ad CardEmpty Library Tip CardTransform Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip CardSpiritFlashback Tip CardWolf (12)Zombie (7)Morbid Tip CardLimited Tip CardSpirit
Tactics Ad CardZombie (9)Curses Tip CardDeck Construction Tip CardBooster Draft Tip CardSpiritHomunculusUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardFlashback Tip CardZombie (7)Gatherer Tip Card
Zombie (8)Tactics Ad CardCasual Formats Tip CardSpiritCurses Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip CardZombie (9)Defeating Planeswalkers Tip CardZombie (8)SpiderHomunculus
Tactics Ad CardCasual Formats Tip CardDeck Construction Tip CardHexproof Tip CardSpiritDemonMorbid Tip CardFlashback Tip CardTransform Tip CardGatherer Tip CardCurses Tip Card
Wolf (6)Zombie (8)Zombie (9)VampireCasual Formats Tip CardWolf (12)Zombie (7)HomunculusOozeSpiritSpider
Tactics Ad CardDeck Construction Tip CardBooster Draft Tip CardCurses Tip CardZombie (9)Empty Library Tip CardZombie (8)DemonLimited Tip CardSpiritZombie (7)
Tactics Ad CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip CardMorbid Tip CardHomunculusDefeating Planeswalkers Tip CardTransform Tip CardWolf (12)Zombie (7)VampireZombie (9)
Deck Construction Tip CardSpiritFlashback Tip CardZombie (8)Hexproof Tip CardCasual Formats Tip CardAngelSpiritBooster Draft Tip CardTransform Tip CardOoze
Tactics Ad CardGatherer Tip CardMorbid Tip CardSpiritZombie (7)SpiderCurses Tip CardWolf (6)Zombie (9)Deck Proportions Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip Card
Empty Library Tip CardFlashback Tip CardSpiritZombie (7)DemonZombie (8)Wolf (12)Transform Tip CardSpiritHomunculusVampire
Tactics Ad CardLimited Tip CardZombie (9)Booster Draft Tip CardMorbid Tip CardGatherer Tip CardSpiritCasual Formats Tip CardDefeating Planeswalkers Tip CardZombie (8)Hexproof Tip Card

Token Rarity
AngelAngel × 1OozeOoze × 2Wolf (6)Wolf × 2
Defeating Planeswalkers Tip CardDefeating Planeswalkers Tip Card × 3DemonDemon × 3Empty Library Tip CardEmpty Library Tip Card × 3
Hexproof Tip CardHexproof Tip Card × 3Limited Tip CardLimited Tip Card × 3SpiderSpider × 3
Using Planeswalkers Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip Card × 3VampireVampire × 3Booster Draft Tip CardBooster Draft Tip Card × 4
Deck Construction Tip CardDeck Construction Tip Card × 4Deck Proportions Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip Card × 4Gatherer Tip CardGatherer Tip Card × 4
Wolf (12)Wolf × 4Casual Formats Tip CardCasual Formats Tip Card × 5Curses Tip CardCurses Tip Card × 5
Flashback Tip CardFlashback Tip Card × 5HomunculusHomunculus × 5Morbid Tip CardMorbid Tip Card × 5
Transform Tip CardTransform Tip Card × 5Zombie (7)Zombie × 7Zombie (8)Zombie × 7
Zombie (9)Zombie × 7Tactics Ad CardTactics Ad Card × 8SpiritSpirit × 13

[1] The common runs for US Innistrad were originally posted by Medussa on the MTG Salvation forums.

[2] The rare runs for US Innistrad were originally posted by SynthesisB (with assistance from Vinzito) on the MTG Salvation forums.