Journey Into Nyx Collation

Journey Into Nyx is a small set with 60 commons, 60 uncommons, 35 rares, and 10 mythic rares. This is the normal size for a small set of this era. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Journey Into Nyx was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

There is a small chance for a pack of Journey Into Nyx to be a "god pack" containing all 15 god cards from the block (with their original expansion symbols) instead of the usual contents.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation.

Packs are back-facing and have 10 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, a basic land (from Theros), and an ad card. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the rare, displacing a common.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

The commons are printed on one sheet with each card appearing twice (and one filler). This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 33 distinct cards) and a 54-card B run (with 27 distinct cards). Discounting foils, packs contain 5-6 A cards followed by 4-5 B cards.

When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a B common card. This can happen both in packs with 4 B commons (resulting in 3 remaining) and in packs with 5 B commons. The foil rare sheet has 3 copies of each rare and one copy of each mythic rare which violates the normal 1/8 mythic rate.

Uncommons are printed on one sheet with each card appearing twice (and one filler). This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 33 distinct cards) and a 54-card B run (with 27 distinct cards). Packs can have either 2 A cards followed by 1 B card, or 1 A card followed by 2 B cards. Since the runs are unbalanced, 2 A cards should mathematically happen 13/20 of the time.

God packs (or at least the one that was recorded) contain, in the following order, Iroas, God of Victory, Kruphix, God of Horizons, Athreos, God of Passage, Keranos, God of Storms, Pharika, God of Affliction, Xenagos, God of Revels, Ephara, God of the Polis, Mogis, God of Slaughter, Karametra, God of Harvests, Phenax, God of Deception, Nylea, God of the Hunt, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Erebos, God of the Dead, Thassa, God of the Sea, and Heliod, God of the Sun. There is also an ad card at the end, as usual.

Common Runs [1]

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Lagonna-Band TrailblazerOakheart DryadsFont of ReturnFont of FortunesMagma SprayHarvestguard AlseidsGolden HindReturned RevelerCountermandPensive MinotaurArmament of Nyx
Font of FertilityRotted HulkGodhunter OctopusRouse the MobFont of VigorOakheart DryadsFeast of DreamsHubrisSatyr HopliteAkroan MastiffHumbler of Mortals
Font of ReturnAerial FormationMagma SprayEagle of the WatchFont of FertilityPharika's ChosenFont of FortunesSigiled SkinkAjani's PresenceGolden HindFeast of Dreams
Cloaked SirenLightning DiademLagonna-Band TrailblazerMarket FestivalRotted HulkHubrisPensive MinotaurAkroan MastiffNature's PanoplyNyx InfusionGodhunter Octopus
Sigiled SkinkFont of VigorKruphix's InsightPharika's ChosenCountermandLightning DiademEagle of the WatchMarket FestivalGrim GuardianCloaked SirenRouse the Mob
Armament of NyxHumbler of MortalsNyx InfusionHarvestguard AlseidsReturned RevelerKruphix's InsightAjani's PresenceNature's PanoplyGrim GuardianAerial FormationSatyr Hoplite

The B common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Oppressive RaysPin to the EarthRenowned WeaverFlurry of HornsThassa's DevourerGluttonous CyclopsSigiled StarfishStarfallCruel FeedingStonewise FortifierRise of Eagles
Pheres-Band ThunderhoofBladetusk BoarDreadbringer LampadsSupply-Line CranesThassa's DevourerDesecration PlagueFlamespeaker's WillCast into DarknessOreskos SwiftclawTriton ShorestalkerRavenous Leucrocota
Font of IreAspect of GorgonMortal ObstinacyPin to the EarthPheres-Band ThunderhoofGluttonous CyclopsBloodcrazed HopliteOppressive RaysWar-Wing SirenSatyr GrovedancerFlurry of Horns
Dreadbringer LampadsStonewise FortifierTriton ShorestalkerRenowned WeaverBladetusk BoarCruel FeedingMortal ObstinacySigiled StarfishDesecration PlagueStarfallCast into Darkness
Supply-Line CranesRise of EaglesSatyr GrovedancerFont of IreBloodcrazed HopliteOreskos SwiftclawWar-Wing SirenRavenous LeucrocotaFlamespeaker's WillAspect of Gorgon

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Desperate StandSquelching LeechesConsign to DustChariot of VictoryCrystalline NautilusRiddle of LightningTethmos High PriestWildfire CerberusColossal HeroicsQuarry ColossusDisciple of Deceit
Hour of NeedThoughtrender LamiaReprisalFleetfeather CockatriceRollick of AbandonSkyspear CavalryTormented ThoughtsChariot of VictoryKiora's DismissalArmory of IroasWhitewater Naiads
Disciple of DeceitNightmarish EndSightless BrawlerDakra MysticDesperate StandGoldenhide OxRitual of the ReturnedSkyspear CavalryCrystalline NautilusMogis's WarhoundSpite of Mogis
Nessian Game WardenKiora's DismissalColossal HeroicsSpiteful BlowTethmos High PriestInterpret the SignsPhalanx FormationGoldenhide OxReprisalTormented ThoughtsMogis's Warhound
Armory of IroasRiddle of LightningThoughtrender LamiaFleetfeather CockatriceSpite of MogisWhitewater NaiadsBassara Tower ArcherSquelching LeechesWildfire CerberusConsign to DustSpiteful Blow
Hour of NeedQuarry ColossusDakra MysticNessian Game WardenSightless BrawlerRitual of the ReturnedInterpret the SignsRollick of AbandonPhalanx FormationNightmarish EndBassara Tower Archer

The B uncommon run also consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Reviving MelodyGnarled ScarhideTriton CavalryGold-Forged SentinelEidolon of RhetoricThassa's IreFelhide PetrifierRiptide ChimeraSpirespineAkroan Line BreakerStormchaser Chimera
Agent of ErebosSolidarity of HeroesForgeborn OreadsDeserter's QuartersBrain MaggotKnowledge and PowerReviving MelodyGold-Forged SentinelThassa's IreGnarled ScarhidePull from the Deep
Nyx WeaverNyx-Fleece RamTriton CavalryAgent of ErebosBlinding FlareSwarmborn GiantBanishing LightBrain MaggotAkroan Line BreakerLeonin IconoclastRiptide Chimera
Forgeborn OreadsNyx WeaverSolidarity of HeroesCyclops of Eternal FurySwarmborn GiantUnderworld CoinsmithKnowledge and PowerPull from the DeepStrength from the FallenEidolon of RhetoricDeserter's Quarters
Felhide PetrifierLeonin IconoclastBlinding FlareStormchaser ChimeraSpirespineBanishing LightUnderworld CoinsmithCyclops of Eternal FuryNyx-Fleece RamStrength from the Fallen

Token Run

The marketing cards in Journey Into Nyx have a token or tip on the front face. They are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary. Note that some of the tokens have the Theros or Born of the Gods expansion symbol, but not all of the tokens from those sets appear here.

Xenagos Tip CardBestow Tip CardSoldier (3)Ajani Tip CardMinotaurConstellation Tip CardBird (4)SphinxDevotion Tip CardMinotaurDeck Proportions Tip Card
Nyxborn Tip CardBird (4)Expansion Symbol Tip CardInspired Tip CardMonstrosity Tip CardSatyrXenagos Tip CardMinotaurStrive Tip CardInspired Tip CardBestow Tip Card
SpiderSnakeZombieBird (4)SphinxHeroic Tip CardAjani Tip CardHydraConstellation Tip CardBird (4)Minotaur
Devotion Tip CardSpiderMinotaurMonstrosity Tip CardNyxborn Tip CardGoldMinotaurDeck Proportions Tip CardXenagos Tip CardExpansion Symbol Tip CardBird (4)
Soldier (3)MinotaurInspired Tip CardStrive Tip CardHeroic Tip CardBird (4)SatyrSpiderBestow Tip CardAjani Tip CardXenagos Tip Card
Bird (4)SphinxNyxborn Tip CardMinotaurDevotion Tip CardHydraMonstrosity Tip CardConstellation Tip CardSnakeMinotaurExpansion Symbol Tip Card
SatyrInspired Tip CardXenagos Tip CardSpiderBird (4)Deck Proportions Tip CardHeroic Tip CardNyxborn Tip CardSoldier (3)Bird (4)Minotaur
Ajani Tip CardConstellation Tip CardBestow Tip CardMinotaurGoldSpiderStrive Tip CardSnakeBird (4)SphinxDevotion Tip Card
Deck Proportions Tip CardMinotaurHydraHeroic Tip CardInspired Tip CardExpansion Symbol Tip CardSpiderSatyrBird (4)Soldier (3)Constellation Tip Card
MinotaurStrive Tip CardMonstrosity Tip CardBird (4)Bestow Tip CardAjani Tip CardSphinxBird (4)MinotaurNyxborn Tip CardSpider
ZombieMonstrosity Tip CardDevotion Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip CardBird (4)MinotaurExpansion Symbol Tip CardHeroic Tip CardGoldStrive Tip CardBird (4)

Token Rarity
ZombieZombie × 2GoldGold × 3HydraHydra × 3
SnakeSnake × 3SatyrSatyr × 4Soldier (3)Soldier × 4
Ajani Tip CardAjani Tip Card × 5Bestow Tip CardBestow Tip Card × 5Constellation Tip CardConstellation Tip Card × 5
Deck Proportions Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip Card × 5Devotion Tip CardDevotion Tip Card × 5Expansion Symbol Tip CardExpansion Symbol Tip Card × 5
Heroic Tip CardHeroic Tip Card × 5Inspired Tip CardInspired Tip Card × 5Monstrosity Tip CardMonstrosity Tip Card × 5
Nyxborn Tip CardNyxborn Tip Card × 5SphinxSphinx × 5Strive Tip CardStrive Tip Card × 5
Xenagos Tip CardXenagos Tip Card × 5SpiderSpider × 7Bird (4)Bird × 15
MinotaurMinotaur × 15

Foil Common Sheet

There is a picture of the foil common sheet available. [2] Each common card appears twice. The copy of Temple of Malady is presumed to be a filler.

Pensive MinotaurBladetusk BoarSigiled StarfishSatyr GrovedancerMortal ObstinacyGrim GuardianFlurry of HornsAerial FormationGolden HindFeast of DreamsFont of Vigor
StarfallPharika's ChosenDesecration PlagueRise of EaglesLagonna-Band TrailblazerRouse the MobRotted HulkHumbler of MortalsPin to the EarthAkroan MastiffGluttonous Cyclops
Cast into DarknessGolden HindStonewise FortifierThassa's DevourerSatyr HopliteFont of VigorRavenous LeucrocotaFeast of DreamsCountermandCruel FeedingBladetusk Boar
Eagle of the WatchMarket FestivalAspect of GorgonCloaked SirenPensive MinotaurFont of ReturnOppressive RaysPheres-Band ThunderhoofTriton ShorestalkerBloodcrazed HopliteFlurry of Horns
Pharika's ChosenHarvestguard AlseidsFont of FertilityGodhunter OctopusReturned RevelerSatyr HopliteArmament of NyxHumbler of MortalsCruel FeedingRise of EaglesRotted Hulk
Flamespeaker's WillKruphix's InsightOreskos SwiftclawCloaked SirenDreadbringer LampadsLightning DiademHarvestguard AlseidsNature's PanoplyPin to the EarthAjani's PresenceGluttonous Cyclops
Thassa's DevourerGrim GuardianMarket FestivalStonewise FortifierSigiled SkinkFont of FortunesOppressive RaysOakheart DryadsNyx InfusionFlamespeaker's WillWar-Wing Siren
Oreskos SwiftclawPheres-Band ThunderhoofReturned RevelerLightning DiademSupply-Line CranesFont of FortunesCountermandOakheart DryadsFont of IreBloodcrazed HopliteArmament of Nyx
Kruphix's InsightHubrisMagma SprayDreadbringer LampadsAjani's PresenceFont of FertilityAspect of GorgonSigiled StarfishSigiled SkinkMortal ObstinacyGodhunter Octopus
Renowned WeaverDesecration PlagueMagma SprayTriton ShorestalkerSupply-Line CranesNyx InfusionSatyr GrovedancerFont of IreHubrisLagonna-Band TrailblazerCast into Darkness
Nature's PanoplyRouse the MobWar-Wing SirenAkroan MastiffFont of ReturnRavenous LeucrocotaStarfallAerial FormationRenowned WeaverEagle of the WatchTemple of Malady

Foil Uncommon Sheet

There is a picture of the foil uncommon sheet available. [3] Each uncommon card appears twice. The copy of Temple of Malady is presumed to be a filler.

Fleetfeather CockatriceLeonin IconoclastThassa's IreSwarmborn GiantRollick of AbandonSpiteful BlowStormchaser ChimeraPhalanx FormationTriton CavalryRiddle of LightningTormented Thoughts
Chariot of VictoryBlinding FlareEidolon of RhetoricNyx WeaverHour of NeedNessian Game WardenArmory of IroasQuarry ColossusDisciple of DeceitMogis's WarhoundSquelching Leeches
Brain MaggotPhalanx FormationConsign to DustNyx WeaverLeonin IconoclastKiora's DismissalFelhide PetrifierGoldenhide OxGold-Forged SentinelStormchaser ChimeraSkyspear Cavalry
Solidarity of HeroesAkroan Line BreakerRiptide ChimeraUnderworld CoinsmithSpirespineArmory of IroasKiora's DismissalNyx-Fleece RamReviving MelodyNightmarish EndWildfire Cerberus
Solidarity of HeroesDakra MysticSkyspear CavalryFleetfeather CockatriceKnowledge and PowerFelhide PetrifierRitual of the ReturnedHour of NeedReprisalDesperate StandStrength from the Fallen
Thassa's IreInterpret the SignsMogis's WarhoundColossal HeroicsSquelching LeechesEidolon of RhetoricRiddle of LightningGoldenhide OxForgeborn OreadsTriton CavalrySightless Brawler
Spiteful BlowSpirespineKnowledge and PowerNessian Game WardenInterpret the SignsCyclops of Eternal FuryRiptide ChimeraTethmos High PriestBrain MaggotPull from the DeepThoughtrender Lamia
Whitewater NaiadsConsign to DustSightless BrawlerReviving MelodyGnarled ScarhideForgeborn OreadsNightmarish EndBanishing LightDesperate StandCrystalline NautilusAgent of Erebos
Tethmos High PriestSpite of MogisPull from the DeepSwarmborn GiantNyx-Fleece RamThoughtrender LamiaStrength from the FallenTormented ThoughtsAkroan Line BreakerDisciple of DeceitBassara Tower Archer
Blinding FlareUnderworld CoinsmithGnarled ScarhideDeserter's QuartersCyclops of Eternal FuryCrystalline NautilusChariot of VictoryColossal HeroicsGold-Forged SentinelReprisalRollick of Abandon
Spite of MogisQuarry ColossusWhitewater NaiadsWildfire CerberusRitual of the ReturnedBassara Tower ArcherBanishing LightAgent of ErebosDeserter's QuartersDakra MysticTemple of Malady

Foil Rare Sheet

There is a picture of the foil common sheet available. [3] Each rare card appears three times and each mythic rare appears once. The extra copies of Temple of Malady are presumed to be fillers.

Revel of the Fallen GodBattlefield ThaumaturgeDawnbringer CharioteersAjani, Mentor of HeroesBearer of the HeavensSetessan TacticsDictate of KarametraDeicideDoomwake GiantSkybindDaring Thief
Dictate of HeliodAegis of the GodsPheres-Band WarchiefExtinguish All HopeDictate of the Twin GodsTemple of MaladyGodsendHall of TriumphHydra BroodmasterScourge of FleetsMana Confluence
Dictate of ErebosSetessan TacticsHypnotic SirenSilence the BelieversAthreos, God of PassageBattlefield ThaumaturgeDictate of KarametraExtinguish All HopeDictate of HeliodDictate of KruphixDictate of the Twin Gods
Temple of EpiphanyDaring ThiefRevel of the Fallen GodBearer of the HeavensEidolon of BlossomsDawnbringer CharioteersMaster of the FeastHarness by ForceSage of HoursEidolon of the Great RevelMana Confluence
Heroes' BaneDictate of KruphixPheres-Band WarchiefSilence the BelieversAegis of the GodsTemple of EpiphanyExtinguish All HopeHypnotic SirenProphetic FlamespeakerPolymorphous RushDictate of Erebos
DeicideTwinflameKing Macar, the Gold-CursedEidolon of the Great RevelIroas, God of VictoryDoomwake GiantSpawn of ThraxesLaunch the FleetHeroes' BaneMaster of the FeastHall of Triumph
Dictate of HeliodHarness by ForceEidolon of BlossomsTemple of MaladyHydra BroodmasterSkybindSetessan TacticsPolymorphous RushWorst FearsDictate of KruphixDictate of Karametra
Mana ConfluenceDaring ThiefSpawn of ThraxesRevel of the Fallen GodEidolon of the Great RevelBattlefield ThaumaturgeKruphix, God of HorizonsDeicideBearer of the HeavensLaunch the FleetTwinflame
Scourge of FleetsMaster of the FeastPheres-Band WarchiefKing Macar, the Gold-CursedTemple of EpiphanyKeranos, God of StormsDawnbringer CharioteersSpawn of ThraxesHypnotic SirenDictate of the Twin GodsLaunch the Fleet
Dictate of ErebosSkybindPolymorphous RushAegis of the GodsHarness by ForceHydra BroodmasterSilence the BelieversPharika, God of AfflictionTemple of MaladyDoomwake GiantScourge of Fleets
Hall of TriumphEidolon of BlossomsTwinflameHeroes' BaneHeroes' BaneTemple of MaladyTemple of MaladyTemple of MaladyTemple of MaladyTemple of MaladyTemple of Malady

[1] The common runs for US Journey Into Nyx were originally posted by AntiC7 on the MTG Salvation forums. (However, this post is no longer available, probably as part of a wider purge of content in an attempt to comply with privacy laws.)

[2] A picture of the foil US common sheet was posted in the Misprints facebook group by Casey Petrillo.

[3] Pictures of the foil US uncommon and rare sheets were posted in the High Rollers facebook group by Albert J. Yeh.