Magic 2014 Collation

Magic 2014 is a core set with 101 commons, 60 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares, and four variations of each standard basic land. This is the normal size for a large set of this era. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Magic 2014 was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation.

Packs are back-facing and have 10 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, a basic land, and an ad card. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the rare, displacing a common.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs have 2-3 A cards, 2 B, and 4-5 C. C2 packs have 4 A cards, 2 or 4 B, and 2 or 4 C. (3B packs have not been observed.)


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Common foils displace A commons and only appear in C1 packs. Uncommon foils displace B commons. Rare foils displace C2 commons.

Uncommons are printed on one sheet with each card appearing twice (and one filler). This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 33 distinct cards) and a 54-card B run (with 27 distinct cards). Packs can have either 2 A cards followed by 1 B card, or 1 A card followed by 2 B cards. Since the runs are unbalanced, 2 A cards should mathematically happen 13/20 of the time.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Undead MinotaurPitchburn DevilsVerdant HavenChild of NightAngelic WallFogSeismic StompDivinationFestering NewtMaster of DiversionTime Ebb
SmeltRanger's GuileAccursed SpiritFrost BreathSentinel SliverShadowborn ApostleMarauding MaulhornTrollhideNaturalizeAngelic WallBlood Bairn
SmeltNegateChild of NightLay of the LandCapashen KnightEssence ScatterSeismic StompUndead MinotaurFrost BreathPlummetMaster of Diversion
ShockShadowborn ApostleTime EbbSoulmenderVerdant HavenClaustrophobiaMarauding MaulhornCorpse HaulerSuntail HawkFestering NewtRanger's Guile
Pitchburn DevilsEssence ScatterLay of the LandSoulmenderAccursed SpiritCyclops TyrantNegateNaturalizeZephyr ChargeSentinel SliverBlood Bairn
ShockClaustrophobiaFogTrollhideCapashen KnightCorpse HaulerCyclops TyrantDivinationPlummetSuntail HawkZephyr Charge

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

RootwallaMessenger DrakeSiege MastodonDemolishArchaeomancerGiant SpiderLightning TalonsVile RebirthDawnstrike PaladinNephalia SeakiteDark Favor
Hunt the WeakChandra's OutrageRegathan FirecatRumbling BalothArchaeomancerDuressSiege MastodonLightning TalonsBrindle BoarVile RebirthMessenger Drake
Dark FavorShow of ValorDemolishGiant SpiderArmored CancrixRumbling BalothDawnstrike PaladinDuressLava AxeWring FleshBrindle Boar
Regathan FirecatPay No HeedVile RebirthNephalia SeakiteHunt the WeakDemolishRootwallaShow of ValorChandra's OutrageDark FavorGiant Spider
Wring FleshPay No HeedRumbling BalothLava AxeLightning TalonsNephalia SeakiteRootwallaDawnstrike PaladinArmored CancrixRegathan FirecatMessenger Drake
Hunt the WeakSiege MastodonShow of ValorLava AxeArchaeomancerBrindle BoarDuressPay No HeedArmored CancrixChandra's OutrageWring Flesh

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Sliver Construct, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Divine FavorLiturgy of BloodMind RotDeadly RecluseStriking SliverCelestial FlareGladecover ScoutTrained CondorAltar's ReapDragon HatchlingHive Stirrings
Advocate of the BeastSliver ConstructScroll ThiefQuag SicknessAcademy RaiderSolemn OfferingPredatory SliverMerfolk SpyMark of the VampireBlur SliverPacifism
FortifyElvish MysticShrivelCoral MerfolkStriking SliverSeacoast DrakeSolemn OfferingQuag SicknessDivine FavorGladecover ScoutDragon Hatchling
Merfolk SpyLiturgy of BloodAltar's ReapPacifismDeadly RecluseAcademy RaiderCoral MerfolkMind RotHive StirringsElvish MysticGoblin Shortcutter
Scroll ThiefMark of the VampireCelestial FlareAdvocate of the BeastTrained CondorBlur SliverShrivelFortifyPredatory SliverSeacoast DrakeGoblin Shortcutter

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Sliver Construct, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Canyon MinotaurGriffin SentinelTome ScourMinotaur AbominationSensory DeprivationAct of TreasonAuramancerCancelGiant GrowthPillarfield OxDeathgaze Cockatrice
Wild GuessDisperseSporemoundTome ScourCanyon MinotaurMinotaur AbominationGriffin SentinelSensory DeprivationGiant GrowthThunder StrikePillarfield Ox
Nightwing ShadeCancelDeathgaze CockatriceWild GuessCanyon MinotaurCharging GriffinSporemoundGroundshaker SliverGriffin SentinelThunder StrikeSliver Construct
AuramancerDisperseNightwing ShadeAct of TreasonGiant GrowthTome ScourCharging GriffinGroundshaker SliverMinotaur AbominationThunder StrikeCancel
Sensory DeprivationSporemoundAuramancerDeathgaze CockatriceAct of TreasonWild GuessPillarfield OxGroundshaker SliverNightwing ShadeCharging GriffinDisperse

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Rod of RuinShiv's EmbraceManaweft SliverStaff of the Death MagusVampire WarlordSerra AngelEncroaching WastesMolten BirthKalonian TuskerMillstoneCorrupt
Banisher PriestShimmering GrottoSpell BlastDarksteel IngotVoracious WurmBlightcasterWall of SwordsVolcanic GeyserStaff of the Wild MagusAccorder's ShieldManaweft Sliver
OpportunityIllusionary ArmorFlames of the FirebrandShimmering GrottoSteelform SliverCorruptStaff of the Death MagusBriarpack AlphaMolten BirthBubbling CauldronVampire Warlord
Staff of the Flame MagusBlightcasterAccorder's ShieldMillstoneBanisher PriestWoodborn BehemothTenacious DeadGlimpse the FutureVolcanic GeyserIllusionary ArmorFireshrieker
Darksteel IngotSteelform SliverBriarpack AlphaSpell BlastGnawing ZombieShiv's EmbraceStaff of the Wild MagusBubbling CauldronKalonian TuskerOpportunityEncroaching Wastes
Rod of RuinGlimpse the FutureFireshriekerWoodborn BehemothSerra AngelFlames of the FirebrandTenacious DeadStaff of the Flame MagusVoracious WurmGnawing ZombieWall of Swords

The B uncommon run also consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

EnlargeWarden of Evos IsleCongregateBattle SliverArtificer's HexWindstormDragon EggAir ServantStonehorn ChanterHowl of the Night PackVial of Poison
Young PyromancerDoom BladeElixir of ImmortalityBrave the ElementsPhantom WarriorStaff of the Mind MagusBarrage of ExpendablesEnlargeWater ServantBlessingDiabolic Tutor
Howl of the Night PackWarden of Evos IsleFleshpulper GiantBrave the ElementsStaff of the Sun MagusSengir VampireAngelic AccordBramblecrushBattle SliverPhantom WarriorElixir of Immortality
Artificer's HexCongregateWall of FrostFleshpulper GiantAir ServantDiabolic TutorStonehorn ChanterStaff of the Sun MagusDragon EggWater ServantSengir Vampire
WindstormYoung PyromancerBlessingVial of PoisonWall of FrostDoom BladeBarrage of ExpendablesAngelic AccordStaff of the Mind MagusBramblecrush

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Magic 2014 have a token, tip, or emblem on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for Magic 2014 on the front face. (The front has an ESRB rating and the back has PEGI, so I'm not aware of any region differences.) They are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Duels 2014 Ad CardChandra Tip CardSaprolingExpansion Symbol Tip CardSliver Tip CardDefeating Planeswalkers Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip CardCasual Formats Tip CardLimited Tip CardSliverWolf
Duels 2014 Ad CardZombieSliverSaprolingDeck Construction Tip CardGatherer Tip CardAngelWolfLiliana of the Dark Realms EmblemCatBeast
Duels 2014 Ad CardSliver Tip CardChandra Tip CardDragonExpansion Symbol Tip CardDuels 2014 Ad CardSliverDeck Proportions Tip CardCasual Formats Tip CardLimited Tip CardZombie
Duels 2014 Ad CardEmpty Library Tip CardDefeating Planeswalkers Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardElemental (8)AngelDeck Construction Tip CardGatherer Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardElemental (7)Goat
Duels 2014 Ad CardCatSliver Tip CardWolfZombieExpansion Symbol Tip CardChandra Tip CardSliverSaprolingCasual Formats Tip CardSliver
Duels 2014 Ad CardDeck Proportions Tip CardZombieEmpty Library Tip CardSaprolingWolfSaprolingDefeating Planeswalkers Tip CardGatherer Tip CardAngelLimited Tip Card
Duels 2014 Ad CardEmpty Library Tip CardWolfSliverCatDuels 2014 Ad CardSaprolingSaprolingSliverChandra Tip CardCasual Formats Tip Card
Duels 2014 Ad CardExpansion Symbol Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip CardSliverLimited Tip CardDragonDefeating Planeswalkers Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardSaprolingGatherer Tip CardDeck Construction Tip Card
Duels 2014 Ad CardElemental (8)Elemental (7)AngelGarruk, Caller of Beasts EmblemSliver Tip CardSliverZombieWolfUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardChandra Tip Card
Duels 2014 Ad CardSliverExpansion Symbol Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip CardCasual Formats Tip CardDefeating Planeswalkers Tip CardLimited Tip CardEmpty Library Tip CardGoatSaprolingGatherer Tip Card
Duels 2014 Ad CardSaprolingDeck Construction Tip CardZombieUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardSliverCatAngelSliver Tip CardWolfSaproling

Token Rarity
BeastBeast × 1Garruk, Caller of Beasts EmblemGarruk, Caller of Beasts Emblem × 1Liliana of the Dark Realms EmblemLiliana of the Dark Realms Emblem × 1
DragonDragon × 2Elemental (7)Elemental × 2Elemental (8)Elemental × 2
GoatGoat × 2CatCat × 4Deck Construction Tip CardDeck Construction Tip Card × 4
Empty Library Tip CardEmpty Library Tip Card × 4AngelAngel × 5Casual Formats Tip CardCasual Formats Tip Card × 5
Chandra Tip CardChandra Tip Card × 5Deck Proportions Tip CardDeck Proportions Tip Card × 5Defeating Planeswalkers Tip CardDefeating Planeswalkers Tip Card × 5
Expansion Symbol Tip CardExpansion Symbol Tip Card × 5Gatherer Tip CardGatherer Tip Card × 5Limited Tip CardLimited Tip Card × 5
Sliver Tip CardSliver Tip Card × 5Using Planeswalkers Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip Card × 5ZombieZombie × 6
WolfWolf × 7SaprolingSaproling × 11SliverSliver × 11
Duels 2014 Ad CardDuels 2014 Ad Card × 13

Foil Common Sheet

There is a picture of the foil common sheet available. [1] Each common card and each basic land variation appears once.

SoulmenderSeismic StompFrost BreathForest (247)Mind RotPillarfield OxClaustrophobiaDeadly RecluseMountain (244)Divine FavorDisperse
Child of NightRootwallaTrained CondorWild GuessSensory DeprivationShrivelSeacoast DrakePacifismDawnstrike PaladinCyclops TyrantGladecover Scout
Rumbling BalothMark of the VampireGriffin SentinelNegateShow of ValorSwamp (239)Wring FleshThunder StrikeSwamp (241)Tome ScourCanyon Minotaur
Advocate of the BeastFortifyTime EbbNightwing ShadeDemolishGiant SpiderAuramancerShockDivinationAccursed SpiritDuress
Marauding MaulhornIsland (236)FogEssence ScatterPlains (231)Island (237)Siege MastodonAltar's ReapGiant GrowthPay No HeedGoblin Shortcutter
Act of TreasonArchaeomancerCelestial FlarePredatory SliverVile RebirthScroll ThiefUndead MinotaurMountain (242)Corpse HaulerIsland (234)Suntail Hawk
Striking SliverIsland (235)Brindle BoarLightning TalonsDeathgaze CockatriceNephalia SeakiteMaster of DiversionForest (249)PlummetPitchburn DevilsMessenger Drake
Swamp (238)NaturalizeRegathan FirecatCharging GriffinLay of the LandMinotaur AbominationSwamp (240)Dark FavorZephyr ChargeGroundshaker SliverForest (248)
Shadowborn ApostleCapashen KnightFestering NewtCoral MerfolkRanger's GuileAngelic WallTrollhidePlains (232)Academy RaiderArmored CancrixPlains (233)
Solemn OfferingVerdant HavenSmeltSentinel SliverChandra's OutrageMountain (245)SporemoundBlur SliverQuag SicknessHive StirringsLiturgy of Blood
Sliver ConstructDragon HatchlingPlains (230)Forest (246)Merfolk SpyLava AxeBlood BairnCancelHunt the WeakMountain (243)Elvish Mystic

Foil Uncommon Sheet

There is a picture of the foil uncommon sheet available. [1] Each uncommon card appears twice. The extra copy of Enlarge is presumed to be a filler.

BlessingDiabolic TutorYoung PyromancerWater ServantWindstormDoom BladeEncroaching WastesBubbling CauldronBattle SliverEnlargeGlimpse the Future
Staff of the Mind MagusWall of SwordsBramblecrushBriarpack AlphaBrave the ElementsDarksteel IngotWoodborn BehemothMolten BirthDoom BladeSteelform SliverWarden of Evos Isle
Dragon EggBanisher PriestFleshpulper GiantGnawing ZombieVolcanic GeyserBlightcasterManaweft SliverIllusionary ArmorStaff of the Mind MagusSpell BlastBlessing
Glimpse the FutureRod of RuinCorruptStonehorn ChanterShiv's EmbraceWall of FrostWindstormCongregateVoracious WurmBrave the ElementsBarrage of Expendables
Flames of the FirebrandGnawing ZombieStaff of the Flame MagusStonehorn ChanterDragon EggDiabolic TutorAir ServantVolcanic GeyserSerra AngelVampire WarlordCorrupt
BramblecrushStaff of the Death MagusSengir VampireStaff of the Flame MagusKalonian TuskerFleshpulper GiantArtificer's HexOpportunityAir ServantBanisher PriestCongregate
Staff of the Sun MagusHowl of the Night PackStaff of the Wild MagusIllusionary ArmorSpell BlastRod of RuinPhantom WarriorElixir of ImmortalityAngelic AccordBattle SliverSteelform Sliver
Sengir VampireShiv's EmbraceVial of PoisonWall of FrostBriarpack AlphaSerra AngelMillstoneTenacious DeadHowl of the Night PackWater ServantElixir of Immortality
Wall of SwordsFlames of the FirebrandBubbling CauldronOpportunityYoung PyromancerVoracious WurmStaff of the Death MagusWoodborn BehemothVial of PoisonMillstoneAccorder's Shield
Artificer's HexAngelic AccordEncroaching WastesPhantom WarriorFireshriekerDarksteel IngotKalonian TuskerVampire WarlordShimmering GrottoWarden of Evos IsleStaff of the Wild Magus
Barrage of ExpendablesManaweft SliverAccorder's ShieldMolten BirthFireshriekerBlightcasterStaff of the Sun MagusTenacious DeadEnlargeShimmering GrottoEnlarge

Foil Rare Sheet

There was a picture of the foil rare sheet available. [1] Each rare card appears twice, and each mythic rare card appears once.

MutavaultBonescythe SliverSyphon SliverRing of Three WishesGarruk, Caller of BeastsMindsparkerDoor of DestiniesChandra, PyromasterGrim ReturnIndestructibilityChandra's Phoenix
CloneMegantic SliverAwaken the AncientDark ProphecyArchangel of ThuneGarruk's HordePath of BraveryRise of the Dark RealmsWindreader SphinxOgre BattledriverDoor of Destinies
Jace's MindseekerSilenceTrading PostScavenging OozeElite ArcanistNightmareAjani's ChosenLiliana's ReaverCloneGoblin DiplomatsPlanar Cleansing
QuickenDomesticationWild RicochetSavage SummoningHaunted Plate MailSyphon SliverDismiss into DreamSeraph of the SwordMegantic SliverTraumatizeScourge of Valkas
Fiendslayer PaladinChandra's PhoenixColossal WhaleBurning EarthWitchstalkerRatchet BombInto the WildsOath of the Ancient WoodOgre BattledriverTidebinder MagePlanar Cleansing
Vastwood HydraDomesticationGuardian of the AgesScavenging OozeDismiss into DreamDark ProphecyQuickenNightmarePyromancer's GauntletBonescythe SliverAwaken the Ancient
Seraph of the SwordLifebane ZombieBurning EarthThorncaster SliverWitchstalkerStrionic ResonatorOath of the Ancient WoodXathrid NecromancerShivan DragonGrim ReturnDevout Invocation
Jace, Memory AdeptBogbrew WitchTraumatizeGoblin DiplomatsLiliana's ReaverMindsparkerMutavaultSavage SummoningTidebinder MageThorncaster SliverImposing Sovereign
Sanguine BondGalerider SliverAjani's ChosenSilenceRatchet BombVastwood HydraGarruk's HordeGuardian of the AgesStrionic ResonatorLifebane ZombieXathrid Necromancer
Darksteel ForgeColossal WhaleSanguine BondElite ArcanistWild RicochetPath of BraveryBogbrew WitchLiliana of the Dark RealmsPyromancer's GauntletImposing SovereignPrimeval Bounty
Fiendslayer PaladinKalonian HydraHaunted Plate MailAjani, Caller of the PrideJace's MindseekerIndestructibilityTrading PostShadowborn DemonShivan DragonGalerider SliverInto the Wilds

[1] Pictures of all three US foil sheets were posted by Cascade Games.