Murders at Karlov Manor Collation

March of the Machine is a premier set with 81 commons, 100 uncommons, 70 rares (10 of which are dual lands with special collation), 10 mythic rares, and three variations of each standard basic land.

Play boosters (newly introduced with this set) contain 14 Magic cards and one additional card which can be an art card, a token, or an ad. Boxes of play boosters have 36 packs.

30 noncreature cards of various rarities have "magnified" showcase treatment (numbered from 287 to 316). 7 rare and mythic cards have a "Ravnica City" treament (numbered from 317 to 323). 12 rare and mythic cards have a borderless treatment (numbered from 324 to 335) including all the rare dual lands and the planeswalker. 41 creature cards of uncommon or higher rarity have a "dossier" showcase treatment (numbered from 336 to 376). There are 10 cards that have an alternate "prism" version wherein an element of the artwork is recolored. These are part of a promotional puzzle. They do not have unique numbers. (I use Scryfall's determination as to which is the normal version and which is the prism version.)

Japanese Play Boosters

The Japanese printing uses sequential collation probably with 112 card sheets (which is the usual for Japan).

Packs are front-facing starting with the art card or token, then the basic land, then a list or special guest card (if one is present), the guaranteed foil, 1-2 rares, 3-4 uncommons, and 6-8 commons. A foil basic land may appear in place of the normal basic land. There is not a wildcard slot; the wildcard simply appears as part of one of the normal runs (except for perhaps if the bonus card is rare). If a list or special guest card appears, there will be 6-7 commons (7 if the wildcard is a common).

There are three common runs: A, B, and C. A contains 7 distinct cards, B contains 37 distinct cards, and C contains 37 distinct cards. Each pack gets 0 to 1 cards from A followed by 3 to 4 cards from B and 3 to 4 cards from C. These ranges are true for any number of commons (6-8), and all configurations have been observed. The breakdown may depend on the common wildcard rate and the way common collation interacts with the list slot. Cards with showcase versions appear in run B or C with one third of copies being the showcase version.

There are three uncommon runs: A, B, and C. A contains 7 distinct cards, B contains 56 distinct cards, and C contains 37 distinct cards. Each pack gets 0 to 1 cards from A followed by 1 to 2 (almost always 2) from B and 1 to 2 from C. If B was always 2 cards, and also assuming individual cards of each type are equally rare, we could calculate the uncommon wildcard rate exactly as 4/7, so in reality we should expect it is very slightly lower. (I have observed the rate at about 52% over 7 boxes.) Cards with showcase versions appear in run C with one third of copies being the showcase version. Cards with prism versions appear in run B with half of copies being the prism version (except for Kraul Whipcracker which also has a showcase version).

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 7 distinct cards. I haven't fully calculated this run yet. It contains Undercover Crocodelf, the only common with a prism version. It seems the prism version appears half the time.

The B common run consists of 37 distinct cards each appearing three times. For cards with showcase versions, one of the three copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Bite Down on CrimeProjektor InspectorFelonious RageOut ColdNervous GardenerOffender at LargeUnauthorized ExitThey Went This Way
Goblin MaskmakerDramatic Accusation (Showcase)Rubblebelt MaverickRubblebelt BraggartAirtight AlibiHotshot InvestigatorsGalvanizeTopiary Panther
Offender at LargeCrimestopper SpriteLoxodon EavesdropperInnocent BystanderReasonable DoubtVengeful CreeperGearbane OrangutanHotshot Investigators
Nervous GardenerPublic ThoroughfareGoblin MaskmakerProjektor InspectorBite Down on CrimeFelonious RageOut ColdPick Your Poison
GalvanizeUnauthorized ExitMagnifying GlassFanatical StrengthPerson of InterestDramatic AccusationThey Went This WayThe Chase Is On (Showcase)
DeduceTunnel TipsterDemand AnswersSlime Against HumanityJaded AnalystShockAirtight AlibiBehind the Mask
Red HerringCold Case CrackerRubblebelt MaverickGearbane OrangutanThey Went This WayDemand AnswersProjektor InspectorTunnel Tipster
Goblin MaskmakerHotshot InvestigatorsSlime Against HumanityOffender at LargeCold Case CrackerFanatical StrengthInnocent BystanderMagnifying Glass
Crimestopper SpriteAirtight AlibiShockDeduce (Showcase)Rubblebelt MaverickRed HerringLoxodon EavesdropperReasonable Doubt
Person of InterestBehind the MaskGalvanizeTopiary PantherUnauthorized Exit (Showcase)Rubblebelt BraggartBite Down on CrimePublic Thoroughfare
Out ColdThe Chase Is OnNervous GardenerJaded AnalystVengeful CreeperFelonious RageDramatic AccusationPick Your Poison
Gearbane OrangutanTopiary PantherDemand Answers (Showcase)Reasonable DoubtTunnel TipsterThe Chase Is OnJaded AnalystSlime Against Humanity
Rubblebelt BraggartCrimestopper SpriteLoxodon EavesdropperRed HerringMagnifying GlassDeducePick Your PoisonShock
Behind the MaskVengeful CreeperPerson of InterestCold Case CrackerPublic ThoroughfareFanatical Strength (Showcase)Innocent Bystander

The C common run consists of 37 distinct cards each appearing three times. For cards with showcase versions, one of the three copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Alley AssailantSanguine SaviorDue DiligenceAgency CoronerGranite WitnessInside SourceMacabre ReconstructionDog Walker
On the Job (Showcase)Rot Farm MortipedeGadget TechnicianDefenestrated PhantomSnarling GorehoundEscape TunnelHaazda VigilanteToxin Analysis
Faerie SnoopAuspicious ArrivalSlice from the ShadowsCrowd-Control WardenSeasoned ConsultantMurder (Showcase)Shady InformantGriffnaut Tracker
Extract a ConfessionMake Your MoveBasilica StalkerMarketwatch PhantomRiftburst HellionCerebral ConfiscationNovice InspectorGravestone Strider
Repeat OffenderMakeshift BindingMacabre ReconstructionCrowd-Control WardenOn the JobRot Farm MortipedeDog WalkerGriffnaut Tracker
Toxin AnalysisEscape TunnelHaazda VigilanteBasilica StalkerFaerie SnoopSeasoned ConsultantSnarling GorehoundGranite Witness
Make Your MoveUnscrupulous AgentRakish ScoundrelInside SourceRepeat OffenderGadget TechnicianDefenestrated PhantomSlice from the Shadows
Sanguine SaviorMuseum NightwatchExtract a ConfessionRiftburst HellionDue DiligenceMurderAuspicious ArrivalAgency Coroner
Makeshift Binding (Showcase)Gravestone StriderAlley AssailantMarketwatch PhantomShady InformantCerebral ConfiscationNovice InspectorRepeat Offender
Granite WitnessSeasoned ConsultantAgency CoronerRakish ScoundrelDefenestrated PhantomSnarling GorehoundSanguine SaviorDue Diligence
Cerebral ConfiscationCrowd-Control WardenMuseum NightwatchSlice from the Shadows (Showcase)Faerie SnoopHaazda VigilanteToxin AnalysisGadget Technician
Griffnaut TrackerUnscrupulous AgentDog WalkerMake Your MoveRot Farm MortipedeEscape TunnelOn the JobMurder
Gravestone StriderAuspicious Arrival (Showcase)Extract a ConfessionInside SourceAlley AssailantNovice InspectorShady InformantBasilica Stalker
Makeshift BindingRiftburst HellionMacabre ReconstructionMarketwatch PhantomUnscrupulous AgentRakish ScoundrelMuseum Nightwatch

Uncommon Runs

The B uncommon run consists of 56 distinct cards each appearing twice. For cards with a prism version, one of the two copies is the prism version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Aftermath AnalystSudden SetbackA Killer Among UsPrivate EyeFlourishing Bloom-KinSlimy DualleechTin Street GossipNightdrinker Moroii
Hedge WhispererCandlestickCase of the Burning MasksFurtive CourierSumala SentryBurden of ProofGet a Leg UpCase of the Filched Falcon
Branch of Vitu-GhaziBuried in the GardenEssence of AntiquityPush // PullAgency OutfitterRune-Brand JugglerMistway SpyDetective's Satchel
Perimeter EnforcerSurveillance MonitorBolrac-Clan BasherGreenbelt RadicalFesterleechCornered CrookGlint WeaverRepulsive Mutation
Pompous GadaboutUndercity EliminatorConcealed WeaponLong GoodbyeBreak OutHard-Hitting QuestionClandestine MeddlerReckless Detective
Case File Auditor (Prism)Exit SpecialistCrime NovelistCase of the Trampled GardenPresumed DeadTorch the WitnessSample CollectorLeering Onlooker
KnifeLightning HelixRopeCase of the Gateway ExpressEvidence ExaminerCase of the Gorgon's KissHarried DronesmithForensic Researcher
A Killer Among UsSudden Setback (Prism)Aftermath AnalystPrivate EyeSlimy DualleechFlourishing Bloom-KinTin Street GossipHedge Whisperer
Nightdrinker MoroiiFurtive CourierCase of the Burning MasksCandlestickSumala SentryCase of the Filched FalconGet a Leg UpBuried in the Garden
Burden of ProofEssence of AntiquityBranch of Vitu-GhaziPush // PullMistway SpyRune-Brand JugglerAgency OutfitterDetective's Satchel
Bolrac-Clan BasherSurveillance Monitor (Prism)Cornered CrookPerimeter EnforcerFesterleechGreenbelt RadicalConcealed WeaponUndercity Eliminator
Glint WeaverLong GoodbyePompous GadaboutRepulsive MutationClandestine Meddler (Prism)Reckless DetectiveBreak Out (Prism)Hard-Hitting Question
Case File AuditorCase of the Trampled GardenCrime NovelistExit SpecialistSample CollectorTorch the Witness (Prism)Presumed DeadLightning Helix
KnifeCase of the Gateway ExpressRopeLeering OnlookerForensic ResearcherEvidence ExaminerCase of the Gorgon's Kiss (Prism)Harried Dronesmith

The C uncommon run consists of 37 distinct cards each appearing three times. For cards with showcase versions, one of the three copies is the showcase version. For Kraul Whipcracker, one of the three copies is the prism version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Lumbering LaundryLead PipeCurious CadaverFrantic ScapegoatSoul SearchConvenient Target (Showcase)Insidious RootsExpose the Culprit
Kraul Whipcracker (Prism)Fae FlightNo More LiesCase of the Pilfered ProofCulvert AmbusherCaught Red-HandedFlotsam // JetsamCurious Inquiry
Deadly ComplicationCase of the Shattered PactMeddling Youths (Showcase)Living ConundrumHustle // BustleNeighborhood GuardianWispdrinker Vampire (Showcase)Eliminate the Impossible
Soul Enervation (Showcase)Call a Surprise WitnessCease // DesistIt Doesn't Add UpMagnetic SnufflerNot on My Watch (Showcase)Fuss // BotherChalk Outline
Persuasive InterrogatorsCoerced to KillLead PipeGleaming GeardrakeScene of the CrimePolygraph OrbCurious Cadaver (Showcase)Lumbering Laundry
Convenient TargetKraul Whipcracker (Showcase)Fae Flight (Showcase)Soul SearchFrantic ScapegoatNo More LiesCaught Red-HandedInsidious Roots (Showcase)
Expose the CulpritFlotsam // JetsamCase of the Pilfered ProofCulvert Ambusher (Showcase)Living ConundrumDeadly Complication (Showcase)Curious InquiryHustle // Bustle
Eliminate the ImpossibleMeddling YouthsCase of the Shattered PactNeighborhood GuardianSoul EnervationCease // DesistIt Doesn't Add Up (Showcase)Wispdrinker Vampire
Magnetic SnufflerCall a Surprise Witness (Showcase)Fuss // BotherNot on My WatchPersuasive Interrogators (Showcase)Chalk OutlineCoerced to KillPolygraph Orb
Scene of the CrimeGleaming Geardrake (Showcase)Lead PipeLumbering LaundryCurious CadaverConvenient TargetKraul WhipcrackerFae Flight
Soul SearchFrantic Scapegoat (Showcase)No More LiesExpose the Culprit (Showcase)Flotsam // JetsamCaught Red-HandedCulvert AmbusherCurious Inquiry
Insidious RootsCase of the Pilfered ProofDeadly ComplicationLiving ConundrumMeddling YouthsEliminate the ImpossibleHustle // BustleSoul Enervation
Neighborhood Guardian (Showcase)Wispdrinker VampireCase of the Shattered PactCease // DesistIt Doesn't Add UpFuss // BotherCall a Surprise WitnessMagnetic Snuffler (Showcase)
Not on My WatchPersuasive InterrogatorsChalk OutlineGleaming GeardrakePolygraph OrbCoerced to Kill (Showcase)Scene of the Crime