Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Collation

Neon Dynasty is a large set with 107 commons (6 of which are double-faced), 88 uncommons (8 of which are double-faced), 59 rares (6 of which are double-faced), 18 mythic rares (3 of which are double-faced), four variations of each standard basic land, and ten additional common dual lands. These numbers are similar to other recent sets, but the number of double-faced cards is different. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised rate of 33% of boosters. The set was printed in English in the USA, Belgium, and Japan.

Neon Dynasty was sold in 15 card draft booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Draft booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation.

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by a basic land or common dual land, and an ad card or placeholder card. There are 9 commons, a common or uncommon saga (appearing between the other commons and uncommons), 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear before the land.

9 Commons1 Common or Uncommon Saga3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card1 Placeholder Card
8 Commons1 Common or Uncommon Saga3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card1 Placeholder Card

There are three non-double-faced common runs. The A run contains 15 distinct cards each appearing eight times, the B run contains 60 distinct cards each appearing twice, and the C run has 26 distinct cards each appearing four times. The commons with showcase versions appear in C with one of the four copies being the showcase version. Packs have 1-2 A cards followed by 5-6 B cards and 2-3 C cards. Packs with foils (as far as I've seen) have 0-1 (usually 1) A cards, 5-6 B cards and 2 C cards.

Each pack has an additional double-faced common or uncommon saga after the other commons. These cards are printed on one sheet with each of the 6 commons appearing ten times and each of the 8 uncommons appearing seven times.

There are three non-double-faced uncommon runs. The A and B runs each contain 30 distinct cards each appearing four times. The C run contains 20 distinct cards. The uncommons with showcase versions appear in A or B with one of the four copies being the showcase version. Packs contain three consecutive cards from one of the three runs. The three runs appear in proportion to the number of distinct cards in them (so cards from the different runs are equally rare).

The basic lands and common dual lands are all printed on one sheet. This sheet contains twelve of each basic land and six of each dual land (so basic lands appear half of the time). Each basic land has two normal versions and two full-art versions (which are always in the Japanese language). The normal versions are each printed twice on the sheet and the full-art Japanese versions are printed four times each.

Placeholder cards appear about 20% of the time and ad cards appear otherwise. These are on different sheets.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 15 different cards each appearing eight times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Network TerminalShrine StewardPapercraft DecoyIron ApprenticeGrafted GrowthThundersteel ColossusSearchlight CompanionUncharted HavenAutomated ArtificerSpell PierceDramatist's Puppet
Ninja's KunaiEcologist's TerrariumBrute SuitAkki War PaintNetwork TerminalShrine StewardPapercraft DecoyIron ApprenticeGrafted GrowthThundersteel ColossusSearchlight Companion
Uncharted HavenAutomated ArtificerSpell PierceDramatist's PuppetPapercraft DecoyNinja's KunaiNetwork TerminalGrafted GrowthBrute SuitEcologist's TerrariumShrine Steward
Iron ApprenticeAkki War PaintThundersteel ColossusSearchlight CompanionUncharted HavenAutomated ArtificerSpell PierceEcologist's TerrariumDramatist's PuppetBrute SuitThundersteel Colossus
Akki War PaintNinja's KunaiIron ApprenticeNetwork TerminalShrine StewardGrafted GrowthSearchlight CompanionPapercraft DecoyUncharted HavenAutomated ArtificerSpell Pierce
Dramatist's PuppetNinja's KunaiEcologist's TerrariumBrute SuitAkki War PaintPapercraft DecoyThundersteel ColossusShrine StewardNetwork TerminalGrafted GrowthIron Apprentice
Searchlight CompanionUncharted HavenAutomated ArtificerSpell PierceEcologist's TerrariumBrute SuitNetwork TerminalDramatist's PuppetAkki War PaintNinja's KunaiShrine Steward
Papercraft DecoyIron ApprenticeGrafted GrowthAutomated ArtificerThundersteel ColossusSearchlight CompanionUncharted HavenSpell PierceDramatist's PuppetNetwork TerminalNinja's Kunai
Ecologist's TerrariumBrute SuitAkki War PaintShrine StewardPapercraft DecoyIron ApprenticeUncharted HavenGrafted GrowthSearchlight CompanionThundersteel ColossusDramatist's Puppet
Automated ArtificerAkki War PaintEcologist's TerrariumBrute SuitNinja's KunaiSearchlight CompanionSpell PiercePapercraft DecoyIron ApprenticeShrine StewardGrafted Growth
Network TerminalThundersteel ColossusAutomated ArtificerDramatist's PuppetSpell PierceNinja's KunaiUncharted HavenEcologist's TerrariumBrute SuitAkki War Paint

The B common run consists of 60 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Experimental SynthesizerUndercity ScroungerBamboo Grove ArcherMnemonic SphereKitsune AceKami of IndustryKami of Terrible SecretsCareful CultivationNetwork DisruptorSpirited CompanionKindled Fury
Reckoner ShakedownFade into AntiquityArmguard FamiliarDragonfly SuitKami's FlareYou Are Already DeadTamiyo's SafekeepingMirrorshell CrabGolden-Tail DiscipleAkki Ember-KeeperDebt to the Kami
Geothermal KamiFuturist SentinelWanderer's InterventionUnstoppable OgreClawing TormentMaster's RebukeShort CircuitImperial OathSimian SlingReckoner's BargainBearer of Memory
Moonsnare PrototypeAncestral KatanaAmbitious AssaultLethal ExploitFavor of JukaiDisruption ProtocolRepel the VileExplosive EntryVirus BeetleGreater TanukiSaiba Trespassers
Mothrider PatrolTowashi SongshaperKaito's PursuitCommune with SpiritsSuit UpLucky OfferingScrapyard SteelbreakerChainflail CentipedeSeason of RenewalPlanar IncisionRegent's Authority
Crackling EmergenceReturn to ActionHarmonious EmergenceMoonfolk PuzzlemakerLight the WayExperimental SynthesizerUndercity ScroungerCareful CultivationMnemonic SphereKitsune AceKami of Industry
Kami of Terrible SecretsBamboo Grove ArcherNetwork DisruptorSpirited CompanionKindled FuryReckoner ShakedownFade into AntiquityArmguard FamiliarDragonfly SuitAkki Ember-KeeperYou Are Already Dead
Tamiyo's SafekeepingMirrorshell CrabGolden-Tail DiscipleKami's FlareClawing TormentGeothermal KamiFuturist SentinelWanderer's InterventionUnstoppable OgreDebt to the KamiMaster's Rebuke
Short CircuitAncestral KatanaSimian SlingReckoner's BargainBearer of MemoryMoonsnare PrototypeImperial OathAmbitious AssaultLethal ExploitFavor of JukaiDisruption Protocol
Repel the VileExplosive EntryVirus BeetleGreater TanukiSaiba TrespassersMothrider PatrolTowashi SongshaperKaito's PursuitCommune with SpiritsSuit UpLucky Offering
Scrapyard SteelbreakerChainflail CentipedeSeason of RenewalPlanar IncisionRegent's AuthorityCrackling EmergenceReturn to ActionHarmonious EmergenceMoonfolk PuzzlemakerLight the Way

The C common run consists of 26 different cards each appearing four times. For cards with showcase versions, one of the copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Intercessor's ArrestCoiling StalkerGift of WrathEiganjo ExemplarKami of Restless ShadowsImperial Subduer (Showcase)Moon-Circuit HackerPeerless SamuraiJukai PreserverInkrise Infiltrator (Showcase)Skyswimmer Koi
Nezumi BladeblesserHeir of the Ancient FangTamiyo's CompleationMukotai AmbusherIronhoof BoarDokuchi Shadow-WalkerMoonsnare Specialist (Showcase)Akki RoninSeven-Tail MentorSunblade SamuraiFang of Shigeki
Jukai Trainee (Showcase)Voltage SurgeTwisted EmbraceGuardians of Oboro (Showcase)Intercessor's ArrestCoiling StalkerGift of WrathEiganjo ExemplarKami of Restless ShadowsImperial SubduerMoon-Circuit Hacker
Peerless SamuraiJukai PreserverInkrise InfiltratorSkyswimmer KoiNezumi Bladeblesser (Showcase)Heir of the Ancient FangTamiyo's CompleationMukotai AmbusherIronhoof BoarSunblade SamuraiFang of Shigeki
Dokuchi Shadow-Walker (Showcase)Moonsnare SpecialistJukai TraineeSeven-Tail MentorAkki Ronin (Showcase)Voltage SurgeTwisted EmbraceGuardians of OboroIntercessor's ArrestCoiling Stalker (Showcase)Gift of Wrath
Eiganjo ExemplarKami of Restless ShadowsImperial SubduerJukai PreserverSkyswimmer KoiInkrise InfiltratorMoon-Circuit Hacker (Showcase)Peerless SamuraiNezumi BladeblesserHeir of the Ancient Fang (Showcase)Tamiyo's Compleation
Mukotai AmbusherFang of ShigekiSunblade Samurai (Showcase)Ironhoof BoarDokuchi Shadow-WalkerMoonsnare SpecialistAkki RoninSeven-Tail Mentor (Showcase)Jukai TraineeVoltage SurgeTwisted Embrace
Guardians of OboroIntercessor's ArrestCoiling StalkerGift of WrathEiganjo Exemplar (Showcase)Kami of Restless ShadowsImperial SubduerJukai PreserverPeerless Samurai (Showcase)Moon-Circuit HackerInkrise Infiltrator
Skyswimmer KoiNezumi BladeblesserHeir of the Ancient FangTamiyo's CompleationMukotai Ambusher (Showcase)Ironhoof BoarSunblade SamuraiFang of Shigeki (Showcase)Dokuchi Shadow-WalkerMoonsnare SpecialistJukai Trainee
Voltage SurgeTwisted EmbraceAkki RoninSeven-Tail MentorGuardians of Oboro

Double-faced Common and Uncommon Run

The saga run has 6 commons each appearing ten times and 8 uncommons each appearing seven times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

The Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerThe Modern Age // Vector GliderThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michiko
Okiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroThe Modern Age // Vector GliderThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the Seeker
Boseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaThe Modern Age // Vector GliderLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of Toshiro
Okiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachThe Modern Age // Vector GliderMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michiko
Tales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoThe Modern Age // Vector GliderBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of Boseiju
Era of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of Konda
The Modern Age // Vector GliderKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's Reach
The Modern Age // Vector GliderBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoThe Modern Age // Vector GliderBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of Boseiju
Era of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of Toshiro
The Modern Age // Vector GliderThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michiko
The Modern Age // Vector GliderThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of Konda

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 30 different cards each appearing four times. For cards with showcase versions, one of the copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Covert TechnicianSecluded CourtyardOni-Cult AnvilSelfless SamuraiGo-Shintai of Lost WisdomGo-Shintai of Ancient WarsImperial Recovery UnitGo-Shintai of Boundless VigorLeech GauntletProdigy's PrototypeAsari Captain (Showcase)
Orochi Merge-KeeperEssence CaptureSilver-Fur MasterTwinshot SniperEnthusiastic MechanautReinforced RoninFlame DischargeStoryweaveDragonspark ReactorReplication SpecialistNorika Yamazaki, the Poet
Patchwork AutomatonGravelighterAcquisition OctopusMech HangarJukai NaturalistCovert TechnicianInvigorating Hot SpringHeiko Yamazaki, the GeneralKappa Tech-Wrecker (Showcase)Secluded CourtyardOni-Cult Anvil
Imperial Recovery UnitSelfless SamuraiGo-Shintai of Lost WisdomGo-Shintai of Ancient WarsProdigy's PrototypeLeech GauntletGo-Shintai of Boundless VigorOrochi Merge-KeeperAsari CaptainEssence CaptureSilver-Fur Master (Showcase)
Twinshot SniperEnthusiastic MechanautReinforced RoninReplication SpecialistPatchwork AutomatonNorika Yamazaki, the PoetFlame DischargeGravelighterStoryweaveDragonspark ReactorCovert Technician (Showcase)
Kappa Tech-WreckerJukai NaturalistInvigorating Hot SpringMech HangarHeiko Yamazaki, the GeneralAcquisition OctopusSecluded CourtyardOni-Cult AnvilSelfless SamuraiGo-Shintai of Lost WisdomGo-Shintai of Ancient Wars
Imperial Recovery UnitGo-Shintai of Boundless VigorLeech GauntletProdigy's PrototypeAsari CaptainOrochi Merge-KeeperEssence CaptureSilver-Fur MasterTwinshot SniperEnthusiastic MechanautReinforced Ronin (Showcase)
Flame DischargePatchwork AutomatonNorika Yamazaki, the PoetReplication SpecialistDragonspark ReactorStoryweaveGravelighterKappa Tech-WreckerAcquisition OctopusInvigorating Hot SpringCovert Technician
Jukai NaturalistMech HangarHeiko Yamazaki, the General (Showcase)Secluded CourtyardOni-Cult AnvilSelfless Samurai (Showcase)Go-Shintai of Lost WisdomGo-Shintai of Ancient WarsImperial Recovery UnitGo-Shintai of Boundless VigorLeech Gauntlet
Prodigy's PrototypeAsari CaptainOrochi Merge-KeeperEssence CaptureTwinshot SniperSilver-Fur MasterPatchwork AutomatonFlame DischargeReinforced RoninNorika Yamazaki, the Poet (Showcase)Enthusiastic Mechanaut
Replication SpecialistDragonspark ReactorStoryweaveGravelighterKappa Tech-WreckerHeiko Yamazaki, the GeneralJukai NaturalistMech HangarInvigorating Hot SpringAcquisition Octopus

The B uncommon run consists of 30 different cards each appearing four times. For cards with showcase versions, one of the copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Runaway Trash-BotHigh-Speed HoverbikeAnchor to RealitySky-Blessed Samurai (Showcase)Blossom PrancerTempered in SolitudeFuturist OperativeWalking SkyscraperGloomshriekerUpriser RenegadeRoaring Earth
Seismic WaveHistorian's WisdomBronze CudgelsProsperous ThiefThirst for KnowledgeEnormous Energy BladeNezumi ProwlerSpinning Wheel KickMalicious MalfunctionDokuchi Silencer (Showcase)Discover the Impossible
Banishing SlashGo-Shintai of Shared PurposeAwakened AwarenessBoon of BoseijuBlade-Blizzard KitsuneSokenzan SmelterBorn to DriveReality HeistHigh-Speed HoverbikeTempered in SolitudeFuturist Operative
Anchor to RealityWalking SkyscraperSky-Blessed SamuraiRunaway Trash-BotBlossom PrancerProsperous Thief (Showcase)Historian's WisdomBronze CudgelsSeismic WaveRoaring EarthUpriser Renegade
Enormous Energy BladeGloomshriekerSpinning Wheel KickThirst for KnowledgeNezumi ProwlerDiscover the ImpossibleMalicious MalfunctionGo-Shintai of Shared PurposeBanishing SlashDokuchi SilencerSokenzan Smelter
Born to DriveReality HeistBlade-Blizzard Kitsune (Showcase)Boon of BoseijuAwakened AwarenessHigh-Speed HoverbikeTempered in SolitudeFuturist OperativeAnchor to RealityWalking SkyscraperSky-Blessed Samurai
Historian's WisdomProsperous ThiefBlossom PrancerRunaway Trash-BotBronze CudgelsSeismic WaveRoaring EarthUpriser Renegade (Showcase)Enormous Energy BladeGloomshriekerSpinning Wheel Kick
Thirst for KnowledgeDokuchi SilencerMalicious MalfunctionGo-Shintai of Shared PurposeBanishing SlashNezumi ProwlerDiscover the ImpossibleBlade-Blizzard KitsuneSokenzan SmelterBorn to DriveReality Heist
Boon of BoseijuAwakened AwarenessFuturist Operative (Showcase)High-Speed HoverbikeTempered in SolitudeSky-Blessed SamuraiProsperous ThiefBlossom PrancerRunaway Trash-BotWalking SkyscraperAnchor to Reality
Historian's WisdomSpinning Wheel KickUpriser RenegadeEnormous Energy BladeGloomshriekerRoaring EarthBronze CudgelsSeismic WaveMalicious MalfunctionThirst for KnowledgeBanishing Slash
Discover the ImpossibleNezumi Prowler (Showcase)Go-Shintai of Shared PurposeDokuchi SilencerBoon of BoseijuReality HeistBorn to DriveBlade-Blizzard KitsuneAwakened AwarenessSokenzan Smelter

The C uncommon run consists of 20 different cards each appearing six times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Dockside ChefTowashi Guide-BotWhen We Were YoungReito SentinelAssassin's InkBronzeplate BoarCircuit MenderHotshot MechanicWebspinner CuffNaomi, Pillar of OrderGo-Shintai of Hidden Cruelty
Rabbit BatteryContainment ConstructUnforgiving OneTouch the Spirit RealmRoadside ReliquaryOkiba SalvageColossal SkyturtleGenerous VisitorMobilizer MechDockside ChefCircuit Mender
Bronzeplate BoarWhen We Were YoungAssassin's InkTowashi Guide-BotReito SentinelHotshot MechanicWebspinner CuffNaomi, Pillar of OrderGo-Shintai of Hidden CrueltyRabbit BatteryContainment Construct
Touch the Spirit RealmUnforgiving OneRoadside ReliquaryOkiba SalvageColossal SkyturtleGenerous VisitorMobilizer MechDockside ChefAssassin's InkBronzeplate BoarCircuit Mender
Reito SentinelWhen We Were YoungTowashi Guide-BotHotshot MechanicWebspinner CuffNaomi, Pillar of OrderGo-Shintai of Hidden CrueltyRabbit BatteryTouch the Spirit RealmUnforgiving OneColossal Skyturtle
Roadside ReliquaryMobilizer MechGenerous VisitorContainment ConstructOkiba SalvageDockside ChefTowashi Guide-BotWhen We Were YoungReito SentinelCircuit MenderAssassin's Ink
Hotshot MechanicWebspinner CuffBronzeplate BoarNaomi, Pillar of OrderGo-Shintai of Hidden CrueltyRabbit BatteryTouch the Spirit RealmUnforgiving OneContainment ConstructRoadside ReliquaryOkiba Salvage
Colossal SkyturtleGenerous VisitorMobilizer MechDockside ChefTowashi Guide-BotCircuit MenderWhen We Were YoungReito SentinelAssassin's InkBronzeplate BoarHotshot Mechanic
Webspinner CuffNaomi, Pillar of OrderGo-Shintai of Hidden CrueltyRabbit BatteryContainment ConstructTouch the Spirit RealmUnforgiving OneRoadside ReliquaryOkiba SalvageColossal SkyturtleGenerous Visitor
Mobilizer MechDockside ChefAssassin's InkBronzeplate BoarCircuit MenderReito SentinelWhen We Were YoungTowashi Guide-BotHotshot MechanicWebspinner CuffNaomi, Pillar of Order
Go-Shintai of Hidden CrueltyRabbit BatteryTouch the Spirit RealmUnforgiving OneContainment ConstructRoadside ReliquaryOkiba SalvageColossal SkyturtleGenerous VisitorMobilizer Mech

Land Run

Each non-full-art basic land variation appears twice, each Japanese full-art basic land variation appears four times, and each common dual land appears six times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Rugged HighlandsTranquil CovePlains (284)Mountain (300)Scoured BarrensPlains (293)Bloodfell CavesForest (292)Thornwood FallsIsland (295)Swiftwater Cliffs
Forest (302)Jungle HollowMountain (290)Dismal BackwaterBlossoming SandsSwamp (298)Mountain (299)Wind-Scarred CragSwamp (288)Rugged HighlandsForest (301)
Tranquil CovePlains (294)Scoured BarrensIsland (286)Island (296)Bloodfell CavesJungle HollowSwamp (297)Thornwood FallsForest (291)Swiftwater Cliffs
Plains (293)Dismal BackwaterMountain (300)Wind-Scarred CragPlains (283)Blossoming SandsForest (302)Rugged HighlandsIsland (295)Swamp (287)Tranquil Cove
Bloodfell CavesMountain (299)Scoured BarrensSwamp (298)Thornwood FallsMountain (289)Swiftwater CliffsPlains (294)Jungle HollowForest (301)Dismal Backwater
Blossoming SandsPlains (284)Swamp (297)Wind-Scarred CragIsland (296)Rugged HighlandsIsland (285)Tranquil CoveMountain (300)Scoured BarrensPlains (293)
Bloodfell CavesMountain (290)Jungle HollowIsland (295)Thornwood FallsSwiftwater CliffsForest (302)Forest (292)Dismal BackwaterSwamp (298)Wind-Scarred Crag
Mountain (299)Rugged HighlandsIsland (286)Blossoming SandsForest (301)Bloodfell CavesPlains (294)Tranquil CoveSwamp (288)Scoured BarrensJungle Hollow
Island (296)Swamp (297)Thornwood FallsPlains (283)Swiftwater CliffsPlains (293)Dismal BackwaterMountain (300)Wind-Scarred CragForest (291)Forest (302)
Blossoming SandsRugged HighlandsIsland (295)Tranquil CoveMountain (289)Bloodfell CavesMountain (299)Scoured BarrensSwamp (298)Thornwood FallsSwamp (287)
Swiftwater CliffsPlains (294)Jungle HollowDismal BackwaterForest (301)Island (285)Blossoming SandsSwamp (297)Wind-Scarred CragIsland (296)

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in this set have a token or emblem on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for MTG Arena on the front face. They are printed in a 121 card run with items appearing different numbers of times.

SamuraiArena Ad CardSpirit (2)TreasureSamuraiGoblin ShamanPilotSpirit (11)SamuraiConstruct (6)Spirit (2)
TreasureTamiyo's NotebookSamuraiArena Ad CardSpirit (2)Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh EmblemSamuraiArena Ad CardSpirit (2)TreasureSamurai
Human MonkPilotConstruct (15)SamuraiSpirit (9)Spirit (2)TreasureSamuraiDragon SpiritSpirit (2)Treasure
SamuraiSpirit (9)PilotTreasureSamuraiRat RogueSpirit (2)Construct (15)SamuraiArena Ad CardSpirit (2)
TreasureSamuraiDragon SpiritSpirit (2)Spirit (11)SamuraiArena Ad CardPilotHuman MonkSamuraiArena Ad Card
Spirit (2)Human MonkSamuraiConstruct (6)Spirit (2)MechtitanSamuraiSpirit (9)PilotConstruct (15)Samurai
Construct (6)Spirit (2)TreasureSamuraiSpirit (9)Spirit (2)Spirit (12)SamuraiConstruct (6)Spirit (2)Construct (15)
SamuraiArena Ad CardPilotTreasureSamuraiArena Ad CardSpirit (2)Construct (15)SamuraiConstruct (6)Spirit (2)
TreasureSamuraiArena Ad CardPilotHuman MonkTreasureSamuraiConstruct (6)KeimiSamuraiHuman Monk
TreasureSamuraiArena Ad CardSpirit (2)TreasureSamuraiRat RogueSpirit (2)Human MonkSamuraiNinja
TreasureSpirit (2)Construct (15)SamuraiSpirit (9)PilotTreasureSamuraiSpirit (9)Spirit (2)Kaito Shizuki Emblem

Token Rarity
Goblin ShamanGoblin Shaman × 1Kaito Shizuki EmblemKaito Shizuki Emblem × 1KeimiKeimi × 1
MechtitanMechtitan × 1NinjaNinja × 1Spirit (12)Spirit × 1
Tamiyo's NotebookTamiyo's Notebook × 1Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh EmblemTezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh Emblem × 1Dragon SpiritDragon Spirit × 2
Rat RogueRat Rogue × 2Spirit (11)Spirit × 2Construct (6)Construct × 6
Construct (15)Construct × 6Human MonkHuman Monk × 6Spirit (9)Spirit × 6
PilotPilot × 8Arena Ad CardArena Ad Card × 10TreasureTreasure × 15
Spirit (2)Spirit × 20SamuraiSamurai × 30

Tokens (With Reverse Side)
  1. Samurai // Secret Lair
  2. Arena Ad Card
  3. Spirit (2) // The List
  4. Treasure // FNM
  5. Samurai // Secret Lair
  6. Goblin Shaman // The List
  7. Pilot // FNM
  8. Spirit (11) // Ultra PRO
  9. Samurai // Secret Lair
  10. Construct (6) // FNM
  11. Spirit (2) // The List
  12. Treasure // Ultra PRO
  13. Tamiyo's Notebook // Secret Lair
  14. Samurai // FNM
  15. Arena Ad Card
  16. Spirit (2) // Secret Lair
  17. Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh Emblem // The List
  18. Samurai // The List
  19. Arena Ad Card
  20. Spirit (2) // Ultra PRO
  21. Treasure // FNM
  22. Samurai // Secret Lair
  23. Human Monk // FNM
  24. Pilot // The List
  25. Construct (15) // Secret Lair
  26. Samurai // FNM
  27. Spirit (9) // The List
  28. Spirit (2) // Ultra PRO
  29. Treasure // Secret Lair
  30. Samurai // Secret Lair
  31. Dragon Spirit // Ultra PRO
  32. Spirit (2) // FNM
  33. Treasure // The List
  34. Samurai // The List
  35. Spirit (9) // FNM
  36. Pilot // Ultra PRO
  37. Treasure // FNM
  38. Samurai // Secret Lair
  39. Rat Rogue // Secret Lair
  40. Spirit (2) // The List
  41. Construct (15) // FNM
  42. Samurai // Secret Lair
  43. Arena Ad Card
  44. Spirit (2) // Ultra PRO
  45. Treasure // FNM
  46. Samurai // Secret Lair
  47. Dragon Spirit // FNM
  48. Spirit (2) // The List
  49. Spirit (11) // The List
  50. Samurai // Ultra PRO
  51. Arena Ad Card
  52. Pilot // The List
  53. Human Monk // Ultra PRO
  54. Samurai // Secret Lair
  55. Arena Ad Card
  56. Spirit (2) // Ultra PRO
  57. Human Monk // FNM
  58. Samurai // FNM
  59. Construct (6) // The List
  60. Spirit (2) // Secret Lair
  61. Mechtitan // The List
  62. Samurai // FNM
  63. Spirit (9) // The List
  64. Pilot // The List
  65. Construct (15) // FNM
  66. Samurai // Secret Lair
  67. Construct (6) // Secret Lair
  68. Spirit (2) // Ultra PRO
  69. Treasure // The List
  70. Samurai // Secret Lair
  71. Spirit (9) // FNM
  72. Spirit (2) // Ultra PRO
  73. Spirit (12) // FNM
  74. Samurai // The List
  75. Construct (6) // Secret Lair
  76. Spirit (2) // Ultra PRO
  77. Construct (15) // Ultra PRO
  78. Samurai // The List
  79. Arena Ad Card
  80. Pilot // Secret Lair
  81. Treasure // FNM
  82. Samurai // Secret Lair
  83. Arena Ad Card
  84. Spirit (2) // The List
  85. Construct (15) // FNM
  86. Samurai // Secret Lair
  87. Construct (6) // FNM
  88. Spirit (2) // Ultra PRO
  89. Treasure // FNM
  90. Samurai // Secret Lair
  91. Arena Ad Card
  92. Pilot // The List
  93. Human Monk // The List
  94. Treasure // Ultra PRO
  95. Samurai // Secret Lair
  96. Construct (6) // FNM
  97. Keimi // The List
  98. Samurai // Ultra PRO
  99. Human Monk // FNM
  100. Treasure // The List
  101. Samurai // Secret Lair
  102. Arena Ad Card
  103. Spirit (2) // Secret Lair
  104. Treasure // FNM
  105. Samurai // The List
  106. Rat Rogue // Ultra PRO
  107. Spirit (2) // Secret Lair
  108. Human Monk // FNM
  109. Samurai // The List
  110. Ninja // Secret Lair
  111. Treasure // Secret Lair
  112. Spirit (2) // FNM
  113. Construct (15) // Ultra PRO
  114. Samurai // The List
  115. Spirit (9) // FNM
  116. Pilot // The List
  117. Treasure // Ultra PRO
  118. Samurai // Secret Lair
  119. Spirit (9) // FNM
  120. Spirit (2) // The List
  121. Kaito Shizuki Emblem // Ultra PRO

Belgian Pack Anatomy

The Belgian printing uses sequential collation.

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by a basic land or common dual land, and an ad card or placeholder card. There are 9 commons, a common or uncommon saga (appearing between the other commons and uncommons), 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear before the land.

9 Commons1 Common or Uncommon Saga3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card1 Placeholder Card
8 Commons1 Common or Uncommon Saga3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card1 Placeholder Card

There are three common runs. The A run has 30 distinct cards each appearing four times. The B run has 36 distinct card each appearing three times and the C run has 35 distinct cards also each appearing three times. The cards with showcase versions appear in the A run with one of the four copies being the showcase version.

Each pack has 2-3 cards from A, 3 cards from B, and 3-4 cards from C. These numbers remain true for packs with foils, so foil packs are 2+3+3. It seems at least half of packs have 3 A cards. If exactly half of packs have A cards (plausible), this would make A cards and B cards equally likely. C cards will be too common regardless.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 30 different cards each appearing four times. For cards that have a showcase variant, one of the four copies is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Twisted EmbraceEiganjo ExemplarSkyswimmer KoiMukotai AmbusherSpirited CompanionGuardians of OboroGift of WrathThundersteel ColossusTamiyo's CompleationImperial SubduerMoonsnare Specialist (Showcase)
Akki RoninLethal ExploitMaster's RebukeUncharted HavenMoon-Circuit Hacker (Showcase)Heir of the Ancient FangAkki Ember-KeeperPeerless SamuraiSkyswimmer KoiThundersteel ColossusTwisted Embrace
Sunblade SamuraiGreater TanukiInkrise InfiltratorLethal ExploitMaster's RebukeJukai Trainee (Showcase)Tamiyo's CompleationKami's FlareMukotai Ambusher (Showcase)Nezumi BladeblesserGuardians of Oboro
Fang of Shigeki (Showcase)Heir of the Ancient FangAkki Ember-KeeperPeerless Samurai (Showcase)Greater TanukiEiganjo ExemplarMoon-Circuit HackerThundersteel ColossusMaster's RebukeImperial Subduer (Showcase)Moonsnare Specialist
Inkrise InfiltratorFang of ShigekiMukotai AmbusherVoltage SurgeAkki Ronin (Showcase)Tamiyo's CompleationDokuchi Shadow-WalkerSpirited CompanionHeir of the Ancient FangAkki Ember-KeeperInkrise Infiltrator (Showcase)
Gift of WrathJukai TraineeKami's FlareEiganjo ExemplarNezumi BladeblesserAkki RoninMoonsnare SpecialistGuardians of Oboro (Showcase)Fang of ShigekiCoiling StalkerGreater Tanuki
Moon-Circuit HackerJukai TraineeSeven-Tail MentorHeir of the Ancient Fang (Showcase)Twisted EmbraceUncharted HavenVoltage SurgeSunblade Samurai (Showcase)Kami's FlareMukotai AmbusherLethal Exploit
Nezumi BladeblesserEiganjo Exemplar (Showcase)Skyswimmer KoiPeerless SamuraiGift of WrathDokuchi Shadow-WalkerFang of ShigekiCoiling Stalker (Showcase)Spirited CompanionUncharted HavenTamiyo's Compleation
Sunblade SamuraiSeven-Tail MentorLethal ExploitImperial SubduerVoltage SurgeThundersteel ColossusGift of WrathDokuchi Shadow-Walker (Showcase)Kami's FlareCoiling StalkerAkki Ember-Keeper
Peerless SamuraiSeven-Tail MentorSunblade SamuraiGreater TanukiDokuchi Shadow-WalkerMoonsnare SpecialistGuardians of OboroTwisted EmbraceUncharted HavenSpirited CompanionNezumi Bladeblesser (Showcase)
Imperial SubduerSkyswimmer KoiInkrise InfiltratorSeven-Tail Mentor (Showcase)Jukai TraineeVoltage SurgeCoiling StalkerMoon-Circuit HackerAkki RoninMaster's Rebuke

The B common run consists of 36 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Short CircuitIntercessor's ArrestExplosive EntryArmguard FamiliarDragonfly SuitAmbitious AssaultDisruption ProtocolWanderer's InterventionIronhoof BoarNetwork DisruptorGolden-Tail Disciple
Kindled FuryPlanar IncisionRepel the VileScrapyard SteelbreakerSaiba TrespassersAncestral KatanaTowashi SongshaperFuturist SentinelKitsune AceAmbitious AssaultMoonfolk Puzzlemaker
Dragonfly SuitExperimental SynthesizerMoonsnare PrototypeLight the WayUnstoppable OgreArmguard FamiliarLucky OfferingIronhoof BoarFuturist SentinelImperial OathAkki War Paint
Mirrorshell CrabWanderer's InterventionSimian SlingSpell PierceRegent's AuthorityKindled FurySaiba TrespassersKitsune AceKami of IndustryNetwork DisruptorIntercessor's Arrest
Crackling EmergenceFuturist SentinelLight the WayExplosive EntryMirrorshell CrabLucky OfferingScrapyard SteelbreakerDisruption ProtocolGolden-Tail DiscipleIronhoof BoarMnemonic Sphere
Ancestral KatanaAkki War PaintMoonsnare PrototypeMothrider PatrolTowashi SongshaperShort CircuitImperial OathKami of IndustryMoonfolk PuzzlemakerKitsune AceUnstoppable Ogre
Planar IncisionGolden-Tail DiscipleExperimental SynthesizerMnemonic SphereMothrider PatrolAmbitious AssaultSpell PierceWanderer's InterventionSimian SlingArmguard FamiliarLucky Offering
Explosive EntryDisruption ProtocolRegent's AuthorityCrackling EmergenceShort CircuitAncestral KatanaTowashi SongshaperPlanar IncisionDragonfly SuitKindled FuryMoonfolk Puzzlemaker
Imperial OathAkki War PaintMirrorshell CrabRepel the VileExperimental SynthesizerMoonsnare PrototypeRegent's AuthorityKami of IndustryNetwork DisruptorIntercessor's ArrestScrapyard Steelbreaker
Saiba TrespassersLight the WaySimian SlingMnemonic SphereRepel the VileCrackling EmergenceSpell PierceMothrider PatrolUnstoppable Ogre

The C common run consists of 35 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Searchlight CompanionReckoner ShakedownHarmonious EmergenceEcologist's TerrariumYou Are Already DeadJukai PreserverIron ApprenticeReckoner's BargainBearer of MemoryBrute SuitKami of Terrible Secrets
Bamboo Grove ArcherShrine StewardKaito's PursuitCareful CultivationNetwork TerminalVirus BeetleBearer of MemorySuit UpReckoner ShakedownCommune with SpiritsPapercraft Decoy
Chainflail CentipedeFade into AntiquityNinja's KunaiReckoner's BargainFavor of JukaiNetwork TerminalKami of Restless ShadowsCommune with SpiritsShrine StewardYou Are Already DeadGeothermal Kami
Searchlight CompanionVirus BeetleGrafted GrowthPapercraft DecoyClawing TormentJukai PreserverAutomated ArtificerReturn to ActionSeason of RenewalDramatist's PuppetKaito's Pursuit
Fade into AntiquitySuit UpKami of Terrible SecretsCareful CultivationEcologist's TerrariumUndercity ScroungerSeason of RenewalShrine StewardVirus BeetleTamiyo's SafekeepingNinja's Kunai
Kami of Terrible SecretsHarmonious EmergenceIron ApprenticeChainflail CentipedeFavor of JukaiAutomated ArtificerUndercity ScroungerBamboo Grove ArcherBrute SuitReckoner ShakedownFade into Antiquity
Searchlight CompanionDebt to the KamiJukai PreserverNetwork TerminalClawing TormentFavor of JukaiUndercity ScroungerGrafted GrowthReturn to ActionCommune with SpiritsKami of Restless Shadows
Brute SuitTamiyo's SafekeepingDebt to the KamiHarmonious EmergenceSuit UpChainflail CentipedeGrafted GrowthPapercraft DecoyYou Are Already DeadGeothermal KamiDramatist's Puppet
Kami of Restless ShadowsTamiyo's SafekeepingEcologist's TerrariumReturn to ActionSeason of RenewalIron ApprenticeReckoner's BargainBearer of MemoryAutomated ArtificerClawing TormentCareful Cultivation
Ninja's KunaiKaito's PursuitBamboo Grove ArcherDramatist's PuppetDebt to the KamiGeothermal Kami

Japanese Pack Anatomy

The Japanese printing uses sequential collation with 112 card sheets (which is the usual for Japan). Probably the sheets are 14 × 8.

Packs are front-facing starting with the ad or placeholder card, then the basic land or common dual land, then the rare, 3 uncommons, a common or uncommon saga, and 9 commons. If there is a foil, it will appear before the rare, displacing a common.

1 Ad or Placeholder Card1 Land1 Rare3 Uncommons1 Common or Uncommon Saga9 Commons
1 Ad or Placeholder Card1 Land1 Foil1 Rare3 Uncommons1 Common or Uncommon Saga8 Commons

There are 3 non-double-faced common runs: A, B, and C. A contains 27 distinct cards, and B and C each contain 37 distinct cards. Each pack gets 2 to 3 cards from A followed by 3 to 4 cards from B and 3 to 4 cards from C. This means packs are either 2-3-4, 2-4-3, or 3-3-3. The exact ratios may depend on the way foil collation works.


Commons with a showcase version appear in run A. This run has four copies of each card, and when there is a showcase version, one of the four copies is the showcase version.

Foils displace a non-double-faced common. Packs with foils obey the normal ranges for A, B, and C cards which means they are all 2-3-3. This means the ratios of pack types can be calculated. Mathematically, it should be that 32/101 packs have 3 A cards, 53/303 have 4 B cards, also 53/303 have 4 C cards, and the remaining 1/3 of packs have a foil. (These ratios are empirically plausible.)

Each pack has an additional double-faced common or uncommon saga before the other commons. These cards are printed on one sheet with each of the 6 commons appearing nine times and each of the 8 uncommons appearing six times. (Note these numbers are slightly different than the numbers for the US printing, maybe due to the different sheet size.)

There are two non-double-faced uncommon runs. The A run has 28 distinct cards each appearing four times and the B run has 52 cards each appearing twice. Packs have 1-2 A cards followed by 1-2 B cards. Mathematically, only 1/20 of packs should be 2+1 to ensure all these cards are equally common. Cards with showcase versions appear in A with one of the four copies being the showcase version.

The basic lands and common dual lands are all printed in one run. This run contains twelve of each basic land and six of each dual land (so basic lands appear half of the time). (Note that this is an unusual sheet size for the Japanese printer.) Each basic land has two normal versions and two full-art versions (which are always in the Japanese language). The normal versions are each printed twice on the sheet and the full-art Japanese versions are printed four times each.

Placeholder cards appear about 20% of the time and ad cards appear otherwise. These are on different sheets.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing four times. For cards with a showcase version, one of the four copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Seven-Tail MentorMukotai AmbusherImperial OathGuardians of Oboro (Showcase)Dragonfly SuitFang of ShigekiMothrider PatrolAkki Ronin
Sunblade Samurai (Showcase)Coiling StalkerLucky OfferingNezumi BladeblesserGolden-Tail DiscipleHeir of the Ancient Fang (Showcase)Repel the VileMoon-Circuit Hacker
Ancestral KatanaJukai TraineeEiganjo ExemplarInkrise InfiltratorRegent's AuthorityMoonsnare SpecialistKitsune AceCoiling Stalker (Showcase)
Wanderer's InterventionGuardians of OboroMothrider PatrolNezumi BladeblesserDragonfly SuitHeir of the Ancient FangImperial Subduer (Showcase)Peerless Samurai
Eiganjo ExemplarFang of Shigeki (Showcase)Sunblade SamuraiDokuchi Shadow-WalkerSeven-Tail MentorJukai Trainee (Showcase)Golden-Tail DiscipleAncestral Katana
Inkrise InfiltratorImperial OathMoonsnare SpecialistRegent's AuthorityMukotai AmbusherLucky OfferingMoon-Circuit Hacker (Showcase)Kitsune Ace
Akki RoninRepel the VileJukai TraineeWanderer's InterventionNezumi BladeblesserMothrider PatrolCoiling StalkerEiganjo Exemplar (Showcase)
Dokuchi Shadow-WalkerGolden-Tail DiscipleFang of ShigekiDragonfly SuitInkrise InfiltratorImperial SubduerRepel the VileMoonsnare Specialist (Showcase)
Lucky OfferingPeerless SamuraiKitsune AceMukotai Ambusher (Showcase)Regent's AuthorityGuardians of OboroSeven-Tail MentorAkki Ronin (Showcase)
Ancestral KatanaHeir of the Ancient FangImperial OathMoon-Circuit HackerSunblade SamuraiJukai TraineeImperial SubduerNezumi Bladeblesser (Showcase)
Wanderer's InterventionCoiling StalkerGolden-Tail DiscipleDokuchi Shadow-WalkerEiganjo ExemplarMoonsnare SpecialistMothrider PatrolInkrise Infiltrator (Showcase)
Dragonfly SuitLucky OfferingFang of ShigekiRepel the VilePeerless SamuraiImperial OathMukotai AmbusherSeven-Tail Mentor (Showcase)
Heir of the Ancient FangKitsune AceGuardians of OboroSunblade SamuraiAkki RoninRegent's AuthorityDokuchi Shadow-Walker (Showcase)Wanderer's Intervention
Moon-Circuit HackerImperial SubduerAncestral KatanaPeerless Samurai (Showcase)

The B common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Short CircuitDramatist's PuppetGrafted GrowthFuturist SentinelShrine StewardBearer of MemorySpell PierceSearchlight Companion
Geothermal KamiSuit UpAkki War PaintCareful CultivationArmguard FamiliarAutomated ArtificerSeason of RenewalDisruption Protocol
Thundersteel ColossusCommune with SpiritsNetwork DisruptorLight the WayBamboo Grove ArcherMirrorshell CrabMaster's RebukeKami of Industry
Saiba TrespassersFavor of JukaiIron ApprenticePlanar IncisionHarmonious EmergenceMoonsnare PrototypeCrackling EmergenceTamiyo's Safekeeping
Short CircuitFade into AntiquityFuturist SentinelKaito's PursuitBearer of MemoryTamiyo's CompleationShrine StewardGrafted Growth
Armguard FamiliarDramatist's PuppetGreater TanukiSpell PierceThundersteel ColossusGeothermal KamiMnemonic SphereAkki War Paint
Season of RenewalSuit UpAutomated ArtificerCareful CultivationDisruption ProtocolCrackling EmergenceBamboo Grove ArcherSaiba Trespassers
Light the WayCommune with SpiritsMirrorshell CrabFavor of JukaiKami of IndustryNetwork DisruptorHarmonious EmergenceSearchlight Companion
Planar IncisionMaster's RebukeShort CircuitIron ApprenticeGrafted GrowthTamiyo's CompleationBearer of MemoryMoonsnare Prototype
Kaito's PursuitFade into AntiquityMnemonic SphereDramatist's PuppetTamiyo's SafekeepingFuturist SentinelAutomated ArtificerGeothermal Kami
Spell PierceShrine StewardCareful CultivationSuit UpKami of IndustrySeason of RenewalArmguard FamiliarThundersteel Colossus
Greater TanukiDisruption ProtocolSearchlight CompanionBamboo Grove ArcherNetwork DisruptorAkki War PaintFavor of JukaiMirrorshell Crab
Commune with SpiritsLight the WaySaiba TrespassersMaster's RebukeCrackling EmergencePlanar IncisionFade into AntiquityMoonsnare Prototype
Iron ApprenticeTamiyo's SafekeepingTamiyo's CompleationHarmonious EmergenceMnemonic SphereKaito's PursuitGreater Tanuki

The C common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Chainflail CentipedeNinja's KunaiUnstoppable OgreLethal ExploitSimian SlingIntercessor's ArrestReturn to ActionTowashi Songshaper
Twisted EmbracePapercraft DecoyExperimental SynthesizerKami of Restless ShadowsKindled FuryMoonfolk PuzzlemakerReckoner's BargainScrapyard Steelbreaker
Spirited CompanionYou Are Already DeadKami's FlareBrute SuitUndercity ScroungerAkki Ember-KeeperKami of Terrible SecretsNetwork Terminal
Gift of WrathClawing TormentEcologist's TerrariumIronhoof BoarDebt to the KamiUncharted HavenVoltage SurgeVirus Beetle
Kindled FurySkyswimmer KoiTwisted EmbraceExplosive EntryPapercraft DecoyKami of Restless ShadowsSimian SlingNinja's Kunai
Lethal ExploitAmbitious AssaultBrute SuitChainflail CentipedeTowashi SongshaperReckoner ShakedownIntercessor's ArrestScrapyard Steelbreaker
Return to ActionJukai PreserverUnstoppable OgreUndercity ScroungerMoonfolk PuzzlemakerExperimental SynthesizerReckoner's BargainVoltage Surge
Network TerminalClawing TormentIronhoof BoarUncharted HavenKami of Terrible SecretsAkki Ember-KeeperSpirited CompanionVirus Beetle
Explosive EntrySkyswimmer KoiDebt to the KamiKami's FlareReckoner ShakedownEcologist's TerrariumGift of WrathYou Are Already Dead
Intercessor's ArrestAmbitious AssaultLethal ExploitUnstoppable OgrePapercraft DecoyChainflail CentipedeSimian SlingJukai Preserver
Return to ActionKindled FuryTwisted EmbraceNinja's KunaiScrapyard SteelbreakerKami of Restless ShadowsTowashi SongshaperSpirited Companion
Reckoner's BargainExperimental SynthesizerMoonfolk PuzzlemakerYou Are Already DeadAkki Ember-KeeperClawing TormentBrute SuitKami's Flare
Undercity ScroungerEcologist's TerrariumVoltage SurgeDebt to the KamiNetwork TerminalIronhoof BoarKami of Terrible SecretsUncharted Haven
Gift of WrathVirus BeetleSkyswimmer KoiExplosive EntryReckoner ShakedownJukai PreserverAmbitious Assault

Double-faced Common and Uncommon Run

The saga run has 6 commons each appearing nine times and 8 uncommons each appearing six times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Befriending the Moths // Imperial MothTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of Konda
The Modern Age // Vector GliderAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyEra of Enlightenment // Hand of Enlightenment
Life of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainThe Modern Age // Vector GliderBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of Boseiju
Era of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of Toshiro
Befriending the Moths // Imperial MothThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoThe Modern Age // Vector GliderAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerEra of Enlightenment // Hand of Enlightenment
Kumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachThe Modern Age // Vector GliderMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living Legacy
Befriending the Moths // Imperial MothThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoThe Modern Age // Vector GliderOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainThe Shattered States Era // Nameless Conqueror
Befriending the Moths // Imperial MothBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road Captain
The Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachThe Modern Age // Vector GliderBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoThe Shattered States Era // Nameless Conqueror
Era of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentThe Modern Age // Vector GliderThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuBefriending the Moths // Imperial MothBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the Unspeakable
Era of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentLife of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of ToshiroKumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living LegacyBefriending the Moths // Imperial Moth
Okiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road CaptainThe Modern Age // Vector GliderThe Long Reach of Night // Animus of Night's ReachBehold the Unspeakable // Vision of the UnspeakableThe Fall of Lord Konda // Fragment of KondaThe Shattered States Era // Nameless ConquerorEra of Enlightenment // Hand of EnlightenmentTales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living Legacy
Kumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of KumanoAzusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the SeekerThe Modern Age // Vector GliderMichiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of MichikoBoseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of BoseijuOkiba Reckoner Raid // Nezumi Road Captain

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 28 different cards each appearing four times. For cards with showcase versions, one of the copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Upriser RenegadeTouch the Spirit RealmReinforced RoninReplication SpecialistDokuchi Silencer (Showcase)Imperial Recovery UnitAsari CaptainBanishing Slash
Heiko Yamazaki, the GeneralProdigy's PrototypeSky-Blessed Samurai (Showcase)Seismic WaveNorika Yamazaki, the PoetGloomshriekerFuturist OperativeKappa Tech-Wrecker
Silver-Fur MasterBlossom PrancerCovert TechnicianTwinshot SniperNezumi Prowler (Showcase)Generous VisitorProsperous ThiefTouch the Spirit Realm
Dokuchi SilencerFlame DischargeSelfless SamuraiReplication SpecialistAsari CaptainAssassin's InkBlade-Blizzard KitsuneNaomi, Pillar of Order
Upriser Renegade (Showcase)Imperial Recovery UnitReinforced RoninGloomshriekerFuturist OperativeBanishing SlashNezumi ProwlerTwinshot Sniper
Sky-Blessed SamuraiKappa Tech-WreckerHeiko Yamazaki, the GeneralProdigy's PrototypeCovert Technician (Showcase)Seismic WaveNorika Yamazaki, the Poet (Showcase)Blossom Prancer
Silver-Fur MasterFlame DischargeSelfless Samurai (Showcase)Assassin's InkUpriser RenegadeGenerous VisitorBlade-Blizzard KitsuneNaomi, Pillar of Order
Prosperous ThiefTouch the Spirit RealmDokuchi SilencerReplication SpecialistAsari Captain (Showcase)Imperial Recovery UnitReinforced RoninGloomshrieker
Heiko Yamazaki, the General (Showcase)Prodigy's PrototypeCovert TechnicianTwinshot SniperFuturist OperativeBanishing SlashSilver-Fur Master (Showcase)Seismic Wave
Nezumi ProwlerKappa Tech-WreckerSky-Blessed SamuraiBlossom PrancerNorika Yamazaki, the PoetFlame DischargeProsperous Thief (Showcase)Naomi, Pillar of Order
Selfless SamuraiReplication SpecialistBlade-Blizzard KitsuneGenerous VisitorUpriser RenegadeAssassin's InkReinforced Ronin (Showcase)Touch the Spirit Realm
Asari CaptainImperial Recovery UnitDokuchi SilencerBanishing SlashHeiko Yamazaki, the GeneralKappa Tech-Wrecker (Showcase)Silver-Fur MasterBlossom Prancer
Covert TechnicianGloomshriekerSky-Blessed SamuraiProdigy's PrototypeNorika Yamazaki, the PoetTwinshot SniperFuturist Operative (Showcase)Seismic Wave
Nezumi ProwlerGenerous VisitorSelfless SamuraiFlame DischargeBlade-Blizzard Kitsune (Showcase)Naomi, Pillar of OrderProsperous ThiefAssassin's Ink

The B uncommon run consists of 52 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Go-Shintai of Ancient WarsTowashi Guide-BotSpinning Wheel KickMech HangarDragonspark ReactorWebspinner CuffEnormous Energy BladeAwakened Awareness
Bronze CudgelsGo-Shintai of Shared PurposeDockside ChefGo-Shintai of Boundless VigorSokenzan SmelterDiscover the ImpossibleInvigorating Hot SpringRunaway Trash-Bot
Rabbit BatteryStoryweaveHigh-Speed HoverbikeJukai NaturalistWhen We Were YoungReality HeistOkiba SalvageWalking Skyscraper
Orochi Merge-KeeperAnchor to RealityTempered in SolitudeHotshot MechanicMalicious MalfunctionContainment ConstructMobilizer MechBorn to Drive
Historian's WisdomGravelighterGo-Shintai of Lost WisdomCircuit MenderRoaring EarthGo-Shintai of Hidden CrueltyRoadside ReliquaryReito Sentinel
Thirst for KnowledgeUnforgiving OneBoon of BoseijuOni-Cult AnvilEssence CaptureBronzeplate BoarPatchwork AutomatonEnthusiastic Mechanaut
Leech GauntletSecluded CourtyardColossal SkyturtleEnormous Energy BladeWebspinner CuffGo-Shintai of Ancient WarsMech HangarAcquisition Octopus
Towashi Guide-BotGo-Shintai of Boundless VigorDockside ChefBronze CudgelsSpinning Wheel KickAwakened AwarenessDragonspark ReactorGo-Shintai of Shared Purpose
Runaway Trash-BotStoryweaveWhen We Were YoungSokenzan SmelterJukai NaturalistWalking SkyscraperReality HeistInvigorating Hot Spring
Orochi Merge-KeeperHigh-Speed HoverbikeDiscover the ImpossibleRabbit BatteryOkiba SalvageHotshot MechanicHistorian's WisdomAnchor to Reality
Born to DriveMalicious MalfunctionRoaring EarthGo-Shintai of Lost WisdomTempered in SolitudeCircuit MenderGravelighterMobilizer Mech
Containment ConstructGo-Shintai of Hidden CrueltyThirst for KnowledgePatchwork AutomatonRoadside ReliquaryEssence CaptureColossal SkyturtleLeech Gauntlet
Bronzeplate BoarReito SentinelEnthusiastic MechanautBoon of BoseijuUnforgiving OneOni-Cult AnvilSecluded CourtyardAcquisition Octopus

Land Run

Each non-full-art basic land variation appears twice, each Japanese full-art basic land variation appears four times, and each common dual land appears six times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Blossoming SandsScoured BarrensWind-Scarred CragThornwood FallsBloodfell CavesIsland (285)Swiftwater CliffsPlains (283)
Rugged HighlandsDismal BackwaterTranquil CoveScoured BarrensMountain (300)Island (295)Wind-Scarred CragSwamp (287)
Mountain (290)Forest (292)Plains (284)Swamp (298)Thornwood FallsIsland (296)Swamp (297)Swiftwater Cliffs
Plains (293)Jungle HollowWind-Scarred CragMountain (289)Dismal BackwaterRugged HighlandsThornwood FallsIsland (286)
Forest (302)Scoured BarrensPlains (294)Tranquil CoveSwiftwater CliffsIsland (295)Forest (291)Mountain (299)
Blossoming SandsWind-Scarred CragJungle HollowBloodfell CavesThornwood FallsSwamp (297)Tranquil CoveMountain (300)
Scoured BarrensIsland (285)Blossoming SandsRugged HighlandsIsland (296)Plains (293)Forest (302)Swamp (287)
Jungle HollowPlains (294)Thornwood FallsSwamp (298)Dismal BackwaterForest (301)Plains (283)Island (295)
Swiftwater CliffsRugged HighlandsTranquil CoveMountain (299)Jungle HollowScoured BarrensForest (302)Dismal Backwater
Swamp (298)Bloodfell CavesMountain (290)Island (286)Wind-Scarred CragPlains (293)Swamp (297)Mountain (300)
Blossoming SandsIsland (296)Swiftwater CliffsPlains (284)Forest (301)Rugged HighlandsBloodfell CavesForest (292)
Scoured BarrensMountain (289)Plains (294)Dismal BackwaterWind-Scarred CragSwamp (288)Thornwood FallsTranquil Cove
Jungle HollowBlossoming SandsForest (291)Swamp (298)Mountain (299)Bloodfell CavesForest (301)Dismal Backwater
Plains (293)Mountain (300)Tranquil CoveRugged HighlandsBlossoming SandsJungle HollowSwiftwater CliffsPlains (294)
Swamp (297)Forest (301)Bloodfell CavesMountain (299)Island (295)Forest (302)Swamp (288)Island (296)

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in this set have a token or emblem on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for MTG Arena on both faces. The cards are printed in a 112 card run with items appearing different numbers of times.

SamuraiArena Ad CardSpirit (11)PilotSpirit (2)Construct (15)SamuraiSpirit (2)
TreasureSamuraiSpirit (2)PilotSamuraiSpirit (2)Arena Ad CardTreasure
Spirit (2)SamuraiTreasureSpirit (2)SamuraiPilotHuman MonkSamurai
Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh EmblemConstruct (15)Spirit (2)TreasureSamuraiSpirit (2)Spirit (9)Treasure
SamuraiArena Ad CardSpirit (2)SamuraiTreasureConstruct (15)SamuraiPilot
Spirit (9)TreasureSamuraiPilotSpirit (2)SamuraiArena Ad CardSpirit (2)
SamuraiDragon SpiritSpirit (2)Construct (15)Construct (6)Spirit (2)Arena Ad CardConstruct (6)
TreasureSpirit (12)SamuraiConstruct (6)Arena Ad CardSamuraiSpirit (9)Tamiyo's Notebook
SamuraiArena Ad CardConstruct (6)Spirit (2)SamuraiTreasureHuman MonkGoblin Shaman
SamuraiSpirit (9)Human MonkPilotDragon SpiritTreasureNinjaConstruct (6)
SamuraiKeimiKaito Shizuki EmblemSamuraiRat RogueSpirit (2)Arena Ad CardPilot
SamuraiArena Ad CardTreasureSamuraiSpirit (2)MechtitanConstruct (15)Samurai
Arena Ad CardTreasureSpirit (2)Arena Ad CardSamuraiSpirit (2)TreasureHuman Monk
SamuraiSpirit (9)Rat RogueSpirit (2)PilotArena Ad CardSpirit (2)Human Monk

Token Rarity
Goblin ShamanGoblin Shaman × 1Kaito Shizuki EmblemKaito Shizuki Emblem × 1KeimiKeimi × 1
MechtitanMechtitan × 1NinjaNinja × 1Spirit (11)Spirit × 1
Spirit (12)Spirit × 1Tamiyo's NotebookTamiyo's Notebook × 1Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh EmblemTezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh Emblem × 1
Dragon SpiritDragon Spirit × 2Rat RogueRat Rogue × 2Construct (6)Construct × 5
Construct (15)Construct × 5Human MonkHuman Monk × 5Spirit (9)Spirit × 5
PilotPilot × 8Arena Ad CardArena Ad Card × 12TreasureTreasure × 13
Spirit (2)Spirit × 20SamuraiSamurai × 26