Return to Ravnica Collation

Return to Ravnica is a large set with 101 commons, 80 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares, and five variations of each standard basic land. This is the first set with 80 uncommons (which would not become standard until later.) Otherwise, this is the normal size for a large set of this era. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Return to Ravnica was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation.

Packs are back-facing and have 10 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, a basic land, and an ad card. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the rare, displacing a common.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs have 2-3 A cards, 2 B, and 4-5 C. C2 packs have 4 A cards, 2 or 4 B, and 2 or 4 C.


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Common foils displace A commons and only appear in C1 packs. Uncommon foils displace B commons. The fifth variations of each basic land are on the foil uncommon sheet and so will displace B commons. Rare foils displace C2 commons.

Uncommons are split into four runs: A, B, C, and D. A and B contain 22 distinct cards each three times, and C and D contain 18 distinct cards each three times. Packs contain one card from any three of the four runs. A uncommons always appear before B which appear before C which appear before D. Mathematically, A and B should appear in 33/40 of packs, and C and D should appear in 27/40 of packs. (Therefore e.g. packs with just B, C, and D should appear 7/40 times.) These rates are plausible.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Swift JusticeDruid's DeliveranceElectrickeryCrosstown CourierLaunch PartyAvenging ArrowBellows LizardDispelHorncaller's ChantPursuit of FlightTrained Caracal
Chronic FloodingGiant GrowthTraitorous InstinctRootborn DefensesDispelGolgari GuildgateDeviant GleeArmory GuardUrban BurgeoningInspirationTrained Caracal
Survey the WreckageAerial PredationChronic FloodingDrainpipe VerminSwift JusticeHorncaller's ChantCancelBellows LizardArmory GuardAerial PredationMizzium Skin
Catacomb SlugEyes in the SkiesSurvey the WreckageAxebane StagDeviant GleeAvenging ArrowTerrus WurmChorus of MightElectrickeryParalyzing GraspAxebane Stag
Catacomb SlugLaunch PartyRootborn DefensesUrban BurgeoningMizzium SkinDynachargeEthereal ArmorParalyzing GraspChorus of MightEyes in the SkiesTraitorous Instinct
InspirationDruid's DeliveranceEthereal ArmorPursuit of FlightDrainpipe VerminGiant GrowthCrosstown CourierDynachargeTerrus WurmGolgari GuildgateCancel

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Dramatic RescueGolgari LonglegsEssence BacklashCentaur HealerSpawn of Rix MaadiVassal SoulTrestle TrollGoblin ElectromancerCommon BondRakdos Shred-FreakSearch Warrant
Sluiceway ScorpionChemister's TrickCoursers' AccordSkull RendHussar PatrolGrisly SalvageFrostburn WeirdSundering GrowthAuger SpreeCobblebruteHussar Patrol
Spawn of Rix MaadiCoursers' AccordEssence BacklashSluiceway ScorpionDramatic RescueRakdos Shred-FreakSundering GrowthGoblin ElectromancerGrisly SalvageTransguild PromenadeVassal Soul
Skull RendCentaur HealerChemister's TrickGolgari LonglegsSearch WarrantAuger SpreeCommon BondFrostburn WeirdTrestle TrollTransguild PromenadeCobblebrute
Vassal SoulSundering GrowthSluiceway ScorpionSpawn of Rix MaadiFrostburn WeirdSearch WarrantCentaur HealerGrisly SalvageRakdos Shred-FreakEssence BacklashHussar Patrol
Common BondGolgari LonglegsSkull RendGoblin ElectromancerCobblebruteDramatic RescueCoursers' AccordTrestle TrollAuger SpreeChemister's TrickTransguild Promenade

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Destroy the Evidence, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Drudge BeetleDoorkeeperLobber CrewMind RotSeller of SongbirdsVoidwielderGatecreeper VineViashino RacketeerCremateSelesnya SentryDownsize
Explosive ImpactStonefare CrocodileDaggerdrome ImpDoorkeeperRakdos GuildgateAxebane GuardianDownsizeConcordia PegasusCremateBatterhornInaction Injunction
Drudge BeetleRakdos GuildgateVoidwielderSelesnya SentryOgre JailbreakerBatterhornRubbleback RhinoSeller of SongbirdsSewer ShamblerGore-House ChainwalkerGatecreeper Vine
Azorius ArresterIzzet GuildgateDaggerdrome ImpIsperia's SkywatchLobber CrewConcordia PegasusDestroy the EvidenceStonefare CrocodileGore-House ChainwalkerInaction InjunctionIzzet Guildgate
Keening ApparitionOgre JailbreakerIsperia's SkywatchRubbleback RhinoAzorius ArresterExplosive ImpactMind RotAxebane GuardianKeening ApparitionViashino RacketeerSewer Shambler

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Destroy the Evidence, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

RunewingPerilous ShadowTrostani's JudgmentAnnihilating FireCentaur's HeraldDead RevelerStealer of SecretsKnightly ValorSplatter ThugSelesnya GuildgateGrim Roustabout
Towering IndrikRunewingSunspire GriffinPerilous ShadowSplatter ThugCentaur's HeraldDestroy the EvidenceTower DrakeKnightly ValorAnnihilating FireStab Wound
Towering IndrikAzorius GuildgateTower DrakeDead RevelerTrostani's JudgmentCentaur's HeraldPerilous ShadowTenement CrasherSunspire GriffinAzorius GuildgateKorozda Monitor
Stab WoundSplatter ThugStealer of SecretsSelesnya GuildgateDead RevelerAnnihilating FireKorozda MonitorTrostani's JudgmentTenement CrasherGrim RoustaboutTower Drake
Sunspire GriffinSelesnya GuildgateKorozda MonitorRunewingStab WoundKnightly ValorTowering IndrikStealer of SecretsGrim RoustaboutAzorius GuildgateTenement Crasher

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Sphere of SafetyCodex ShredderSkyline PredatorSavage SurgeTavern SwindlerPhantom GeneralGuttersnipeAquus SteedArchweaverMinotaur AggressorBlustersquall
Soul TitheDark RevenantCivic SaberGoblin RallySavage SurgeSphere of SafetyRacecourse FurySlum ReaperFaerie ImpostorGuttersnipeSeek the Horizon
Phantom GeneralDark RevenantMinotaur AggressorCodex ShredderSavage SurgeSecurity BlockadeShrieking AfflictionRacecourse FuryBlustersquallOak Street InnkeeperSphere of Safety
Tavern SwindlerGoblin RallySlum ReaperPhantom GeneralFaerie ImpostorSeek the HorizonShrieking AfflictionGuttersnipeSkyline PredatorArchweaverSoul Tithe
Tavern SwindlerAquus SteedOak Street InnkeeperCivic SaberSecurity BlockadeFaerie ImpostorDark RevenantSeek the HorizonSkyline PredatorGoblin RallyCodex Shredder
Soul TitheShrieking AfflictionBlustersquallArchweaverRacecourse FuryAquus SteedSecurity BlockadeSlum ReaperOak Street InnkeeperMinotaur AggressorCivic Saber

The B uncommon run also consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Rix Maadi GuildmageSelesnya KeyruneThoughtflareSlitherheadSkymark RocRakdos KeyruneAssassin's StrikeArrestSelesnya CharmGolgari KeyruneHellhole Flailer
Blistercoil WeirdSkymark RocSelesnya KeyruneDreg ManglerRakdos CharmIzzet CharmAzorius KeyruneCall of the ConclaveSlitherheadRix Maadi GuildmageIzzet Keyrune
Lyev SkyknightArrestHeroes' ReunionRites of ReapingRakdos KeyruneThoughtflareFall of the GavelAssassin's StrikeHeroes' ReunionRix Maadi GuildmageAzorius Keyrune
Dreg ManglerBlistercoil WeirdSelesnya CharmRakdos KeyruneLyev SkyknightSlitherheadIzzet CharmSelesnya KeyruneHellhole FlailerFall of the GavelRites of Reaping
Izzet KeyruneCall of the ConclaveRakdos CharmSkymark RocGolgari KeyruneThoughtflareArrestCall of the ConclaveBlistercoil WeirdRites of ReapingAzorius Keyrune
Hellhole FlailerHeroes' ReunionIzzet CharmGolgari KeyruneLyev SkyknightRakdos CharmAssassin's StrikeSelesnya CharmIzzet KeyruneDreg ManglerFall of the Gavel

The C uncommon run also consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

VandalblastThrill-Kill AssassinSyncopateBrushstriderTablet of the GuildsPyroconvergenceGolgari DecoyBazaar KrovodUltimate PriceStreet SweeperAzorius Justiciar
Psychic SpiralStreet SpasmZanikev LocustRogue's PassageGobbling OozeSyncopateFencing AceThrill-Kill AssassinHover BarrierUltimate PriceGolgari Decoy
VandalblastBazaar KrovodTablet of the GuildsPsychic SpiralBrushstriderAzorius JusticiarPyroconvergenceHover BarrierFencing AceUltimate PriceGobbling Ooze
Zanikev LocustStreet SweeperStreet SpasmTablet of the GuildsGolgari DecoyThrill-Kill AssassinPyroconvergenceRogue's PassageSyncopateVandalblastFencing Ace
Psychic SpiralZanikev LocustBrushstriderStreet SweeperBazaar KrovodGobbling OozeStreet SpasmHover BarrierAzorius JusticiarRogue's Passage

The D uncommon run also consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Nivix GuildmageGolgari CharmNew Prahv GuildmageRakdos RagemuttVitu-Ghazi GuildmageTeleportalTreasured FindNew Prahv GuildmageRakdos RingleaderRisen SanctuaryIzzet Staticaster
Golgari CharmAzorius CharmRakdos CacklerDryad MilitantSlime MoldingNivix GuildmageKorozda GuildmageJudge's FamiliarRakdos RagemuttBloodfray GiantDryad Militant
TeleportalGolgari CharmJudge's FamiliarRakdos RingleaderSlime MoldingBloodfray GiantRisen SanctuaryNivix GuildmageTreasured FindAzorius CharmRakdos Ragemutt
Slime MoldingSoulsworn SpiritVitu-Ghazi GuildmageIzzet StaticasterKorozda GuildmageNew Prahv GuildmageRakdos CacklerSoulsworn SpiritBloodfray GiantDryad MilitantIzzet Staticaster
Treasured FindJudge's FamiliarRakdos CacklerRisen SanctuaryTeleportalSoulsworn SpiritKorozda GuildmageAzorius CharmRakdos RingleaderVitu-Ghazi Guildmage

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Return to Ravnica have a token or tip on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for Magic Duels on the front face. (The front has an ESRB rating and the back has PEGI, so I'm not aware of any region differences.) They are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Selesnya Tip CardLimited Tip CardDuels 2013 Ad CardIzzet Tip CardGolgari Tip CardRakdos Tip CardCentaurSaprolingUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardCasual Formats Tip CardBird
RhinoNiv-Mizzet Tip CardDuels 2013 Ad CardCentaurElementalKnightJace Tip CardRakdos Tip CardLimited Tip CardBirdGolgari Tip Card
Azorius Tip CardDragonCentaurOozeIzzet Tip CardSelesnya Tip CardGoblinCasual Formats Tip CardRakdos Tip CardSaprolingCentaur
Jace Tip CardGolgari Tip CardDuels 2013 Ad CardCentaurOozeRhinoSelesnya Tip CardIzzet Tip CardNiv-Mizzet Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardKnight
BirdAzorius Tip CardDuels 2013 Ad CardSoldierCentaurCasual Formats Tip CardIzzet Tip CardJace Tip CardGolgari Tip CardRhinoWurm
BirdGoblinDuels 2013 Ad CardAzorius Tip CardNiv-Mizzet Tip CardCentaurUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardElementalKnightSelesnya Tip CardAzorius Tip Card
CentaurJace Tip CardAzorius Tip CardGoblinDuels 2013 Ad CardBirdNiv-Mizzet Tip CardRhinoIzzet Tip CardOozeRakdos Tip Card
Golgari Tip CardCentaurRhinoKnightCasual Formats Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardBirdSelesnya Tip CardGoblinOozeCentaur
Niv-Mizzet Tip CardRakdos Tip CardDuels 2013 Ad CardLimited Tip CardCentaurJace Tip CardSaprolingBirdCasual Formats Tip CardCentaurUsing Planeswalkers Tip Card
KnightAssassinDuels 2013 Ad CardGolgari Tip CardSelesnya Tip CardGoblinRakdos Tip CardLimited Tip CardCentaurNiv-Mizzet Tip CardIzzet Tip Card
OozeKnightCasual Formats Tip CardRhinoUsing Planeswalkers Tip CardAzorius Tip CardSoldierCentaurBirdJace Tip CardGoblin

Token Rarity
AssassinAssassin × 1DragonDragon × 1WurmWurm × 1
ElementalElemental × 2SoldierSoldier × 2SaprolingSaproling × 3
Limited Tip CardLimited Tip Card × 4OozeOoze × 5Azorius Tip CardAzorius Tip Card × 6
Casual Formats Tip CardCasual Formats Tip Card × 6GoblinGoblin × 6Golgari Tip CardGolgari Tip Card × 6
Izzet Tip CardIzzet Tip Card × 6Jace Tip CardJace Tip Card × 6KnightKnight × 6
Niv-Mizzet Tip CardNiv-Mizzet Tip Card × 6Rakdos Tip CardRakdos Tip Card × 6RhinoRhino × 6
Selesnya Tip CardSelesnya Tip Card × 6Using Planeswalkers Tip CardUsing Planeswalkers Tip Card × 6BirdBird × 8
Duels 2013 Ad CardDuels 2013 Ad Card × 8CentaurCentaur × 14

Foil Common Sheet

There is a picture of the foil common sheet available. [1] Each common card and four variaitons of each basic land appear once. (The remaining basic lands are on the uncommon sheet.)

Trained CaracalFrostburn WeirdDrudge BeetleExplosive ImpactArmory GuardRakdos Shred-FreakDruid's DeliveranceDynachargeRootborn DefensesParalyzing GraspHorncaller's Chant
Stab WoundSearch WarrantIzzet GuildgateAxebane GuardianSurvey the WreckageSundering GrowthDaggerdrome ImpGiant GrowthForest (270)Viashino RacketeerAuger Spree
Urban BurgeoningSwamp (261)Ogre JailbreakerGore-House ChainwalkerSkull RendPlains (253)Mind RotTraitorous InstinctHussar PatrolPlains (251)Drainpipe Vermin
Crosstown CourierSluiceway ScorpionSwamp (262)BatterhornGrim RoustaboutCommon BondPlains (250)Gatecreeper VineAzorius ArresterTower DrakeGrisly Salvage
Deviant GleeKeening ApparitionIsland (255)Dramatic RescueDoorkeeperTerrus WurmForest (273)Aerial PredationGoblin ElectromancerRunewingForest (271)
Concordia PegasusChorus of MightMizzium SkinIsland (258)Trestle TrollBellows LizardChronic FloodingIsland (256)Spawn of Rix MaadiPursuit of FlightCentaur's Herald
Swamp (263)Swift JusticeSplatter ThugCancelRubbleback RhinoTransguild PromenadeSelesnya SentryStealer of SecretsCatacomb SlugIsland (257)Korozda Monitor
Coursers' AccordMountain (268)Lobber CrewTrostani's JudgmentMountain (267)DownsizeVassal SoulLaunch PartySunspire GriffinForest (272)Centaur Healer
Dead RevelerVoidwielderTenement CrasherPlains (252)Annihilating FireKnightly ValorCremateSelesnya GuildgateCobblebruteStonefare CrocodileGolgari Longlegs
Golgari GuildgateMountain (266)Avenging ArrowDispelElectrickeryEssence BacklashPerilous ShadowSeller of SongbirdsAzorius GuildgateTowering IndrikChemister's Trick
Inaction InjunctionSwamp (260)Destroy the EvidenceEthereal ArmorInspirationMountain (265)Sewer ShamblerEyes in the SkiesAxebane StagRakdos GuildgateIsperia's Skywatch

Foil Uncommon Sheet

There is a picture of the foil uncommon sheet available. [2] Each uncommon card appears once and the basic land variations that are missing from the foil common sheet appear twice. The remaining slots are fillers.

ArrestTreasured FindArchweaverSkymark RocAzorius JusticiarKorozda GuildmageSavage SurgePsychic SpiralThoughtflareDryad MilitantSoul Tithe
Vitu-Ghazi GuildmageGolgari CharmBloodfray GiantSphere of SafetyAzorius CharmForest (274)Dreg ManglerRacecourse FuryRakdos CacklerRogue's PassagePyroconvergence
Call of the ConclaveFencing AceSoulsworn SpiritGolgari DecoyFall of the GavelMountain (269)Street SpasmUltimate PriceRix Maadi GuildmageCivic SaberSwamp (264)
Risen SanctuaryTavern SwindlerPhantom GeneralMinotaur AggressorBlistercoil WeirdIsland (259)SyncopateTablet of the GuildsHellhole FlailerMountain (269)Selesnya Keyrune
Heroes' ReunionOak Street InnkeeperSlum ReaperSkyline PredatorNivix GuildmagePlains (254)Thrill-Kill AssassinAzorius KeyruneRakdos RagemuttShrieking AfflictionSlime Molding
Selesnya CharmGuttersnipeBrushstriderBazaar KrovodIzzet StaticasterPlains (254)Zanikev LocustIzzet KeyruneRakdos RingleaderBlustersquallFaerie Impostor
Judge's FamiliarHover BarrierGoblin RallyDark RevenantIzzet CharmSwamp (264)Street SweeperRakdos KeyruneRakdos CharmAssassin's StrikeVandalblast
New Prahv GuildmageSecurity BlockadeAquus SteedGobbling OozeTeleportalForest (274)Codex ShredderGolgari KeyruneSlitherheadSeek the HorizonIsland (259)
Lyev SkyknightRites of ReapingFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFiller

Foil Rare Sheet

There is a picture of the foil rare sheet available. [3] Each rare card appears twice, and each mythic rare card appears once.

Mizzium MortarsPack RatArmada WurmNivmagus ElementalAsh ZealotWild BeastmasterRakdos, Lord of RiotsSupreme VerdictRest in PeaceSphinx of the ChimesAbrupt Decay
Cryptborn HorrorGuild FeudSearch the CityCollective BlessingDeadbridge GoliathEpic ExperimentPrecinct CaptainAzor's ElocutorsHallowed FountainMercurial ChemisterSphinx of the Chimes
Deathrite ShamanMartial LawSphinx's RevelationDesecration DemonWayfaring TempleCyclonic RiftFiremind's ForesightNivmagus ElementalNecropolis RegentPalisade GiantLoxodon Smiter
Detention SphereGrave BetrayalAsh ZealotLotleth TrollTemple GardenGrowing RanksSteam VentsSlaughter GamesChaos ImpsMercurial ChemisterTemple Garden
Havoc FestivalGrove of the GuardianCarnival HellsteedSteam VentsVolatile RigArchon of the TriumvirateOvergrown TombCounterfluxRest in PeaceWorldspine WurmCryptborn Horror
Havoc FestivalConjured CurrencyWild BeastmasterWayfaring TempleNiv-Mizzet, DracogeniusBlood CryptChromatic LanternRighteous AuthorityConjured CurrencyLotleth TrollGuild Feud
Corpsejack MenaceVolatile RigRakdos's ReturnUtvara HellkiteLoxodon SmiterGrave BetrayalCollective BlessingMartial LawAzor's ElocutorsMizzium MortarsTrostani, Selesnya's Voice
Pithing NeedleArchon of the TriumvirateMana BloomCarnival HellsteedUnderworld ConnectionsSearch the CityDetention SphereDeath's PresenceHypersonic DragonPrecinct CaptainPalisade Giant
Corpsejack MenaceHallowed FountainJarad's OrdersBlood CryptSlaughter GamesAngel of SerenityJarad, Golgari Lich LordChaos ImpsDesecration DemonIsperia, Supreme JudgeSupreme Verdict
Mana BloomPithing NeedleDreadboreHypersonic DragonJace, Architect of ThoughtGrove of the GuardianFiremind's ForesightDeadbridge GoliathRighteous AuthorityUnderworld ConnectionsJarad's Orders
Chromatic LanternDreadboreGrowing RanksPack RatOvergrown TombAbrupt DecayCounterfluxDeath's PresenceCyclonic RiftVraska the UnseenDeathrite Shaman

[1] A picture of the foil US common sheet was posted in the Uncut Sheet facebook group by James A Burge.

[2] A picture of the foil US uncommon sheet is available from Desert Bus 6.

[3] A video of the foil US rare sheet is available from Desert Bus 6.