Starter 1999 Collation

Starter 1999 (originally simply known as Starter) is a small set with 55 commons, 55 uncommons, 35 rares, and four variations of each standard basic land. There are fewer rares than a normal small set of this era. The set was printed in Belgium.

There are eight additional commons that only appear in preconstructed products. (The collector's numbers of these cards are normal instead of being above the limit like they would be in a modern set.)

Starter 1999 was sold in 15 card booster packs. Booster boxes have 36 packs.

Pack Anatomy

Starter 1999 uses striped collation and 10 × 11 sheets. Packs are back-facing. Each pack has 2 basic lands, 1 rare, 3 uncommons, and 9 commons (in that order).

2 Lands1 Rare3 Uncommons9 Commons

Common Sheet

There is a single 10 × 11 common sheet that contains each common card twice. It has been reconstructed by observing pack openings. The top row presented here is chosen to prevent blue cards for appearing next to each other on the sheet.

Raise DeadNorwood ArchersStone RainIngenious ThiefDevoted HeroHollow DogsSquallGoblin ChariotRemove SoulSteadfastness
Hulking GoblinExtinguishWild GriffinBog RaidersMonstrous GrowthScorching SpearGiant OctopusDevout MonkFeral ShadowLone Wolf
Path of PeaceDakmor ScorpionSouthern ElephantVolcanic HammerCoral EelBorder GuardChorus of WoeNature's LoreGoblin MountaineerSnapping Drake
Grizzly BearsLava AxeWind DrakeFoot SoldiersSerpent WarriorNorwood ArchersStone RainIngenious ThiefVenerable MonkBog Imp
Time EbbDevoted HeroRaise DeadNorwood RangerGoblin CavaliersTouch of BrillianceWild GriffinBog RaidersDurkwood BoarsOgre Warrior
Angelic BlessingHand of DeathScorching SpearGiant OctopusSouthern ElephantSacred NectarMuck RatsRaging GoblinTime EbbSquall
Hollow DogsSleight of HandNature's LoreKnight ErrantTremorMind RotStorm CrowBarbtooth WurmSteadfastnessGoblin Chariot
Gorilla WarriorBorder GuardGoblin MountaineerDakmor ScorpionRemove SoulMonstrous GrowthPath of PeaceGoblin CavaliersHand of DeathCoral Eel
Volcanic HammerFeral ShadowTouch of BrillianceDurkwood BoarsFoot SoldiersHulking GoblinChorus of WoeExtinguishGorilla WarriorSacred Nectar
Wind DrakeNorwood RangerAngelic BlessingLava AxeBog ImpSnapping DrakeGrizzly BearsKnight ErrantOgre WarriorSerpent Warrior
Devout MonkRaging GoblinMuck RatsSleight of HandLone WolfVenerable MonkTremorMind RotStorm CrowBarbtooth Wurm