Scars of Mirrodin Collation

Scars of Mirrodin is a large set with 101 commons, 60 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares, and four variations of each standard basic land. This is the normal size for a large set of this era. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Scars of Mirrodin was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation.

Packs are back-facing and have 10 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, an ad card, and a basic land. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the land, displacing a common.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card1 Foil

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs have 3 A cards, 1-2 B, and 5-6 C. C2 packs have 3-4 A cards, 1-4 B, and 2-6 C.


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Uncommon foils displace A commons. Rare foils displace C1 commons. Common foils can't be fully understood as displacing a common from a particular run. The great majority of common foils appear in C2 packs. In 3 A C2 packs, the number of B cards is reduced to 2 cards, or if the pack would have had only one or two B cards to begin with, it will have 1 B card. In 4 A packs, the number of B cards is reduced to 1 card. In C1 packs, a common foil will simply displace a B card (which can result in a pack with no B card).

Uncommons are printed on one sheet with each card appearing twice (and one filler). This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 33 distinct cards) and a 54-card B run (with 27 distinct cards). Packs can have either 2 A cards followed by 1 B card, or 1 A card followed by 2 B cards. Since the runs are unbalanced, 2 A cards happens 13/20 of the time.

Rares are printed on one sheet with each rare card appearing twice and each mythic rare card appearing once. This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 29 distinct rares and 8 mythics) and a 55-card B run (with 24 distinct rares and 7 mythics).

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Moriok ReaverGhalma's WardenOrigin SpellbombPlated SeastriderTurn to SlagIchorclaw MyrGrasp of DarknessSunspear ShikariVulshok ReplicaBlight MambaAuriok Replica
Plague StingerBlade-Tribe BerserkersIron MyrKemba's SkyguardBonds of QuicksilverGold MyrInstill InfectionCystbearerGlint Hawk IdolFlameborn HellionSylvok Replica
Moriok ReaverSky-Eel SchoolSaberclaw GolemGlint HawkLeaden MyrFume SpitterTel-Jilad FallenAuriok SunchaserIron MyrPlated SeastriderGold Myr
FerrovoreGhalma's WardenSolitonGrasp of DarknessBonds of QuicksilverVulshok ReplicaTurn to SlagSunspear ShikariSaberclaw GolemTel-Jilad FallenIchorclaw Myr
Plague StingerLumengrid DrakeOrigin SpellbombFlameborn HellionKemba's SkyguardSolitonAuriok SunchaserAuriok ReplicaInstill InfectionSky-Eel SchoolSilver Myr
Blade-Tribe BerserkersBlight MambaSylvok ReplicaFume SpitterGlint HawkGlint Hawk IdolLumengrid DrakeFerrovoreSilver MyrCystbearerLeaden Myr

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Carapace ForgerContagious NimStrider HarnessAlpha TyrranaxRevoke ExistenceCopper MyrVulshok HeartstokerNeurok InvisimancerChrome SteedCarapace ForgerCorpse Cur
Scrapdiver SerpentArrestPerilous MyrVulshok HeartstokerVedalken CertarchCopper MyrMolder BeastRevoke ExistenceSylvok LifestaffTel-Jilad DefianceMoriok Replica
Contagious NimGalvanic BlastPerilous MyrBleak Coven VampiresVedalken CertarchStrider HarnessMolder BeastArrestNeurok ReplicaGalvanic BlastChrome Steed
Tel-Jilad DefianceNeurok InvisimancerSylvok LifestaffAlpha TyrranaxShatterMoriok ReplicaScrapdiver SerpentRevoke ExistenceStrider HarnessContagious NimNeurok Replica
ShatterTel-Jilad DefianceCopper MyrScrapdiver SerpentGalvanic BlastMoriok ReplicaBleak Coven VampiresNeurok InvisimancerCorpse CurMolder BeastNeurok Replica
Carapace ForgerVedalken CertarchSylvok LifestaffBleak Coven VampiresShatterPerilous MyrAlpha TyrranaxVulshok HeartstokerCorpse CurArrestChrome Steed

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Golem Foundry, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Copperhorn ScoutBlackcleave GoblinNecrogen CenserMelt TerrainLoxodon WayfarerGolem FoundryBlunt the AssaultVault SkywardSnapsail GliderBlackcleave GoblinEcho Circlet
Assault StrobeSoul ParryFlight SpellbombEzuri's ArchersSteady ProgressNihil SpellbombDross HopperMelt TerrainEcho CircletStoic RebuttalLoxodon Wayfarer
Wing PunctureSteady ProgressHorizon SpellbombGlimmerpostGoblin GaveleerNecrogen CenserDisperseFulgent DistractionDross HopperCopperhorn ScoutNihil Spellbomb
GlimmerpostKuldotha RebirthVector AspVault SkywardSoul ParryPanic SpellbombEzuri's ArchersRelic PutrescenceHorizon SpellbombAssault StrobeVector Asp
Wing PunctureGoblin GaveleerSnapsail GliderStoic RebuttalRelic PutrescenceFlight SpellbombBlunt the AssaultFulgent DistractionKuldotha RebirthDispersePanic Spellbomb

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Golem Foundry, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Razorfield ThresherBlistergrubWhitesun's PassageScoria ElementalAccorder's ShieldSalvage ScoutBladed PinionsSeize the InitiativePsychic MiasmaTurn AsideUntamed Might
Wall of TanglecordGolden UrnBlistergrubAccorder's ShieldTainted StrikeSeize the InitiativeUntamed MightBladed PinionsOxidda DaredevilGolden UrnGolem Foundry
Tainted StrikeTurn AsideSeize the InitiativeWithstand DeathWall of TanglecordWhitesun's PassageTumble MagnetScreeching SilcawOxidda DaredevilPsychic MiasmaRazorfield Thresher
Bladed PinionsScoria ElementalUntamed MightScreeching SilcawTainted StrikeTumble MagnetSalvage ScoutRazorfield ThresherGolden UrnWithstand DeathScreeching Silcaw
BlistergrubOxidda DaredevilSalvage ScoutWall of TanglecordAccorder's ShieldWhitesun's PassageTurn AsideScoria ElementalWithstand DeathPsychic MiasmaTumble Magnet

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

SkinrenderAcid Web SpiderLiquimetal CoatingFurnace CelebrationThrummingbirdNecropedeOxidda ScrapmelterViridian RevelTrigon of ThoughtAuriok EdgewrightTrigon of Infestation
Necrogen ScudderInfiltration LensSlice in TwainVolition ReinsGolem ArtisanBloodshot TraineeGolem's HeartNecrogen ScudderTrigon of RageVigil for the LostDarksteel Axe
Flesh AllergyHeavy ArbalestLifesmithThrummingbirdGolem's HeartExsanguinateArc TrailAuriok EdgewrightNecropedeVigil for the LostClone Shell
Flesh AllergyTwisted ImageTrigon of CorruptionFurnace CelebrationTrigon of RageLifesmithTrigon of InfestationDarkslick DrakeInfiltration LensRazor HippogriffBarbed Battlegear
ExsanguinateAbuna AcolyteLiquimetal CoatingBloodshot TraineeDarkslick DrakeTrigon of ThoughtArc TrailAcid Web SpiderBarbed BattlegearAbuna AcolyteDarksteel Axe
SkinrenderSlice in TwainGolem ArtisanOxidda ScrapmelterVolition ReinsTrigon of CorruptionRazor HippogriffViridian RevelHeavy ArbalestTwisted ImageClone Shell

The B uncommon run also consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Corrupted HarvesterDarksteel MyrCarrion CallGlimmerpoint StagThrone of GethRiddlesmithContagion ClaspCorrupted HarvesterRust TickBarrage OgreMemnite
Tangle AnglerTrinket MageRusted RelicDispense JusticeGlimmerpoint StagDarksteel SentinelCulling DaisIchor RatsOgre GeargrabberDarksteel MyrHalt Order
MyrsmithThrone of GethMemniteEmbersmithCarrion CallRust TickRiddlesmithPainsmithMyr GalvanizerTrigon of MendingBarrage Ogre
Bellowing TanglewurmPalladium MyrHalt OrderGrafted ExoskeletonMyrsmithContagion ClaspIchor RatsDarksteel SentinelBellowing TanglewurmMyr GalvanizerEmbersmith
Culling DaisDispense JusticePainsmithRusted RelicTangle AnglerPalladium MyrOgre GeargrabberTrigon of MendingTrinket MageGrafted Exoskeleton

Rare Runs[1]

The A rare run consists of 29 rares each appearing twice and 8 mythic rares. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Myr BattlesphereKuldotha PhoenixEzuri, Renegade LeaderSemblance AnvilMolten-Tail MasticoreHand of the PraetorsGenesis WaveLeonin ArbiterSteel HellkiteDarkslick ShoresVenser's Journal
Shape AnewWurmcoil EngineKuldotha PhoenixEzuri's BrigadeMemoricideTower of CalamitiesSunblast AngelMyr ReservoirSeachrome CoastLux CannonArgent Sphinx
Painful QuandaryPrecursor GolemGrand ArchitectMolten PsycheSteel HellkiteTrue ConvictionMox OpalBlackcleave CliffsMyr PropagatorGenesis WaveHoard-Smelter Dragon
Semblance AnvilSunblast AngelMyr BattlesphereShape AnewGeth, Lord of the VaultNim DeathmantleSeachrome CoastTower of CalamitiesEzuri, Renegade LeaderContagion EngineArgent Sphinx
MemoricidePrecursor GolemLeonin ArbiterVenser, the SojournerGrindclockHoard-Smelter DragonMyr ReservoirBlackcleave CliffsVenser's JournalTrue ConvictionQuicksilver Gargantuan
Nim DeathmantleHand of the PraetorsMyr PropagatorEzuri's BrigadeMolten PsycheContagion EnginePainful QuandaryIndomitable ArchangelDarkslick ShoresGrindclockGrand Architect

The B rare run consists of 24 rares each appearing twice and 7 mythic rares. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Etched ChampionSpikeshot ElderCopperline GorgePlatinum EmperionTempered SteelLivewire LashEngulfing SlagwurmTunnel IgnusMimic VatNecrotic OozeKuldotha Forgemaster
Razorverge ThicketChimeric MassSword of Body and MindInexorable TideDarksteel JuggernautCerebral EruptionPutrefaxEngulfing SlagwurmKemba, Kha RegentPrototype PortalMindslaver
Necrotic OozeDissipation FieldArgentum ArmorTunnel IgnusLiege of the TangleDarksteel JuggernautTempered SteelRatchet BombCopperline GorgeChimeric MassCarnifex Demon
Etched ChampionStrata ScytheElspeth TirelRazorverge ThicketSpikeshot ElderAsceticismArgentum ArmorPutrefaxMimic VatInexorable TideKuldotha Forgemaster
Koth of the HammerPrototype PortalLivewire LashCarnifex DemonKemba, Kha RegentCerebral EruptionStrata ScytheSkithiryx, the Blight DragonAsceticismRatchet BombDissipation Field

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Scars of Mirrodin have a token or tip on the front face. They are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Infect Tip CardPoison and Emblems Tip CardInsectWolfGolemGoblinMetalcraft Tip CardMyrPoison CounterProliferate Tip CardMyr
Poison CounterPoison and Emblems Tip CardCatInsectGolemGoblinPoison CounterSoldierWolfMyrPoison Counter
Imprint Tip CardMetalcraft Tip CardMyrPoison CounterWurm (9)Proliferate Tip CardInsectMyrInsectPoison CounterPoison and Emblems Tip Card
InsectSoldierInfect Tip CardImprint Tip CardPoison CounterProliferate Tip CardPoison CounterWurm (8)Poison CounterGoblinInsect
CatGolemMetalcraft Tip CardMyrGolemProliferate Tip CardInfect Tip CardPoison CounterMetalcraft Tip CardMyrWolf
Imprint Tip CardPoison CounterProliferate Tip CardPoison and Emblems Tip CardPoison CounterMetalcraft Tip CardPoison CounterGoblinSoldierMyrGolem
CatPoison CounterInfect Tip CardMyrPoison and Emblems Tip CardInsectPoison CounterImprint Tip CardSoldierPoison CounterCat
Metalcraft Tip CardInsectMyrPoison CounterProliferate Tip CardPoison CounterInfect Tip CardMyrSoldierGoblinPoison Counter
InsectWolfPoison CounterMetalcraft Tip CardImprint Tip CardMyrGoblinSoldierGolemMyrInfect Tip Card
Poison CounterCatGolemMyrPoison CounterMyrGoblinSoldierGoblinPoison CounterImprint Tip Card
Infect Tip CardPoison CounterGolemInsectProliferate Tip CardWolfPoison and Emblems Tip CardImprint Tip CardPoison and Emblems Tip CardSoldierPoison Counter

Token Rarity
Wurm (8)Wurm × 1Wurm (9)Wurm × 1CatCat × 5
WolfWolf × 5Imprint Tip CardImprint Tip Card × 7Infect Tip CardInfect Tip Card × 7
Metalcraft Tip CardMetalcraft Tip Card × 7Poison and Emblems Tip CardPoison and Emblems Tip Card × 7Proliferate Tip CardProliferate Tip Card × 7
GoblinGoblin × 8GolemGolem × 8SoldierSoldier × 8
InsectInsect × 10MyrMyr × 15Poison CounterPoison Counter × 25

Foil Rare Sheet

There is a picture of the foil rare sheet available. [2] Each rare card appears twice, and each mythic rare card appears once.

Necrotic OozeSpikeshot ElderStrata ScytheSteel HellkiteGenesis WaveTrue ConvictionPrototype PortalQuicksilver GargantuanMemoricideTempered SteelRatchet Bomb
Semblance AnvilEzuri, Renegade LeaderCarnifex DemonMindslaverBlackcleave CliffsKuldotha ForgemasterEngulfing SlagwurmArgentum ArmorCopperline GorgeGrindclockNecrotic Ooze
Kuldotha PhoenixLeonin ArbiterTower of CalamitiesHoard-Smelter DragonInexorable TideHand of the PraetorsVenser's JournalTunnel IgnusWurmcoil EngineSunblast AngelCerebral Eruption
Genesis WaveMolten-Tail MasticoreGrand ArchitectMyr PropagatorLux CannonRazorverge ThicketKemba, Kha RegentSteel HellkiteShape AnewAsceticismMimic Vat
Myr BattlesphereSeachrome CoastPainful QuandaryPrecursor GolemPutrefaxMox OpalSpikeshot ElderDarksteel JuggernautSeachrome CoastContagion EngineHand of the Praetors
Venser, the SojournerEtched ChampionEzuri's BrigadeTunnel IgnusStrata ScytheCarnifex DemonLivewire LashEzuri, Renegade LeaderMemoricideKoth of the HammerRatchet Bomb
Semblance AnvilArgent SphinxArgentum ArmorDarkslick ShoresDissipation FieldMyr ReservoirGrand ArchitectPrecursor GolemIndomitable ArchangelVenser's JournalBlackcleave Cliffs
Prototype PortalLeonin ArbiterSkithiryx, the Blight DragonGrindclockHoard-Smelter DragonLiege of the TangleTower of CalamitiesKuldotha PhoenixKuldotha ForgemasterSunblast AngelInexorable Tide
Engulfing SlagwurmLivewire LashAsceticismNim DeathmantleTempered SteelMyr PropagatorRazorverge ThicketPainful QuandaryMyr BattlespherePutrefaxMyr Reservoir
True ConvictionMolten PsycheContagion EngineGeth, Lord of the VaultKemba, Kha RegentEtched ChampionArgent SphinxDarksteel JuggernautMolten PsycheDissipation FieldSword of Body and Mind
Platinum EmperionChimeric MassCopperline GorgeShape AnewMimic VatCerebral EruptionElspeth TirelNim DeathmantleEzuri's BrigadeChimeric MassDarkslick Shores

[1] The rare runs for US Scars of Mirrodin were originally published by Ross Edwards in The Card Wizard's Black Book: Second Edition. They were also separately decoded in the MTG Salvation box mapping thread by jarsyl using community-provided data.

[2] A picture of the foil US rare sheet was posted in the Uncut Sheet facebook group by Hank Arendall.