Theros Collation

Theros is a large set with 101 commons, 60 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares, and four variations of each standard basic land. This is the normal size for a large set of this era. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Theros was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation.

Packs are back-facing and have 10 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, a basic land, and an ad card. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the rare, displacing a common.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs have 2-3 A cards, 2 B, and 4-5 C. C2 packs have 4 A cards, 2 or 4 B, and 2 or 4 C.


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Common foils displace A commons and only appear in C1 packs. Uncommon foils displace B commons. Rare foils displace C2 commons.

Uncommons are printed on one sheet with each card appearing twice (and one filler). This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 33 distinct cards) and a 54-card B run (with 27 distinct cards). Packs can have either 2 A cards followed by 1 B card, or 1 A card followed by 2 B cards. Since the runs are unbalanced, 2 A cards should mathematically happen 13/20 of the time.

Common Runs [1]

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Fleshmad SteedCavalry PegasusNylea's DiscipleStymied HopesNessian CourserLash of the WhipMinotaur SkullcleaverChosen by HeliodMnemonic WallViper's KissLightning Strike
Pheres-Band CentaursDivine VerdictGuardians of MeletisPrescient ChimeraDemolishLeafcrown DryadGods WillingNessian CourserMarch of the ReturnedDragon MantleNessian Asp
Bronze SableEphara's WardenSip of HemlockStymied HopesIll-Tempered CyclopsLeafcrown DryadChosen by HeliodPheres-Band CentaursNylea's PresenceMinotaur SkullcleaverNimbus Naiad
Battlewise ValorNessian AspViper's KissDragon MantleOmenspeakerGray Merchant of AsphodelDivine VerdictSip of HemlockBronze SableMessenger's SpeedMnemonic Wall
Cavalry PegasusLoathsome CatoblepasNylea's PresenceFleetfeather SandalsDemolishEphara's WardenFleshmad SteedNimbus NaiadNylea's DiscipleLash of the WhipMessenger's Speed
Gods WillingGray Merchant of AsphodelPrescient ChimeraFleetfeather SandalsIll-Tempered CyclopsGuardians of MeletisBattlewise ValorLoathsome CatoblepasOmenspeakerMarch of the ReturnedLightning Strike

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Shredding WindsBoon of ErebosVaporkinSetessan Battle PriestTraveler's AmuletBoulderfallSavage SurgeDisciple of PhenaxRay of DissolutionWavecrash TritonOpaline Unicorn
Staunch-Hearted WarriorBorderland MinotaurScholar of AthreosTriton ShorethiefCavern LampadSedge ScorpionFelhide MinotaurVoyage's EndSetessan Battle PriestDeathbellow RaiderSavage Surge
Setessan GriffinDisciple of PhenaxWavecrash TritonTraveler's AmuletShredding WindsBoulderfallSetessan Battle PriestTriton ShorethiefVoyage's EndStaunch-Hearted WarriorBoon of Erebos
Akroan CrusaderSetessan GriffinVaporkinFelhide MinotaurShredding WindsDeathbellow RaiderOpaline UnicornRay of DissolutionWavecrash TritonCavern LampadBoulderfall
Sedge ScorpionScholar of AthreosDisciple of PhenaxVoyage's EndAkroan CrusaderSavage SurgeOpaline UnicornRay of DissolutionVaporkinDeathbellow RaiderBorderland Minotaur
Boon of ErebosSedge ScorpionSetessan GriffinTriton ShorethiefTraveler's AmuletAkroan CrusaderCavern LampadStaunch-Hearted WarriorScholar of AthreosFelhide MinotaurBorderland Minotaur

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Unknown Shores, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Commune with the GodsReturned PhalanxLagonna-Band ElderLost in a LabyrinthPharika's CureRage of PurphorosFeral InvocationReturned CentaurHopeful EidolonFate ForetoldPortent of Betrayal
Observant AlseidDefend the HearthAgent of HorizonsCrackling TritonSpark JoltLast BreathScourgemarkGriptideSatyr HedonistSatyr RamblerLeonin Snarecaster
Feral InvocationFate ForetoldThassa's BountyLagonna-Band ElderPriest of IroasFade into AntiquityReturned CentaurGriptideCommune with the GodsHopeful EidolonSpark Jolt
Returned PhalanxCoastline ChimeraPharika's CureDefend the HearthLeonin SnarecasterPriest of IroasRead the BonesThassa's BountyLost in a LabyrinthAgent of HorizonsFade into Antiquity
Satyr RamblerObservant AlseidScourgemarkCoastline ChimeraRage of PurphorosSatyr HedonistRead the BonesLast BreathUnknown ShoresCrackling TritonPortent of Betrayal

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Unknown Shores, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Unknown ShoresAqueous FormAsphodel WandererWingsteed RiderTwo-Headed CerberusVulpine GoliathAnnulTitan's StrengthYoked OxVoyaging SatyrWild Celebrants
Benthic GiantTime to FeedBaleful EidolonTraveling PhilosopherTwo-Headed CerberusAqueous FormSilent ArtisanBlood-Toll HarpyWingsteed RiderSpearpoint OreadBreaching Hippocamp
Vulpine GoliathAsphodel WandererVoyaging SatyrTitan's StrengthBaleful EidolonBenthic GiantAnnulTraveling PhilosopherWild CelebrantsSilent ArtisanTime to Feed
Blood-Toll HarpyBreaching HippocampAqueous FormSpearpoint OreadVulpine GoliathYoked OxBaleful EidolonAnnulWingsteed RiderWild CelebrantsTwo-Headed Cerberus
Time to FeedAsphodel WandererBreaching HippocampSilent ArtisanTitan's StrengthTraveling PhilosopherYoked OxBlood-Toll HarpyBenthic GiantVoyaging SatyrSpearpoint Oread

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Mogis's MarauderHorizon ChimeraOrdeal of HeliodCentaur BattlemasterStoneshock GiantSea God's RevengeTormented HeroBattlewise HopliteVanquish the FoulKarametra's AcolytePurphoros's Emissary
Ordeal of ErebosKragma WarcallerDissolveBurnished HartOrdeal of HeliodHunt the HunterKeepsake GorgonBattlewise HopliteGainsayStoneshock GiantGlare of Heresy
Destructive RevelryArtisan's SorrowMogis's MarauderHorizon ScholarAnvilwrought RaptorVanquish the FoulAkroan HopliteOrdeal of PurphorosOrdeal of ThassaNemesis of MortalsOrdeal of Erebos
Horizon ChimeraHeliod's EmissarySea God's RevengeMagma JetAnvilwrought RaptorCentaur BattlemasterKeepsake GorgonChronicler of HeroesDissolvePeak EruptionGlare of Heresy
Nemesis of MortalsBurnished HartAkroan HopliteRescue from the UnderworldPurphoros's EmissaryHunt the HunterDestructive RevelryPhalanx LeaderOrdeal of PurphorosTormented HeroHorizon Scholar
Chronicler of HeroesArtisan's SorrowHeliod's EmissaryMagma JetRescue from the UnderworldGainsayKragma WarcallerKarametra's AcolytePhalanx LeaderPeak EruptionOrdeal of Thassa

The B uncommon run also consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Decorated GriffinFlamespeaker AdeptWitches' EyeTriton TacticsInsatiable HarpyNylea's EmissaryFavored HopliteCoordinated AssaultShipwreck SingerSentry of the UnderworldDark Betrayal
Sealock MonsterEvangel of HeliodFanatic of MogisProwler's HelmErebos's EmissaryTriton Fortune HunterWarriors' LessonPharika's MenderDauntless OnslaughtFlamespeaker AdeptSpellheart Chimera
Triton TacticsSentry of the UnderworldCutthroat ManeuverDecorated GriffinFanatic of MogisOrdeal of NyleaThassa's EmissaryFlamecast WheelErebos's EmissaryPharika's MenderNylea's Emissary
Dauntless OnslaughtWitches' EyeInsatiable HarpyArena AthleteSealock MonsterOrdeal of NyleaProwler's HelmFavored HopliteDark BetrayalSatyr PiperThassa's Emissary
Coordinated AssaultSpellheart ChimeraEvangel of HeliodFlamecast WheelShipwreck SingerTriton Fortune HunterArena AthleteWarriors' LessonCutthroat ManeuverSatyr Piper

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Theros have a token, tip, or emblem on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for Magic 2014 on the front face. (The front has an PEGI rating and the back has ESRB, so I'm not aware of any region differences.) They are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Bestow Tip CardElementalHarpyDuels 2014 Ad CardBirdSoldier (7)Soldier (2)Gods Tip CardHeroic Tip CardSoldier (7)Soldier (3)
ElementalHeroic Tip CardXenagos Tip CardDuels 2014 Ad CardMonstrosity Tip CardHarpyEnchantment Creatures Tip CardBoarSoldier (7)Elspeth Tip CardBestow Tip Card
Soldier (3)HarpyGods Tip CardDuels 2014 Ad CardSoldier (2)GolemHarpySoldier (7)Monstrosity Tip CardCommander Tip CardEnchantment Creatures Tip Card
Elspeth Tip CardSoldier (3)Xenagos Tip CardDuels 2014 Ad CardEnchantment Creatures Tip CardBestow Tip CardSoldier (7)Gods Tip CardLegendary Permanents Tip CardSoldier (3)Soldier (2)
Bestow Tip CardBoarSoldier (3)Duels 2014 Ad CardHeroic Tip CardMonstrosity Tip CardGolemCommander Tip CardSoldier (3)HarpySoldier (7)
Xenagos Tip CardSatyrSoldier (3)Duels 2014 Ad CardHarpyBoarMonstrosity Tip CardSoldier (3)Commander Tip CardBirdSoldier (2)
Soldier (7)Bestow Tip CardGods Tip CardDuels 2014 Ad CardHeroic Tip CardSoldier (3)Legendary Permanents Tip CardSoldier (7)GolemEnchantment Creatures Tip CardMonstrosity Tip Card
Xenagos Tip CardSoldier (7)Commander Tip CardLegendary Permanents Tip CardBoarElspeth Tip CardSoldier (3)Soldier (2)Gods Tip CardElementalSatyr
HarpySoldier (3)Soldier (7)Duels 2014 Ad CardLegendary Permanents Tip CardEnchantment Creatures Tip CardHeroic Tip CardSoldier (3)BoarBestow Tip CardElspeth Tip Card
Commander Tip CardMonstrosity Tip CardSoldier (2)Duels 2014 Ad CardSoldier (7)Elspeth, Sun's Champion EmblemGods Tip CardGolemSoldier (3)Heroic Tip CardHarpy
Xenagos Tip CardEnchantment Creatures Tip CardClericDuels 2014 Ad CardSoldier (3)Soldier (7)BoarElspeth Tip CardLegendary Permanents Tip CardSoldier (3)Golem

Token Rarity
ClericCleric × 1Elspeth, Sun's Champion EmblemElspeth, Sun's Champion Emblem × 1BirdBird × 2
SatyrSatyr × 2ElementalElemental × 3Commander Tip CardCommander Tip Card × 5
Elspeth Tip CardElspeth Tip Card × 5GolemGolem × 5Legendary Permanents Tip CardLegendary Permanents Tip Card × 5
Xenagos Tip CardXenagos Tip Card × 5Bestow Tip CardBestow Tip Card × 6BoarBoar × 6
Enchantment Creatures Tip CardEnchantment Creatures Tip Card × 6Gods Tip CardGods Tip Card × 6Heroic Tip CardHeroic Tip Card × 6
Monstrosity Tip CardMonstrosity Tip Card × 6Soldier (2)Soldier × 6HarpyHarpy × 8
Duels 2014 Ad CardDuels 2014 Ad Card × 10Soldier (7)Soldier × 12Soldier (3)Soldier × 15

Foil Common Sheet

There was a picture of the foil common sheet available. [2] Each common card and each basic land variation appears once.

Sedge ScorpionBoon of ErebosPortent of BetrayalNimbus NaiadIsland (234)Cavalry PegasusTime to FeedLoathsome CatoblepasTriton ShorethiefRage of PurphorosMountain (243)
Silent ArtisanIsland (235)Nylea's DiscipleVaporkinPriest of IroasFleshmad SteedBattlewise ValorSwamp (240)Bronze SableFate ForetoldBorderland Minotaur
Disciple of PhenaxAgent of HorizonsGods WillingForest (246)Messenger's SpeedMnemonic WallTraveler's AmuletAsphodel WandererDefend the HearthWingsteed RiderDemolish
Aqueous FormFleetfeather SandalsDivine VerdictSatyr HedonistReturned PhalanxTitan's StrengthMountain (245)Benthic GiantShredding WindsLeonin SnarecasterSip of Hemlock
BoulderfallMountain (244)Fade into AntiquityLost in a LabyrinthObservant AlseidBlood-Toll HarpyAkroan CrusaderUnknown ShoresPheres-Band CentaursRay of DissolutionScourgemark
Prescient ChimeraWild CelebrantsCommune with the GodsSwamp (238)Setessan GriffinPharika's CureWavecrash TritonOpaline UnicornFeral InvocationSpearpoint OreadSetessan Battle Priest
Read the BonesGriptideStaunch-Hearted WarriorPlains (231)Lightning StrikeScholar of AthreosViper's KissVoyage's EndNylea's PresenceMountain (242)Deathbellow Raider
Island (236)Returned CentaurThassa's BountyLast BreathLeafcrown DryadForest (249)Two-Headed CerberusMarch of the ReturnedOmenspeakerLagonna-Band ElderNessian Asp
Coastline ChimeraIll-Tempered CyclopsFelhide MinotaurSwamp (241)Ephara's WardenNessian CourserStymied HopesSatyr RamblerCavern LampadSwamp (239)Hopeful Eidolon
Voyaging SatyrPlains (232)Minotaur SkullcleaverAnnulIsland (237)Lash of the WhipVulpine GoliathTraveling PhilosopherSpark JoltForest (247)Breaching Hippocamp
Baleful EidolonSavage SurgeChosen by HeliodDragon MantlePlains (233)Plains (230)Gray Merchant of AsphodelCrackling TritonForest (248)Guardians of MeletisYoked Ox

[1] The common runs for US Theros were originally posted by Medussa on the MTG Salvation forums.

[2] A picture of the foil US common sheet was available in the collection of Casey Petrillo. (This collection is no longer publicly accessible.)