Double Masters 2022 is a large set with 92 commons, 80 uncommons, 120 rares and 40 mythic rares. Like the original Double Masters, there are more rares and fewer commons compared to a normal set.
Draft boosters of Double Masters 2022 have 16 cards (and an additional ad card). Draft booster boxes have 24 packs. Each draft booster has two foil cards. Draft boosters are printed in Japan.
This printing uses sequential collation.
Packs are front-facing starting with the ad or placeholder card, then every pack has a copy of Cryptic Spires, then 2 foils, 2 rares, 3 uncommons, and 8 commons.
1 Ad or Placeholder Card | Cryptic Spires | 2 Foils | 2 Rares | 3 Uncommons | 8 Commons |
There are three common runs: A, B, and C. A contains 18 different cards, B contains 36 different cards, and C contains 37 different cards. Each pack gets 1 to 2 cards from A followed by 3 to 4 cards from B and 3 to 4 cards from C. Mathematically, assuming commons from different runs have equal rarity, 2 A cards should appear 53/91 of the time, 4 B cards should appear 15/91 of the time, and 4 C cards should appear 23/91 of the time. (These rates are empirically plausible.) Commons with borderless treatments appear in B or C wherein one of three copies is the borderless version.
There are three uncommon runs, A, B, and C. A containts 18 different cards, B contains 26 different cards, and C contains 36 different cards. Each pack gets 0 to 1 cards from A followed by 0 to 1 cards from B and 1 to 2 cards from C. Mathematically, assuming uncommons from different runs have equal rarity, 0 A cards should appear 13/40 of the time, 0 B cards should appear 1/40 of the time, and 1 C card should appear 13/20 of the time. (These rates are empirically plausible.) Uncommons with borderless treatments appear in A or C wherein one third of the copies are the borderless versions.
There are four high as-fan rare runs. In order of decreasing rarity, I'll call them A, B, C, and D. A contains 6 rare cards and 16 mythic rare cards (which do not have borderless versions). B contains 18 rare cards and 20 mythic rare cards (which have borderless versions). C contains 28 rare cards (which do not have borderless versions). D contains 56 rare cards (which do not have borderless versions). The remaining cards are 12 rare cards (which have borderless versions), 4 mythic rare cards (which do not have borderless versions), and all the borderless cards.
Counting borderless versions as additional copies of the normal card, each rare card is equally rare and each mythic card appears half as often as an individual rare card. This means the mythic rate is 1/7. For a rare or mythic card with a borderless versions, 1/5 of the overall copies are the borderless version (but the borderless and normal versions are in different runs).
Only certain combinations of rare runs are possible. 30% of packs are C and D, 24% of packs are B and D, 18% of packs are A and D. (In these packs, the D card is always second.) In the remaining packs, the first card is one of the extra cards (not from A, B, C, or D; possibly a borderless card). 8% of packs have an extra card and a D card, 10% of packs have an extra card and a C card, 8% of packs have an extra card and a B card, and 2% of packs have an extra card and an A card.
There are two common foil runs. The A run contains 37 different cards and the B run contains the remaining 54 cards. All the commons with borderless versions are in the A run, and 1/3 of the copies of the card are the borderless versions (which appear in the run).
There are probably three uncommon foil runs. The A run contains the 21 cards that have borderless versions, and their borderless versions appear in the run where 1/3 of the copies are the borderless versions. The B run contains 56 cards. These leaves 3 cards that aren't in either of these runs (Dragon Arch, Firemind Vessel, and Livewire Lash).
In my sample of 1440 packs (60 boxes), there are 2063 commons, 677 uncommons, and 140 rares and mythic rares. Of the rares, 87 are normal rares, 27 are borderless rares, 17 mythic rares, and 9 are borderless mythic rares. This implies the rarities of individual borderless rare and mythic rare cards are on the same order as their normal versions. (This is different that what happens at lower rarities and also different than what happens for non-foil cards.)
The two foils are always from different runs. The order of runs as far as I've observed are borderless rares and mythic rares, normal rares and mythic rares, A uncommons, B uncommons, A commons, then B commons. The only double rare packs I've observed are thus a borderless rare followed by a normal rare. For the extra three uncommons, I haven't seen these in the same pack as other uncommons, but they appear after rares and before commons. It is possible to get two commons (A followed by B), or two uncommons (A followed by B). Rares can be followed by A commons, B common, A uncommons, B uncommons, or the extra uncommons. My sample of borderless rares is relatively small, but I've seen them followed by normal rares, A commons, and B commons; (but not by uncommons).
Note that Cryptic Spires does not have a foil version.
The A common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing six times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.
The B common run consists of 36 different cards each appearing three times. For cards with borderless treatments, one of the copies is the borderless version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.
The C common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times. For cards with borderless treatments, one of the copies is the borderless version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.
The A uncommon run consists of 18 different cards each appearing six times. One card, Inquisition of Kozilek, has a borderless treatment; two of its six copies are borderless. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.
The B uncommon run consists of 26 different cards each appearing four times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.
The C uncommon run consists of 36 different cards each appearing three times. For cards with borderless treatments, one of the copies is the borderless version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.
All of the marketing cards in this set have a token or emblem on the front face. The back faces also have tokens, but I don't have much information about the back faces. The cards are printed in a 112 card run with items appearing different numbers of times.
Token Rarity | ||
Liliana, the Last Hope Emblem × 1 | Wrenn and Six Emblem × 1 | Cat Dragon × 6 |
Drake × 6 | Worm × 6 | Egg × 8 |
Faerie Rogue × 8 | Spider × 8 | Bear × 10 |
Elemental × 10 | Boar × 15 | Saproling × 15 |
Zombie × 18 |
The A foil common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times. For cards with borderless treatments, one of the three copies is the borderless version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.
The B foil common run consists of 54 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.
The B foil uncommon run consists of 56 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.