Double Masters Collation

Double Masters is a large set with 91 commons, 80 uncommons, 121 rares, and 40 mythic rares. Compared to normal large sets of this era, there are fewer commons, but more rares and mythic rares. Every pack contains two foil cards. The set was printed in the USA and Belgium.

Double Masters was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 24 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

Double Masters uses sequential collation with 121 card sheets. Maybe this isn't the usual US printer as the pack facing is reversed, there are difference in box collation, and printing irregularities don't seem to follow the usual profile.

Packs are front-facing with 8 commons, 3 uncommons, 2 rares, and 2 foils followed by an ad card.

8 Commons3 Uncommons2 Rares2 Foils1 Ad Card

There are 3 common runs: A, B, and C. Each of A and B contains 40 distinct cards repeated 3 times. C contains the remaining 11 cards each repeated 11 times. Packs are either 4+3+1, 3+4+1, or 4+4+0. The first two types of packs are equally likely. Packs without a C card are rare; mathematically, they should appear 3/91 of the time.


There are two uncommon runs, A and B, each with 40 different cards appearing three times each. Half of packs have two A cards followed by a B, and half have one A card followed by two B cards. For cards that have showcase variants, one of the copies on the sheet is the showcase variant.

There are five rare runs. Two runs appear in the first rare slot and the other three appear in the second slot. In the first rare slot, one run is fed by a sheet with 50 rares each appearing twice plus 20 mythic rares. The other run has 11 rares (probably each appearing 11 times on its own sheet). In the second slot, there the first two runs (probably on the same sheet) have 33 rares each appearing twice and 27 rares each appearing twice. The third run has the remaining 20 mythics. The slight imbalance between the two slots should create a small rarity distortion. (I am pretty confident there is no "cross-over" card to even out the slots even though there is space on the sheets.)

There are three common foil sheets (mirroring the non-foil common sheets, but with different cards on each sheet), two uncommon sheets (again mirroring the non-foil uncommon sheets, but with different cards), a rare sheet, and a mythic sheet. The two foil cards will be from different sheets, always appearing in the same order (common A before common B before common C before uncommon A, etc). (This implies it is impossible to get two rares or two mythics, but it is possible to get a rare and a mythic, which I have observed. The other cases would have low as-fan so it's possible I simply haven't observed them, but it would violate this is rule which is pretty clearly true for all other slots.) All combinations have been observed except that I've only observed mythics with rares or B uncommons. (Possibly the missing combinations are due to low as-fan.) Counting the two slots together, my empirically observed rarity rates are 1108/1534 common, 350/1534 uncommon, 69/1534 rare, and 7/1534 mythic. The sheet arrangements appear to be shared with the VIP edition.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. The cards are mostly black, green, and red with no blue cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Conclave NaturalistsSupernatural StaminaTemur Battle RageCast DownDarksteel AxeElvish AberrationAbradeTwisted AbominationDeath-Hood CobraSanctum GargoyleSalivating Gremlins
Silumgar ScavengerCrushing VinesLightning AxeBloodbriarBone PickerSkinbrand GoblinAncient StirringsRapacious DragonDire Fleet HoarderWhisperer of the WildsTumble Magnet
DivestKazuul's Toll CollectorKozilek's PredatorGlaze FiendGoblin GaveleerRevoke ExistenceMight of the MassesDriver of the DeadOrcish VandalElvish AberrationDefiant Salvager
Clear ShotBattle-Rattle ShamanFierce EmpathExecutioner's CapsuleCathartic ReunionBloodbriarCast DownWeapon SurgeSylvan MightDarksteel AxeTemur Battle Rage
Twisted AbominationConclave NaturalistsSalivating GremlinsHeartless PillageAbradeSupernatural StaminaAncient StirringsBone PickerLightning AxeGlaze FiendCrushing Vines
Skinbrand GoblinDivestRapacious DragonSilumgar ScavengerDeath-Hood CobraTumble MagnetDire Fleet HoarderGoblin GaveleerKozilek's PredatorTwisted AbominationKazuul's Toll Collector
Sanctum GargoyleWhisperer of the WildsDefiant SalvagerOrcish VandalMight of the MassesDriver of the DeadClear ShotWeapon SurgeHeartless PillageDarksteel AxeTemur Battle Rage
Elvish AberrationExecutioner's CapsuleBattle-Rattle ShamanRevoke ExistenceConclave NaturalistsSupernatural StaminaCathartic ReunionCast DownFierce EmpathSkinbrand GoblinCrushing Vines
DivestDeath-Hood CobraAbradeDire Fleet HoarderBloodbriarTumble MagnetSilumgar ScavengerLightning AxeKozilek's PredatorGlaze FiendGoblin Gaveleer
Sanctum GargoyleAncient StirringsDefiant SalvagerRapacious DragonSylvan MightKazuul's Toll CollectorBone PickerSalivating GremlinsWhisperer of the WildsRevoke ExistenceWeapon Surge
Heartless PillageClear ShotMight of the MassesDriver of the DeadOrcish VandalFierce EmpathBattle-Rattle ShamanExecutioner's CapsuleSylvan MightCathartic Reunion

The B common run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. The cards are mostly blue and colorless. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Eager ConstructSteel SabotageGolem-Skin GauntletsVulshok GauntletsCloudreader SphinxCostly PlunderIchor WellspringParasitic StrixSkinwingUrza's TowerSurge Node
Relic RunnerExpedition MapIron League SteedCorridor MonitorAccomplished AutomatonIron BullyFaerie MechanistGleaming BarrierFlayer HuskBrainstormPyrite Spellbomb
CathodionVedalken InfuserChatter of the SquirrelMyr RetrieverMetallic RebukeUrza's Power PlantPeace StriderFrogifyEverflowing ChaliceUrza's MineEager Construct
SiftChromatic StarUrza's TowerCloudreader SphinxSickleslicerSkinwingArgivian RestorationBalduvian RageMetalspinner's PuzzleknotApprentice WizardVulshok Gauntlets
Magnifying GlassRelic RunnerSurge NodeGleaming BarrierFaerie MechanistCostly PlunderAccomplished AutomatonParasitic StrixFlayer HuskGolem-Skin GauntletsCorridor Monitor
Ichor WellspringPyrite SpellbombBrainstormCathodionUrza's Power PlantSteel SabotageIron League SteedExpedition MapFrogifyIron BullyEverflowing Chalice
Apprentice WizardChatter of the SquirrelSickleslicerBalduvian RageSiftMyr RetrieverMetalspinner's PuzzleknotMetallic RebukeUrza's MinePeace StriderVedalken Infuser
Eager ConstructGleaming BarrierParasitic StrixUrza's TowerIchor WellspringCloudreader SphinxChromatic StarMagnifying GlassArgivian RestorationSkinwingVulshok Gauntlets
Relic RunnerCostly PlunderPyrite SpellbombFaerie MechanistSurge NodeGolem-Skin GauntletsSteel SabotageIron League SteedCathodionBrainstormExpedition Map
Iron BullyCorridor MonitorAccomplished AutomatonChatter of the SquirrelMetallic RebukeFlayer HuskUrza's Power PlantFrogifyEverflowing ChaliceMyr RetrieverVedalken Infuser
Peace StriderUrza's MineSiftSickleslicerBalduvian RageArgivian RestorationChromatic StarMagnifying GlassApprentice WizardMetalspinner's Puzzleknot

The C common run consists of 11 different cards. The cards are all white. The sequence of the first 33 cards is repeated three times, then the first 22 cards of this sequence is repeated again. (This is a bit more uncertain than usually because it is hard to confirm seeing all of a run with this much repetition.)

Glint-Sleeve ArtisanThraben InspectorAngel of the DawnFortifyAlabaster MageSanctum SpiritCrib SwapRemember the FallenAncestral BladeCrusader of OdricStrength of Arms
Sanctum SpiritGlint-Sleeve ArtisanCrib SwapThraben InspectorRemember the FallenAngel of the DawnAncestral BladeFortifyCrusader of OdricAlabaster MageStrength of Arms
Crib SwapAngel of the DawnCrusader of OdricGlint-Sleeve ArtisanRemember the FallenFortifyStrength of ArmsSanctum SpiritThraben InspectorAncestral BladeAlabaster Mage
Glint-Sleeve ArtisanThraben InspectorAngel of the DawnFortifyAlabaster MageSanctum SpiritCrib SwapRemember the FallenAncestral BladeCrusader of OdricStrength of Arms
Sanctum SpiritGlint-Sleeve ArtisanCrib SwapThraben InspectorRemember the FallenAngel of the DawnAncestral BladeFortifyCrusader of OdricAlabaster MageStrength of Arms
Crib SwapAngel of the DawnCrusader of OdricGlint-Sleeve ArtisanRemember the FallenFortifyStrength of ArmsSanctum SpiritThraben InspectorAncestral BladeAlabaster Mage
Glint-Sleeve ArtisanThraben InspectorAngel of the DawnFortifyAlabaster MageSanctum SpiritCrib SwapRemember the FallenAncestral BladeCrusader of OdricStrength of Arms
Sanctum SpiritGlint-Sleeve ArtisanCrib SwapThraben InspectorRemember the FallenAngel of the DawnAncestral BladeFortifyCrusader of OdricAlabaster MageStrength of Arms
Crib SwapAngel of the DawnCrusader of OdricGlint-Sleeve ArtisanRemember the FallenFortifyStrength of ArmsSanctum SpiritThraben InspectorAncestral BladeAlabaster Mage
Glint-Sleeve ArtisanThraben InspectorAngel of the DawnFortifyAlabaster MageSanctum SpiritCrib SwapRemember the FallenAncestral BladeCrusader of OdricStrength of Arms
Sanctum SpiritGlint-Sleeve ArtisanCrib SwapThraben InspectorRemember the FallenAngel of the DawnAncestral BladeFortifyCrusader of OdricAlabaster MageStrength of Arms

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. For cards that have showcase variants, one of the copies on the sheet is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Darksteel CitadelCoretapperTreasure MageMishra's BaubleManamorphoseThopter EngineerIzzet CharmGelatinous GenesisSphinx of the GuildpactPainsmithRiddlesmith
Sandstone OracleSphinx SummonerSentinel of the Pearl TridentVeteran ExplorerCulling DaisVampire HexmageThopter FoundryMaster SplicerThrone of GethDisciple of the VaultPongify
Weapons TrainerCrop RotationOvalchase DaredevilTreasure KeeperHinderUlvenwald MysteriesSphinx SummonerWelding JarTreasure MageFatal PushFencing Ace
Bloodshot TraineeIzzet CharmSpringleaf DrumGelatinous GenesisMishra's FactoryPainsmithCoretapperHidden StockpileInvigorateBuried RuinSphinx of the Guildpact
Valor in AkrosManamorphoseCulling DaisAuriok SalvagersRiddlesmithWelding JarDisciple of the VaultVeteran ExplorerSentinel of the Pearl TridentThopter FoundryRavenous Intruder
Fencing AceDarksteel CitadelMaster SplicerMishra's BaubleCrop RotationValor in AkrosOvalchase DaredevilSandstone OracleWeapons TrainerUlvenwald MysteriesVampire Hexmage
Thopter EngineerTreasure KeeperInvigorateHinderSphinx SummonerRavenous IntruderThrone of GethAuriok SalvagersFatal PushBloodshot TraineeGelatinous Genesis
Mishra's FactorySpringleaf DrumBuried RuinHidden StockpilePongifyCoretapperUlvenwald MysteriesPainsmithFencing AceThopter FoundryValor in Akros
Sphinx of the GuildpactVampire HexmageThopter EngineerRiddlesmithSandstone OracleOvalchase DaredevilDarksteel CitadelSentinel of the Pearl TridentIzzet CharmVeteran ExplorerMishra's Bauble
ManamorphoseMishra's FactoryTreasure MageWelding JarWeapons TrainerDisciple of the VaultCrop RotationBloodshot TraineeCulling DaisBuried RuinAuriok Salvagers
Master SplicerInvigorateThrone of GethPongifyTreasure KeeperRavenous IntruderFatal PushSpringleaf DrumHinderHidden Stockpile

The B uncommon run also consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. For cards that have showcase variants, one of the copies on the sheet is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Selesnya GuildmageMyrsmithEsperzoaCranial PlatingDrown in SorrowDeathreap RitualTrash for TreasureThirst for KnowledgeFlickerwispGalvanic BlastChief of the Foundry
Ghor-Clan RampagerSkullmulcherTopple the StatueO-NaginataMorkrut BansheeUnlicensed DisintegrationValorous StanceBasalt MonolithDismantleSerra SphinxGolem Artisan
Yavimaya's EmbraceAsh BarrensBrimstone VolleyCogwork AssemblerWoodland ChampionPath to ExileRush of KnowledgeLightning GreavesPyrewild ShamanReclamation SagePentad Prism
Glassdust HulkDread ReturnDeathreap RitualClone ShellMyrsmithEsperzoaDrown in SorrowCranial PlatingEnlargeKuldotha FlamefiendChief of the Foundry
Selesnya GuildmageTrash for TreasureTopple the StatueJhoira's FamiliarFlickerwispGalvanic BlastGhor-Clan RampagerBasalt MonolithThirst for KnowledgeOublietteLightning Greaves
Yavimaya's EmbraceSkullmulcherSerra SphinxO-NaginataDismantlePath to ExileMorkrut BansheeClone ShellValorous StanceBrimstone VolleyGolem Artisan
Glassdust HulkWoodland ChampionUnlicensed DisintegrationPentad PrismAsh BarrensEsperzoaMyrsmithRush of KnowledgePyrewild ShamanReclamation SageCranial Plating
Selesnya GuildmageEnlargeKuldotha FlamefiendCogwork AssemblerDread ReturnTopple the StatueJhoira's FamiliarTrash for TreasureOublietteCogwork AssemblerGhor-Clan Rampager
SkullmulcherPath to ExileChief of the FoundryFlickerwispDeathreap RitualValorous StanceDrown in SorrowThirst for KnowledgeGalvanic BlastO-NaginataYavimaya's Embrace
Ash BarrensSerra SphinxBasalt MonolithDismantleReclamation SageMorkrut BansheeGolem ArtisanWoodland ChampionBrimstone VolleyLightning GreavesGlassdust Hulk
Dread ReturnUnlicensed DisintegrationClone ShellRush of KnowledgeKuldotha FlamefiendEnlargePentad PrismPyrewild ShamanOublietteJhoira's Familiar

Rare Lists

Rare 1A (Rare)
  1. Ad Nauseam
  2. Adaptive Automaton
  3. Awakening Zone
  4. Beacon of Unrest
  5. Blasphemous Act
  6. Blood Moon
  7. Boon Reflection
  8. Braids, Conjurer Adept
  9. Cascade Bluffs
  10. Chord of Calling
  11. Deepglow Skate
  12. Disciple of Bolas
  13. Dualcaster Mage
  14. Engineered Explosives
  15. Ethersworn Canonist
  16. Exploration
  17. Fetid Heath
  18. Flooded Grove
  19. Fulminator Mage
  20. Goblin Guide
  21. Graven Cairns
  22. Heat Shimmer
  23. High Market
  24. Magus of the Abyss
  25. Mana Reflection
  26. Masterwork of Ingenuity
  27. Meddling Mage
  28. Mesmeric Orb
  29. Phyrexian Revoker
  30. Puresteel Paladin
  31. Rage Reflection
  32. Ravenous Trap
  33. Reshape
  34. Rugged Prairie
  35. Salvage Titan
  36. Shamanic Revelation
  37. Spellskite
  38. Stonehewer Giant
  39. Sunforger
  40. Sunken Ruins
  41. Sword of the Meek
  42. Thespian's Stage
  43. Thought Reflection
  44. Thoughtseize
  45. Time Sieve
  46. Vexing Shusher
  47. Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter
  48. Well of Ideas
  49. Wooded Bastion
  50. Wound Reflection

Rare 1A (Mythic)
  1. Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
  2. Avacyn, Angel of Hope
  3. Breya, Etherium Shaper
  4. Chrome Mox
  5. Dark Confidant
  6. Dark Depths
  7. Darksteel Forge
  8. Doubling Season
  9. Ensnaring Bridge
  10. Force of Will
  11. Imperial Recruiter
  12. Kaalia of the Vast
  13. Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund
  14. Land Tax
  15. Maelstrom Nexus
  16. Mana Echoes
  17. Mox Opal
  18. Riku of Two Reflections
  19. Sen Triplets
  20. Trinisphere

Rare 1B
  1. Cragganwick Cremator
  2. Death's Shadow
  3. Fire-Lit Thicket
  4. Inkwell Leviathan
  5. Isochron Scepter
  6. Liege of the Tangle
  7. Mystic Gate
  8. Open the Vaults
  9. Ratchet Bomb
  10. Savageborn Hydra
  11. Twilight Mire

Rare 2A
  1. Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle
  2. Austere Command
  3. Blinkmoth Nexus
  4. Bloodspore Thrinax
  5. Bosh, Iron Golem
  6. Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
  7. Council's Judgment
  8. Cyclonic Rift
  9. Duplicant
  10. Falkenrath Aristocrat
  11. Godo, Bandit Warlord
  12. Greater Good
  13. Hammer of Nazahn
  14. Ion Storm
  15. Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain
  16. Leonin Abunas
  17. Lux Cannon
  18. Magus of the Will
  19. Master of Etherium
  20. Maze of Ith
  21. Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest
  22. Noble Hierarch
  23. Oblivion Stone
  24. Phyrexian Metamorph
  25. Progenitor Mimic
  26. Sharuum the Hegemon
  27. Sundering Titan
  28. Tempered Steel
  29. Thragtusk
  30. Toxic Deluge
  31. Tuktuk the Explorer
  32. Voice of Resurgence
  33. Walking Ballista

Rare 2B
  1. Academy Ruins
  2. Baleful Strix
  3. Basilisk Collar
  4. Blade Splicer
  5. Champion of Lambholt
  6. Conjurer's Closet
  7. Doomed Necromancer
  8. Endless Atlas
  9. Glimmervoid
  10. Grand Architect
  11. Grim Lavamancer
  12. Hanna, Ship's Navigator
  13. Heartbeat of Spring
  14. Kemba, Kha Regent
  15. Kuldotha Forgemaster
  16. Maelstrom Pulse
  17. Master Transmuter
  18. Merciless Eviction
  19. Myr Battlesphere
  20. Rhys the Redeemed
  21. Rolling Earthquake
  22. Sculpting Steel
  23. Skirsdag High Priest
  24. Stoneforge Mystic
  25. Swiftblade Vindicator
  26. Terastodon
  27. Wrath of God

Rare 2C
  1. Archangel of Thune
  2. Arcum Dagsson
  3. Avenger of Zendikar
  4. Batterskull
  5. Blightsteel Colossus
  6. Geist of Saint Traft
  7. Geth, Lord of the Vault
  8. Jace, the Mind Sculptor
  9. Karn Liberated
  10. Mana Crypt
  11. Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
  12. Sneak Attack
  13. Sword of Body and Mind
  14. Sword of Feast and Famine
  15. Sword of Fire and Ice
  16. Sword of Light and Shadow
  17. Sword of War and Peace
  18. The Scarab God
  19. Vengevine
  20. Wurmcoil Engine

Token Run

All of the marketing cards in Core Set 2021 have a token on the front face. They are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

ClueServoOozeTreasureCatMyr (24)Wurm (29)CopyElf WarriorEldrazi SpawnSquirrel
TreasureThopter (26)ElementalWolfMyr (24)GolemElephantGermEldrazi SpawnMyr (7)Treasure
GermSaprolingClueWurm (30)TreasureHuman SoldierGermApeGolemCopySoldier
BeastEldrazi SpawnPlantMyr (24)ServoCatSaprolingThopter (8)GermAngelCopy
Myr (7)Tuktuk the ReturnedThopter (26)ClueSquirrelElf WarriorShapeshifterEldrazi SpawnHuman SoldierTreasureOoze
GermElementalMyr (24)WolfCopySoldierServoMyr (7)PlantOozeDemon
TreasureWurm (29)ApeThopter (8)WolfServoBeastMarit LageSaprolingTreasureHuman Soldier
Myr (24)ElephantGolemElementalServoClueWurm (30)SquirrelMyr (7)AngelMyr (24)
ShapeshifterGermThopter (8)CatOozeWolfGermHuman SoldierTreasureElephantTuktuk the Returned
PlantCopyServoElf WarriorClueDemonAngelTreasureGolemMyr (24)Thopter (26)
ServoBeastElementalEldrazi SpawnApeShapeshifterServoSaprolingSoldierThopter (8)Marit Lage

Token Rarity
DemonDemon × 2Marit LageMarit Lage × 2Tuktuk the ReturnedTuktuk the Returned × 2
Wurm (29)Wurm × 2Wurm (30)Wurm × 2AngelAngel × 3
ApeApe × 3BeastBeast × 3CatCat × 3
ElephantElephant × 3Elf WarriorElf Warrior × 3PlantPlant × 3
ShapeshifterShapeshifter × 3SoldierSoldier × 3SquirrelSquirrel × 3
Thopter (26)Thopter × 3ElementalElemental × 4GolemGolem × 4
Human SoldierHuman Soldier × 4Myr (7)Myr × 4OozeOoze × 4
SaprolingSaproling × 4Thopter (8)Thopter × 4WolfWolf × 4
ClueClue × 5CopyCopy × 5Eldrazi SpawnEldrazi Spawn × 5
GermGerm × 7Myr (24)Myr × 7ServoServo × 8
TreasureTreasure × 9

Tokens (With Reverse Side)
  1. Clue // MTGO
  2. Servo // FNM
  3. Ooze //
  4. Treasure // Twitch
  5. Cat // Locator
  6. Myr (24) // FNM
  7. Wurm (29) // VIP Edition
  8. Copy // MTGO
  9. Elf Warrior // Locator
  10. Eldrazi Spawn // Twitch
  11. Squirrel // VIP Edition
  12. Treasure //
  13. Thopter (26) // FNM
  14. Elemental // MTGO
  15. Wolf // VIP Edition
  16. Myr (24) // Locator
  17. Golem // FNM
  18. Elephant // VIP Edition
  19. Germ //
  20. Eldrazi Spawn // Locator
  21. Myr (7) // Twitch
  22. Treasure // VIP Edition
  23. Germ // MTGO
  24. Saproling // FNM
  25. Clue //
  26. Wurm (30) // Twitch
  27. Treasure // Locator
  28. Human Soldier //
  29. Germ // VIP Edition
  30. Ape // Twitch
  31. Golem // MTGO
  32. Copy //
  33. Soldier // VIP Edition
  34. Beast // Twitch
  35. Eldrazi Spawn // FNM
  36. Plant // MTGO
  37. Myr (24) // VIP Edition
  38. Servo // MTGO
  39. Cat // FNM
  40. Saproling // VIP Edition
  41. Thopter (8) //
  42. Germ // Locator
  43. Angel // MTGO
  44. Copy // VIP Edition
  45. Myr (7) //
  46. Tuktuk the Returned // Twitch
  47. Thopter (26) //
  48. Clue // VIP Edition
  49. Squirrel // Locator
  50. Elf Warrior // FNM
  51. Shapeshifter // VIP Edition
  52. Eldrazi Spawn //
  53. Human Soldier // Locator
  54. Treasure // MTGO
  55. Ooze // VIP Edition
  56. Germ // Twitch
  57. Elemental // FNM
  58. Myr (24) //
  59. Wolf // MTGO
  60. Copy // Locator
  61. Soldier // FNM
  62. Servo // VIP Edition
  63. Myr (7) // MTGO
  64. Plant // Locator
  65. Ooze // Twitch
  66. Demon // VIP Edition
  67. Treasure //
  68. Wurm (29) // FNM
  69. Ape // MTGO
  70. Thopter (8) // VIP Edition
  71. Wolf // Locator
  72. Servo // FNM
  73. Beast // VIP Edition
  74. Marit Lage //
  75. Saproling // Locator
  76. Treasure // Twitch
  77. Human Soldier // VIP Edition
  78. Myr (24) // MTGO
  79. Elephant // FNM
  80. Golem // Twitch
  81. Elemental //
  82. Servo // Locator
  83. Clue // FNM
  84. Wurm (30) // VIP Edition
  85. Squirrel // Twitch
  86. Myr (7) // Locator
  87. Angel //
  88. Myr (24) // VIP Edition
  89. Shapeshifter // Twitch
  90. Germ // FNM
  91. Thopter (8) // MTGO
  92. Cat // VIP Edition
  93. Ooze // Locator
  94. Wolf // FNM
  95. Germ // VIP Edition
  96. Human Soldier // MTGO
  97. Treasure // Locator
  98. Elephant // Twitch
  99. Tuktuk the Returned // VIP Edition
  100. Plant //
  101. Copy // FNM
  102. Servo // MTGO
  103. Elf Warrior // Twitch
  104. Clue // Locator
  105. Demon // FNM
  106. Angel // VIP Edition
  107. Treasure // MTGO
  108. Golem // Locator
  109. Myr (24) // Twitch
  110. Thopter (26) // VIP Edition
  111. Servo //
  112. Beast // FNM
  113. Elemental // Twitch
  114. Eldrazi Spawn // VIP Edition
  115. Ape // Locator
  116. Shapeshifter // FNM
  117. Servo // VIP Edition
  118. Saproling //
  119. Soldier // Locator
  120. Thopter (8) // Twitch
  121. Marit Lage // VIP Edition

Foil Common Runs

The foil common A run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Goblin GaveleerApprentice WizardRevoke ExistenceSkinbrand GoblinSiftThraben InspectorAbradeRelic RunnerAngel of the DawnTemur Battle RageVedalken Infuser
Sanctum SpiritSalivating GremlinsFrogifyStrength of ArmsOrcish VandalParasitic StrixAlabaster MageCathartic ReunionCorridor MonitorMagnifying GlassCrib Swap
Lightning AxeArgivian RestorationSanctum GargoyleBalduvian RageMetallic RebukeFortifyRapacious DragonBrainstormGlint-Sleeve ArtisanBattle-Rattle ShamanSteel Sabotage
Revoke ExistenceKazuul's Toll CollectorRelic RunnerCrusader of OdricAbradeFrogifyAncestral BladeWeapon SurgeApprentice WizardRemember the FallenGoblin Gaveleer
Faerie MechanistThraben InspectorLightning AxeSiftAngel of the DawnOrcish VandalMagnifying GlassParasitic StrixSanctum SpiritSkinbrand GoblinVedalken Infuser
FortifyGlint-Sleeve ArtisanKazuul's Toll CollectorBrainstormCrusader of OdricWeapon SurgeSteel SabotageSanctum GargoyleBalduvian RageMetallic RebukeAncestral Blade
Battle-Rattle ShamanCathartic ReunionCloudreader SphinxStrength of ArmsTemur Battle RageCorridor MonitorCrib SwapRapacious DragonArgivian RestorationAlabaster MageSalivating Gremlins
Faerie MechanistSkinbrand GoblinVedalken InfuserCrib SwapCathartic ReunionFaerie MechanistAngel of the DawnMagnifying GlassSalivating GremlinsRelic RunnerRevoke Existence
FortifySiftThraben InspectorLightning AxeCloudreader SphinxRemember the FallenGoblin GaveleerApprentice WizardSanctum SpiritAbradeFrogify
Battle-Rattle ShamanParasitic StrixStrength of ArmsOrcish VandalCorridor MonitorAlabaster MageTemur Battle RageArgivian RestorationSanctum GargoyleKazuul's Toll CollectorSteel Sabotage
Crusader of OdricWeapon SurgeBrainstormGlint-Sleeve ArtisanRapacious DragonMetallic RebukeAncestral BladeBalduvian RageCloudreader SphinxRemember the Fallen

The foil common B run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Glaze FiendConclave NaturalistsFierce EmpathMyr RetrieverCostly PlunderClear ShotAccomplished AutomatonSupernatural StaminaChatter of the SquirrelUrza's Power PlantBone Picker
Death-Hood CobraSickleslicerDefiant SalvagerKozilek's PredatorUrza's MineSupernatural StaminaFierce EmpathDarksteel AxeDriver of the DeadBloodbriarPyrite Spellbomb
Costly PlunderIchor WellspringIron BullySilumgar ScavengerWhisperer of the WildsSurge NodeCast DownElvish AberrationUrza's TowerTumble MagnetDire Fleet Hoarder
Death-Hood CobraCrushing VinesMyr RetrieverTwisted AbominationAncient StirringsUrza's Power PlantExecutioner's CapsuleChatter of the SquirrelTumble MagnetHeartless PillageConclave Naturalists
Accomplished AutomatonGlaze FiendSylvan MightUrza's TowerBone PickerMight of the MassesSickleslicerDire Fleet HoarderClear ShotFlayer HuskDivest
Elvish AberrationIchor WellspringCast DownUrza's Power PlantBloodbriarSurge NodeSilumgar ScavengerKozilek's PredatorGolem-Skin GauntletsDefiant SalvagerWhisperer of the Wilds
Urza's MineTwisted AbominationFierce EmpathPyrite SpellbombExecutioner's CapsuleAncient StirringsIron BullySupernatural StaminaCrushing VinesAccomplished AutomatonCostly Plunder
Death-Hood CobraDarksteel AxeGlaze FiendChatter of the SquirrelMyr RetrieverDriver of the DeadClear ShotUrza's TowerHeartless PillageMight of the MassesSickleslicer
Bone PickerBloodbriarGolem-Skin GauntletsDire Fleet HoarderConclave NaturalistsFlayer HuskSilumgar ScavengerUrza's MineSylvan MightIchor WellspringCast Down
Elvish AberrationTumble MagnetDefiant SalvagerAncient StirringsIron BullyTwisted AbominationKozilek's PredatorPyrite SpellbombDivestWhisperer of the WildsSurge Node
Executioner's CapsuleDriver of the DeadCrushing VinesGolem-Skin GauntletsHeartless PillageSylvan MightDarksteel AxeDivestMight of the MassesFlayer Husk

I haven't completed the foil common C run.

Foil Common C
  1. Cathodion
  2. Chromatic Star
  3. Eager Construct
  4. Everflowing Chalice
  5. Expedition Map
  6. Gleaming Barrier
  7. Iron League Steed
  8. Metalspinner's Puzzleknot
  9. Peace Strider
  10. Skinwing
  11. Vulshok Gauntlets

Foil Uncommon Lists

Foil Uncommon A
  1. Auriok Salvagers
  2. Bloodshot Trainee
  3. Buried Ruin
  4. Coretapper
  5. Crop Rotation
  6. Culling Dais
  7. Darksteel Citadel
  8. Disciple of the Vault
  9. Fatal Push
  10. Fencing Ace
  11. Gelatinous Genesis
  12. Hidden Stockpile
  13. Hinder
  14. Invigorate
  15. Izzet Charm
  16. Manamorphose
  17. Master Splicer
  18. Mishra's Bauble
  19. Mishra's Factory
  20. Ovalchase Daredevil
  21. Painsmith
  22. Pongify
  23. Ravenous Intruder
  24. Riddlesmith
  25. Sandstone Oracle
  26. Sentinel of the Pearl Trident
  27. Sphinx Summoner
  28. Sphinx of the Guildpact
  29. Springleaf Drum
  30. Thopter Engineer
  31. Thopter Foundry
  32. Throne of Geth
  33. Treasure Keeper
  34. Treasure Mage
  35. Ulvenwald Mysteries
  36. Valor in Akros
  37. Vampire Hexmage
  38. Veteran Explorer
  39. Weapons Trainer
  40. Welding Jar

Foil Uncommon B
  1. Ash Barrens
  2. Basalt Monolith
  3. Brimstone Volley
  4. Chief of the Foundry
  5. Clone Shell
  6. Cogwork Assembler
  7. Cranial Plating
  8. Deathreap Ritual
  9. Dismantle
  10. Dread Return
  11. Drown in Sorrow
  12. Enlarge
  13. Esperzoa
  14. Flickerwisp
  15. Galvanic Blast
  16. Ghor-Clan Rampager
  17. Glassdust Hulk
  18. Golem Artisan
  19. Jhoira's Familiar
  20. Kuldotha Flamefiend
  21. Lightning Greaves
  22. Morkrut Banshee
  23. Myrsmith
  24. O-Naginata
  25. Oubliette
  26. Path to Exile
  27. Pentad Prism
  28. Pyrewild Shaman
  29. Reclamation Sage
  30. Rush of Knowledge
  31. Selesnya Guildmage
  32. Serra Sphinx
  33. Skullmulcher
  34. Thirst for Knowledge
  35. Topple the Statue
  36. Trash for Treasure
  37. Unlicensed Disintegration
  38. Valorous Stance
  39. Woodland Champion
  40. Yavimaya's Embrace

Belgian Pack Anatomy

The Belgian printing uses sequential collation.

Packs are front-facing with 8 commons, 3 uncommons, 2 rares, and 2 foils followed by an ad card.

8 Commons3 Uncommons2 Rares2 Foils1 Ad Card

There are two common runs, A and B. A has 30 different cards each with four copies plus one copy of Vulshok Gauntlets, and B has 60 different cards each twice plus another copy of Vulshok Gauntlets. This means Vulshok Gauntlets is a 3/4 short-print. Packs have 2-3 A cards followed by 5-6 B cards. Mathematically, 2 A packs should appear 1/3 of the time.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 30 different cards each appearing four times plus Vulshok Gauntlets, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Iron League SteedExecutioner's CapsuleGleaming BarrierDarksteel AxeChromatic StarClear ShotMyr RetrieverFaerie MechanistEager ConstructOrcish VandalSkinwing
Kozilek's PredatorCathodionTumble MagnetPyrite SpellbombBone PickerSickleslicerSanctum GargoyleEager ConstructCloudreader SphinxMetalspinner's PuzzleknotRapacious Dragon
Iron League SteedDarksteel AxePeace StriderConclave NaturalistsMyr RetrieverCast DownPyrite SpellbombRevoke ExistenceSickleslicerFaerie MechanistFlayer Husk
AbradeEverflowing ChaliceClear ShotSurge NodeExecutioner's CapsuleSkinwingSanctum GargoylePyrite SpellbombFlayer HuskClear ShotMetalspinner's Puzzleknot
Revoke ExistenceSurge NodeBone PickerSkinwingFaerie MechanistCathodionRapacious DragonGleaming BarrierAbradeMyr RetrieverCast Down
Flayer HuskOrcish VandalIchor WellspringDarksteel AxePeace StriderExecutioner's CapsuleIron League SteedConclave NaturalistsSurge NodeCloudreader SphinxIchor Wellspring
Bone PickerPeace StriderTumble MagnetEverflowing ChaliceRapacious DragonChromatic StarSanctum GargoyleMetalspinner's PuzzleknotOrcish VandalSickleslicerKozilek's Predator
Everflowing ChaliceCast DownEager ConstructCloudreader SphinxFlayer HuskAbradeIchor WellspringClear ShotGleaming BarrierConclave NaturalistsChromatic Star
Revoke ExistenceCathodionExecutioner's CapsuleIron League SteedDarksteel AxeMetalspinner's PuzzleknotRapacious DragonEverflowing ChaliceKozilek's PredatorIchor WellspringTumble Magnet
SkinwingBone PickerPyrite SpellbombSanctum GargoyleGleaming BarrierFaerie MechanistChromatic StarOrcish VandalVulshok GauntletsConclave NaturalistsMyr Retriever
Cast DownSickleslicerTumble MagnetCathodionRevoke ExistenceSurge NodeCloudreader SphinxEager ConstructAbradePeace StriderKozilek's Predator

The A common run consists of 60 different cards each appearing twice plus Vulshok Gauntlets, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Magnifying GlassDefiant SalvagerSanctum SpiritRelic RunnerSalivating GremlinsUrza's TowerMight of the MassesDriver of the DeadCrusader of OdricVedalken InfuserBalduvian Rage
Chatter of the SquirrelDire Fleet HoarderAncestral BladeGolem-Skin GauntletsParasitic StrixLightning AxeElvish AberrationSupernatural StaminaStrength of ArmsFrogifyBattle-Rattle Shaman
Argivian RestorationBloodbriarSilumgar ScavengerThraben InspectorApprentice WizardGoblin GaveleerCrushing VinesIron BullyGlaze FiendAngel of the DawnUrza's Power Plant
Skinbrand GoblinSylvan MightDivestFortifyCorridor MonitorTemur Battle RageWhisperer of the WildsDire Fleet HoarderGlint-Sleeve ArtisanMagnifying GlassFrogify
Cathartic ReunionAncient StirringsHeartless PillageStrength of ArmsSiftKazuul's Toll CollectorChatter of the SquirrelUrza's MineExpedition MapArgivian RestorationTwisted Abomination
Glint-Sleeve ArtisanSteel SabotageBalduvian RageVulshok GauntletsCrib SwapSylvan MightCostly PlunderAngel of the DawnMetallic RebukeGoblin GaveleerFierce Empath
Supernatural StaminaUrza's TowerRemember the FallenVedalken InfuserSalivating GremlinsMight of the MassesAccomplished AutomatonDivestFortifyParasitic StrixBattle-Rattle Shaman
Death-Hood CobraGolem-Skin GauntletsSilumgar ScavengerAlabaster MageSiftLightning AxeUrza's Power PlantAncient StirringsDriver of the DeadCrib SwapSteel Sabotage
Weapon SurgeCrushing VinesDefiant SalvagerSanctum SpiritRelic RunnerSkinbrand GoblinIron BullyBloodbriarGlaze FiendAncestral BladeBrainstorm
Kazuul's Toll CollectorAccomplished AutomatonElvish AberrationCostly PlunderCrusader of OdricMetallic RebukeCathartic ReunionUrza's MineWhisperer of the WildsCorridor MonitorHeartless Pillage
Alabaster MageApprentice WizardTemur Battle RageThraben InspectorDeath-Hood CobraTwisted AbominationRemember the FallenExpedition MapBrainstormWeapon SurgeFierce Empath