Shards of Alara Collation

Shards of Alara is a large set with 101 commons, 60 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares, and four variations of each standard basic land. This is the first set of this size and the first set to have mythic rares. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 56 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA. The existence of Belgian Shards of Alara is unknown.

Shards of Alara was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation.

Packs are back-facing and have 10 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, a basic land, and an ad card. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the ad card, displacing a common.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Ad Card1 Land
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Ad Card1 Land1 Foil

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs have 3 A cards, 1-2 B, and 5-6 C. C2 packs have 3-4 A cards, 2-4 B, and 2-5 C.


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Uncommon foils displace A commons. Rare foils displace C1 commons. Common foils can't be fully understood as displacing a common from a particular run. The majority of common foils appear in C2 packs. In 3 A C2 packs, the number of B cards is reduced to 2 cards, or if the pack would have had only two B cards to begin with, it will have one B card. In 4 A packs, the number of B cards is reduced to 1 card. In C1 packs, a common foil will simply displace a B card (which can result in a pack with no B card).

Uncommons are printed on one sheet with each card appearing twice (and one filler). This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 33 distinct cards) and a 54-card B run (with 27 distinct cards). Packs can have either 2 A cards followed by 1 B card, or 1 A card followed by 2 B cards. Since the runs are unbalanced, 2 A cards happens 13/20 of the time.

Rares are printed on one sheet with each rare card appearing twice and each mythic rare card appearing once. This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 33 distinct rares) and a 55-card B run (with 20 distinct rares and all 15 mythics).

Tournament packs have 3 rares, 9 uncommons, 32 commons, and 30 basic lands in addition to a rules insert, plus a foil. (According the rare rate, there should be packs with two foils, but I haven't observed any.) Observed packs are back-facing with commons, uncommons, and rares followed by basic lands and finally the foil. The rules insert is between the rares and the basic lands. Packs have both an inner and outer seal.

32 Commons9 Uncommons3 RaresRules Insert30 Lands1 Foil

Tournament packs have commons from all four runs in order of A, C1, B, C2. Observed packs have 19 cards from A and C1 and 13 cards from B and C2. (This over-represents the second sheet, so it's possible there are other kinds of packs to balance things out.) From these, observed packs have 10-11 A with 8-9 C1 and 7 B with 6 C2 (which probably is also an incomplete description). Observed packs have 4-5 A uncommons followed by 4-5 B uncommons. The rares will be 0-2 B rares followed by 1-3 A rares. The basic lands are split into two 15 card runs.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Jungle WeaverThorn-Thrash ViashinoEtherium SculptorMarble ChaliceDeathgreeterSigil BlessingCourt ArchersViashino SkeletonCall to HeelExcommunicateViscera Dragger
Druid of the AnimaThorn-Thrash ViashinoCourier's CapsuleYoked PlowbeastBanewasp AfflictionDeft DuelistCourt ArchersResounding ThunderJhessian LookoutResounding SilenceDregscape Zombie
Cylian ElfSoul's FireVectis SilencersWelkin GuideBone SplintersDeft DuelistSavage HungerHissing IguanarSteelclad SerpentMarble ChaliceViscera Dragger
Resounding RoarViashino SkeletonEtherium SculptorAkrasan SquireDreg ReaverSigil BlessingDruid of the AnimaRidge RannetSteelclad SerpentExcommunicateBanewasp Affliction
Jungle WeaverHissing IguanarVectis SilencersResounding SilenceDeathgreeterKederekt CreeperResounding RoarSoul's FireJhessian LookoutWelkin GuideDreg Reaver
Cylian ElfResounding ThunderCall to HeelYoked PlowbeastDregscape ZombieKederekt CreeperSavage HungerRidge RannetCourier's CapsuleAkrasan SquireBone Splinters

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Rip-Clan CrasherElvish VisionaryBloodpyre ElementalSoul's GraceSteward of ValeronKathari ScreecherLush GrowthTidehollow StrixSkeletal KathariGuardians of AkrasaGoblin Deathraiders
Goblin MountaineerElvish VisionarySighted-Caste SorcererBloodpyre ElementalAgony WarpTortoise FormationShadowfeedTidehollow StrixKathari ScreecherSoul's GraceMosstodon
Waveskimmer AvenElvish VisionaryDragon FodderSkeletal KathariSteward of ValeronSighted-Caste SorcererTortoise FormationTidehollow StrixComa VeilSanctum GargoyleShadowfeed
Rip-Clan CrasherLush GrowthBloodpyre ElementalGuardians of AkrasaAgony WarpGoblin MountaineerShore SnapperWaveskimmer AvenComa VeilSoul's GraceSkeletal Kathari
Goblin DeathraidersMosstodonDragon FodderSanctum GargoyleRip-Clan CrasherTortoise FormationLush GrowthAgony WarpKathari ScreecherSighted-Caste SorcererShore Snapper
Steward of ValeronMosstodonGoblin MountaineerSanctum GargoyleGoblin DeathraidersComa VeilShadowfeedWaveskimmer AvenGuardians of AkrasaDragon FodderShore Snapper

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Relic of Progenitus, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Bant PanoramaGustrider ExuberantSoul's MightUndead LeotauObelisk of EsperMagma SprayDispeller's CapsuleGodtoucherCathartic AdeptBlightningLightning Talons
AngelsongUndead LeotauBant PanoramaObelisk of GrixisBlister BeetleCavern ThoctarSpell SnipDispeller's CapsuleVolcanic SubmersionRelic of ProgenitusResounding Wave
Soul's MightKnight of the Skyward EyeResounding ScreamNaya PanoramaCancelRakeclaw GargantuanBloodthorn TaunterNaturalizeAngelsongBlister BeetleObelisk of Jund
Cathartic AdeptLightning TalonsNaya PanoramaOnyx GobletObelisk of EsperGodtoucherGustrider ExuberantResounding WaveMagma SprayBlightningNaturalize
Obelisk of GrixisResounding ScreamBloodthorn TaunterKnight of the Skyward EyeCavern ThoctarCancelObelisk of JundVolcanic SubmersionRakeclaw GargantuanOnyx GobletSpell Snip

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Relic of Progenitus, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Esper PanoramaExecutioner's CapsuleCarrion ThrashVithian StingerGift of the GargantuanOutrider of JhessObelisk of NayaWindwright MageJund PanoramaRelic of ProgenitusHindering Light
Vithian StingerWild NacatlExecutioner's CapsuleOutrider of JhessOblivion RingCarrion ThrashJund PanoramaGlaze FiendGift of the GargantuanObelisk of BantBranching Bolt
Incurable OgreGrixis PanoramaCarrion ThrashCloudheath DrakeGlaze FiendEsper PanoramaObelisk of NayaGift of the GargantuanWindwright MageExecutioner's CapsuleBranching Bolt
Outrider of JhessGrixis PanoramaObelisk of BantWild NacatlIncurable OgreWindwright MageCloudheath DrakeObelisk of NayaOblivion RingEsper PanoramaHindering Light
Wild NacatlGrixis PanoramaGlaze FiendVithian StingerCloudheath DrakeBranching BoltOblivion RingJund PanoramaObelisk of BantHindering LightIncurable Ogre

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Bull CerodonDrumhunterFatestitcherQasali AmbusherSavage LandsGrixis CharmBant BattlemageJungle ShrineTower GargoyleSkeletonizeTidehollow Sculler
Fleshbag MarauderNaya BattlemageBant CharmFatestitcherSprouting ThrinaxSigiled PaladinCrumbling NecropolisFire-Field OgreJund BattlemageRhox War MonkScavenger Drake
Naya BattlemageNaya CharmEsper BattlemageWoolly ThoctarSeaside CitadelBant BattlemageArcane SanctumFire-Field OgreBull CerodonRockslide ElementalInfest
Qasali AmbusherRhox ChargerBant CharmFiligree SagesSigiled PaladinSavage LandsBlood CultistJund CharmJund BattlemageFleshbag MarauderTower Gargoyle
Crumbling NecropolisDrumhunterSprouting ThrinaxEsper BattlemageMetallurgeonWoolly ThoctarArcane SanctumBlood CultistSkeletonizeJund CharmScavenger Drake
Rhox ChargerRhox War MonkSeaside CitadelFiligree SagesNaya CharmMetallurgeonGrixis CharmRockslide ElementalJungle ShrineTidehollow ScullerInfest

The B uncommon run also consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Puppet ConjurerBehemoth's HeraldRockcaster PlatoonNecrogenesisSunseed NurturerMighty EmergenceDragon's HeraldCorpse ConnoisseurJhessian InfiltratorDawnray ArcherAlgae Gharial
Exuberant FirestokerGrixis BattlemageEsper CharmProtomatter PowderThunder-Thrash ElderAngel's HeraldNecrogenesisSwerveDawnray ArcherScourge DevilBehemoth's Herald
Corpse ConnoisseurKiss of the AmeshaEtherium AstrolabeThoughtcutter AgentAngelic BenedictionExuberant FirestokerTopan AsceticSphinx's HeraldAlgae GharialThunder-Thrash ElderDemon's Herald
SwerveProtomatter PowderAngel's HeraldMighty EmergencePuppet ConjurerEsper CharmScourge DevilThoughtcutter AgentSunseed NurturerDemon's HeraldSangrite Surge
Etherium AstrolabeGrixis BattlemageRockcaster PlatoonTopan AsceticJhessian InfiltratorDragon's HeraldKiss of the AmeshaAngelic BenedictionSphinx's HeraldSangrite Surge

Rare Runs[1]

The A rare run consists of 33 rares each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Sharding SphinxFlameblast DragonPunish IgnoranceTar FiendBrilliant UltimatumSkullmulcherBattlegrace AngelSigil of DistinctionDeath BaronSedraxis SpecterCaldera Hellion
Kederekt LeviathanRealm RazerMaster of EtheriumPunish IgnoranceMycolothRanger of EosQuietus SpikeDeath BaronTitanic UltimatumFlameblast DragonCruel Ultimatum
Caldera HellionMaster of EtheriumSkullmulcherRealm RazerScourglassMinion ReflectorClarion UltimatumTar FiendBroodmate DragonSpearbreaker BehemothPredator Dragon
Knight-Captain of EosKederekt LeviathanStoic AngelScourglassManaplasmClarion UltimatumArchdemon of UnxViolent UltimatumVein DrinkerHell's ThunderSigil of Distinction
Gather SpecimensStoic AngelBattlegrace AngelMycolothBrilliant UltimatumSharding SphinxCruel UltimatumArchdemon of UnxPredator DragonQuietus SpikeKnight-Captain of Eos
Broodmate DragonManaplasmHell's ThunderViolent UltimatumGather SpecimensTitanic UltimatumMinion ReflectorRanger of EosVein DrinkerSpearbreaker BehemothSedraxis Specter

The B rare run consists of 20 rares each appearing twice and 15 mythic rares. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Cunning LethemancerSphinx SovereignEthersworn CanonistSalvage TitanWhere Ancients TreadSharuum the HegemonMindlock OrbKnight of the White OrchidLich's MirrorFeral HydraCrucible of Fire
Skill BorrowerAjani VengeantSacellum GodspeakerWhere Ancients TreadCradle of VitalitySarkhan VolInvincible HymnMemory ErosionGodsireSalvage TitanKeeper of Progenitus
Vicious ShadowsSedris, the Traitor KingCovenant of MindsImmortal CoilEthersworn CanonistPrince of ThrallsFeral HydraMindlock OrbRafiq of the ManyAd NauseamGoblin Assault
Ooze GardenKresh the BloodbraidedInvincible HymnSkill BorrowerVicious ShadowsElspeth, Knight-ErrantKeeper of ProgenitusCunning LethemancerHellkite OverlordCovenant of MindsCrucible of Fire
Sacellum GodspeakerMayael the AnimaCradle of VitalityMemory ErosionAd NauseamEmpyrial ArchangelGoblin AssaultKnight of the White OrchidTezzeret the SeekerImmortal CoilOoze Garden

Foil Common Sheet

There is a picture of the foil common sheet available. [2] Each common card and each basic land variation appears once.

Agony WarpLush GrowthObelisk of BantIsland (236)Cloudheath DrakeHissing IguanarDregscape ZombieObelisk of NayaSoul's GraceNaya PanoramaDeft Duelist
Savage HungerBanewasp AfflictionJund PanoramaCall to HeelResounding WaveGoblin MountaineerKederekt CreeperSighted-Caste SorcererExecutioner's CapsuleSwamp (241)Godtoucher
Obelisk of JundForest (248)Vithian StingerEtherium SculptorShadowfeedRakeclaw GargantuanWelkin GuideResounding RoarForest (247)Lightning TalonsJungle Weaver
Mountain (245)Goblin DeathraidersGuardians of AkrasaOutrider of JhessBone SplintersDragon FodderCourt ArchersPlains (231)Windwright MageResounding SilencePlains (232)
DeathgreeterBloodpyre ElementalTortoise FormationMosstodonCarrion ThrashExcommunicateIsland (234)Swamp (238)Magma SprayVectis SilencersGlaze Fiend
Steward of ValeronAkrasan SquireSoul's MightIncurable OgreComa VeilMountain (242)Grixis PanoramaTidehollow StrixMarble ChaliceSwamp (239)Courier's Capsule
Viscera DraggerWild NacatlViashino SkeletonAngelsongRelic of ProgenitusWaveskimmer AvenBant PanoramaSwamp (240)Gift of the GargantuanCathartic AdeptBlister Beetle
Obelisk of GrixisRidge RannetDispeller's CapsuleRip-Clan CrasherOnyx GobletEsper PanoramaPlains (230)Druid of the AnimaThorn-Thrash ViashinoSpell SnipShore Snapper
Sanctum GargoyleBlightningCylian ElfMountain (243)Obelisk of EsperMountain (244)Volcanic SubmersionBranching BoltCancelDreg ReaverYoked Plowbeast
Steelclad SerpentCavern ThoctarIsland (235)Resounding ScreamPlains (233)Soul's FireSigil BlessingElvish VisionaryUndead LeotauOblivion RingJhessian Lookout
Forest (249)Hindering LightNaturalizeForest (246)Resounding ThunderKathari ScreecherBloodthorn TaunterSkeletal KathariKnight of the Skyward EyeIsland (237)Gustrider Exuberant

Foil Uncommon Sheet

There is a picture of the foil uncommon sheet available. [3] Each uncommon card appears twice. The extra copy of Savage Lands is presumed to be a filler.

Scavenger DrakeRhox ChargerRhox War MonkSeaside CitadelFiligree SagesNaya CharmMetallurgeonGrixis CharmRockslide ElementalJungle ShrineTidehollow Sculler
InfestBull CerodonDrumhunterFatestitcherQasali AmbusherSavage LandsGrixis CharmBant BattlemageJungle ShrineTower GargoyleSkeletonize
Tidehollow ScullerFleshbag MarauderNaya BattlemageBant CharmFatestitcherSprouting ThrinaxSigiled PaladinCrumbling NecropolisFire-Field OgreJund BattlemageRhox War Monk
Scavenger DrakeNaya BattlemageNaya CharmEsper BattlemageWoolly ThoctarSeaside CitadelBant BattlemageArcane SanctumFire-Field OgreBull CerodonRockslide Elemental
InfestQasali AmbusherRhox ChargerBant CharmFiligree SagesSigiled PaladinSavage LandsBlood CultistJund CharmJund BattlemageFleshbag Marauder
Tower GargoyleCrumbling NecropolisDrumhunterSprouting ThrinaxEsper BattlemageMetallurgeonWoolly ThoctarArcane SanctumBlood CultistSkeletonizeJund Charm
Topan AsceticSphinx's HeraldAlgae GharialThunder-Thrash ElderDemon's HeraldSwerveProtomatter PowderAngel's HeraldMighty EmergencePuppet ConjurerEsper Charm
Scourge DevilThoughtcutter AgentSunseed NurturerDemon's HeraldSangrite SurgeEtherium AstrolabeGrixis BattlemageRockcaster PlatoonTopan AsceticJhessian InfiltratorDragon's Herald
Kiss of the AmeshaAngelic BenedictionSphinx's HeraldSangrite SurgePuppet ConjurerBehemoth's HeraldRockcaster PlatoonNecrogenesisSunseed NurturerMighty EmergenceDragon's Herald
Corpse ConnoisseurJhessian InfiltratorDawnray ArcherAlgae GharialExuberant FirestokerGrixis BattlemageEsper CharmProtomatter PowderThunder-Thrash ElderAngel's HeraldNecrogenesis
SwerveDawnray ArcherScourge DevilBehemoth's HeraldCorpse ConnoisseurKiss of the AmeshaEtherium AstrolabeThoughtcutter AgentAngelic BenedictionExuberant FirestokerSavage Lands

Foil Rare Sheet

There is a picture of the foil rare sheet available. [4] Each rare card appears twice, and each mythic rare card appears once.

Ajani VengeantCradle of VitalityCrucible of FireGather SpecimensStoic AngelOoze GardenSedraxis SpecterQuietus SpikeEmpyrial ArchangelBroodmate DragonImmortal Coil
Knight-Captain of EosAd NauseamFlameblast DragonSkill BorrowerFeral HydraElspeth, Knight-ErrantClarion UltimatumHell's ThunderSharding SphinxSpearbreaker BehemothVicious Shadows
Violent UltimatumBattlegrace AngelRafiq of the ManyTitanic UltimatumMaster of EtheriumImmortal CoilTar FiendSkullmulcherKnight of the White OrchidMinion ReflectorPrince of Thralls
Memory ErosionPunish IgnoranceCaldera HellionOoze GardenCrucible of FireVein DrinkerRanger of EosKresh the BloodbraidedStoic AngelMaster of EtheriumMindlock Orb
Archdemon of UnxFeral HydraEthersworn CanonistScourglassGodsireCruel UltimatumWhere Ancients TreadAd NauseamManaplasmSkill BorrowerPredator Dragon
Minion ReflectorHellkite OverlordBroodmate DragonCunning LethemancerMindlock OrbTitanic UltimatumSpearbreaker BehemothKnight-Captain of EosRanger of EosMayael the AnimaDeath Baron
Vicious ShadowsSigil of DistinctionKeeper of ProgenitusCovenant of MindsHell's ThunderSedraxis SpecterBattlegrace AngelSedris, the Traitor KingSacellum GodspeakerKederekt LeviathanBrilliant Ultimatum
Archdemon of UnxQuietus SpikeTar FiendGoblin AssaultInvincible HymnSarkhan VolGather SpecimensMycolothCradle of VitalityPredator DragonRealm Razer
Keeper of ProgenitusMemory ErosionSphinx SovereignSigil of DistinctionSalvage TitanClarion UltimatumVein DrinkerCruel UltimatumFlameblast DragonInvincible HymnTezzeret the Seeker
SkullmulcherPunish IgnoranceEthersworn CanonistManaplasmSharding SphinxWhere Ancients TreadRealm RazerDeath BaronLich's MirrorKederekt LeviathanViolent Ultimatum
Caldera HellionBrilliant UltimatumScourglassCunning LethemancerSharuum the HegemonSacellum GodspeakerKnight of the White OrchidSalvage TitanGoblin AssaultCovenant of MindsMycoloth

[1] The rare runs for US Shards of Alara were published by Ross Edwards in The Card Wizard's Black Book: Second Edition. (I don't have enough independent data to reconstruct these runs.)

[2] The foil common sheet is featured in this video from Tolarian Community College.

[3] A picture of the foil uncommon sheet is available from this eBay listing. (The sheet is probably German, but it matches the limited data I have.)

[4] A picture of the foil rare sheet was posted in the Uncut Sheet facebook group by Yoann Sevaux. (The sheet is French, but it matches the very limited data I have.)