Zendikar Collation

Zendikar is a large set with 101 commons, 60 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares, and four variations of each standard basic land. This is the normal size for a large set of this era. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Zendikar was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

Some packs of Zendikar contain "Priceless Treasures," which are actual old cards reportedly reaquired by Wizards of the Coast from the secondary market so they could be inserted into Zendikar boosters as a bonus. I haven't observed any of these cards being opened, so I can't give any new data, and there is little official information about them.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation.

Packs are back-facing and have 10 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, an ad card, and a basic land. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the land, displacing a common. Basic lands are always the full art versions.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card1 Foil

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs have 3 A cards, 1-2 B, and 5-6 C. C2 packs have 3-4 A cards, 1-4 B, and 2-6 C.


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Uncommon foils displace A commons. Rare foils displace C1 commons. Common foils can't be fully understood as displacing a common from a particular run. The great majority of common foils appear in C2 packs. In 3 A C2 packs, the number of B cards is reduced to 2 cards, or if the pack would have had only one or two B cards to begin with, it will have 1 B card. In 4 A packs, the number of B cards is reduced to 1 card. In C1 packs, a common foil will simply displace a B card (which can result in a pack with no B card).

Uncommons are printed on one sheet with each card appearing twice (and one filler). This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 33 distinct cards) and a 54-card B run (with 27 distinct cards). Packs can have either 2 A cards followed by 1 B card, or 1 A card followed by 2 B cards. Since the runs are unbalanced, 2 A cards happens 13/20 of the time.

Rares are printed on one sheet with each rare card appearing twice and each mythic rare card appearing once. This is divided into a 66-card A run (with 29 distinct rares and 8 mythics) and a 55-card B run (with 24 distinct rares and 7 mythics).

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

DisfigureTimbermaw LarvaParalyzing GraspBladetusk BoarCliff ThreaderPiranha MarshGrazing GladehartSky Ruin DrakeJourney to NowhereHighland BerserkerAdventuring Gear
Nimana Sell-SwordVastwood GorgerWhiplash TrapBladetusk BoarKor SkyfisherPiranha MarshTimbermaw LarvaInto the RoilBold DefenseRuinous MinotaurExplorer's Scope
Hideous EndVastwood GorgerReckless ScholarTeetering PeaksKabira CrossroadsHagra CrocodileMold ShamblerWindrider EelCliff ThreaderBurst LightningAdventuring Gear
Giant ScorpionSavage SilhouetteReckless ScholarHighland BerserkerKabira CrossroadsDisfigureMold ShamblerWhiplash TrapKor SkyfisherTeetering PeaksStonework Puma
Hagra CrocodileSavage SilhouetteWindrider EelShatterskull GiantJourney to NowhereGiant ScorpionVines of VastwoodParalyzing GraspPillarfield OxRuinous MinotaurStonework Puma
Hideous EndGrazing GladehartInto the RoilShatterskull GiantBold DefenseNimana Sell-SwordVines of VastwoodSky Ruin DrakePillarfield OxBurst LightningExplorer's Scope

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Surrakar MarauderOran-Rief ReclusePlated GeopedeHeartstabber MosquitoSoaring SeacliffKor SanctifiersHarrowSpire BarrageIor Ruin ExpeditionSurrakar MarauderSpidersilk Net
Kor HookmasterOran-Rief RecluseTuktuk GruntsHeartstabber MosquitoUmara RaptorKor CartographerTerritorial BalothTorch SlingerSoaring SeacliffCrypt RipperExpedition Map
Steppe LynxHarrowTuktuk GruntsVampire LaceratorIor Ruin ExpeditionKor HookmasterTerritorial BalothPlated GeopedeWelkin TernHeartstabber MosquitoSpidersilk Net
Kor SanctifiersOran-Rief SurvivalistTuktuk GruntsCrypt RipperIor Ruin ExpeditionSteppe LynxOran-Rief RecluseTorch SlingerUmara RaptorSurrakar MarauderExpedition Map
Territorial BalothKor SanctifiersSpire BarrageVampire LaceratorSoaring SeacliffKor HookmasterOran-Rief SurvivalistPlated GeopedeCrypt RipperWelkin TernSpidersilk Net
Kor CartographerHarrowTorch SlingerVampire LaceratorUmara RaptorSteppe LynxOran-Rief SurvivalistSpire BarrageExpedition MapWelkin TernKor Cartographer

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Hedron Scrabbler, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Zektar Shrine ExpeditionZendikar FarguideNimbus WingsTrapfinder's TrickKhalni Heart ExpeditionSoul Stair ExpeditionShieldmate's BlessingShoal SerpentMolten RavagerBeast HuntGrim Discovery
DemolishCancelNoble VestigeJoraga BardMindless NullSunspring ExpeditionTempest OwlSoul Stair ExpeditionMolten RavagerKhalni Heart ExpeditionMire Blight
Magma RiftZendikar FarguideShieldmate's BlessingCancelBog TattersSlaughter CryBeast HuntKor OutfitterScythe TigerTrapfinder's TrickVampire's Bite
Magma RiftRelic CrushNimbus WingsSpell PierceMindless NullNoble VestigeTempest OwlHedron ScrabblerZektar Shrine ExpeditionScythe TigerMire Blight
Slaughter CryJoraga BardSunspring ExpeditionShoal SerpentGrim DiscoveryKor OutfitterSpell PierceBog TattersDemolishRelic CrushVampire's Bite

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Hedron Scrabbler, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Seismic ShudderSpreading SeasNissa's ChosenGuul Draz VampireCaravan HurdaGoblin ShortcutterTurntimber GroveNarrow EscapeDesecrated EarthCaller of GalesKraken Hatchling
Goblin War PaintOndu ClericNissa's ChosenBlood SeekerNarrow EscapeGoblin ShortcutterSpreading SeasGuul Draz VampireSeismic ShudderTurntimber GroveCaravan Hurda
Kraken HatchlingMakindi ShieldmateTanglesapGoblin BushwhackerLethargy TrapDesecrated EarthNissa's ChosenNarrow EscapeCaller of GalesGoblin War PaintCaravan Hurda
Seismic ShudderKraken HatchlingTurntimber GroveDesecrated EarthMakindi ShieldmateCaller of GalesBlood SeekerTanglesapGoblin ShortcutterLethargy TrapOndu Cleric
Goblin BushwhackerSpreading SeasMakindi ShieldmateGuul Draz VampireTanglesapGoblin War PaintLethargy TrapBlood SeekerGoblin BushwhackerHedron ScrabblerOndu Cleric

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Pitfall TrapMerfolk SeastalkersVampire HexmageMurasa PyromancerTajuru ArcherArrow Volley TrapLiving TsunamiQuest for the GravelordGoblin RuinblasterBaloth Cage TrapBlazing Torch
Kor AeronautAether FigmentGatekeeper of MalakirGeyser GliderTurntimber BasiliskWindborne ChargeMerfolk WayfinderVampire NighthawkMark of MutinyCobra TrapTrusty Machete
Kor AeronautMerfolk SeastalkersQuest for the GravelordMurasa PyromancerBaloth Cage TrapWindborne ChargeGomazoaVampire HexmageGoblin RuinblasterTajuru ArcherTrusty Machete
Kazandu BlademasterSummoner's BaneVampire NighthawkInferno TrapBaloth WoodcrasherPitfall TrapMerfolk WayfinderGatekeeper of MalakirMark of MutinyRiver BoaKhalni Gem
Kazandu BlademasterLiving TsunamiHagra DiabolistPunishing FireCobra TrapShepherd of the LostGomazoaMarsh CasualtiesInferno TrapRiver BoaBlazing Torch
Arrow Volley TrapAether FigmentHagra DiabolistGeyser GliderBaloth WoodcrasherShepherd of the LostSummoner's BaneMarsh CasualtiesPunishing FireTurntimber BasiliskKhalni Gem

The B uncommon run also consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Hellfire MongrelQuest for the Holy RelicMind SludgeSeascape AerialistGraypelt RefugeCarnage AltarUnstable FootingPrimal BellowQuest for Ancient SecretsRavenous TrapJwar Isle Refuge
Kor DuelistMind SludgeHedron CrabQuest for the GembladesAkoum RefugeRuneflare TrapGreenweaver DruidCarnage AltarQuest for the Holy RelicTrapmaker's SnareKazandu Refuge
Needlebite TrapHellfire MongrelTrailblazer's BootsLandbind RitualHedron CrabJwar Isle RefugeQuest for Pure FlameQuest for the GembladesFeast of BloodKor DuelistGraypelt Refuge
Quest for Ancient SecretsUnstable FootingFrontier GuideBrave the ElementsSejiri RefugeRavenous TrapTrailblazer's BootsQuest for Pure FlameGreenweaver DruidSeascape AerialistAkoum Refuge
Feast of BloodRuneflare TrapLandbind RitualPrimal BellowKazandu RefugeBrave the ElementsTrapmaker's SnareFrontier GuideNeedlebite TrapSejiri Refuge

Rare Runs[1]

The A rare run consists of 29 rares each appearing twice and 8 mythic rares. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Turntimber RangerObsidian FireheartCosi's TricksterBloodchief AscensionElemental AppealVerdant CatacombsTerra StomperMalakir BloodwitchArchive TrapDay of JudgmentMagosi, the Waterveil
Chandra AblazeOracle of Mul DayaLuminarch AscensionGuul Draz SpecterArchmage AscensionEmeria, the Sky RuinCelestial MantleTerra StomperBloodghastElectropotenceMagosi, the Waterveil
Lorthos, the TidemakerArmament MasterMalakir BloodwitchConqueror's PledgeCosi's TricksterVerdant CatacombsBeastmaster AscensionGoblin GuideHalo HunterMarsh FlatsEternity Vessel
Lullmage MentorDay of JudgmentPyromancer AscensionOracle of Mul DayaScalding TarnNissa RevaneBloodchief AscensionElectropotenceSphinx of Jwar IsleCelestial MantleMisty Rainforest
Archive TrapConqueror's PledgePyromancer AscensionBeastmaster AscensionKalitas, Bloodchief of GhetMarsh FlatsArmament MasterSphinx of Jwar IsleElemental AppealGuul Draz SpecterEmeria, the Sky Ruin
Felidar SovereignTurntimber RangerGoblin GuideBloodghastArchmage AscensionMisty RainforestLotus CobraLullmage MentorHalo HunterLuminarch AscensionScalding Tarn

The B rare run consists of 24 rares each appearing twice and 7 mythic rares. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Predatory UrgeArid MesaLavaball TrapGigantiformKazuul WarlordRite of ReplicationDevout LightcasterOb Nixilis, the FallenSphinx of Lost TruthsGrappling HookPredatory Urge
Crypt of AgadeemWorld QuellerWarren InstigatorBlade of the BloodchiefRoil ElementalBala Ged ThiefSummoning TrapEmeria AngelArid MesaMindbreak TrapValakut, the Molten Pinnacle
Blood TributeHellkite ChargerGigantiformRoil ElementalIona, Shield of EmeriaScute MobBala Ged ThiefCrypt of AgadeemLavaball TrapSea Gate LoremasterEmeria Angel
Blood TributeBlade of the BloodchiefOran-Rief, the VastwoodRampaging BalothsKazuul WarlordGrappling HookRite of ReplicationSadistic SacramentKabira EvangelEldrazi MonumentDevout Lightcaster
Scute MobOran-Rief, the VastwoodSummoning TrapHellkite ChargerSphinx of Lost TruthsValakut, the Molten PinnacleSadistic SacramentWorld QuellerSea Gate LoremasterSorin MarkovKabira Evangel

Token Run

All of the marketing cards in Zendikar have a token or tip on the front face. They are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Bird“Quests” Tip CardTraps Tip CardBeastWolfAllies and Intimidate Tip CardKor SoldierSnakeElementalKicker Tip CardWolf
BeastAngelIllusionZombie Giant“Quests” Tip CardBirdSnakeMerfolkLandfall Tip CardElementalTraps Tip Card
SnakeIllusionKor SoldierZombie GiantBeastKicker Tip CardVampire“Quests” Tip CardSnakeElementalZombie Giant
AngelLandfall Tip CardIllusionKor SoldierAllies and Intimidate Tip CardBeastTraps Tip CardKicker Tip CardElementalSnakeMerfolk
“Quests” Tip CardBirdBeastZombie GiantAngelAllies and Intimidate Tip CardSnakeTraps Tip CardLandfall Tip CardIllusionKor Soldier
BeastMerfolkZombie GiantTraps Tip CardSnake“Quests” Tip CardElementalBeastWolfKor SoldierKicker Tip Card
BeastBirdIllusionLandfall Tip CardWolfSnakeKor SoldierAngelZombie GiantTraps Tip CardBird
BeastAllies and Intimidate Tip CardIllusion“Quests” Tip CardSnakeLandfall Tip CardElemental“Quests” Tip CardKicker Tip CardZombie GiantAllies and Intimidate Tip Card
Zombie GiantBeastElementalKicker Tip CardTraps Tip CardSnakeLandfall Tip CardIllusionIllusionAllies and Intimidate Tip CardBeast
Kor SoldierIllusion“Quests” Tip CardSnakeAllies and Intimidate Tip CardKicker Tip CardTraps Tip CardZombie GiantMerfolkLandfall Tip CardAngel
Zombie GiantElementalBeastAllies and Intimidate Tip CardKicker Tip CardWolfSnakeKor SoldierIllusionMerfolkLandfall Tip Card

Token Rarity
VampireVampire × 1AngelAngel × 5BirdBird × 5
MerfolkMerfolk × 5WolfWolf × 5“Quests” Tip Card“Quests” Tip Card × 8
Allies and Intimidate Tip CardAllies and Intimidate Tip Card × 8ElementalElemental × 8Kicker Tip CardKicker Tip Card × 8
Kor SoldierKor Soldier × 8Landfall Tip CardLandfall Tip Card × 8Traps Tip CardTraps Tip Card × 8
IllusionIllusion × 10Zombie GiantZombie Giant × 10BeastBeast × 12
SnakeSnake × 12

Foil Common Sheet

I have transcribed the sheet from pictures, but I can no longer find a source for these pictures. Each common card and each basic land variation appears once.

Vastwood GorgerParalyzing GraspGoblin BushwhackerZendikar FarguideAdventuring GearMountain (243)Sunspring ExpeditionDisfigureTeetering PeaksLethargy TrapMolten Ravager
Oran-Rief RecluseHedron ScrabblerPlains (231)Blood SeekerPlated GeopedeWindrider EelMountain (242)Territorial BalothKor OutfitterSpell PierceKabira Crossroads
Mindless NullShatterskull GiantGrazing GladehartSwamp (240)Torch SlingerTempest OwlGiant ScorpionSwamp (238)Savage SilhouetteCancelKor Sanctifiers
Forest (246)Hideous EndDemolishTanglesapSoaring SeacliffNarrow EscapeSky Ruin DrakeBog TattersJoraga BardZektar Shrine ExpeditionMountain (245)
Noble VestigeReckless ScholarMire BlightBurst LightningNissa's ChosenStonework PumaSwamp (239)Makindi ShieldmatePlains (233)Welkin TernGrim Discovery
Ruinous MinotaurScythe TigerExpedition MapPiranha MarshShieldmate's BlessingWhiplash TrapDesecrated EarthCaravan HurdaHighland BerserkerHarrowPillarfield Ox
Island (234)Nimbus WingsIor Ruin ExpeditionVampire's BiteGoblin War PaintOran-Rief SurvivalistPlains (230)Kor HookmasterKraken HatchlingSurrakar MarauderGoblin Shortcutter
Beast HuntForest (247)Journey to NowhereTrapfinder's TrickHagra CrocodileKor CartographerSpire BarrageIsland (237)Vines of VastwoodPlains (232)Umara Raptor
Soul Stair ExpeditionOndu ClericForest (248)Tuktuk GruntsRelic CrushSwamp (241)Bold DefenseInto the RoilHeartstabber MosquitoIsland (236)Mold Shambler
Slaughter CryCrypt RipperSteppe LynxShoal SerpentKor SkyfisherSpidersilk NetKhalni Heart ExpeditionBladetusk BoarIsland (235)Vampire LaceratorSpreading Seas
Seismic ShudderTurntimber GroveGuul Draz VampireTimbermaw LarvaCliff ThreaderForest (249)Explorer's ScopeCaller of GalesMagma RiftMountain (244)Nimana Sell-Sword

Foil Uncommon Sheet

There is a picture of the foil uncommon sheet available. [2] Each uncommon card appears twice. The extra copy of Khalni Gem is presumed to be a filler.

Trusty MacheteQuest for the GembladesAether FigmentHellfire MongrelBrave the ElementsFeast of BloodRiver BoaNeedlebite TrapBlazing TorchKazandu BlademasterHedron Crab
Inferno TrapFrontier GuideAkoum RefugeQuest for Ancient SecretsVampire HexmageWindborne ChargePunishing FireTrailblazer's BootsTurntimber BasiliskMind SludgeSeascape Aerialist
Landbind RitualMurasa PyromancerGomazoaBaloth Cage TrapKazandu BlademasterPunishing FireRavenous TrapJwar Isle RefugeTrailblazer's BootsMerfolk WayfinderMarsh Casualties
Turntimber BasiliskKor AeronautHellfire MongrelSejiri RefugeBaloth Cage TrapQuest for Ancient SecretsMark of MutinyGatekeeper of MalakirArrow Volley TrapBaloth WoodcrasherJwar Isle Refuge
Carnage AltarMerfolk SeastalkersQuest for Pure FlameFrontier GuideVampire HexmageKor AeronautTajuru ArcherHedron CrabKazandu RefugeGraypelt RefugeUnstable Footing
Quest for the GravelordTrapmaker's SnareShepherd of the LostPrimal BellowGeyser GliderKhalni GemArrow Volley TrapRuneflare TrapGatekeeper of MalakirTrapmaker's SnareLiving Tsunami
Greenweaver DruidCobra TrapInferno TrapQuest for the Holy RelicHagra DiabolistSejiri RefugeCarnage AltarAether FigmentAkoum RefugeCobra TrapGeyser Glider
Kor DuelistNeedlebite TrapBrave the ElementsMerfolk SeastalkersUnstable FootingTajuru ArcherVampire NighthawkPrimal BellowKhalni GemGoblin RuinblasterMerfolk Wayfinder
Feast of BloodPitfall TrapMark of MutinyMarsh CasualtiesGreenweaver DruidKazandu RefugeSeascape AerialistTrusty MacheteQuest for the Holy RelicMurasa PyromancerRavenous Trap
Baloth WoodcrasherSummoner's BaneShepherd of the LostQuest for the GravelordBlazing TorchQuest for Pure FlameWindborne ChargeRiver BoaLandbind RitualGomazoaVampire Nighthawk
Goblin RuinblasterMind SludgeKor DuelistPitfall TrapQuest for the GembladesLiving TsunamiRuneflare TrapGraypelt RefugeHagra DiabolistSummoner's BaneKhalni Gem

Foil Rare Sheet

I have transcribed the sheet from a picture I got from an eBay listing, but that listing is no longer online. Each rare card appears twice, and each mythic rare card appears once.

Eternity VesselLullmage MentorDay of JudgmentPyromancer AscensionOracle of Mul DayaScalding TarnNissa RevaneBloodchief AscensionElectropotenceSphinx of Jwar IsleCelestial Mantle
Misty RainforestArchive TrapConqueror's PledgePyromancer AscensionBeastmaster AscensionKalitas, Bloodchief of GhetMarsh FlatsArmament MasterSphinx of Jwar IsleElemental AppealGuul Draz Specter
Emeria, the Sky RuinFelidar SovereignTurntimber RangerGoblin GuideBloodghastArchmage AscensionMisty RainforestLotus CobraLullmage MentorHalo HunterLuminarch Ascension
Scalding TarnTurntimber RangerObsidian FireheartCosi's TricksterBloodchief AscensionElemental AppealVerdant CatacombsTerra StomperMalakir BloodwitchArchive TrapDay of Judgment
Magosi, the WaterveilChandra AblazeOracle of Mul DayaLuminarch AscensionGuul Draz SpecterArchmage AscensionEmeria, the Sky RuinCelestial MantleTerra StomperBloodghastElectropotence
Magosi, the WaterveilLorthos, the TidemakerArmament MasterMalakir BloodwitchConqueror's PledgeCosi's TricksterVerdant CatacombsBeastmaster AscensionGoblin GuideHalo HunterMarsh Flats
Devout LightcasterScute MobOran-Rief, the VastwoodSummoning TrapHellkite ChargerSphinx of Lost TruthsValakut, the Molten PinnacleSadistic SacramentWorld QuellerSea Gate LoremasterSorin Markov
Kabira EvangelPredatory UrgeArid MesaLavaball TrapGigantiformKazuul WarlordRite of ReplicationDevout LightcasterOb Nixilis, the FallenSphinx of Lost TruthsGrappling Hook
Predatory UrgeCrypt of AgadeemWorld QuellerWarren InstigatorBlade of the BloodchiefRoil ElementalBala Ged ThiefSummoning TrapEmeria AngelArid MesaMindbreak Trap
Valakut, the Molten PinnacleBlood TributeHellkite ChargerGigantiformRoil ElementalIona, Shield of EmeriaScute MobBala Ged ThiefCrypt of AgadeemLavaball TrapSea Gate Loremaster
Emeria AngelBlood TributeBlade of the BloodchiefOran-Rief, the VastwoodRampaging BalothsKazuul WarlordGrappling HookRite of ReplicationSadistic SacramentKabira EvangelEldrazi Monument

[1] The rare runs for US Zendikar were published by Ross Edwards in The Card Rebel's Black Book: First Edition.

[2] A picture of the foil US uncommon sheet was posted in the Misprints facebook group by Francisco Rocha. (Note that the other two sheets here are not from the US printing.)