Ikoria Collation

Ikoria is a large set with 101 commons, 80 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares, three variations of each standard basic land, and 10 extra common lands that can replace basic lands in boosters. This is the normal size for a large set of this era (although extra common lands don't appear in every set). Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 45 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA, Belgium, and Japan.

Ikoria was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation.

Packs have back-facing cards with common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by a basic land and ad card. If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear after the rare.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs will contain 2×A + 2×B + 6×C or 3×A + 2×B + 5×C. C2 packs will contains 4×A + 2×B + 4×C or 4×A + 3×B + 3×C or 4×A + 4×B + 2×C. Cards that have showcase variants appear in B or C2 and the showcase variant replaces one of the three copies of the card on the sheet.


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Common foils (including basic lands and tap lands) displace A commons. Uncommon foils can appear in both C1 and C2 packs (probably at equal rates) and displace B commons. Rare foils displace C2 commons. Foil showcase cards displace C1 commons. (This is at least true for uncommon and rare foil showcase cards. I don't have data for other rarities yet.)

There are 126 cards that can appear in the common foil slot, so they don't all appear on the same sheet. From what I can tell, some tap lands and some basic lands are on the main sheet. I have some evidence that Island (264) is on a different sheet (but still appearing in this slot).

The data is consistent with a common foil rate of 1/6 and an uncommon foil rate of 1/12.

There are two uncommon runs, A and B, each with 40 different cards appearing three times each. Half of packs have two A cards followed by a B, and half have one A card followed by two B cards. For cards that have showcase variants, one of the copies on the sheet is the showcase variant.

There are three rare runs. One run contains the normal version of every rare and mythic rare card (with mythic rares appearing half as often in the run). Another run contains every card that doesn't have an alternate version (neither a showcase version nor a borderless planeswalker). The third run contains the showcase variants and borderless planeswalkers. The first run appears 2/3 of the time. This strongly suggests that all rare cards are equally likely overall (with mythic rare cards half as likely) with showcase or borderless variants appearing 1/3 of the time for cards with those variants.

Cards in the land slot come from one sheet. Basic lands appear 1/2 of the time (or perhaps 61/121 of the time), each appearing 4 times on the sheet. Each of the tap lands appears 6 times on the sheet.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. These cards are white, blue, and red (appearing in that order). The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Thieving OtterSpelleater WolverineGarrison CatPhase DolphinCathartic ReunionDivine ArrowGlimmerbellPyroceratopsManed ServalGust of WindPrickly Marmoset
Helica GliderCapture SphereLava SerpentBlade BanishKeep SafeForbidden FriendshipSnare TacticianOf One MindDrannith StingerImposing VantasaurStartling Development
Frenzied RaptorCheckpoint OfficerThieving OtterGo for BloodSpontaneous FlightWingfold PteronTentative ConnectionSolid FootingFrostveil AmbushSpelleater WolverineHelica Glider
Frost LynxFerocious TigorillaPerimeter SergeantPhase DolphinPyroceratopsBlade BanishCapture SphereDrannith StingerSnare TacticianOf One MindLava Serpent
Maned ServalGlimmerbellCathartic ReunionGarrison CatKeep SafeGo for BloodDivine ArrowWingfold PteronFrenzied RaptorImposing VantasaurGust of Wind
Ferocious TigorillaCheckpoint OfficerFrostveil AmbushPrickly MarmosetSpontaneous FlightStartling DevelopmentForbidden FriendshipSolid FootingFrost LynxTentative ConnectionPerimeter Sergeant

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The cards alternate between black and green. One of the three copies of Cavern Whisperer is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

FertilidSerrated ScorpionRam ThroughBlitz LeechWiltBushmeat PoacherAdventurous ImpulseWhisper SquadSudden SpinneretsMutual DestructionFully Grown
Unlikely AidBristling BoarDead WeightAlmighty BrushwaggDurable CoilbugHoney MammothCavern Whisperer (Showcase)Humble NaturalistBushmeat PoacherWiltLurking Deadeye
Adventurous ImpulseDark BargainRam ThroughSerrated ScorpionSurvivors' BondBlitz LeechFertilidWhisper SquadSudden SpinneretsDead WeightAlmighty Brushwagg
Cavern WhispererHumble NaturalistMutual DestructionFully GrownDurable CoilbugBristling BoarUnlikely AidWiltLurking DeadeyeHoney MammothSerrated Scorpion
FertilidBlitz LeechAdventurous ImpulseDark BargainSurvivors' BondBushmeat PoacherRam ThroughWhisper SquadFully GrownDead WeightSudden Spinnerets
Cavern WhispererAlmighty BrushwaggMutual DestructionHumble NaturalistDark BargainSurvivors' BondUnlikely AidBristling BoarLurking DeadeyeHoney MammothDurable Coilbug

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Springjaw Trap, the short-printed common. It includes cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Rumbling RockslideConvoluteMysterious EggCorpse ChurnFlycatcher GiraffidPacifismBlisterspit GremlinEssence ScatterNightsquad CommandoPlummetDrannith Healer
Raking ClawsHampering SnareBlood CurdleThwart the EnemyPatagia TigerHeightened ReflexesSleeper DartConvoluteUnexpected FangsEssence SymbioteRaking Claws
Evolving WildsMemory LeakEssence ScatterGreater SandwurmPacifismBlisterspit GremlinFacet ReaderNightsquad CommandoFlycatcher GiraffidLight of HopeRumbling Rockslide
Aegis TurtleMysterious EggCorpse ChurnThwart the EnemyPatagia TigerShredded SailsHampering SnareEvolving WildsBlood CurdlePlummetDrannith Healer
Heightened ReflexesAegis TurtleUnexpected FangsEssence SymbioteLight of HopeShredded SailsFacet ReaderSleeper DartMemory LeakGreater SandwurmSpringjaw Trap

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Springjaw Trap, the short-printed common. It includes cards of all colors and colorless cards. For cards with showcase versions, one of the three copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Excavation MoleBoot NipperAnticipateFire ProphecyAdaptive ShimmererVulpikeetMigratory GreathornGloom PangolinDreamtail Heron (Showcase)Blazing VolleyDaysquad Marshal
CrystaceanExcavation MoleSuffocating FumesFarfinderCloudpiercerCoordinated ChargeMigratory Greathorn (Showcase)Gloom PangolinDreamtail HeronAdaptive ShimmererVulpikeet
Mosscoat GoriakBoot NipperAnticipateBlazing VolleyDaysquad MarshalFarfinderCoordinated ChargeExcavation MoleSuffocating FumesCrystaceanFire Prophecy
Savai SabertoothAnticipateCloudpiercerVulpikeet (Showcase)Mosscoat GoriakBoot NipperAdaptive ShimmererCrystaceanFire ProphecySavai SabertoothMigratory Greathorn
Gloom PangolinBlazing VolleySavai SabertoothDaysquad MarshalMosscoat GoriakSuffocating FumesDreamtail HeronCoordinated ChargeCloudpiercer (Showcase)FarfinderSpringjaw Trap

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. For cards that have showcase variants, one of the copies on the sheet is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Void BeckonerMystic SubdualKeensight MentorEasy PreyWingspan MentorSkull ProphetHuntmaster LigerMomentum RumblerCharge of the Forever-BeastFlourishing FoxAvian Oddity
Call of the Death-DwellerTrumpeting GnarrMigration PathWill of the All-HunterPouncing Shoreshark (Showcase)Primal EmpathySwallow WholeRooting MolochHornbash MentorAlert HeedbonderFight as One
Clash of TitansZenith FlareTitanoth RexMajestic AuricornNeutralizeSprite DragonSanctuary LockdownWeaponize the MonstersMonstrous StepRegal LeosaurReconnaissance Mission
Reptilian ReflectionProud WildbonderExuberant WolfbearKeensight MentorWingspan MentorTrumpeting Gnarr (Showcase)Huntmaster LigerCharge of the Forever-BeastValiant RescuerSonorous HowlbonderMystic Subdual
Footfall CraterSkull ProphetMigration PathFight as OnePouncing ShoresharkJubilant SkybonderVoid BeckonerMomentum RumblerMonstrous StepPrimal EmpathyAvian Oddity
Flourishing FoxRegal LeosaurTitanoth RexReptilian ReflectionNeutralizeSonorous HowlbonderWill of the All-HunterClash of TitansHornbash MentorProud WildbonderReconnaissance Mission
Rooting MolochSprite DragonExuberant WolfbearMajestic Auricorn (Showcase)Mystic SubdualZenith FlareSwallow WholeWeaponize the MonstersCharge of the Forever-BeastSanctuary LockdownPouncing Shoreshark
Huntmaster Liger (Showcase)Jubilant SkybonderMigration PathValiant RescuerWingspan MentorSkull ProphetKeensight MentorFootfall CraterMonstrous StepRegal Leosaur (Showcase)Avian Oddity
Momentum RumblerPrimal EmpathyHornbash MentorFlourishing FoxNeutralizeTrumpeting GnarrFight as OneRooting MolochTitanoth RexSprite DragonReconnaissance Mission
Reptilian ReflectionZenith FlareSwallow WholeEasy PreyClash of TitansSonorous HowlbonderMajestic AuricornCall of the Death-DwellerWeaponize the MonstersProud WildbonderVoid Beckoner
Will of the All-HunterAlert HeedbonderExuberant WolfbearEasy PreySanctuary LockdownFootfall CraterAlert HeedbonderCall of the Death-DwellerValiant RescuerJubilant Skybonder

The B uncommon run also consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. For cards that have showcase variants, one of the copies on the sheet is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Bastion of RemembranceRaugrin CrystalLore DrakkisHeartless ActFrillscare MentorEscape ProtocolChittering HarvesterBack for MorePollywog SymbioteIndatha CrystalFlame Spill
Cunning NightbonderBarrier BreachZagoth MambaSavai ThundermaneBlitz of the Thunder-RaptorKetria CrystalBoon of the Wish-GiverSplendor MareInsatiable HemophageStormwild CapridorBoneyard Lurker (Showcase)
Ivy ElementalOminous SeasUnbreakable BondGrimdancerGeneral's EnforcerSavai CrystalSanctuary SmasherParcelbeastLead the StampedeDire TacticsArchipelagore (Showcase)
Indatha CrystalChanneled ForcePorcuparrot (Showcase)Glowstone RecluseEscape ProtocolZagoth MambaAuspicious StarrixChittering Harvester (Showcase)Zagoth CrystalBack for MoreFrillscare Mentor
Duskfang MentorNecropanther (Showcase)Heartless ActPollywog SymbioteRaugrin CrystalBastion of RemembranceSavai ThundermaneIvy ElementalStormwild CapridorGrimdancerLore Drakkis
Ketria CrystalUnbreakable BondParcelbeast (Showcase)Boon of the Wish-GiverBarrier BreachBlitz of the Thunder-RaptorSplendor MareInsatiable HemophageSavai CrystalFlame SpillCunning Nightbonder
Ominous SeasSanctuary SmasherBoneyard LurkerZagoth MambaLead the StampedeGeneral's EnforcerPorcuparrotGlowstone RecluseDuskfang MentorDire TacticsArchipelagore
Indatha CrystalBastion of RemembranceHeartless ActLore Drakkis (Showcase)Raugrin CrystalPollywog SymbioteBack for MoreChittering HarvesterBarrier BreachAuspicious Starrix (Showcase)Necropanther
Zagoth CrystalBoon of the Wish-GiverParcelbeastFrillscare MentorEscape ProtocolChanneled ForceSplendor MareIvy ElementalKetria CrystalFlame SpillCunning Nightbonder
Lead the StampedeBlitz of the Thunder-RaptorSavai ThundermaneUnbreakable BondInsatiable Hemophage (Showcase)General's EnforcerGrimdancerSavai CrystalOminous SeasAuspicious StarrixChanneled Force
Zagoth CrystalArchipelagoreBoneyard LurkerSanctuary SmasherStormwild CapridorNecropantherPorcuparrotGlowstone Recluse (Showcase)Duskfang MentorDire Tactics

Land Run

Each basic land appears 4 times and each tap land appears 6 times. One observed box had an extra copy of Plains (260) which I've omited, as it was skipped in two other boxes. The position of this extra land would be at the end of this listing.

Mountain (269)Rugged HighlandsPlains (260)Bloodfell CavesIsland (263)Blossoming SandsSwamp (268)Scoured BarrensPlains (261)Dismal BackwaterIsland (264)
Swamp (267)Wind-Scarred CragSwiftwater CliffsMountain (271)Jungle HollowBloodfell CavesMountain (270)Tranquil CoveForest (273)Thornwood FallsPlains (262)
Forest (272)Scoured BarrensIsland (265)Rugged HighlandsForest (274)Blossoming SandsSwamp (266)Wind-Scarred CragSwamp (268)Dismal BackwaterPlains (261)
Island (263)Jungle HollowSwiftwater CliffsIsland (264)Thornwood FallsBloodfell CavesPlains (260)Blossoming SandsMountain (269)Tranquil CoveSwamp (267)
Mountain (270)Scoured BarrensIsland (265)Wind-Scarred CragMountain (271)Dismal BackwaterForest (273)Jungle HollowForest (272)Rugged HighlandsPlains (262)
Forest (274)Blossoming SandsBloodfell CavesPlains (261)Thornwood FallsSwiftwater CliffsSwamp (266)Tranquil CoveSwamp (268)Scoured BarrensIsland (264)
Mountain (269)Rugged HighlandsIsland (263)Wind-Scarred CragSwamp (267)Jungle HollowIsland (265)Dismal BackwaterPlains (260)Swiftwater CliffsMountain (270)
Forest (273)Thornwood FallsTranquil CoveMountain (271)Scoured BarrensBloodfell CavesSwamp (266)Blossoming SandsForest (274)Wind-Scarred CragPlains (262)
Forest (272)Tranquil CovePlains (261)Rugged HighlandsIsland (265)Jungle HollowPlains (260)Dismal BackwaterSwamp (268)Swiftwater CliffsIsland (264)
Mountain (269)Thornwood FallsBloodfell CavesSwamp (267)Scoured BarrensRugged HighlandsIsland (263)Blossoming SandsForest (273)Wind-Scarred CragMountain (270)
Forest (274)Tranquil CoveSwiftwater CliffsPlains (262)Jungle HollowMountain (271)Swamp (266)Dismal BackwaterForest (272)Thornwood Falls

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Ikoria have a token on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for MTG Arena on the front face. (The front has an ESRB rating and the back has PEGI, so I'm not aware of any region differences.) They are printed on an 11 × 11 sheet with different items appearing different numbers of times.

There are also punch cards that appear in 3 out of every 25 packs. These are printed on a different sheet.

Arena Ad CardCat BirdHuman Soldier (4)CompanionHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardBeastHuman Soldier (4)Dinosaur BeastHuman Soldier (5)
Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardDinosaurHuman Soldier (4)SharkHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardCatHuman Soldier (4)Companion
Human Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardNarset of the Ancient Way EmblemHuman Soldier (4)DinosaurHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardBeastHuman Soldier (4)
FeatherHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardDinosaurHuman Soldier (4)Cat BirdHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardCompanion
Human Soldier (4)DinosaurHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardCatHuman Soldier (4)SharkHuman Soldier (5)KrakenHuman Soldier (3)
Arena Ad CardDinosaurHuman Soldier (4)Dinosaur BeastHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardBeastHuman Soldier (4)CompanionHuman Soldier (5)
Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardCatHuman Soldier (4)DinosaurHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardCat BirdHuman Soldier (4)Companion
Human Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardDinosaurHuman Soldier (4)BeastHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardFeatherHuman Soldier (4)
CatHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardCompanionHuman Soldier (4)DinosaurHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardShark
Human Soldier (4)BeastHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardDinosaurHuman Soldier (4)KrakenHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad Card
CompanionHuman Soldier (4)BeastHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardCatHuman Soldier (4)DinosaurHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)

Token Rarity
Narset of the Ancient Way EmblemNarset of the Ancient Way Emblem × 1Dinosaur BeastDinosaur Beast × 2FeatherFeather × 2
KrakenKraken × 2Cat BirdCat Bird × 3SharkShark × 3
CatCat × 5BeastBeast × 6CompanionCompanion × 7
DinosaurDinosaur × 10Arena Ad CardArena Ad Card × 20Human Soldier (3)Human Soldier × 20
Human Soldier (4)Human Soldier × 20Human Soldier (5)Human Soldier × 20

Belgian Pack Anatomy

The Belgian printing uses sequential collation with simple two-run 101 common collation.

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by a basic land and an ad card. There are 10 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the land, displacing a common.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Foil1 Ad Card

Each pack contains six cards from the A common run followed by four cards from the B run. Foils can displace a card from either run.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 60 different cards each appearing twice plus Springjaw Trap, the short-printed common. Other than Springjaw Trap, the cards appear in a repeating pattern of white, black, green, blue, red. I've chosen to put Sringjaw Trap at the end to emphasize the pattern.

Perimeter SergeantDead WeightHoney MammothOf One MindPyroceratopsSolid FootingBushmeat PoacherWiltFrostveil AmbushGo for BloodManed Serval
Mutual DestructionMosscoat GoriakCapture SphereFerocious TigorillaImposing VantasaurUnlikely AidFlycatcher GiraffidWingfold PteronForbidden FriendshipSpontaneous FlightNightsquad Commando
Almighty BrushwaggThieving OtterTentative ConnectionDrannith HealerUnexpected FangsAdventurous ImpulsePhase DolphinCathartic ReunionDivine ArrowLurking DeadeyeHumble Naturalist
Startling DevelopmentFrenzied RaptorSolid FootingSerrated ScorpionSudden SpinneretsFrost LynxDrannith StingerCheckpoint OfficerDead WeightRam ThroughFacet Reader
Lava SerpentSavai SabertoothBlitz LeechThwart the EnemyGlimmerbellFrenzied RaptorImposing VantasaurMutual DestructionAlmighty BrushwaggFrostveil AmbushPyroceratops
Perimeter SergeantCorpse ChurnBristling BoarWingfold PteronShredded SailsHelica GliderUnlikely AidWiltKeep SafeForbidden FriendshipSavai Sabertooth
Durable CoilbugFlycatcher GiraffidPhase DolphinTentative ConnectionBlade BanishLurking DeadeyeThwart the EnemyFacet ReaderGo for BloodDivine ArrowBushmeat Poacher
Honey MammothCapture SphereRaking ClawsGarrison CatUnexpected FangsMosscoat GoriakKeep SafeSpelleater WolverineBlade BanishDurable CoilbugBristling Boar
Gust of WindRaking ClawsDrannith HealerWhisper SquadHumble NaturalistOf One MindFerocious TigorillaSpontaneous FlightCorpse ChurnRam ThroughFrost Lynx
Spelleater WolverineHelica GliderSerrated ScorpionGreater SandwurmGlimmerbellLava SerpentManed ServalWhisper SquadSudden SpinneretsThieving OtterDrannith Stinger
Checkpoint OfficerBlitz LeechAdventurous ImpulseGust of WindShredded SailsGarrison CatNightsquad CommandoGreater SandwurmStartling DevelopmentCathartic ReunionSpringjaw Trap

The B common run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times plus Springjaw Trap, the short-printed common. It includes cards of all colors and colorless cards. For cards that have a showcase variant, one of the three copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Snare TacticianMigratory GreathornHampering SnareSuffocating FumesPacifismBlisterspit GremlinCavern WhispererExcavation MoleAdaptive ShimmererHeightened ReflexesEssence Scatter
Coordinated ChargeEvolving WildsFire ProphecyPlummetCloudpiercer (Showcase)Sleeper DartVulpikeetDark BargainRumbling RockslideHampering SnareMysterious Egg
Daysquad MarshalBlazing VolleyCavern Whisperer (Showcase)Essence ScatterFertilidCrystaceanBoot NipperSnare TacticianSurvivors' BondFarfinderGloom Pangolin
Patagia TigerDreamtail HeronPlummetMemory LeakPacifismAnticipateSuffocating FumesExcavation MoleLight of HopeCloudpiercerMigratory Greathorn
Adaptive ShimmererFully GrownBlood CurdleConvolutePrickly MarmosetVulpikeet (Showcase)Sleeper DartMysterious EggFire ProphecyGloom PangolinFertilid
Patagia TigerCrystaceanCloudpiercerEssence SymbioteAnticipateDark BargainPacifismBlisterspit GremlinCavern WhispererFarfinderConvolute
Evolving WildsExcavation MoleCoordinated ChargeHeightened ReflexesBlood CurdleAegis TurtlePrickly MarmosetPatagia TigerPlummetSuffocating FumesDreamtail Heron
Light of HopeHeightened ReflexesMigratory Greathorn (Showcase)Gloom PangolinMysterious EggRumbling RockslideSleeper DartMemory LeakEssence SymbioteLight of HopeDark Bargain
Daysquad MarshalHampering SnareSurvivors' BondVulpikeetAegis TurtleSpringjaw TrapBoot NipperCoordinated ChargeFully GrownFire ProphecyAdaptive Shimmerer
Memory LeakEssence ScatterBlazing VolleyEvolving WildsEssence SymbioteCrystaceanSnare TacticianBlood CurdleBlisterspit GremlinFully GrownDreamtail Heron (Showcase)
Boot NipperConvolutePrickly MarmosetFarfinderBlazing VolleyFertilidDaysquad MarshalAegis TurtleSurvivors' BondRumbling RockslideAnticipate

Japanese Pack Anatomy

The Japanese printing uses sequential collation with (probably) 112 card sheets (which seems to be the usual for Japan). The dimensions of the sheets are not known.

Packs are front-facing starting with the ad card and a basic land or common tap land, then the rare, 3 uncommons, and 10 commons. If there is a foil, it will appear between the land and the rare, displacing a common.

1 Ad Card1 Land1 Rare3 Uncommons10 Commons
1 Ad Card1 Land1 Foil1 Rare3 Uncommons9 Commons

There are 3 common runs: A, B, and C. A contains 27 distinct cards, and B and C each contain 37 distinct cards. Each pack gets 2 to 3 cards from A followed by 3 to 4 cards from B and 3 to 4 cards from C. This means packs are either 2-4-4, 3-3-4, or 3-4-3. The exact ratios may depend on the way foil collation works. The cards with showcase versions appear in run C where the showcase version takes up one of the card's three slots in the run.


Foils displace a common. As far as I've seen, there will still be at least 2 A commons, 3 B commons, and 3 C commons, and I have seen all three possibilities for common distribution given a foil.

There are two uncommon runs, A and B. The A run contains 43 distinct cards each repeated five times. The B and C run each contain 37 distinct cards each repeated three times. The cards with showcase versions appear in run B where the showcase version takes up one of the card's three slots in the run. Packs contain either two A cards followed by one B, or two B cards followed by one A. Mathematically, two A cards should appear 49/80 of the time.

There are four rare runs. One run contains 31 rare cards, one contains 12 rares and 7 mythic rares, and the other two runs contain the 10 rares and 8 mythic rares that have alternate versions (either showcase cards or borderless planeswalkers). One of these has the normal versions and one has the alternate versions. Mythic rares seem to appear half as often on the sheets (probably including the sheet with alternate versions). Empirically, these runs appear at about the proper rates such that each rare card is equally likely overall and each mythic rare card is half as likely. Also empirically, the alternate versions of cards are about half as likely as the normal versions (so the chance of a card being a variant version is about 1/3).

Basic lands and tap lands are printed on separate sheets. It's plausible that these are equally likely.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing four times (which would leave 4 fillers on a 112 card sheet). The cards are mostly green. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Raking ClawsFertilidEvolving WildsHumble NaturalistFully GrownShredded SailsSurvivors' BondUnlikely Aid
Ram ThroughAlmighty BrushwaggWhisper SquadMosscoat GoriakSpontaneous FlightHoney MammothUnexpected FangsFlycatcher Giraffid
Mysterious EggAdventurous ImpulseSpringjaw TrapSudden SpinneretsThwart the EnemyTentative ConnectionBristling BoarSuffocating Fumes
Thwart the EnemyShredded SailsAdventurous ImpulseSpringjaw TrapGreater SandwurmUnexpected FangsBristling BoarMysterious Egg
Sudden SpinneretsSurvivors' BondWhisper SquadHumble NaturalistRaking ClawsFlycatcher GiraffidSpontaneous FlightFertilid
WiltSpelleater WolverineMosscoat GoriakSuffocating FumesHoney MammothEvolving WildsRam ThroughFully Grown
Unlikely AidAlmighty BrushwaggTentative ConnectionFlycatcher GiraffidSpringjaw TrapGreater SandwurmBristling BoarRaking Claws
WiltUnlikely AidAdventurous ImpulseHumble NaturalistSpelleater WolverineSurvivors' BondMysterious EggSudden Spinnerets
Whisper SquadFertilidShredded SailsMosscoat GoriakEvolving WildsThwart the EnemyUnexpected FangsRam Through
Fully GrownSuffocating FumesHoney MammothSpontaneous FlightAlmighty BrushwaggSpelleater WolverineThwart the EnemySpontaneous Flight
Bristling BoarTentative ConnectionAlmighty BrushwaggWhisper SquadHumble NaturalistEvolving WildsFully GrownUnexpected Fangs
Greater SandwurmFertilidUnlikely AidWiltRam ThroughShredded SailsSudden SpinneretsMysterious Egg
Honey MammothTentative ConnectionMosscoat GoriakFlycatcher GiraffidRaking ClawsSurvivors' BondSpringjaw TrapAdventurous Impulse
Spelleater WolverineWiltSuffocating FumesGreater Sandwurm

The B common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times (which would leave 1 filler on a 112 card sheet). The cards are mostly white and blue. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

GlimmerbellImposing VantasaurBlisterspit GremlinOf One MindDrannith HealerAegis TurtleSavai SabertoothFrost Lynx
Adaptive ShimmererSolid FootingFacet ReaderThieving OtterLight of HopeSleeper DartFrostveil AmbushCheckpoint Officer
Wingfold PteronGloom PangolinBlade BanishOf One MindCapture SphereCoordinated ChargeBlisterspit GremlinPhase Dolphin
Helica GliderCrystaceanManed ServalStartling DevelopmentDrannith HealerHampering SnareDivine ArrowConvolute
Imposing VantasaurKeep SafeBlazing VolleySnare TacticianAnticipateGlimmerbellGarrison CatPlummet
CrystaceanPerimeter SergeantCapture SphereBlade BanishAegis TurtleSolid FootingCrystaceanDrannith Healer
GlimmerbellCoordinated ChargeSleeper DartThieving OtterManed ServalHampering SnareSavai SabertoothWingfold Pteron
Blisterspit GremlinHelica GliderFacet ReaderFrostveil AmbushPerimeter SergeantGloom PangolinPhase DolphinCheckpoint Officer
Keep SafePlummetImposing VantasaurConvoluteGust of WindGarrison CatBlazing VolleyAnticipate
Divine ArrowOf One MindAdaptive ShimmererSnare TacticianStartling DevelopmentFrost LynxLight of HopeAdaptive Shimmerer
Wingfold PteronBlade BanishGust of WindCoordinated ChargeKeep SafeLight of HopePhase DolphinPlummet
Perimeter SergeantConvoluteGarrison CatCapture SphereCheckpoint OfficerFrost LynxStartling DevelopmentHelica Glider
Frostveil AmbushBlazing VolleyDivine ArrowGust of WindAnticipateSolid FootingGloom PangolinThieving Otter
Snare TacticianHampering SnareManed ServalFacet ReaderSleeper DartSavai SabertoothAegis Turtle

The C common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times (which would leave 1 filler on a 112 card sheet). The cards are mostly black and red. For cards that have showcase variants, one of the copies on the sheet is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Prickly MarmosetBlitz LeechMigratory GreathornCathartic ReunionSerrated ScorpionFire ProphecyDreamtail Heron (Showcase)Lurking Deadeye
Drannith StingerBlood CurdleLava SerpentMutual DestructionEssence SymbioteForbidden FriendshipDurable CoilbugPatagia Tiger
Ferocious TigorillaBoot NipperDead WeightRumbling RockslidePyroceratopsBushmeat PoacherDaysquad MarshalFrenzied Raptor
Memory LeakExcavation MoleHeightened ReflexesNightsquad CommandoPacifismCloudpiercer (Showcase)Dark BargainBoot Nipper
Lava SerpentFarfinderBlitz LeechFire ProphecyMemory LeakMigratory GreathornPrickly MarmosetDurable Coilbug
Dreamtail HeronFrenzied RaptorCavern WhispererPatagia TigerPyroceratopsSerrated ScorpionEssence ScatterFerocious Tigorilla
Corpse ChurnPacifismGo for BloodMutual DestructionExcavation MoleCathartic ReunionCavern WhispererDaysquad Marshal
CloudpiercerCorpse ChurnEssence SymbioteHeightened ReflexesBlood CurdleBushmeat PoacherDrannith StingerVulpikeet (Showcase)
Lurking DeadeyeRumbling RockslideDead WeightDaysquad MarshalPyroceratopsNightsquad CommandoFire ProphecyBlitz Leech
Dreamtail HeronHeightened ReflexesMemory LeakEssence SymbioteCathartic ReunionBoot NipperDark BargainFerocious Tigorilla
Patagia TigerSerrated ScorpionGo for BloodExcavation MoleCavern Whisperer (Showcase)Rumbling RockslideBushmeat PoacherEssence Scatter
Lava SerpentDurable CoilbugFarfinderForbidden FriendshipBlood CurdleCloudpiercerDead WeightPacifism
Drannith StingerMutual DestructionMigratory Greathorn (Showcase)Forbidden FriendshipLurking DeadeyeVulpikeetPrickly MarmosetCorpse Churn
Essence ScatterFrenzied RaptorNightsquad CommandoVulpikeetGo for BloodDark BargainFarfinder

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 43 different cards each appearing five times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Titanoth RexAvian OddityMomentum RumblerWingspan MentorVoid BeckonerZagoth CrystalWill of the All-HunterOminous Seas
Valiant RescuerExuberant WolfbearSavai CrystalWeaponize the MonstersLead the StampedePollywog SymbioteIvy ElementalSanctuary Lockdown
Hornbash MentorDuskfang MentorSwallow WholeRooting MolochStormwild CapridorReptilian ReflectionNeutralizeKeensight Mentor
Migration PathBoon of the Wish-GiverKetria CrystalFight as OneSanctuary SmasherCharge of the Forever-BeastMystic SubdualUnbreakable Bond
Escape ProtocolEasy PreyBarrier BreachBastion of RemembranceWingspan MentorMonstrous StepIndatha CrystalFlourishing Fox
Weaponize the MonstersReconnaissance MissionZagoth MambaMomentum RumblerWill of the All-HunterSavai CrystalTitanoth RexCall of the Death-Dweller
Raugrin CrystalVoid BeckonerLead the StampedeAvian OdditySanctuary LockdownPollywog SymbioteUnbreakable BondZagoth Crystal
Swallow WholeOminous SeasValiant RescuerExuberant WolfbearEscape ProtocolCharge of the Forever-BeastRooting MolochIvy Elemental
Keensight MentorHornbash MentorDuskfang MentorBoon of the Wish-GiverStormwild CapridorMigration PathKetria CrystalReptilian Reflection
NeutralizeEasy PreyWill of the All-HunterSanctuary SmasherZagoth CrystalFight as OneBarrier BreachMystic Subdual
Bastion of RemembranceWingspan MentorWeaponize the MonstersAvian OddityFlourishing FoxMonstrous StepSavai CrystalSwallow Whole
Indatha CrystalReconnaissance MissionMomentum RumblerLead the StampedeZagoth MambaKeensight MentorNeutralizeRaugrin Crystal
Titanoth RexCall of the Death-DwellerPollywog SymbioteVoid BeckonerIvy ElementalDuskfang MentorSanctuary LockdownEscape Protocol
Unbreakable BondOminous SeasReptilian ReflectionExuberant WolfbearValiant RescuerCharge of the Forever-BeastSanctuary SmasherMigration Path
Rooting MolochStormwild CapridorHornbash MentorKetria CrystalFight as OneBoon of the Wish-GiverMonstrous StepWingspan Mentor
Titanoth RexReconnaissance MissionWill of the All-HunterEasy PreyZagoth CrystalBastion of RemembranceBarrier BreachZagoth Mamba
Mystic SubdualMomentum RumblerAvian OddityWeaponize the MonstersIndatha CrystalFlourishing FoxSavai CrystalVoid Beckoner
Swallow WholePollywog SymbioteDuskfang MentorIvy ElementalNeutralizeLead the StampedeKeensight MentorCall of the Death-Dweller
Charge of the Forever-BeastRaugrin CrystalSanctuary LockdownExuberant WolfbearReptilian ReflectionHornbash MentorSanctuary SmasherOminous Seas
Unbreakable BondEscape ProtocolValiant RescuerBoon of the Wish-GiverMigration PathFight as OneIndatha CrystalRooting Moloch
Ketria CrystalMonstrous StepStormwild CapridorBastion of RemembranceReconnaissance MissionBarrier BreachCall of the Death-DwellerAvian Oddity
Titanoth RexWingspan MentorEasy PreyMomentum RumblerWill of the All-HunterZagoth CrystalZagoth MambaValiant Rescuer
Exuberant WolfbearMystic SubdualWeaponize the MonstersSavai CrystalFlourishing FoxIvy ElementalVoid BeckonerOminous Seas
Swallow WholeDuskfang MentorReptilian ReflectionPollywog SymbioteLead the StampedeNeutralizeKeensight MentorRaugrin Crystal
Migration PathStormwild CapridorCharge of the Forever-BeastSanctuary LockdownKetria CrystalUnbreakable BondSanctuary SmasherHornbash Mentor
Escape ProtocolRooting MolochBoon of the Wish-GiverFight as OneBarrier BreachBastion of RemembranceMonstrous StepReconnaissance Mission
Indatha CrystalZagoth MambaMystic SubdualFlourishing FoxEasy PreyRaugrin CrystalCall of the Death-Dweller

The B uncommon run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times. For cards that have showcase variants, one of the copies on the sheet is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Auspicious Starrix (Showcase)Jubilant SkybonderFrillscare MentorChanneled ForceBack for MoreFootfall CraterLore DrakkisArchipelagore (Showcase)
Flame SpillSprite DragonNecropantherZenith FlareClash of TitansInsatiable HemophageMajestic AuricornBoneyard Lurker (Showcase)
Proud WildbonderChittering HarvesterCunning NightbonderPrimal EmpathySplendor MareGlowstone Recluse (Showcase)Sonorous HowlbonderGrimdancer
Regal LeosaurSavai ThundermaneSkull ProphetAlert HeedbonderHeartless ActGeneral's EnforcerHuntmaster Liger (Showcase)Parcelbeast
Trumpeting GnarrPorcuparrotPouncing ShoresharkBlitz of the Thunder-RaptorJubilant SkybonderFootfall CraterDire TacticsChittering Harvester
Zenith FlareAuspicious StarrixPrimal EmpathyFlame SpillNecropantherFrillscare MentorGrimdancerMajestic Auricorn (Showcase)
Back for MoreChanneled ForceArchipelagoreLore Drakkis (Showcase)Clash of TitansSprite DragonRegal LeosaurProud Wildbonder
General's EnforcerPouncing ShoresharkSavai ThundermaneInsatiable Hemophage (Showcase)Boneyard LurkerSkull ProphetGlowstone RecluseParcelbeast (Showcase)
Huntmaster LigerCunning NightbonderSplendor MareSonorous HowlbonderPorcuparrot (Showcase)Trumpeting GnarrHeartless ActJubilant Skybonder
Blitz of the Thunder-RaptorAlert HeedbonderFrillscare MentorSprite DragonAuspicious StarrixNecropanther (Showcase)Clash of TitansChanneled Force
Flame SpillArchipelagoreFootfall CraterChittering Harvester (Showcase)Dire TacticsZenith FlareLore DrakkisBack for More
Proud WildbonderPrimal EmpathyRegal Leosaur (Showcase)GrimdancerMajestic AuricornHeartless ActSonorous HowlbonderSplendor Mare
Alert HeedbonderParcelbeastPouncing Shoreshark (Showcase)Skull ProphetHuntmaster LigerGeneral's EnforcerPorcuparrotInsatiable Hemophage
Savai ThundermaneTrumpeting Gnarr (Showcase)Boneyard LurkerGlowstone RecluseDire TacticsBlitz of the Thunder-RaptorCunning Nightbonder

Land Runs

The basic land run contains contains each basic land variation seven times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Swamp (266)Island (264)Mountain (270)Plains (261)Forest (272)Plains (262)Swamp (268)Island (263)
Mountain (269)Forest (274)Swamp (267)Forest (273)Mountain (271)Island (265)Plains (260)Swamp (266)
Mountain (270)Island (264)Swamp (267)Plains (261)Forest (273)Plains (262)Forest (272)Mountain (269)
Swamp (268)Plains (260)Island (263)Forest (274)Mountain (271)Island (265)Swamp (268)Mountain (270)
Swamp (267)Swamp (266)Island (264)Forest (272)Plains (262)Island (265)Plains (261)Forest (274)
Plains (260)Mountain (271)Forest (273)Island (263)Mountain (269)Swamp (268)Mountain (270)Island (264)
Swamp (267)Plains (261)Forest (273)Swamp (266)Mountain (271)Plains (262)Island (265)Forest (274)
Swamp (268)Plains (260)Forest (272)Island (263)Mountain (269)Mountain (270)Island (264)Forest (272)
Swamp (266)Plains (262)Forest (273)Swamp (267)Plains (261)Island (265)Mountain (269)Forest (274)
Swamp (266)Swamp (268)Island (263)Plains (260)Mountain (271)Island (264)Mountain (270)Plains (261)
Swamp (267)Plains (262)Forest (273)Forest (272)Mountain (269)Swamp (266)Island (265)Forest (274)
Swamp (268)Island (263)Plains (260)Forest (274)Mountain (270)Plains (261)Mountain (271)Plains (262)
Swamp (267)Mountain (269)Forest (272)Island (263)Forest (273)Island (265)Island (264)Mountain (271)
Plains (260)

The other land run contains contains each tap land ten times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Rugged HighlandsScoured BarrensBloodfell CavesDismal BackwaterTranquil CoveBlossoming SandsRugged HighlandsTranquil Cove
Jungle HollowSwiftwater CliffsThornwood FallsDismal BackwaterWind-Scarred CragBloodfell CavesScoured BarrensRugged Highlands
Thornwood FallsBlossoming SandsSwiftwater CliffsWind-Scarred CragDismal BackwaterTranquil CoveJungle HollowScoured Barrens
Bloodfell CavesSwiftwater CliffsJungle HollowBlossoming SandsTranquil CoveWind-Scarred CragRugged HighlandsBloodfell Caves
Thornwood FallsScoured BarrensDismal BackwaterThornwood FallsJungle HollowScoured BarrensWind-Scarred CragSwiftwater Cliffs
Blossoming SandsDismal BackwaterTranquil CoveRugged HighlandsBloodfell CavesDismal BackwaterRugged HighlandsThornwood Falls
Scoured BarrensBlossoming SandsJungle HollowWind-Scarred CragBloodfell CavesTranquil CoveSwiftwater CliffsRugged Highlands
Dismal BackwaterWind-Scarred CragScoured BarrensBloodfell CavesThornwood FallsSwiftwater CliffsBlossoming SandsTranquil Cove
Jungle HollowScoured BarrensBloodfell CavesDismal BackwaterJungle HollowRugged HighlandsTranquil CoveThornwood Falls
Swiftwater CliffsWind-Scarred CragBlossoming SandsRugged HighlandsBlossoming SandsThornwood FallsBloodfell CavesTranquil Cove
Scoured BarrensJungle HollowWind-Scarred CragDismal BackwaterSwiftwater CliffsThornwood FallsBloodfell CavesScoured Barrens
Wind-Scarred CragJungle HollowRugged HighlandsSwiftwater CliffsBlossoming SandsTranquil CoveDismal BackwaterThornwood Falls
Bloodfell CavesScoured BarrensJungle HollowWind-Scarred CragDismal BackwaterSwiftwater CliffsRugged HighlandsBlossoming Sands
Thornwood FallsSwiftwater CliffsBlossoming SandsJungle HollowTranquil CoveWind-Scarred Crag

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Ikoria have a token or emblem on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for MTG Arena on the front face. (The front has an ESRB rating and the back has PEGI, so I'm not aware of any region differences.) They are printed in a 112 card run with items appearing different numbers of times.

There are also punch cards that appear maybe between 1/8 and 1/9 of the time. These are printed on a different sheet.

DinosaurHuman Soldier (5)Arena Ad CardCatHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)BeastHuman Soldier (4)
Arena Ad CardDinosaurHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (4)Human Soldier (3)CatArena Ad CardDinosaur
Human Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Cat BirdHuman Soldier (4)Arena Ad CardHuman Soldier (5)CompanionHuman Soldier (4)
KrakenHuman Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardCatHuman Soldier (4)Human Soldier (5)BeastHuman Soldier (3)
Arena Ad CardCat BirdHuman Soldier (3)CompanionBeastHuman Soldier (4)Human Soldier (5)Human Soldier (4)
DinosaurArena Ad CardHuman Soldier (3)Cat BirdHuman Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardDinosaur BeastHuman Soldier (5)
Human Soldier (4)FeatherHuman Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardHuman Soldier (5)Human Soldier (4)CompanionHuman Soldier (4)
Human Soldier (5)Arena Ad CardSharkHuman Soldier (3)Human Soldier (4)Human Soldier (5)Arena Ad CardHuman Soldier (3)
Human Soldier (5)DinosaurHuman Soldier (4)Human Soldier (5)Arena Ad CardHuman Soldier (3)CatHuman Soldier (4)
DinosaurCompanionArena Ad CardHuman Soldier (3)Human Soldier (5)KrakenCatBeast
Human Soldier (4)Arena Ad CardHuman Soldier (5)CompanionHuman Soldier (3)Arena Ad CardSharkHuman Soldier (3)
DinosaurArena Ad CardHuman Soldier (4)BeastHuman Soldier (4)Human Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)Human Soldier (4)
DinosaurArena Ad CardHuman Soldier (5)Narset of the Ancient Way EmblemSharkHuman Soldier (3)DinosaurArena Ad Card
Human Soldier (4)Human Soldier (5)Human Soldier (3)DinosaurDinosaur BeastArena Ad CardHuman Soldier (4)Human Soldier (3)

Token Rarity
FeatherFeather × 1Narset of the Ancient Way EmblemNarset of the Ancient Way Emblem × 1Dinosaur BeastDinosaur Beast × 2
KrakenKraken × 2Cat BirdCat Bird × 3SharkShark × 3
BeastBeast × 5CatCat × 5CompanionCompanion × 5
DinosaurDinosaur × 10Human Soldier (5)Human Soldier × 18Arena Ad CardArena Ad Card × 19
Human Soldier (3)Human Soldier × 19Human Soldier (4)Human Soldier × 19