Zendikar Rising Collation

Zendikar Rising is a large set with 101 commons, 80 uncommons (20 of which are double-faced), 64 rares (11 of which are double-faced), 20 mythic rares (5 of which are double-faced), and three variations of each standard basic land. This is the normal size for a large set of this era except the double-faced rares and mythics are in addition to the normal count (but the uncommons are not). Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised rate of 33% of boosters. The set was printed in English in the USA, Belgium, and Japan.

Zendikar Rising was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional ad card or double-faced card placeholder). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation. This is a novel variation of C1/C2 collation that doesn't match any other printing from any set. Every pack contains exactly one non-foil double-faced card, appearing in a normal slot according to its rarity.

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by a basic land and an ad card. There are 10 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear after the rare.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. Non-foil C1 packs have 2-3 A commons followed by 2 B commons and 5-6 C commons. Non-foil C2 packs have 3-4 A commons followed by 2-3 B commons and 3-4 C commons. (I haven't observed 3A + 2B.) Cards that have showcase variants appear in B or C2 and the showcase variant replaces one of the three copies of the card on the sheet.

When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. The vast majority of foils appear in C2 packs. The only foils I've observed in C1 packs are a showcase common and a borderless pathway (although a showcase uncommon appeared in a C2 pack). Both of these packs were 3A+1B. C2 foil packs can be 4A+2B, 3A+3B, or 3A+2B. I haven't found any deeper connection between foil type and pack type.

If there is a double-faced uncommon card, it will be the third uncommon.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. These cards are white, blue, and red (appearing in that order). The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

DeliberateKor CelebrantInordinate RageField ResearchCliffhaven Sell-SwordTeeterpeak AmbusherAnticognitionKabira OutriderScavenged BladeChilling TrapSmite the Monstrous
Scorch RiderInto the RoilAngelheart ProtectorSynchronized SpellcraftTazeem RoilmageFarsight AdeptFissure WizardCascade SeerExpedition HealerTormenting VoiceShell Shield
Practiced TacticsPyroclastic HellionSeafloor StalkerTazeem RaptorArdent ElectromancerNegateMesa LynxTeeterpeak AmbusherZulaport DuelistResolute StrikeSneaking Guide
DeliberateCliffhaven Sell-SwordScavenged BladeField ResearchKor CelebrantMolten BlastAnticognitionAngelheart ProtectorScorch RiderChilling TrapKabira Outrider
Inordinate RageInto the RoilSmite the MonstrousSynchronized SpellcraftCascade SeerFarsight AdeptTormenting VoiceNegatePracticed TacticsFissure WizardTazeem Roilmage
Expedition HealerPyroclastic HellionShell ShieldTazeem RaptorSneaking GuideZulaport DuelistMesa LynxMolten BlastSeafloor StalkerResolute StrikeArdent Electromancer

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The cards alternate between black and green. For cards with showcase versions, one of the three copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Blood BeckoningBroken WingsHagra ConstrictorReclaim the WastesMarauding Blight-PriestTajuru BlightbladeOblivion's HungerDauntless SurvivorBlood PriceJoraga VisionaryExpedition Skulker
Might of MurasaGhastly GloomhunterTerritorial ScythecatNimana Skitter-SneakKazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Drana's SilencerGnarlid ColonyHagra ConstrictorAdventure AwaitsMind DrainBroken Wings
Subtle StrikeKazandu StomperBlood BeckoningTerritorial ScythecatOblivion's HungerReclaim the WastesNimana Skitter-SneakTajuru BlightbladeBlood PriceKazandu NectarpotGhastly Gloomhunter
Dauntless SurvivorExpedition SkulkerJoraga VisionaryMarauding Blight-PriestBroken WingsDrana's SilencerMight of MurasaBlood BeckoningAdventure AwaitsHagra ConstrictorKazandu Stomper
Subtle StrikeTerritorial Scythecat (Showcase)Mind DrainGnarlid ColonyMarauding Blight-PriestReclaim the WastesOblivion's HungerTajuru BlightbladeBlood PriceKazandu NectarpotSubtle Strike
Might of MurasaDrana's SilencerDauntless SurvivorExpedition SkulkerGnarlid ColonyNimana Skitter-SneakKazandu StomperGhastly GloomhunterJoraga VisionaryMind DrainAdventure Awaits

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Utility Knife, the short-printed common. It includes cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Spare SuppliesScale the HeightsShepherd of HeroesNimana SkydancerCleric of Chill DepthsSkyclave SentinelExpedition ChampionVanquish the WeakSea Gate ColossusGuul Draz MucklordRisen Riptide
Murasa BruteUtility KnifeSizzling BarrageDeadly AllianceHighborn VampireDauntless UnityStrength of SolidarityRoil EruptionStonework PackbeastMalakir Blood-PriestDisenchant
Shepherd of HeroesLiving TempestTurntimber AsceticCleansing WildfireTajuru SnarecasterDeadly AllianceSea Gate BanneretScale the HeightsCleric of Chill DepthsExpedition ChampionSpare Supplies
Guul Draz MucklordMurasa BruteNimana SkydancerCunning GeysermageSkyclave SentinelVanquish the WeakRisen RiptideSizzling BarrageDauntless UnityHighborn VampireTajuru Snarecaster
Roil EruptionStrength of SolidarityLiving TempestSea Gate ColossusDisenchantTurntimber AsceticStonework PackbeastMalakir Blood-PriestCleansing WildfireCunning GeysermageSea Gate Banneret

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Utility Knife, the short-printed common. It includes cards of all colors and colorless cards. For cards with showcase versions, one of the three copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Pressure PointSpitfire Lagac (Showcase)Nahiri's BindingNissa's ZendikonGrotag Bug-CatcherProwling FelidarDreadwurm (Showcase)Expedition DivinerSkyclave Squid (Showcase)Canopy BalothTuktuk Rubblefort
Makindi OxGlacial GraspFeed the SwarmRabid BiteCliffhaven KitesailAkoum HellhoundBubble SnarePressure PointFeed the SwarmGrotag Bug-CatcherProwling Felidar
Nissa's ZendikonExpedition DivinerSpitfire LagacNahiri's BindingSkyclave SquidTuktuk RubblefortGlacial GraspMakindi OxDreadwurmCanopy BalothAkoum Hellhound (Showcase)
Bubble SnareCliffhaven KitesailSpitfire LagacSkyclave SquidRabid BitePressure PointGrotag Bug-CatcherFeed the SwarmExpedition DivinerNissa's ZendikonProwling Felidar (Showcase)
Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Tuktuk RubblefortGlacial GraspUtility KnifeNahiri's BindingDreadwurmMakindi Ox (Showcase)Rabid BiteCliffhaven KitesailAkoum HellhoundBubble Snare

Belgian Pack Anatomy

The Belgian printing uses sequential collation with simple two-run 101 common collation. Every pack contains exactly one non-foil double-faced card, appearing in a normal slot according to its rarity.

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by a basic land and an ad or placeholder card. There are 10 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear after the rare.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Ad Card

Each pack contains six cards from the A common run followed by four cards from the B run. Foils can displace a card from either run.

If there is a double-faced uncommon card, it will be the third uncommon.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 60 different cards each appearing twice plus Utility Knife, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Subtle StrikeExpedition HealerUtility KnifeTeeterpeak AmbusherBroken WingsMind DrainResolute StrikeChilling TrapTuktuk RubblefortMurasa BruteNimana Skydancer
Kor CelebrantDeliberateScorch RiderNissa's ZendikonSubtle StrikeAngelheart ProtectorSeafloor StalkerInordinate RageReclaim the WastesGuul Draz MucklordPracticed Tactics
Living TempestTormenting VoiceAdventure AwaitsMind DrainPressure PointMalakir Blood-PriestSea Gate ColossusSynchronized SpellcraftStrength of SolidarityMarauding Blight-PriestResolute Strike
DeliberateMolten BlastMight of MurasaBlood BeckoningAngelheart ProtectorCascade SeerFissure WizardDauntless SurvivorDrana's SilencerCliffhaven Sell-SwordSeafloor Stalker
Tuktuk RubblefortKazandu StomperHighborn VampireKor CelebrantShell ShieldScavenged BladeScale the HeightsBlood PriceSmite the MonstrousCleric of Chill DepthsMolten Blast
Joraga VisionaryMalakir Blood-PriestExpedition HealerChilling TrapCleansing WildfireMurasa BruteBlood PriceKabira OutriderCascade SeerSizzling BarrageGnarlid Colony
Feed the SwarmSmite the MonstrousNegateSneaking GuideNissa's ZendikonDrana's SilencerDauntless UnityShell ShieldTeeterpeak AmbusherScale the HeightsExpedition Skulker
Tazeem RaptorInto the RoilFissure WizardDauntless SurvivorMarauding Blight-PriestDisenchantZulaport DuelistScavenged BladeGnarlid ColonyHighborn VampirePressure Point
Field ResearchSneaking GuideReclaim the WastesSea Gate ColossusCliffhaven Sell-SwordInto the RoilCleansing WildfireJoraga VisionaryNimana SkydancerPracticed TacticsNegate
Sizzling BarrageAdventure AwaitsFeed the SwarmKabira OutriderLiving TempestInordinate RageStrength of SolidarityBlood BeckoningDauntless UnityCleric of Chill DepthsTormenting Voice
Broken WingsGuul Draz MucklordTazeem RaptorZulaport DuelistSynchronized SpellcraftMight of MurasaExpedition SkulkerDisenchantField ResearchScorch RiderKazandu Stomper

The B common run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times plus Utility Knife, the short-printed common. For cards that have a showcase variant, one of the three copies is the showcase version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Turntimber AsceticCliffhaven KitesailPyroclastic HellionDeadly AllianceFarsight AdeptOblivion's HungerGlacial GraspArdent ElectromancerProwling FelidarRabid BiteDreadwurm
Grotag Bug-CatcherSkyclave SentinelTazeem RoilmageShepherd of HeroesGhastly GloomhunterTajuru BlightbladeAkoum Hellhound (Showcase)Cunning GeysermageSpare SuppliesSea Gate BanneretExpedition Champion
Vanquish the WeakTerritorial Scythecat (Showcase)Bubble SnareMesa LynxStonework PackbeastSpitfire LagacCanopy BalothAnticognitionNahiri's BindingNimana Skitter-SneakKazandu Nectarpot
Roil EruptionCliffhaven KitesailRisen RiptideFarsight AdeptHagra ConstrictorTurntimber AsceticMakindi OxPyroclastic HellionExpedition DivinerSkyclave SentinelOblivion's Hunger
Expedition ChampionSkyclave Squid (Showcase)Prowling FelidarGlacial GraspTajuru SnarecasterDeadly AllianceMesa LynxArdent ElectromancerCunning GeysermageTajuru BlightbladeDreadwurm (Showcase)
Grotag Bug-CatcherUtility KnifeTazeem RoilmageShepherd of HeroesTerritorial ScythecatGhastly GloomhunterBubble SnareSea Gate BanneretAkoum HellhoundRabid BiteSpare Supplies
Farsight AdeptCanopy Baloth (Showcase)Spitfire LagacVanquish the WeakRisen RiptideStonework PackbeastRoil EruptionAnticognitionNahiri's BindingTajuru SnarecasterNimana Skitter-Sneak
Expedition DivinerCliffhaven KitesailPyroclastic HellionTurntimber AsceticMakindi OxGlacial GraspKazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Ardent ElectromancerSkyclave SentinelShepherd of HeroesSkyclave Squid
Tajuru BlightbladeGrotag Bug-CatcherTazeem RoilmageDeadly AllianceProwling Felidar (Showcase)Territorial ScythecatHagra ConstrictorCunning GeysermageSpare SuppliesOblivion's HungerExpedition Champion
Mesa LynxDreadwurmBubble SnareAkoum HellhoundCanopy BalothGhastly GloomhunterStonework PackbeastSea Gate BanneretRisen RiptideVanquish the WeakRabid Bite
AnticognitionSpitfire Lagac (Showcase)Nahiri's BindingNimana Skitter-SneakKazandu NectarpotExpedition DivinerTajuru SnarecasterHagra ConstrictorRoil EruptionMakindi Ox (Showcase)Skyclave Squid

Japanese Pack Anatomy

The Japanese printing uses sequential collation with 112 card sheets (which is the usual for Japan). Probably the sheets are 14 × 8. Every pack contains exactly one non-foil double-faced card, appearing in a normal slot according to its rarity.

Packs are front-facing starting with the ad or placeholder card and a full-art basic land, then the rare, 3 uncommons, and 10 commons. If there is a foil, it will appear between the basic land and the rare, displacing a common.

1 Ad or Placeholder Card1 Land1 Rare3 Uncommons10 Commons
1 Ad or Placeholder Card1 Land1 Foil1 Rare3 Uncommons9 Commons

There are 3 common runs: A, B, and C. A contains 27 distinct cards, and B and C each contain 37 distinct cards. Each pack gets 2 to 3 cards from A followed by 3 to 4 cards from B and 3 to 4 cards from C. This means packs are either 2-4-4, 3-3-4, or 3-4-3. The exact ratios may depend on the way foil collation works. The cards with showcase versions appear in run C where the showcase version takes up one of the card's three slots in the run.


Foils displace a common. As far as I've seen, there will still be at least 2 A commons, 3 B commons, and 3 C commons, and I have seen all three possibilities for common distribution given a foil.

The 20 uncommon double-faced cards form the A uncommon run. This run has each card appearing five times. The remaining 60 cards form the B uncommon run with each card appearing three times. Each pack will either have one A card followed by two B cards, or else three B cards. The rare will be a double-faced card if and only if there is no A uncommon (so there is exactly one non-foil double-faced card in each pack).

To make all the uncommons equally rare, A uncommons would have to appear in 3/4 of packs. However, this seems not to be the case. The rare slot has been advertised as having a mythic rare 1/7.4 of the time (a change from previous sets). If we combine this information with the assumption that double-faced and non-double-faced rares and mythics separately follow the 2 : 1 rule (where an individual rare is twice as likely to appear as an individual mythic), we can calculate the overall double-faced rare rate as 27/148 (about 2/11). This is a close match for the empirical data. (This means double-faced uncommons are too common.) 27/148 is independently the value that is calculated by ignoring 1/7.4 and assuming the 2 : 1 rule and that individual double-faced and non-double faced rares are equally rare.

The non-double-faced rares are printed in two different runs. The more common run has 40 different (non-mythic) rare cards including all the rare cards with showcase versions. A third of the copies of the card are the showcase version. The other run has the remaining cards. The borderless planeswalkers and showcase mythics appear to account for a third of the copies of those cards. The rares that appear on this sheet are the colorless and multi-colored cards except for Phylath, World Sculptor. The rare double-faced cards probably also have a third of the copies made up of variant versions (where applicable), although empirically, the rate I observed for borderless pathways was a bit low.

Placeholder cards appear half of the time and ad cards appear otherwise. These are on different sheets.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing four times (which would leave 4 fillers on a 112 card sheet). The cards are mostly black. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

AnticognitionMalakir Blood-PriestDrana's SilencerSpare SuppliesHagra ConstrictorFeed the SwarmStonework PackbeastNimana Skydancer
Ardent ElectromancerMind DrainCliffhaven KitesailSubtle StrikeShell ShieldHighborn VampireNimana Skitter-SneakSynchronized Spellcraft
Blood BeckoningVanquish the WeakNegateBlood PriceSea Gate ColossusOblivion's HungerSeafloor StalkerGhastly Gloomhunter
Sneaking GuideExpedition SkulkerMarauding Blight-PriestAnticognitionExpedition SkulkerCliffhaven KitesailNimana Skitter-SneakArdent Electromancer
Highborn VampireSpare SuppliesGhastly GloomhunterSubtle StrikeSneaking GuideNimana SkydancerShell ShieldBlood Price
Feed the SwarmSea Gate ColossusVanquish the WeakNegateDrana's SilencerMarauding Blight-PriestStonework PackbeastMind Drain
Seafloor StalkerMalakir Blood-PriestSynchronized SpellcraftOblivion's HungerAnticognitionHagra ConstrictorBlood BeckoningSneaking Guide
Blood PriceGhastly GloomhunterArdent ElectromancerExpedition SkulkerHagra ConstrictorSea Gate ColossusNimana SkydancerShell Shield
Mind DrainSynchronized SpellcraftDrana's SilencerSpare SuppliesHighborn VampireSeafloor StalkerVanquish the WeakStonework Packbeast
Malakir Blood-PriestBlood BeckoningAnticognitionOblivion's HungerSubtle StrikeCliffhaven KitesailMarauding Blight-PriestFeed the Swarm
NegateNimana Skitter-SneakArdent ElectromancerBlood BeckoningGhastly GloomhunterSpare SuppliesDrana's SilencerMind Drain
Shell ShieldHighborn VampireSynchronized SpellcraftNimana SkydancerHagra ConstrictorCliffhaven KitesailVanquish the WeakNegate
Oblivion's HungerMarauding Blight-PriestSea Gate ColossusMalakir Blood-PriestSeafloor StalkerExpedition SkulkerSubtle StrikeStonework Packbeast
Blood PriceSneaking GuideNimana Skitter-SneakFeed the Swarm

The B common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times (which would leave 1 filler on a 112 card sheet). The cards are mostly white and green. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Tajuru BlightbladeTuktuk RubblefortSea Gate BanneretTajuru SnarecasterZulaport DuelistDisenchantMurasa BruteMesa Lynx
Might of MurasaCliffhaven Sell-SwordGuul Draz MucklordBroken WingsKabira OutriderExpedition HealerStrength of SolidarityScorch Rider
Practiced TacticsJoraga VisionarySmite the MonstrousUtility KnifeGnarlid ColonyDauntless UnityScavenged BladeNissa's Zendikon
Farsight AdeptKazandu StomperTazeem RoilmagePressure PointReclaim the WastesKor CelebrantDauntless SurvivorSkyclave Sentinel
Angelheart ProtectorAdventure AwaitsSea Gate BanneretStrength of SolidarityFarsight AdeptTajuru SnarecasterKabira OutriderTuktuk Rubblefort
Reclaim the WastesMesa LynxDauntless UnityDauntless SurvivorGuul Draz MucklordExpedition HealerTajuru BlightbladeScorch Rider
Pressure PointMight of MurasaZulaport DuelistCliffhaven Sell-SwordScale the HeightsScavenged BladeKor CelebrantJoraga Visionary
Skyclave SentinelResolute StrikeAdventure AwaitsAngelheart ProtectorUtility KnifeMurasa BruteTazeem RaptorKazandu Stomper
DisenchantGnarlid ColonyTazeem RoilmageSmite the MonstrousNissa's ZendikonPracticed TacticsBroken WingsDauntless Unity
Utility KnifeTajuru SnarecasterResolute StrikeZulaport DuelistScale the HeightsSmite the MonstrousBroken WingsMesa Lynx
Strength of SolidarityKabira OutriderMurasa BruteExpedition HealerTuktuk RubblefortMight of MurasaTazeem RaptorJoraga Visionary
Pressure PointTazeem RoilmageTajuru BlightbladeKor CelebrantGuul Draz MucklordAdventure AwaitsCliffhaven Sell-SwordScorch Rider
Nissa's ZendikonSea Gate BanneretGnarlid ColonyAngelheart ProtectorSkyclave SentinelDauntless SurvivorPracticed TacticsReclaim the Wastes
DisenchantKazandu StomperFarsight AdeptScavenged BladeScale the HeightsTazeem RaptorResolute Strike

The C common run consists of 37 different cards each appearing three times (which would leave 1 filler on a 112 card sheet). The cards are mostly red and blue. For cards that have showcase variants, one of the copies on the sheet is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Skyclave SquidGrotag Bug-CatcherDreadwurmLiving TempestExpedition ChampionProwling FelidarSkyclave Squid (Showcase)
Roil EruptionSizzling BarrageCleric of Chill DepthsDeadly AllianceTormenting VoiceBubble SnareInordinate RageDreadwurm
Glacial GraspPyroclastic HellionCanopy BalothInto the RoilTeeterpeak AmbusherRabid BiteChilling TrapExpedition Champion
DeliberateTerritorial Scythecat (Showcase)Grotag Bug-CatcherCascade SeerShepherd of HeroesSpitfire LagacField ResearchTurntimber Ascetic
Cleansing WildfireInto the RoilNahiri's BindingMolten BlastRisen RiptideMakindi Ox (Showcase)Fissure WizardExpedition Diviner
Kazandu NectarpotTormenting VoiceCunning GeysermageMakindi OxAkoum HellhoundBubble SnareDeadly AllianceSpitfire Lagac (Showcase)
Chilling TrapCanopy BalothAkoum HellhoundDeliberateShepherd of HeroesInordinate RageRisen RiptideTerritorial Scythecat
Grotag Bug-CatcherField ResearchDreadwurm (Showcase)Expedition ChampionCascade SeerMakindi OxRoil EruptionInto the Roil
Turntimber AsceticPyroclastic HellionExpedition DivinerProwling FelidarCleansing WildfireCunning GeysermageKazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Fissure Wizard
Glacial GraspLiving TempestTeeterpeak AmbusherNahiri's BindingSkyclave SquidSizzling BarrageRabid BiteCleric of Chill Depths
Molten BlastCunning GeysermageTormenting VoiceRisen RiptideSizzling BarrageLiving TempestDeadly AllianceAkoum Hellhound (Showcase)
Cleric of Chill DepthsShepherd of HeroesTeeterpeak AmbusherCascade SeerTurntimber AsceticSpitfire LagacBubble SnarePyroclastic Hellion
Territorial ScythecatGlacial GraspInordinate RageKazandu NectarpotExpedition DivinerFissure WizardCanopy Baloth (Showcase)Deliberate
Molten BlastRabid BiteField ResearchCleansing WildfireNahiri's BindingChilling TrapRoil Eruption

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of the 20 double-faced uncommons each appearing five times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Bala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged SanctuaryPelakka Predation // Pelakka CavernsSilundi Vision // Silundi IsleSpikefield Hazard // Spikefield CaveKabira Takedown // Kabira PlateauBeyeen Veil // Beyeen CoastBlackbloom Rogue // Blackbloom BogAkoum Warrior // Akoum Teeth
Makindi Stampede // Makindi MesasKhalni Ambush // Khalni TerritoryZof Consumption // Zof BloodbogJwari Disruption // Jwari RuinsSkyclave Cleric // Skyclave BasilicaVastwood Fortification // Vastwood ThicketKazuul's Fury // Kazuul's CliffsMalakir Rebirth // Malakir Mire
Umara Wizard // Umara SkyfallsSejiri Shelter // Sejiri GlacierSong-Mad Treachery // Song-Mad RuinsTangled Florahedron // Tangled ValeSilundi Vision // Silundi IslePelakka Predation // Pelakka CavernsSpikefield Hazard // Spikefield CaveKabira Takedown // Kabira Plateau
Bala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged SanctuaryBeyeen Veil // Beyeen CoastBlackbloom Rogue // Blackbloom BogAkoum Warrior // Akoum TeethKhalni Ambush // Khalni TerritoryMakindi Stampede // Makindi MesasJwari Disruption // Jwari RuinsZof Consumption // Zof Bloodbog
Vastwood Fortification // Vastwood ThicketUmara Wizard // Umara SkyfallsKazuul's Fury // Kazuul's CliffsSkyclave Cleric // Skyclave BasilicaTangled Florahedron // Tangled ValeMalakir Rebirth // Malakir MireSilundi Vision // Silundi IsleSong-Mad Treachery // Song-Mad Ruins
Pelakka Predation // Pelakka CavernsBala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged SanctuarySejiri Shelter // Sejiri GlacierSpikefield Hazard // Spikefield CaveBeyeen Veil // Beyeen CoastKhalni Ambush // Khalni TerritoryBlackbloom Rogue // Blackbloom BogKabira Takedown // Kabira Plateau
Akoum Warrior // Akoum TeethZof Consumption // Zof BloodbogJwari Disruption // Jwari RuinsVastwood Fortification // Vastwood ThicketMakindi Stampede // Makindi MesasUmara Wizard // Umara SkyfallsKazuul's Fury // Kazuul's CliffsTangled Florahedron // Tangled Vale
Skyclave Cleric // Skyclave BasilicaSong-Mad Treachery // Song-Mad RuinsMalakir Rebirth // Malakir MireSilundi Vision // Silundi IsleBala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged SanctuarySejiri Shelter // Sejiri GlacierSpikefield Hazard // Spikefield CavePelakka Predation // Pelakka Caverns
Beyeen Veil // Beyeen CoastVastwood Fortification // Vastwood ThicketKabira Takedown // Kabira PlateauAkoum Warrior // Akoum TeethBlackbloom Rogue // Blackbloom BogKhalni Ambush // Khalni TerritoryMakindi Stampede // Makindi MesasJwari Disruption // Jwari Ruins
Zof Consumption // Zof BloodbogTangled Florahedron // Tangled ValeUmara Wizard // Umara SkyfallsSkyclave Cleric // Skyclave BasilicaKazuul's Fury // Kazuul's CliffsMalakir Rebirth // Malakir MireSilundi Vision // Silundi IsleSong-Mad Treachery // Song-Mad Ruins
Sejiri Shelter // Sejiri GlacierPelakka Predation // Pelakka CavernsBala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged SanctuaryKabira Takedown // Kabira PlateauSpikefield Hazard // Spikefield CaveBeyeen Veil // Beyeen CoastKhalni Ambush // Khalni TerritoryAkoum Warrior // Akoum Teeth
Makindi Stampede // Makindi MesasBlackbloom Rogue // Blackbloom BogVastwood Fortification // Vastwood ThicketJwari Disruption // Jwari RuinsZof Consumption // Zof BloodbogSkyclave Cleric // Skyclave BasilicaTangled Florahedron // Tangled ValeKazuul's Fury // Kazuul's Cliffs
Umara Wizard // Umara SkyfallsMalakir Rebirth // Malakir MireSong-Mad Treachery // Song-Mad RuinsSejiri Shelter // Sejiri Glacier

The B uncommon run consists of the 60 non-double-faced uncommons each appearing three times. For cards that have a showcase variants, one of the three copies is the showcase variant. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Lullmage's FamiliarLullmage's DominationKitesail ClericThundering RebukeUmara MysticSkyclave Pick-AxeBase CampSkyclave Shadowcat
Springmantle ClericThundering SparkmageKor BlademasterMoss-Pit SkeletonRuin Crab (Showcase)Shatterskull MinotaurRavager's MaceConcerted Defense
Murasa RootgrazerSkyclave GeopedeLithoform BlightRoiling RegrowthAcquisitions ExpertSpoils of AdventurePaired TacticianMerfolk Falconer
Scion of the SwarmVeteran AdventurerRelic VialFireblade ChargerIridescent HornbeetleRoost of DrakesEmeria CaptainSoaring Thought-Thief
Murasa SproutlingGrotag Night-RunnerSkyclave PlunderBrushfire ElementalRockslide SorcererCleric of Life's BondMerfolk WindrobberGoma Fada Vanguard
Relic GolemDemon's DiscipleCanyon Jerboa (Showcase)Relic AmuletBloodchief's ThirstWindrider WizardVine GeckoAllied Assault
Thwart the GraveCinderclasmFearless FledglingKargan WarleaderRelic AxeAttended HealerTaunting ArbormageShadow Stinger
Journey to OblivionMind CarverLullmage's FamiliarVastwood SurgeSure-Footed InfiltratorUmara MysticLullmage's DominationKitesail Cleric
Base CampThundering RebukeSkyclave ShadowcatSkyclave Pick-AxeConcerted DefenseShatterskull MinotaurKor BlademasterSpringmantle Cleric
Skyclave Geopede (Showcase)Lithoform BlightMoss-Pit SkeletonThundering SparkmageVeteran AdventurerFireblade ChargerRuin CrabAcquisitions Expert
Roiling RegrowthMerfolk FalconerRavager's MaceScion of the SwarmPaired TacticianGrotag Night-RunnerIridescent HornbeetleMurasa Rootgrazer
Emeria CaptainRoost of DrakesRockslide SorcererSpoils of AdventureRelic VialSkyclave PlunderMurasa SproutlingGoma Fada Vanguard
Cleric of Life's BondRelic GolemMerfolk WindrobberCanyon JerboaSoaring Thought-ThiefDemon's DiscipleFearless Fledgling (Showcase)Relic Axe
Windrider WizardBloodchief's ThirstAttended HealerVine GeckoBrushfire ElementalShadow StingerRelic AmuletKargan Warleader
Thwart the GraveAllied AssaultTaunting ArbormageMind CarverJourney to OblivionCinderclasmLullmage's DominationLullmage's Familiar
Vastwood SurgeSure-Footed InfiltratorUmara MysticThundering RebukeKitesail ClericSkyclave ShadowcatRuin CrabSpringmantle Cleric
Concerted DefenseShatterskull MinotaurBase CampLithoform BlightSkyclave Pick-Axe (Showcase)Moss-Pit SkeletonKor BlademasterThundering Sparkmage
Ravager's MaceRoiling RegrowthSkyclave GeopedeAcquisitions ExpertGrotag Night-RunnerVeteran AdventurerScion of the SwarmMerfolk Falconer
Paired TacticianFireblade ChargerMurasa RootgrazerRelic VialIridescent HornbeetleEmeria CaptainRoost of DrakesMurasa Sproutling
Rockslide SorcererCanyon JerboaSpoils of AdventureCleric of Life's BondSkyclave PlunderRelic GolemGoma Fada VanguardBloodchief's Thirst
Merfolk WindrobberRelic AmuletBrushfire Elemental (Showcase)Demon's DiscipleVine GeckoAttended HealerWindrider WizardThwart the Grave
Fearless FledglingRelic AxeKargan WarleaderShadow StingerTaunting ArbormageAllied AssaultCinderclasmSoaring Thought-Thief
Journey to OblivionSure-Footed InfiltratorMind CarverVastwood Surge

Land Run

The land run contains each variation of each basic land seven times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Plains (266)Forest (278)Mountain (276)Island (269)Forest (279)Swamp (272)Mountain (277)Plains (267)
Mountain (275)Swamp (273)Island (270)Swamp (274)Plains (268)Forest (280)Island (271)Forest (278)
Island (269)Forest (279)Plains (266)Mountain (277)Swamp (272)Mountain (276)Forest (280)Plains (267)
Forest (278)Island (271)Mountain (275)Swamp (273)Island (270)Swamp (274)Plains (266)Forest (279)
Swamp (272)Mountain (276)Plains (268)Mountain (277)Island (269)Forest (280)Plains (267)Island (271)
Mountain (275)Forest (278)Swamp (274)Forest (279)Plains (266)Mountain (276)Swamp (273)Mountain (277)
Island (270)Plains (268)Forest (280)Mountain (275)Island (269)Forest (278)Plains (267)Island (271)
Forest (279)Swamp (274)Swamp (272)Swamp (273)Island (269)Plains (266)Mountain (276)Mountain (275)
Island (270)Mountain (277)Island (271)Plains (268)Swamp (273)Island (269)Swamp (272)Forest (280)
Plains (267)Mountain (276)Swamp (274)Plains (268)Island (270)Forest (278)Plains (266)Swamp (273)
Forest (279)Island (271)Mountain (275)Mountain (277)Swamp (272)Plains (267)Swamp (274)Forest (280)
Plains (268)Mountain (276)Island (270)Forest (278)Plains (266)Swamp (273)Island (269)Forest (279)
Swamp (272)Plains (267)Mountain (275)Island (271)Swamp (274)Plains (268)Mountain (277)Island (270)
Forest (280)

Token Run

Most of the marketing cards in Zendikar Rising have a token on the front face. In addition, there is a card that has an advertisement for MTG Arena on the front face. (I've seen some backs with a PEGI rating, and some with ESRB, so there may be a region difference.) (Although the ad rate looks high, this slot is replaced by a placeholder half the time, so the overall ad rate is similar to other recent sets.) They are printed in a 112 card run with items appearing different numbers of times.

Arena Ad CardKor WarriorCopyArena Ad CardCatArena Ad CardIllusionPlant
Arena Ad CardAngel WarriorInsectDrakeArena Ad CardConstructArena Ad CardHydra
CopyCatArena Ad CardKor WarriorArena Ad CardInsectArena Ad CardGoblin Construct
Arena Ad CardCopyDrakeArena Ad CardCat BeastPlantArena Ad CardAngel Warrior
Arena Ad CardCopyCatArena Ad CardConstructInsectIllusionArena Ad Card
Kor WarriorDrakeInsectArena Ad CardHydraCopyGoblin ConstructArena Ad Card
InsectPlantCatArena Ad CardAngel WarriorArena Ad CardConstructDrake
Arena Ad CardCat BeastCopyKor WarriorArena Ad CardInsectPlantIllusion
Arena Ad CardCatInsectArena Ad CardDrakeArena Ad CardConstructCopy
Angel WarriorArena Ad CardGoblin ConstructInsectDrakeArena Ad CardCatPlant
Arena Ad CardConstructArena Ad CardCopyPlantArena Ad CardKor WarriorArena Ad Card
InsectDrakePlantCopyArena Ad CardInsectCat BeastArena Ad Card
IllusionArena Ad CardKor WarriorArena Ad CardCatGoblin ConstructArena Ad CardDrake
PlantCopyArena Ad CardInsectCatArena Ad CardCat BeastInsect

Token Rarity
HydraHydra × 2Angel WarriorAngel Warrior × 4Cat BeastCat Beast × 4
Goblin ConstructGoblin Construct × 4IllusionIllusion × 4ConstructConstruct × 5
Kor WarriorKor Warrior × 6CatCat × 8DrakeDrake × 8
PlantPlant × 8CopyCopy × 10InsectInsect × 12
Arena Ad CardArena Ad Card × 37

Set Booster Anatomy

Set boosters packs (as far as I've seen) are printed in the US. They use sequential collation.

Packs are front-facing. In order, there is an art card, a basic land, 0-5 commons, 1-6 uncommons, a "head-turner" card, 2 "wildcards," a rare, a foil, and an ad. Mark Rosewater's "Set Booster" article gives pretty detailed information about the contents. [1]

According to the article, the art card is signed 5% of the time. Apparently the signed cards are on a different sheet.

According to the article, the basic land slot is foil 15% of the time. The foil lands are on a different sheet. This is the only place where these basic lands can appear, foil or otherwise. (The List also has basic lands.)

The commons and uncommons together are always 6 cards. The article gives the breakdown as follows, starting with 5 commons and going down to 0: 35%, 40%, 12.5%, 7%, 3.5%, 2%. The commons are chosen from a single 101 card run containing each common once, and the uncommons are chosen from a separate 60 card run containing each non-double-faced uncommon once (perhaps repeated twice to fill a sheet). Showcase cards do not appear in these slots.

The head-turner slot contains a common or uncommon showcase card, or an uncommon double-faced card. The rate of double-faced cards is probably 5/8. The double-faced cards are on one sheet, and the showcase cards are on one other sheet. That sheet has each common appearing two times for every one appearance of an uncommon. On the double-faced sheet, there seems to be a mistake where Kabira Takedown // Kabira Plateau appears too often in place of some of the copies of Makindi Stampede // Makindi Mesas.

The wildcard slot can contain cards of any rarity. It cannot contain those cards that appear in the head-turner slot nor basic lands, but other cards are fair game (including rare double-faced and/or showcase cards). The article gives detailed information about the joint distribution of the wildcard slot: two commons 49%, common and uncommon 24.5%, common and rare 17.5%, two uncommons 3.1%, uncommon and rare 4.3%, two rares 1.6%. Commons and uncommons each have one hopper. When two commons or two uncommons appear, they are consecutive cards from the same run. There are probably four hoppers contributing to rares. Double-faced rares have their own hopper. Probably this includes borderless and showcase versions of these cards. The showcase (and probably borderless) versions of other rares have their own hopper. The remaining two hoppers contain normal versions of rare cards. This appears to be a configuration where the more common hoppper uses a sheet with 2 copies of each rare and one copy of each mythic, and the less common hopper has the same but cards with special versions are omitted; this is a configuration that is used so that cards with special versions are not more common overall. When two rares appear, it seems that it is always a card from the primary normal rare hopper and a double-faced rare. Cards from the primary rare hopper and the double-faced rare hopper can appear with commons or uncommons. Cards from the other two rare hoppers can maybe only appear with commons. The order of the cards is common, uncommon, non-double-faced rare, double-faced rare.

According to the article, the rare slot's mythic rate is 1/7.4, the same as the rate for draft boosters. As noted in the discussion of draft boosters, this is the rate that arises from assumption that double-faced and non-double-faced rares and mythics separately follow the 2 : 1 rule (where an individual rare is twice as likely to appear as an individual mythic) and that double-faced and non-double-faced cards of the same rarity are equally rare. (Showcase and borderless variants can appear in this slot as well.) Like the wildcard slots, there is a rare run with all the normal copies of the cards, a rare run without copies of cards that have variants, and a run with the variants arranged so that variants do not affect the total rarity of cards and account for about a third of the total copies for a card. The double-faced cards are separate from this scheme (but may work the same way).

The foil slot can contain a card of any rarity including showcase, bordlerless, and double-faced cards. Basic lands do not appear in this slot, however, as foil basic lands appear in the basic land slot instead. Showcase commons are apparently printed on the same sheet as normal commons with each variant appearing once (so cards with showcase variants should be more common overall). The same is true for showcase uncommons. Foil double-faced uncommons seem to be individually about as rare as normal uncommons with maybe a small bias twoard normal uncommons. The same is true for rares versus double-faced rares. My overall pull rates were about 75% common and about 13-14% uncommon.

As given by the article, 1/4 of the time the token is replaced by a card from The List. There are three list sheets. One sheet contains mostly commons and uncommons (which I will call the uncommons sheet), and the other two contain mostly rares. One rare sheet has the cards with the holofoil rare stamp and the other has the cards that don't. (These cards are so rare, I haven't been able to confirm each individual card.) When there is a list card, about 3/4 of the time it is from the uncommon sheet. The other sheets seem to appear more or less in proportion to the number of cards on the sheet (so there should be no significant difference in rarity between the sheets).

Common Run

The common run consists of each common appearing once. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Teeterpeak AmbusherResolute StrikeCliffhaven Sell-SwordArdent ElectromancerSneaking GuideExpedition ChampionDauntless SurvivorGrotag Bug-CatcherTajuru SnarecasterExpedition SkulkerTajuru Blightblade
Deadly AllianceGhastly GloomhunterDrana's SilencerHighborn VampireNimana SkydancerMalakir Blood-PriestNimana Skitter-SneakZulaport DuelistCascade SeerFissure WizardExpedition Diviner
Cunning GeysermageSeafloor StalkerFarsight AdeptTazeem RoilmageChilling TrapPracticed TacticsCleric of Chill DepthsExpedition HealerAngelheart ProtectorShepherd of HeroesMarauding Blight-Priest
Kor CelebrantSea Gate BanneretKabira OutriderStonework PackbeastSea Gate ColossusMurasa BruteSynchronized SpellcraftSizzling BarrageTuktuk RubblefortSubtle StrikeOblivion's Hunger
Hagra ConstrictorGuul Draz MucklordScale the HeightsMind DrainGlacial GraspAnticognitionSkyclave SentinelMight of MurasaGnarlid ColonyRoil EruptionScorch Rider
Blood BeckoningField ResearchInto the RoilBubble SnareShell ShieldDauntless UnityRisen RiptideReclaim the WastesNissa's ZendikonTurntimber AsceticLiving Tempest
NegateNahiri's BindingPressure PointDisenchantTerritorial ScythecatKazandu NectarpotCleansing WildfirePyroclastic HellionSpitfire LagacAkoum HellhoundProwling Felidar
Tazeem RaptorMesa LynxVanquish the WeakBlood PriceFeed the SwarmTormenting VoiceRabid BiteMolten BlastInordinate RageScavenged BladeBroken Wings
Cliffhaven KitesailUtility KnifeAdventure AwaitsSpare SuppliesDeliberateJoraga VisionarySkyclave SquidMakindi OxDreadwurmKazandu StomperSmite the Monstrous
Canopy BalothStrength of Solidarity

Uncommon Run

The common run consists of each non-double-faced uncommon appearing once. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary. (Possibly this is repeated twice to fill a sheet.)

Rockslide SorcererGoma Fada VanguardThundering SparkmageRavager's MaceThwart the GraveRelic AmuletAcquisitions ExpertSoaring Thought-ThiefSkyclave PlunderConcerted DefenseSpoils of Adventure
Journey to OblivionAllied AssaultEmeria CaptainRelic AxeKargan WarleaderTaunting ArbormageWindrider WizardMerfolk FalconerDemon's DiscipleAttended HealerKitesail Cleric
Paired TacticianFireblade ChargerKor BlademasterShadow StingerCleric of Life's BondRelic VialSpringmantle ClericGrotag Night-RunnerScion of the SwarmSure-Footed InfiltratorMerfolk Windrobber
Thundering RebukeLullmage's FamiliarMoss-Pit SkeletonVastwood SurgeMurasa SproutlingVine GeckoCinderclasmRoost of DrakesBloodchief's ThirstSkyclave ShadowcatIridescent Hornbeetle
Murasa RootgrazerBrushfire ElementalRuin CrabCanyon JerboaFearless FledglingRoiling RegrowthSkyclave Pick-AxeSkyclave GeopedeLithoform BlightMind CarverLullmage's Domination
Relic GolemBase CampVeteran AdventurerUmara MysticShatterskull Minotaur

Head-turner Double-faced Run

The head-turner slot's double-faced run contains each uncommon double-faced card twice, except Kabira Takedown // Kabira Plateau appears an extra time in place of Makindi Stampede // Makindi Mesas. (It is perhaps repeated three times to nearly fill a sheet.) The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Spikefield Hazard // Spikefield CavePelakka Predation // Pelakka CavernsBeyeen Veil // Beyeen CoastMakindi Stampede // Makindi MesasVastwood Fortification // Vastwood ThicketSong-Mad Treachery // Song-Mad RuinsZof Consumption // Zof BloodbogSkyclave Cleric // Skyclave BasilicaJwari Disruption // Jwari RuinsBala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged SanctuaryKazuul's Fury // Kazuul's Cliffs
Umara Wizard // Umara SkyfallsBlackbloom Rogue // Blackbloom BogSejiri Shelter // Sejiri GlacierAkoum Warrior // Akoum TeethKabira Takedown // Kabira PlateauSilundi Vision // Silundi IsleKhalni Ambush // Khalni TerritoryPelakka Predation // Pelakka CavernsTangled Florahedron // Tangled ValeBeyeen Veil // Beyeen CoastSpikefield Hazard // Spikefield Cave
Malakir Rebirth // Malakir MireKabira Takedown // Kabira PlateauTangled Florahedron // Tangled ValeSong-Mad Treachery // Song-Mad RuinsBlackbloom Rogue // Blackbloom BogSilundi Vision // Silundi IsleSejiri Shelter // Sejiri GlacierKhalni Ambush // Khalni TerritoryKazuul's Fury // Kazuul's CliffsZof Consumption // Zof BloodbogUmara Wizard // Umara Skyfalls
Kabira Takedown // Kabira PlateauVastwood Fortification // Vastwood ThicketAkoum Warrior // Akoum TeethMalakir Rebirth // Malakir MireJwari Disruption // Jwari RuinsSkyclave Cleric // Skyclave BasilicaBala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged Sanctuary

Head-turner Showcase Run

The head-turner slot's showcase run contains each showcase common card ten times and each showcase uncommon card five times. This listing is a little bit speculative because the repetition in the run makes it hard to analyze. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Ruin Crab (Showcase)Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Makindi Ox (Showcase)Canyon Jerboa (Showcase)Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Skyclave Geopede (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Canopy Baloth (Showcase)
Skyclave Squid (Showcase)Fearless Fledgling (Showcase)Makindi Ox (Showcase)Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Skyclave Pick-Axe (Showcase)Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Brushfire Elemental (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)
Skyclave Squid (Showcase)Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Canyon Jerboa (Showcase)Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Makindi Ox (Showcase)Skyclave Pick-Axe (Showcase)Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Skyclave Geopede (Showcase)
Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Fearless Fledgling (Showcase)Skyclave Squid (Showcase)Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Makindi Ox (Showcase)Ruin Crab (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)
Brushfire Elemental (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Skyclave Squid (Showcase)Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Ruin Crab (Showcase)Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Makindi Ox (Showcase)Canyon Jerboa (Showcase)Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)
Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Skyclave Geopede (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Skyclave Squid (Showcase)Fearless Fledgling (Showcase)Makindi Ox (Showcase)Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Skyclave Pick-Axe (Showcase)Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)
Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Brushfire Elemental (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)Skyclave Squid (Showcase)Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Ruin Crab (Showcase)Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Makindi Ox (Showcase)Canyon Jerboa (Showcase)
Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Skyclave Geopede (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Skyclave Squid (Showcase)Fearless Fledgling (Showcase)Makindi Ox (Showcase)Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)
Skyclave Pick-Axe (Showcase)Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Brushfire Elemental (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)Skyclave Squid (Showcase)Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Canyon Jerboa (Showcase)Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)
Makindi Ox (Showcase)Skyclave Pick-Axe (Showcase)Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Skyclave Geopede (Showcase)Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Fearless Fledgling (Showcase)Skyclave Squid (Showcase)
Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Makindi Ox (Showcase)Ruin Crab (Showcase)Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)Brushfire Elemental (Showcase)Dreadwurm (Showcase)Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Skyclave Squid (Showcase)

Common Wildcard Run

The common wildcard run consists of each common appearing once. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Prowling FelidarBroken WingsSea Gate BanneretGuul Draz MucklordSeafloor StalkerResolute StrikeGhastly GloomhunterField ResearchNahiri's BindingMesa LynxUtility Knife
Cliffhaven Sell-SwordDrana's SilencerFarsight AdeptKabira OutriderScale the HeightsInto the RoilPressure PointVanquish the WeakAdventure AwaitsArdent ElectromancerHighborn Vampire
Tazeem RoilmageStonework PackbeastMind DrainBubble SnareDisenchantBlood PriceSpare SuppliesSneaking GuideNimana SkydancerChilling TrapSea Gate Colossus
Glacial GraspShell ShieldTerritorial ScythecatFeed the SwarmDeliberateExpedition ChampionMalakir Blood-PriestPracticed TacticsMurasa BruteAnticognitionDauntless Unity
Kazandu NectarpotTormenting VoiceJoraga VisionaryDauntless SurvivorNimana Skitter-SneakCleric of Chill DepthsSynchronized SpellcraftSkyclave SentinelRisen RiptideCleansing WildfireRabid Bite
Skyclave SquidGrotag Bug-CatcherZulaport DuelistExpedition HealerSizzling BarrageMight of MurasaReclaim the WastesPyroclastic HellionMolten BlastMakindi OxTajuru Snarecaster
Cascade SeerAngelheart ProtectorTuktuk RubblefortGnarlid ColonyNissa's ZendikonSpitfire LagacInordinate RageDreadwurmExpedition SkulkerFissure WizardShepherd of Heroes
Subtle StrikeRoil EruptionTurntimber AsceticAkoum HellhoundScavenged BladeKazandu StomperStrength of SolidarityTajuru BlightbladeExpedition DivinerMarauding Blight-PriestOblivion's Hunger
Scorch RiderTazeem RaptorCliffhaven KitesailCanopy BalothSmite the MonstrousTeeterpeak AmbusherDeadly AllianceCunning GeysermageKor CelebrantHagra ConstrictorBlood Beckoning
NegateLiving Tempest

Uncommon Wildcard Run

The uncommon wildcard run consist of each non-double-faced uncommon appearing twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Demon's DiscipleScion of the SwarmBloodchief's ThirstLithoform BlightRavager's MaceRelic AxeShadow StingerVastwood SurgeCanyon JerboaUmara MysticConcerted Defense
Attended HealerSure-Footed InfiltratorSkyclave ShadowcatMind CarverSpoils of AdventureKitesail ClericMerfolk WindrobberIridescent HornbeetleLullmage's DominationRelic AmuletTaunting Arbormage
Relic VialVine GeckoRoiling RegrowthVeteran AdventurerSkyclave PlunderDemon's DiscipleScion of the SwarmBloodchief's ThirstLithoform BlightRavager's MaceRelic Axe
Shadow StingerVastwood SurgeCanyon JerboaShatterskull MinotaurAcquisitions ExpertWindrider WizardSpringmantle ClericCinderclasmSkyclave Pick-AxeGoma Fada VanguardAllied Assault
Fireblade ChargerLullmage's FamiliarBrushfire ElementalGoma Fada VanguardAllied AssaultFireblade ChargerLullmage's FamiliarBrushfire ElementalBase CampSoaring Thought-ThiefMerfolk Falconer
Grotag Night-RunnerRoost of DrakesSkyclave GeopedeThwart the GraveKargan WarleaderCleric of Life's BondMurasa SproutlingFearless FledglingShatterskull MinotaurSpoils of AdventureKitesail Cleric
Merfolk WindrobberIridescent HornbeetleLullmage's DominationRelic AmuletTaunting ArbormageRelic VialVine GeckoRoiling RegrowthRockslide SorcererJourney to OblivionPaired Tactician
Thundering RebukeMurasa RootgrazerRelic GolemBase CampSoaring Thought-ThiefMerfolk FalconerGrotag Night-RunnerRoost of DrakesSkyclave GeopedeThundering SparkmageEmeria Captain
Kor BlademasterMoss-Pit SkeletonRuin CrabUmara MysticConcerted DefenseAttended HealerSure-Footed InfiltratorSkyclave ShadowcatMind CarverThwart the GraveKargan Warleader
Cleric of Life's BondMurasa SproutlingFearless FledglingRockslide SorcererJourney to OblivionPaired TacticianThundering RebukeMurasa RootgrazerRelic GolemAcquisitions ExpertWindrider Wizard
Springmantle ClericCinderclasmSkyclave Pick-AxeThundering SparkmageEmeria CaptainKor BlademasterMoss-Pit SkeletonRuin CrabVeteran AdventurerSkyclave Plunder

List Cards

Uncommon List Cards
  1. Alpha Kavu
  2. Amoeboid Changeling
  3. Anax, Hardened in the Forge
  4. Angrath, Captain of Chaos
  5. Anointer Priest
  6. Arcbound Slith
  7. Arcum's Astrolabe
  8. Aven Riftwatcher
  9. Belfry Spirit
  10. Beseech the Queen
  11. Blight Sickle
  12. Boggart Arsonists
  13. Bojuka Bog
  14. Boros Challenger
  15. Brain Freeze
  16. Brothers Yamazaki
  17. Cadaverous Knight
  18. Calming Licid
  19. Chemister's Insight
  20. Cloudgoat Ranger
  21. Coveted Peacock
  22. Cradle Guard
  23. Crown of Empires
  24. Crystalline Sliver
  25. Curious Pair // Treats to Share
  26. Diregraf Captain
  27. Drift of Phantasms
  28. Dryad Arbor
  29. Eldrazi Temple
  30. Enclave Cryptologist
  31. Eternal Witness
  32. Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
  33. Everflowing Chalice
  34. Evermind
  35. Fabricate
  36. Fellwar Stone
  37. Fodder Cannon
  38. Fomori Nomad
  39. Fractured Powerstone
  40. Gatekeeper of Malakir
  41. Gempalm Polluter
  42. Goblin Grenade
  43. Goblin Lore
  44. Goldenglow Moth
  45. Golgari Thug
  46. Grim Harvest
  47. Grizzly Fate
  48. Hammer Mage
  49. Hashep Oasis
  50. Imperious Perfect
  51. Iterative Analysis
  52. Kazandu Blademaster
  53. Kingpin's Pet
  54. Lash Out
  55. Lashweed Lurker
  56. Latchkey Faerie
  57. Light Up the Stage
  58. Llanowar Reborn
  59. Loyal Unicorn
  60. Man-o'-War
  61. Memnite
  62. Merfolk Mistbinder
  63. Moon-Eating Dog
  64. Moonmist
  65. Murderous Cut
  66. Murderous Redcap
  67. Muscle Sliver
  68. Necrotic Sliver
  69. Nezumi Graverobber // Nighteyes the Desecrator
  70. Nightshade Peddler
  71. Noble Benefactor
  72. Noggle Hedge-Mage
  73. Oubliette
  74. Pegasus Stampede
  75. Plated Geopede
  76. Pouncing Shoreshark
  77. Pteramander
  78. Reality Shift
  79. Relentless Rats
  80. Retreat to Coralhelm
  81. Rootrunner
  82. Ruination Guide
  83. Saber Ants
  84. Shambling Shell
  85. Shivan Meteor
  86. Shuriken
  87. Simian Spirit Guide
  88. Skred
  89. Sky Hussar
  90. Slimefoot, the Stowaway
  91. Snubhorn Sentry
  92. Soltari Monk
  93. Spined Thopter
  94. Splicer's Skill
  95. Springjack Shepherd
  96. Stone Rain
  97. Stonybrook Banneret
  98. Sunscape Battlemage
  99. Swiftfoot Boots
  100. The Flame of Keld
  101. Thought Vessel
  102. Tortured Existence
  103. Tree of Tales
  104. Triplicate Spirits
  105. Trokin High Guard
  106. Trusty Machete
  107. Ulvenwald Mysteries
  108. Unburial Rites
  109. Urborg Panther
  110. Vampire Nighthawk
  111. Vanguard of Brimaz
  112. Victimize
  113. Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage
  114. Vodalian Illusionist
  115. Wastes
  116. Wayfarer's Bauble
  117. Willow Dryad
  118. Wizened Cenn
  119. Worn Powerstone
  120. Yavimaya Scion
  121. Zendikar Incarnate

Rare List Cards (Without Stamp)
  1. Acorn Catapult
  2. Akroma's Memorial
  3. Ancestor's Prophet
  4. Ancient Craving
  5. Angel's Grace
  6. Army Ants
  7. Awakening
  8. Battle of Wits
  9. Beck // Call
  10. Bloodghast
  11. Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
  12. Body Snatcher
  13. Bogbrew Witch
  14. Brink of Madness
  15. Broodstar
  16. Burst Lightning
  17. Cathedral of War
  18. Chromanticore
  19. Clearwater Goblet
  20. Contagion Engine
  21. Council's Judgment
  22. Cruel Tutor
  23. Cryptic Command
  24. Decree of Annihilation
  25. Disenchant
  26. Djinn Illuminatus
  27. Doom Blade
  28. Doomwake Giant
  29. Door to Nothingness
  30. Doran, the Siege Tower
  31. Dromar, the Banisher
  32. Dune-Brood Nephilim
  33. Emeria Angel
  34. Emeria, the Sky Ruin
  35. Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
  36. Enlightened Tutor
  37. Erratic Portal
  38. Eternal Dominion
  39. Extinction
  40. Eye of the Storm
  41. Food Chain
  42. Forced Fruition
  43. Gaea's Anthem
  44. Gemstone Mine
  45. Godsire
  46. Groundbreaker
  47. Hammer of Purphoros
  48. Harmonize
  49. Helix Pinnacle
  50. Hell's Thunder
  51. Helm of Kaldra
  52. Hidetsugu's Second Rite
  53. Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
  54. Hundred-Handed One
  55. Hunted Dragon
  56. Isochron Scepter
  57. Ith, High Arcanist
  58. Ixidor, Reality Sculptor
  59. Jwari Shapeshifter
  60. Kalastria Highborn
  61. Kalonian Hydra
  62. Keeper of the Nine Gales
  63. Khalni Hydra
  64. Kher Keep
  65. Kilnmouth Dragon
  66. Korlash, Heir to Blackblade
  67. Krark's Thumb
  68. Lightning Angel
  69. Lightning Crafter
  70. Lord of the Undead
  71. Lorthos, the Tidemaker
  72. Lotus Bloom
  73. Maelstrom Nexus
  74. Mischievous Quanar
  75. Moggcatcher
  76. Mycosynth Golem
  77. Necravolver
  78. Necromancy
  79. Negate
  80. Nissa Revane
  81. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
  82. Nylea, God of the Hunt
  83. Odds // Ends
  84. Oloro, Ageless Ascetic
  85. Parallax Wave
  86. Parallel Evolution
  87. Patron Wizard
  88. Patron of the Akki
  89. Phyrexian Tower
  90. Phyrexian Tyranny
  91. Plains
  92. Primal Vigor
  93. Progenitus
  94. Promise of Power
  95. Puppet's Verdict
  96. Pyromancer Ascension
  97. Riptide Laboratory
  98. Scarecrone
  99. Scourge of the Throne
  100. Scroll Rack
  101. Sedge Sliver
  102. Sensei Golden-Tail
  103. Shelldock Isle
  104. Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
  105. Skullclamp
  106. Skyshroud Behemoth
  107. Spike Weaver
  108. Squirrel Mob
  109. Tek
  110. Terminate
  111. Thrumming Stone
  112. Tombstalker
  113. Training Grounds
  114. Urza's Blueprints
  115. Vampire Nocturnus
  116. Vesuva
  117. Voracious Dragon
  118. Warp World
  119. Wild Research
  120. Workhorse
  121. Wrath of God

Rare List Cards (With Stamp)
  1. Abrade
  2. Bonehoard
  3. Brainstorm
  4. Brazen Borrower // Petty Theft
  5. Chulane, Teller of Tales
  6. Command Beacon
  7. Cut // Ribbons
  8. Eldrazi Displacer
  9. Electrostatic Pummeler
  10. Elvish Archdruid
  11. Endling
  12. Entreat the Angels
  13. Ezuri, Claw of Progress
  14. Fall of the Titans
  15. Fathom Mage
  16. Fiery Justice
  17. Genesis Hydra
  18. Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
  19. Gigantosaurus
  20. Goblin Chieftain
  21. Gorm the Great
  22. Grim Haruspex
  23. History of Benalia
  24. Inventors' Fair
  25. Ishkanah, Grafwidow
  26. Jadelight Ranger
  27. Jaya's Immolating Inferno
  28. Land Tax
  29. Lazav, the Multifarious
  30. Lightning Bolt
  31. Living Death
  32. Marauding Raptor
  33. Monastery Mentor
  34. Muldrotha, the Gravetide
  35. Nahiri, the Lithomancer
  36. Nicol Bolas
  37. Octopus Umbra
  38. Omnath, Locus of Rage
  39. Pact of Negation
  40. Panharmonicon
  41. Phyrexian Obliterator
  42. Platinum Angel
  43. Prismatic Geoscope
  44. Regal Caracal
  45. Rest in Peace
  46. Reveillark
  47. Song of the Dryads
  48. Soul of Zendikar
  49. Tamiyo's Journal
  50. Temporal Manipulation
  51. The Chain Veil
  52. Thought-Knot Seer
  53. Tuktuk the Explorer
  54. Virtus the Veiled
  55. Weatherlight
  56. Winds of Abandon
  57. Wrenn and Six
  58. Zendikar Resurgent

Art Series Run

The art series run consist of each art card appearing once. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary. (Note that the images depict signature art cards, but this information is for normal art cards.)

Jace, Mirror Mage (2)Tazeem RoilmagePlains (7)Scion of the SwarmExpedition DivinerMurkwater PathwayKor CelebrantForest (19)Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate
Reclaim the WastesSea Gate RestorationCelestial ColonnadeMountain (16)WastelandPillarverge PathwayUmara MysticBlackbloom RogueIsland (10)
Nissa of Shadowed Boughs (5)Highborn VampireSkyclave ShadeScourge of the SkyclavesSwamp (14)Lotus CobraAngel of DestinyYasharn, Implacable EarthBoulderloft Pathway
Forest (20)Ashaya, Soul of the WildSea Gate StormcallerDrana, the Last BloodchiefAnticognitionMountain (18)Nahiri's BindingNahiri, Heir of the Ancients (3)Prismatic Vista
Flooded StrandSwamp (13)Brightclimb PathwayMind CarverSkyclave BasilicaTazri, Beacon of UnityIsland (12)Expedition HealerSeachrome Coast
Jace, Mirror Mage (1)Teeterpeak AmbusherPlains (8)Cliffhaven Sell-SwordSea Gate BanneretWindswept HeathSoul ShatterMorphic PoolNeedleverge Pathway
Grakmaw, Skyclave RavagerUmara WizardThundering RebukeMoraug, Fury of AkoumPlains (9)Thwart the GraveGrove of the BurnwillowsKitesail ClericSwarm Shambler
Island (11)Clearwater PathwayAkiri, Fearless VoyagerMalakir Blood-PriestNissa of Shadowed Boughs (6)Mountain (17)Anowon, the Ruin ThiefGrimclimb PathwayTaborax, Hope's Demise
Magmatic ChannelerSwamp (15)Canopy BalothNahiri, Heir of the Ancients (4)Nighthawk ScavengerOrah, Skyclave HierophantForest (21)Maddening CacophonyOmnath, Locus of Creation

Token Run

There are some boxes where tokens are facing the back of the pack and some where it faces the front. There are enough of each that it's unclear which is intended. I will present the run with tokens on front. Naturally, when tokens face the back, the order is reversed.

The cards are similar to the cards in draft boxes, but there are additional minigame cards. Most minigame cards use both faces to explain the minigame, but one only needs one face. The fronts of minigame cards are on the backs for both kinds of cards. The one-sided minigame can appear on the back of a token. There are also cards with arena ads on the front. Unlike draft boxes, arena ad backs are not correlated with fronts (though the ad backs still exist elsewhere on the sheet). The sides of the ads are also reversed relative to the tokens.

CopyPlantBase RaceArena Ad CardRoil RoyaleConstructPlantKor WarriorCopyInsectArena Ad Card
HydraBooster SleuthAngel WarriorInsectDrakeGoblin ConstructStrictly BetterCatCat BeastCopyConstruct
InsectArena Ad CardPlantCatRoil RoyaleAngel WarriorIllusionConstructDrakeCatKor Warrior
CopyInsectArena Ad CardBase RacePlantDrakeBooster SleuthCopyInsectStrictly BetterCat Beast
Kor WarriorArena Ad CardDrakeCopyInsectPlantCatHydraIllusionRoil RoyaleGoblin Construct
Arena Ad CardInsectDrakeCopyBase RaceCatPlantInsectBooster SleuthArena Ad CardDrake
Cat BeastStrictly BetterKor WarriorCopyInsectArena Ad CardConstructIllusionPlantCatAngel Warrior
DrakeInsectArena Ad CardRoil RoyaleCopyPlantBase RaceKor WarriorCatGoblin ConstructIllusion
InsectStrictly BetterBooster SleuthArena Ad CardConstructCat BeastCatPlantKor WarriorCopyInsect
DrakeBase RaceConstructCatRoil RoyaleArena Ad CardAngel WarriorDrakeConstructInsectCopy
PlantStrictly BetterCatIllusionArena Ad CardGoblin ConstructInsectBooster SleuthDrakeKor WarriorCat Beast

Token Rarity
HydraHydra × 2Angel WarriorAngel Warrior × 4Goblin ConstructGoblin Construct × 4
Base RaceBase Race × 5Booster SleuthBooster Sleuth × 5Cat BeastCat Beast × 5
IllusionIllusion × 5Roil RoyaleRoil Royale × 5Strictly BetterStrictly Better × 5
ConstructConstruct × 7Kor WarriorKor Warrior × 7CatCat × 10
DrakeDrake × 10PlantPlant × 10CopyCopy × 11
Arena Ad CardArena Ad Card × 12InsectInsect × 14

Tokens (With Reverse Side)
  1. Copy // The List
  2. Plant // Story
  3. Base Race
  4. Arena Ad Card // Combat Damage
  5. Roil Royale
  6. Construct // Booster Comparison
  7. Plant // Formats
  8. Kor Warrior // Booster Blitz
  9. Copy // Story
  10. Insect // Arena Ad Card
  11. Arena Ad Card // MTGO
  12. Hydra // Booster Comparison
  13. Booster Sleuth
  14. Angel Warrior // The List
  15. Insect // Combat Damage
  16. Drake // Story
  17. Goblin Construct // Booster Comparison
  18. Strictly Better
  19. Cat // The List
  20. Cat Beast // Arena Ad Card
  21. Copy // Attacking and Blocking
  22. Construct // MTGO
  23. Insect // Booster Comparison
  24. Arena Ad Card // Story
  25. Plant // The List
  26. Cat // Zone Organization
  27. Roil Royale
  28. Angel Warrior // Booster Comparison
  29. Illusion // Arena Ad Card
  30. Construct // The List
  31. Drake // Booster Blitz
  32. Cat // Story
  33. Kor Warrior // MTGO
  34. Copy // Booster Comparison
  35. Insect // Formats
  36. Arena Ad Card // The List
  37. Base Race
  38. Plant // Arena Ad Card
  39. Drake // Booster Comparison
  40. Booster Sleuth
  41. Copy // The List
  42. Insect // Combat Damage
  43. Strictly Better
  44. Cat Beast // Story
  45. Kor Warrior // Booster Comparison
  46. Arena Ad Card // Attacking and Blocking
  47. Drake // The List
  48. Copy // Arena Ad Card
  49. Insect // Zone Organization
  50. Plant // Booster Comparison
  51. Cat // Booster Blitz
  52. Hydra // The List
  53. Illusion // Story
  54. Roil Royale
  55. Goblin Construct // MTGO
  56. Arena Ad Card // Booster Comparison
  57. Insect // Arena Ad Card
  58. Drake // The List
  59. Copy // Formats
  60. Base Race
  61. Cat // Booster Comparison
  62. Plant // Story
  63. Insect // The List
  64. Booster Sleuth
  65. Arena Ad Card // Arena Ad Card
  66. Drake // MTGO
  67. Cat Beast // Booster Comparison
  68. Strictly Better
  69. Kor Warrior // The List
  70. Copy // Story
  71. Insect // Attacking and Blocking
  72. Arena Ad Card // Booster Comparison
  73. Construct // Zone Organization
  74. Illusion // The List
  75. Plant // Booster Blitz
  76. Cat // Arena Ad Card
  77. Angel Warrior // MTGO
  78. Drake // Booster Comparison
  79. Insect // Story
  80. Arena Ad Card // The List
  81. Roil Royale
  82. Copy // Combat Damage
  83. Plant // Booster Comparison
  84. Base Race
  85. Kor Warrior // Formats
  86. Cat // Arena Ad Card
  87. Goblin Construct // Story
  88. Illusion // MTGO
  89. Insect // The List
  90. Strictly Better
  91. Booster Sleuth
  92. Arena Ad Card // Booster Comparison
  93. Construct // Attacking and Blocking
  94. Cat Beast // The List
  95. Cat // Zone Organization
  96. Plant // Arena Ad Card
  97. Kor Warrior // Story
  98. Copy // Booster Comparison
  99. Insect // MTGO
  100. Drake // The List
  101. Base Race
  102. Construct // Booster Blitz
  103. Cat // Booster Comparison
  104. Roil Royale
  105. Arena Ad Card // The List
  106. Angel Warrior // Story
  107. Drake // Arena Ad Card
  108. Construct // Combat Damage
  109. Insect // Booster Comparison
  110. Copy // MTGO
  111. Plant // The List
  112. Strictly Better
  113. Cat // Formats
  114. Illusion // Booster Comparison
  115. Arena Ad Card // Story
  116. Goblin Construct // The List
  117. Insect // Arena Ad Card
  118. Booster Sleuth
  119. Drake // Zone Organization
  120. Kor Warrior // Attacking and Blocking
  121. Cat Beast // MTGO

Foil Common Run

The foil common run contains each common card once plus each showcase common card once. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Dreadwurm (Showcase)Cliffhaven Sell-SwordDrana's SilencerFarsight AdeptKabira OutriderScale the HeightsInto the RoilPressure PointVanquish the WeakAdventure AwaitsArdent Electromancer
Skyclave Squid (Showcase)Tazeem RoilmageStonework PackbeastMind DrainBubble SnareDisenchantBlood PriceSpare SuppliesSneaking GuideNimana SkydancerChilling Trap
Territorial Scythecat (Showcase)Glacial GraspShell ShieldTerritorial ScythecatFeed the SwarmDeliberateExpedition ChampionMalakir Blood-PriestPracticed TacticsMurasa BruteAnticognition
Spitfire Lagac (Showcase)Kazandu NectarpotTormenting VoiceJoraga VisionaryDauntless SurvivorNimana Skitter-SneakCleric of Chill DepthsSynchronized SpellcraftSkyclave SentinelRisen RiptideCleansing Wildfire
Canopy Baloth (Showcase)Skyclave SquidGrotag Bug-CatcherZulaport DuelistExpedition HealerSizzling BarrageMight of MurasaReclaim the WastesPyroclastic HellionMolten BlastMakindi Ox
Akoum Hellhound (Showcase)Cascade SeerAngelheart ProtectorTuktuk RubblefortGnarlid ColonySmite the MonstrousTeeterpeak AmbusherDeadly AllianceCunning GeysermageKor CelebrantHagra Constrictor
Kazandu Nectarpot (Showcase)NegateLiving TempestProwling FelidarBroken WingsScavenged BladeKazandu StomperStrength of SolidarityTajuru BlightbladeExpedition DivinerMarauding Blight-Priest
Makindi Ox (Showcase)Scorch RiderTazeem RaptorCliffhaven KitesailCanopy BalothNissa's ZendikonSpitfire LagacInordinate RageDreadwurmExpedition SkulkerFissure Wizard
Prowling Felidar (Showcase)Subtle StrikeRoil EruptionTurntimber AsceticAkoum HellhoundUtility KnifeHighborn VampireSea Gate ColossusDauntless UnityRabid BiteTajuru Snarecaster
Shepherd of HeroesOblivion's HungerBlood BeckoningSea Gate BanneretGuul Draz MucklordSeafloor StalkerResolute StrikeGhastly GloomhunterField ResearchNahiri's BindingMesa Lynx

[1] Mark Rosewater's article introducing set boosters is here.