Modern Horizons Collation

Modern Horizons is a large supplemental set with 101 commons, 80 uncommons, 53 rares, 15 mythic rares, and five basic snow lands. This is the normal size for a large set of this era. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised odds of 1 : 67 cards. The set was printed in English in the USA and Belgium.

Modern Horizons was sold in 15 card booster packs (which contain an additional token/ad card and an additional art card). Booster boxes have 36 packs.

There are two different US pack formats. One, which I will call "classic" similar to previous US printings of normal large sets (for instance, Guilds of Ravnica). The other is a "new" format. The most obvious difference is that the new format has the rare first and commons last (compared to the reverse in classic packs). Based on the numbers of videos I have seen, the new format is significantly more common.

Classic US Pack Anatomy

The classic US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation.

Packs are back-facing and have 10 commons followed by 3 uncommons, a rare, a basic snow land, an art card, and an ad/token card. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the rare, displacing a common.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Art Card1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Foil1 Land1 Art Card1 Ad Card

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs have 2-3 A cards, 2 B, and 4-5 C. C2 packs have 4 A cards, 2-4 B, and 2-4 C.


When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. Common foils displace A commons and only appear in C1 packs. Uncommon foils displace B commons. Rare foils displace C2 commons. Common foils appear 1 in every 8 packs. The uncommon and rare rates are not known exactly.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The cards are alternating white, red, and blue. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

GoatnapSmoke ShroudWall of One Thousand CutsGoblin War PartyEyekiteMartyr's SoulLava DartString of DisappearancesAnswered PrayersReckless ChargePhantom Ninja
Impostor of the Sixth PrideSpinehorn MinotaurMoonblade ShinobiReprobationBladeback SliverChoking TethersEphemerateBogardan DragonheartPhantasmal FormEnduring SliverViashino Sandsprinter
Scour All PossibilitiesStirring AddressQuakefoot CyclopsSpell SnuffTrustworthy ScoutGoblin ChampionFaerie SeerRecruit the WorthyGoatnapString of DisappearancesMartyr's Soul
Fists of FlameSmoke ShroudSoul-Strike TechniqueLava DartChillerpillarAnswered PrayersGoblin War PartyPhantom NinjaImpostor of the Sixth PrideSpinehorn MinotaurChoking Tethers
ReprobationGoblin ChampionEyekiteWall of One Thousand CutsReckless ChargePhantasmal FormStirring AddressBogardan DragonheartMoonblade ShinobiEnduring SliverFists of Flame
Scour All PossibilitiesRecruit the WorthyViashino SandsprinterSpell SnuffEphemerateBladeback SliverFaerie SeerTrustworthy ScoutQuakefoot CyclopsChillerpillarSoul-Strike Technique

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The cards are alternating black and green. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Twin-Silk SpiderUmezawa's CharmWinding WayUnearthRime TenderWarteye WitchMother BearFirst-Sphere GargantuaNimble MongooseHeadless SpecterRime Tender
Changeling OutcastTreetop AmbusherDiabolic EdictSpore FrogGluttonous SlugBellowing ElkNinja of the New MoonFrostwallaRansack the LabThornadoAzra Smokeshaper
Treefolk UmbraUmezawa's CharmMother BearFirst-Sphere GargantuaWinding WayWarteye WitchNimble MongooseHeadless SpecterTwin-Silk SpiderUnearthSpore Frog
Diabolic EdictTreetop AmbusherChangeling OutcastBellowing ElkRansack the LabFrostwallaGluttonous SlugThornadoNinja of the New MoonRime TenderAzra Smokeshaper
Mother BearFirst-Sphere GargantuaTreefolk UmbraUmezawa's CharmNimble MongooseDiabolic EdictTwin-Silk SpiderUnearthWinding WayWarteye WitchTreetop Ambusher
Headless SpecterSpore FrogChangeling OutcastTreefolk UmbraRansack the LabBellowing ElkNinja of the New MoonFrostwallaGluttonous SlugThornadoAzra Smokeshaper

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Universal Automaton, the short-printed common. It cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Rank OfficerSpringbloom DruidCave of TemptationIrregular CohortSilumgar ScavengerFountain of IchorOrcish HellraiserVenomous ChangelingStream of ThoughtExcavating AnuridCleaving Sliver
Knight of Old BenaliaMan-o'-WarMind RakeMurasa BehemothGeomancer's GambitSettle Beyond RealityUniversal AutomatonMobSegovian AngelPyrophobiaWindcaller Aven
Return from ExtinctionKrosan TuskerIceberg CancrixLancer SliverRank OfficerPondering MageArcum's AstrolabeSpringbloom DruidGeomancer's GambitIrregular CohortVenomous Changeling
Orcish HellraiserExcavating AnuridStream of ThoughtSettle Beyond RealitySilumgar ScavengerCleaving SliverCave of TemptationMan-o'-WarSegovian AngelMurasa BehemothFountain of Ichor
Arcum's AstrolabeMobIceberg CancrixKrosan TuskerReturn from ExtinctionLancer SliverWindcaller AvenPyrophobiaMind RakePondering MageKnight of Old Benalia

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Universal Automaton, the short-printed common. It cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

ShenanigansSavage SwipeVolatile ClawsDefileProhibitIgneous ElementalShelterNature's ChantElvish FuryPutrid GoblinMagmatic Sinkhole
Weather the StormWinter's RestUniversal AutomatonTrumpeting HerdNature's ChantRhox VeteranIgneous ElementalProhibitSavage SwipeVolatile ClawsRain of Revelation
Gilded LightElvish FuryAmorphous AxeShelterShenanigansDefileWinter's RestWeather the StormMagmatic SinkholePutrid GoblinRhox Veteran
ShenanigansDefileVolatile ClawsTrumpeting HerdGilded LightRain of RevelationShelterNature's ChantSavage SwipeAmorphous AxeIgneous Elemental
ProhibitElvish FuryPutrid GoblinWinter's RestWeather the StormRhox VeteranTrumpeting HerdGilded LightMagmatic SinkholeAmorphous AxeRain of Revelation

New US Pack Anatomy

The new US printing uses sequential collation with heavily modified C1/C2 common collation.

Packs are front-facing and have an ad/token card, an art card, and a basic snow land followed by a rare, three uncommons, and ten commons. If there is a foil card, it will appear before the rare, displacing a common. (This is the reverse of classic US pack order.)

1 Ad Card1 Art Card1 Land1 Rare3 Uncommons10 Commons
1 Ad Card1 Art Card1 Land1 Foil1 Rare3 Uncommons9 Commons

There are still A, B, C1, and C2 common runs with the same structure as a normal C1/C2 common set. However, packs are not evenly split between C1 and C2. The exact pack structure rates are related to foil rates, so not known exactly, but using 2/9 for the total foil rate (plausible, as it equals 15/67.5), C1 packs should occur 5/9 of the time. Then, C1 packs will have 4-5 C cards followed by 2-3 B cards and 3-4 A cards. The same ranges apply if there is a foil, so C1 packs with foils are always 4-2-3. C2 packs always have 4 C cards with 2-3 B and 3-4 A again. And, again, the same ranges also apply to foils, so foil packs are still 4-2-3. We can calculate that the 4th A card appears in 1/5 of packs, the 3rd B card appears in 2/15 of packs, and the 5th C1 card appears in 4/5 of C1 packs. It is not known how 4th A cards, 3rd B cards, and foils are distributed between C1 and C2, but all combinations have been observed. (Consequently, foils must be more likely in C2 packs which seems to bear out empirically.)


Note that the common runs are the same as the corresponding common runs for the classic US printing, except backwards. (This, together with the reversed pack order, suggests that this printing might be back cut.) (This is probably the same for other runs as well.)

There are two uncommon runs, each with 40 distinct cards repeated three times each. Packs have either two B cards followed by an A, or one A followed by two B.

The art series cards are probably printed on two 10 × 10 sheets (with gutter cutting). There is one 100 card sequence with 50 cards each appearing twice. The remaining four cards are on the other sheet. Cards from the alternate sheet seem to appear one in every 14 packs which would make them slightly more rare. These cards are Ranger-Captain of Eos, Pashalik Mons, Winds of Abandon, and Headless Specter.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. The cards are alternating white, blue, and red. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Soul-Strike TechniqueChillerpillarQuakefoot CyclopsTrustworthy ScoutFaerie SeerBladeback SliverEphemerateSpell SnuffViashino SandsprinterRecruit the WorthyScour All Possibilities
Fists of FlameEnduring SliverMoonblade ShinobiBogardan DragonheartStirring AddressPhantasmal FormReckless ChargeWall of One Thousand CutsEyekiteGoblin ChampionReprobation
Choking TethersSpinehorn MinotaurImpostor of the Sixth PridePhantom NinjaGoblin War PartyAnswered PrayersChillerpillarLava DartSoul-Strike TechniqueSmoke ShroudFists of Flame
Martyr's SoulString of DisappearancesGoatnapRecruit the WorthyFaerie SeerGoblin ChampionTrustworthy ScoutSpell SnuffQuakefoot CyclopsStirring AddressScour All Possibilities
Viashino SandsprinterEnduring SliverPhantasmal FormBogardan DragonheartEphemerateChoking TethersBladeback SliverReprobationMoonblade ShinobiSpinehorn MinotaurImpostor of the Sixth Pride
Phantom NinjaReckless ChargeAnswered PrayersString of DisappearancesLava DartMartyr's SoulEyekiteGoblin War PartyWall of One Thousand CutsSmoke ShroudGoatnap

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The cards are alternating black and green. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Azra SmokeshaperThornadoGluttonous SlugFrostwallaNinja of the New MoonBellowing ElkRansack the LabTreefolk UmbraChangeling OutcastSpore FrogHeadless Specter
Treetop AmbusherWarteye WitchWinding WayUnearthTwin-Silk SpiderDiabolic EdictNimble MongooseUmezawa's CharmTreefolk UmbraFirst-Sphere GargantuaMother Bear
Azra SmokeshaperRime TenderNinja of the New MoonThornadoGluttonous SlugFrostwallaRansack the LabBellowing ElkChangeling OutcastTreetop AmbusherDiabolic Edict
Spore FrogUnearthTwin-Silk SpiderHeadless SpecterNimble MongooseWarteye WitchWinding WayFirst-Sphere GargantuaMother BearUmezawa's CharmTreefolk Umbra
Azra SmokeshaperThornadoRansack the LabFrostwallaNinja of the New MoonBellowing ElkGluttonous SlugSpore FrogDiabolic EdictTreetop AmbusherChangeling Outcast
Rime TenderHeadless SpecterNimble MongooseFirst-Sphere GargantuaMother BearWarteye WitchRime TenderUnearthWinding WayUmezawa's CharmTwin-Silk Spider

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Universal Automaton, the short-printed common. It cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Knight of Old BenaliaPondering MageMind RakePyrophobiaWindcaller AvenLancer SliverReturn from ExtinctionKrosan TuskerIceberg CancrixMobArcum's Astrolabe
Fountain of IchorMurasa BehemothSegovian AngelMan-o'-WarCave of TemptationCleaving SliverSilumgar ScavengerSettle Beyond RealityStream of ThoughtExcavating AnuridOrcish Hellraiser
Venomous ChangelingIrregular CohortGeomancer's GambitSpringbloom DruidArcum's AstrolabePondering MageRank OfficerLancer SliverIceberg CancrixKrosan TuskerReturn from Extinction
Windcaller AvenPyrophobiaSegovian AngelMobUniversal AutomatonSettle Beyond RealityGeomancer's GambitMurasa BehemothMind RakeMan-o'-WarKnight of Old Benalia
Cleaving SliverExcavating AnuridStream of ThoughtVenomous ChangelingOrcish HellraiserFountain of IchorSilumgar ScavengerIrregular CohortCave of TemptationSpringbloom DruidRank Officer

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Universal Automaton, the short-printed common. It cards of all colors and colorless cards. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Rain of RevelationAmorphous AxeMagmatic SinkholeGilded LightTrumpeting HerdRhox VeteranWeather the StormWinter's RestPutrid GoblinElvish FuryProhibit
Igneous ElementalAmorphous AxeSavage SwipeNature's ChantShelterRain of RevelationGilded LightTrumpeting HerdVolatile ClawsDefileShenanigans
Rhox VeteranPutrid GoblinMagmatic SinkholeWeather the StormWinter's RestDefileShenanigansShelterAmorphous AxeElvish FuryGilded Light
Rain of RevelationVolatile ClawsSavage SwipeProhibitIgneous ElementalRhox VeteranNature's ChantTrumpeting HerdUniversal AutomatonWinter's RestWeather the Storm
Magmatic SinkholePutrid GoblinElvish FuryNature's ChantShelterIgneous ElementalProhibitDefileVolatile ClawsSavage SwipeShenanigans

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

ExcludeConifer WurmUndead AugurRavenous GiantTalisman of HierarchyTranquil ThicketWing ShardsGraveshifterIngenious InfiltratorHollowhead SliverBirthing Boughs
OneirophageSquirrel NestLesser MasticoreFireboltTribute MageTempered SliverKing of the PrideDregscape SliverRuination RioterBarren MoorZhalfirin Decoy
Fact or FictionLlanowar TribeCrypt RatsOre-Scale GuardianTalisman of HierarchyForgotten CaveValiant ChangelingSling-Gang LieutenantThundering DjinnAlpine GuideBirthing Boughs
Twisted ReflectionGlacial RevelationTalisman of CreativityRavenous GiantGood-Fortune UnicornWebweaver ChangelingBattle ScreechThroatseekerRotwidow PackUrza's RageWing Shards
ExcludeConifer WurmGraveshifterHollowhead SliverOneirophageTempered SliverZhalfirin DecoyUndead AugurIngenious InfiltratorTranquil ThicketLesser Masticore
Tribute MageLlanowar TribeDregscape SliverFireboltRuination RioterBarren MoorKing of the PrideCrypt RatsGood-Fortune UnicornAlpine GuideTalisman of Hierarchy
Fact or FictionWebweaver ChangelingForgotten CaveOre-Scale GuardianTalisman of CreativitySquirrel NestValiant ChangelingSling-Gang LieutenantThundering DjinnUrza's RageBirthing Boughs
Twisted ReflectionGlacial RevelationThroatseekerRavenous GiantRotwidow PackConifer WurmBattle ScreechUndead AugurIngenious InfiltratorTranquil ThicketWing Shards
ExcludeTempered SliverDregscape SliverFireboltOneirophageBarren MoorZhalfirin DecoyGraveshifterRuination RioterHollowhead SliverKing of the Pride
Tribute MageSquirrel NestLesser MasticoreAlpine GuideGood-Fortune UnicornWebweaver ChangelingValiant ChangelingSling-Gang LieutenantThundering DjinnUrza's RageTalisman of Creativity
Fact or FictionGlacial RevelationCrypt RatsOre-Scale GuardianTwisted ReflectionLlanowar TribeBattle ScreechThroatseekerRotwidow PackForgotten Cave

The B uncommon run also consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Talisman of ResilienceGenerous GiftGoblin MatronCarrion FeederEverdreamMunitions ExpertWall of BlossomsFace of DivinityTalisman of CuriosityRebuildThroes of Chaos
SoulherderDismantling BlowVengeful DevilShatter AssumptionsGoblin MatronAbominable TreefolkNantuko CultivatorFrostwalk BastionFarmstead GleanerBlizzard StrixGoblin Oriflamme
Smiting HelixSplicer's SkillPillageFeaster of FoolsLonely SandbarLavabelly SliverRegrowthSecluded SteppeTalisman of ConvictionCunning EvasionThroes of Chaos
Frostwalk BastionScale UpEtchings of the ChosenScuttling SliverLonely SandbarVengeful DevilGenerous GiftSaddled RimestagMunitions ExpertSadistic ObsessionTalisman of Resilience
Secluded SteppeNantuko CultivatorSoulherderWatcher for TomorrowIcehide GolemFirst Sliver's ChosenGoblin OriflammeWall of BlossomsLavabelly SliverShatter AssumptionsAbominable Treefolk
Face of DivinityRegrowthSadistic ObsessionBlizzard StrixTalisman of ConvictionGoblin MatronDismantling BlowScale UpRebuildCarrion FeederPillage
VesperlarkSaddled RimestagShatter AssumptionsWatcher for TomorrowFarmstead GleanerThroes of ChaosSplicer's SkillNantuko CultivatorEverdreamEtchings of the ChosenTalisman of Resilience
Generous GiftWall of BlossomsFeaster of FoolsCunning EvasionTalisman of CuriositySecluded SteppeFace of DivinityRegrowthScuttling SliverSmiting HelixIcehide Golem
First Sliver's ChosenFrostwalk BastionSadistic ObsessionBlizzard StrixTalisman of ConvictionMunitions ExpertVesperlarkLonely SandbarEverdreamCarrion FeederSoulherder
Splicer's SkillPillageFeaster of FoolsRebuildAbominable TreefolkScale UpDismantling BlowTalisman of CuriosityCunning EvasionVengeful DevilFarmstead Gleaner
First Sliver's ChosenGoblin OriflammeSmiting HelixScuttling SliverLavabelly SliverSaddled RimestagVesperlarkIcehide GolemWatcher for TomorrowEtchings of the Chosen

Art Series Runs

The primary art series run contains 50 distinct cards each twice. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary. (There is another run containing the remaining cards, but I don't know the full arrangement.)

  1. Sword of Sinew and Steel
  2. Soulherder
  3. Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
  4. Face of Divinity
  5. Mirrodin Besieged
  6. Wrenn and Six
  7. Waterlogged Grove
  8. Chillerpillar
  9. Ayula, Queen Among Bears
  10. Ingenious Infiltrator
  11. Sword of Truth and Justice
  12. Dregscape Sliver
  13. Urza, Lord High Artificer
  14. Echo of Eons
  15. Lesser Masticore
  16. Serra the Benevolent
  17. Silent Clearing
  18. Ravenous Giant
  19. Everdream
  20. Throatseeker
  21. Plague Engineer
  22. First Sliver's Chosen
  23. Zhalfirin Decoy
  24. Mind Rake
  25. Spinehorn Minotaur
  26. Bazaar Trademage
  27. Rebuild
  28. Ephemerate
  29. Sisay, Weatherlight Captain
  30. Smoke Shroud
  31. Mox Tantalite
  32. Answered Prayers
  33. Enduring Sliver
  34. Throes of Chaos
  35. Morophon, the Boundless
  36. Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
  37. Wall of One Thousand Cuts
  38. Face of Divinity
  39. Umezawa's Charm
  40. Warteye Witch
  41. Arcum's Astrolabe
  42. Force of Despair
  43. Lancer Sliver
  44. Excavating Anurid
  45. Ninja of the New Moon
  46. Lightning Skelemental
  47. Prismatic Vista
  48. Echo of Eons
  49. Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
  50. Endling
  51. Waterlogged Grove
  52. Soulherder
  53. Scour All Possibilities
  54. Everdream
  55. Ingenious Infiltrator
  56. Mirrodin Besieged
  57. Sword of Sinew and Steel
  58. Mind Rake
  59. Urza, Lord High Artificer
  60. Wrenn and Six
  61. Silent Clearing
  62. Dregscape Sliver
  63. Watcher for Tomorrow
  64. Goblin Matron
  65. Throatseeker
  66. Lesser Masticore
  67. Sword of Truth and Justice
  68. Enduring Sliver
  69. Zhalfirin Decoy
  70. Serra the Benevolent
  71. Rebuild
  72. First Sliver's Chosen
  73. Chillerpillar
  74. Ayula, Queen Among Bears
  75. Smoke Shroud
  76. Spinehorn Minotaur
  77. Plague Engineer
  78. Lancer Sliver
  79. Throes of Chaos
  80. Bazaar Trademage
  81. Wall of One Thousand Cuts
  82. Answered Prayers
  83. Sisay, Weatherlight Captain
  84. Ravenous Giant
  85. Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
  86. Warteye Witch
  87. Mox Tantalite
  88. Scour All Possibilities
  89. Goblin Matron
  90. Morophon, the Boundless
  91. Prismatic Vista
  92. Force of Despair
  93. Umezawa's Charm
  94. Ephemerate
  95. Lightning Skelemental
  96. Endling
  97. Arcum's Astrolabe
  98. Watcher for Tomorrow
  99. Excavating Anurid
  100. Ninja of the New Moon

Token Run

All of the marketing cards in Modern Horizons have a token or emblem on the front face. Some of the tokens are foil. These appear on a different sheet and have an ad on the back and appear in 1/4 of packs. The non-foil tokens have another token or emblem on the back. Currently, I don't have complete information on the back faces. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Note that for the non-foil tokens, many tokens or emblems can apparently only appear on the front or back, not both. (So, many tokens and all emblems never appear on the front.) The spider token is perhaps the only one that can appear on either sides.

ShapeshifterElemental (8)GoblinBirdZombieSoldierIllusionShapeshifterGoblinElemental (8)Bird
SoldierZombieGoblinIllusionShapeshifterBirdSoldierGoblinElemental (8)ZombieIllusion
ShapeshifterGoblinSoldierSpiritElemental (8)IllusionGoblinShapeshifterSoldierZombieBird
Elemental (8)GoblinSoldierShapeshifterIllusionZombieGoblinBirdSoldierShapeshifterElemental (8)
IllusionGoblinZombieSoldierBirdShapeshifterGoblinIllusionSoldierElemental (8)Zombie
SpiderGoblinShapeshifterSoldierIllusionZombieGoblinElemental (8)ShapeshifterSoldierBird
IllusionGoblinZombieElemental (8)SoldierShapeshifterGoblinSpiderIllusionZombieSoldier
GoblinShapeshifterElemental (8)BirdIllusionGoblinSoldierZombieShapeshifterElemental (8)Illusion
GoblinSoldierBirdShapeshifterZombieGoblinIllusionSoldierElemental (8)BirdShapeshifter
GoblinZombieSoldierElemental (8)IllusionGoblinShapeshifterBirdElemental (8)ZombieSpirit
GoblinShapeshifterIllusionElemental (8)SoldierShapeshifterZombieGoblinBirdIllusionSoldier

Token Rarity
SpiderSpider × 2SpiritSpirit × 2BirdBird × 12
Elemental (8)Elemental × 15ZombieZombie × 15IllusionIllusion × 16
ShapeshifterShapeshifter × 18SoldierSoldier × 19GoblinGoblin × 22

Belgian Pack Anatomy

The Belgian printing uses sequential collation with simple two-run 101 common collation.

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by a basic land, an art card, and an ad card. There are 10 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. If there is a foil card, it will appear after the land, displacing a common.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Art Card1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Rare1 Land1 Foil1 Art Card1 Ad Card

Each pack contains six cards from the A common run followed by four cards from the B run. Foils can displace a card from either run.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 60 different cards each appearing twice plus Arcum's Astrolabe, the short-printed common (which is different than the US short print). There are cards are mostly white, red, and green. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Rhox VeteranViashino SandsprinterMobRecruit the WorthyElvish FurySpinehorn MinotaurSoul-Strike TechniquePondering MageIgneous ElementalSpore FrogTrustworthy Scout
Knight of Old BenaliaExcavating AnuridCleaving SliverLava DartImpostor of the Sixth PrideKrosan TuskerRank OfficerVolatile ClawsMurasa BehemothIrregular CohortThornado
Fists of FlameFountain of IchorReprobationMagmatic SinkholeBellowing ElkShelterTwin-Silk SpiderBogardan DragonheartSpringbloom DruidTrustworthy ScoutMob
Trumpeting HerdGoblin ChampionReprobationTreefolk UmbraMan-o'-WarGoblin War PartyRank OfficerMartyr's SoulWinding WayPyrophobiaLancer Sliver
Quakefoot CyclopsBellowing ElkWinter's RestGoatnapSoul-Strike TechniqueElvish FuryAnswered PrayersGoblin War PartyRime TenderStirring AddressSpringbloom Druid
Lava DartEphemerateReckless ChargeFountain of IchorMother BearThornadoEnduring SliverBladeback SliverPondering MageSavage SwipeWall of One Thousand Cuts
Orcish HellraiserWinding WayDefileGoblin ChampionRecruit the WorthyExcavating AnuridArcum's AstrolabeIgneous ElementalSettle Beyond RealityFrostwallaViashino Sandsprinter
DefileTreetop AmbusherRhox VeteranReckless ChargeSpore FrogRain of RevelationBogardan DragonheartKnight of Old BenaliaSavage SwipeMother BearPyrophobia
Wall of One Thousand CutsVenomous ChangelingFrostwallaOrcish HellraiserSettle Beyond RealityEnduring SliverKrosan TuskerVolatile ClawsMan-o'-WarImpostor of the Sixth PrideTwin-Silk Spider
Cleaving SliverShelterBladeback SliverStirring AddressMurasa BehemothSpinehorn MinotaurLancer SliverFists of FlameEphemerateTrumpeting HerdQuakefoot Cyclops
Martyr's SoulWinter's RestTreefolk UmbraVenomous ChangelingMagmatic SinkholeAnswered PrayersTreetop AmbusherIrregular CohortGoatnapRain of RevelationRime Tender

The B common run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times plus Arcum's Astrolabe, the short-printed common. The cards are mostly blue and black. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Stream of ThoughtAmorphous AxeDiabolic EdictPhantasmal FormNimble MongooseSilumgar ScavengerSmoke ShroudNinja of the New MoonShenanigansWindcaller AvenChangeling Outcast
Stream of ThoughtWeather the StormFirst-Sphere GargantuaChoking TethersGeomancer's GambitRansack the LabScour All PossibilitiesCave of TemptationUnearthEyekitePutrid Goblin
Gilded LightSpell SnuffRansack the LabMind RakeChillerpillarUniversal AutomatonChangeling OutcastMoonblade ShinobiWeather the StormPutrid GoblinPhantom Ninja
EyekiteUmezawa's CharmIceberg CancrixNinja of the New MoonNature's ChantFaerie SeerHeadless SpecterGeomancer's GambitScour All PossibilitiesUnearthPhantasmal Form
Segovian AngelAzra SmokeshaperWindcaller AvenReturn from ExtinctionProhibitAmorphous AxeRansack the LabSmoke ShroudNimble MongooseDiabolic EdictPhantom Ninja
Cave of TemptationWarteye WitchIceberg CancrixSilumgar ScavengerUniversal AutomatonString of DisappearancesGluttonous SlugUnearthPhantasmal FormShenanigansAzra Smokeshaper
Choking TethersAmorphous AxeMind RakeScour All PossibilitiesGeomancer's GambitChangeling OutcastStream of ThoughtHeadless SpecterPhantom NinjaFirst-Sphere GargantuaProhibit
Nimble MongooseGluttonous SlugSpell SnuffWeather the StormWarteye WitchMoonblade ShinobiCave of TemptationUmezawa's CharmFaerie SeerIceberg CancrixReturn from Extinction
Nature's ChantSpell SnuffNinja of the New MoonSegovian AngelSmoke ShroudWarteye WitchArcum's AstrolabeChillerpillarAzra SmokeshaperGilded LightString of Disappearances
Putrid GoblinFaerie SeerUniversal AutomatonHeadless SpecterMoonblade ShinobiSilumgar ScavengerShenanigansWindcaller AvenMind RakeDiabolic EdictChoking Tethers
Gilded LightFirst-Sphere GargantuaString of DisappearancesNature's ChantGluttonous SlugProhibitReturn from ExtinctionSegovian AngelChillerpillarEyekiteUmezawa's Charm