Modern Horizons 2 Collation

Modern Horizons 2 is a large set with 101 commons, 100 uncommons (20 of which are reprints), 78 rares (18 of which are new-to-Modern reprints), 24 mythic rares (4 of which are reprints), and two variations of each standard basic land (not included in boosters). The new-to-Modern reprints are collated separately; ignoring these, the size is similar to contemporary sets. Foil cards are included in booster packs with advertised rate of 33% of boosters. The set was printed in English in the USA, Belgium, and Japan.

Modern Horizons 2 was sold in 15 card draft boosters (which contain an additional ad card or double-faced card placeholder). Draft booster boxes have 36 packs.

US Pack Anatomy

The US printing uses sequential collation with C1/C2 common collation in the new style similar to the style first seen in Zendikar Rising.

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by an ad card. There are 10 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. Between the uncommons and the rare is a new-to-Modern reprinted card (which can be uncommon, rare, or mythic). If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear after the rare.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Reprint1 Rare1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Reprint1 Rare1 Foil1 Ad Card

Packs are evenly split between C1 commons and C2 commons. C1 packs have 3 A commons followed by 1-2 B commons and 5-6 C commons. Non-foil C2 packs have 3-4 A commons followed by 2-3 B commons and 3-4 C commons. (I haven't observed 3A + 2B.)

When a foil appears in a pack, it will displace a common card. All foils appear in C2 packs. These packs can be 4A+2B, 3A+3B, or 3A+2B.

The uncommons are divided into an A run and a B run. Each run has 40 distinct cards each appearing three times. Half of packs have three consecutive cards from the A run and the other half have three from the B run. For cards that have special versions, one of the three copies in the run is the special version. Note that under a single pack model, there is no reason way to choose which run should be called "A", but the runs are disambiguated by box collation.

The new-to-Modern reprints are all on one sheet. But, the variants of these cards (including old-border, sketch, and borderless) are not on the sheet. The sheet has one copy of each mythic, two copies of each rare, and four copies of each uncommon. Occasionally, a variant will appear in this slot instead. This is rare (the rate seems to be less than one per box).

There are four rare sheets. There is one sheet with two copies of each of the 60 (not new-to-Modern) rares. These are the normal versions of these cards. There is another sheet with (probably) six copies of each of the 20 (not new-to-Modern) mythics. The third sheet has all the non-borderless variant cards, and the fourth sheet has all the borderless variants. The rates for these sheets are, respectively, 78%, 13%, 8%, and 1%. Looking at the non-variant sheets, individual rares appear twice as often as individual mythics, and the mythic rate is 1/7. The arrangements of the variant sheets are less clear, but probably each rare appears twice and each mythic appears once. If there were 120 cards on the non-borderless variant sheet, this would make mythics on both variant sheets equally rare, but probably the sheet is not quite so full.

Notably, the way variants are handled in the reprint and rare slots means that normal versions cards are equally rare whether or not the have a variants, and variants appear in addition. This is a change from earlier sets.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 33 different cards each appearing twice. These cards are blue, red, and green (but they don't strictly alternate). The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Shattered EgoLightning SpearBurdened AerialistDuskshell CrawlerMount Velus ManticoreJewel-Eyed CobraFoul WatcherRift SowerUnholy HeatSteelfin WhaleCrack Open
Arcbound TrackerLose FocusOrchard StriderGouged ZealotMental JourneyDeepwood DenizenTavern ScoundrelHard EvidenceUrban DaggertoothBattle PlanEtherium Spinner
Smell FearArcbound SlasherRecalibrateFlourishing StrikeSkophos ReaverParcel MyrBannerhide KrushokRevolutionistShattered EgoFunnel-Web RecluseMount Velus Manticore
Burdened AerialistJewel-Eyed CobraLightning SpearSo ShinyViashino LashclawDuskshell CrawlerSteelfin WhaleUnholy HeatRift SowerFoul WatcherGouged Zealot
Orchard StriderMental JourneyBattle PlanCrack OpenLose FocusArcbound TrackerDeepwood DenizenHard EvidenceSkophos ReaverUrban DaggertoothEtherium Spinner
Tavern ScoundrelSmell FearSo ShinyRevolutionistFlourishing StrikeRecalibrateArcbound SlasherFunnel-Web RecluseParcel MyrViashino LashclawBannerhide Krushok

The B common run consists of 22 different cards each appearing three times. The cards alternate between white and black. For cards with sketch or old border versions, one of the three copies is the special version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Guardian KirinBone Shards (Old Border)Break TiesNested ShamblerMarble GargoyleKitchen ImpBlacksmith's Skill (Old Border)Hell MongrelUnbounded PotentialGilt-Blade ProwlerArcbound Prototype
World-WearyLens FlareLoathsome CuratorKnighted MyrVermin GorgerLandscaper ColosCabal InitiateSoul of MigrationSinister StarfishLate to Dinner (Sketch)Bone Shards
Guardian KirinNested ShamblerBreak TiesTizerus ChargerMarble GargoyleHell MongrelBlacksmith's SkillGilt-Blade ProwlerArcbound PrototypeKitchen Imp (Sketch)Unbounded Potential
World-WearyKnighted MyrLoathsome CuratorLandscaper ColosCabal InitiateLens Flare (Sketch)Vermin GorgerGuardian KirinSinister StarfishLate to DinnerNested Shambler (Old Border)
Soul of MigrationBone ShardsBreak TiesHell MongrelMarble Gargoyle (Old Border)Gilt-Blade ProwlerBlacksmith's SkillTizerus ChargerArcbound PrototypeWorld-Weary (Sketch)Unbounded Potential
Loathsome CuratorKnighted MyrKitchen ImpLandscaper ColosVermin GorgerLens FlareCabal InitiateLate to DinnerSinister StarfishSoul of MigrationTizerus Charger

The C1 common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing twice plus Bottle Golems, the short-printed common. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Arcbound MouserDrossforge BridgePiercing RaysRustvale BridgeChrome CourierTourach's CanticleFodder TosserBreathless KnightTormod's CryptkeeperRazortide BridgeMyr Scrapling
Silverbluff BridgeDisciple of the SunStorm God's OracleMistvault BridgeEchoing ReturnSlagwoods BridgeTragic FallDrey KeeperFairgrounds PatrolDiscerning TastePiercing Rays
Tanglepool BridgeDihada's PloyDarkmoss BridgeArcbound MouserFoundry HelixSojourner's CompanionDrossforge BridgeCaptured by LagacsBottle GolemsChrome CourierRustvale Bridge
Breathless KnightRazortide BridgeMyr ScraplingFodder TosserSilverbluff BridgeDisciple of the SunTormod's CryptkeeperTourach's CanticleMistvault BridgeDrey KeeperTragic Fall
Fairgrounds PatrolDiscerning TasteStorm God's OracleSlagwoods BridgeFoundry HelixDarkmoss BridgeEchoing ReturnDihada's PloyTanglepool BridgeCaptured by LagacsSojourner's Companion

The C2 common run consists of 18 different cards each appearing three times plus Bottle Golems, the short-printed common. For cards with sketch or old border versions, one of the three copies is the special version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Terminal Agony (Old Border)Glimmer BairnFaithless Salvaging (Sketch)Jade AvengerAeromoebaChatterstormOrnithopter of Paradise (Old Border)Goblin AnarchomancerAbundant Harvest (Sketch)Mine CollapseGoldmire Bridge
Thornglint BridgePhantasmal DreadmawWavesifterGalvanic RelayGargadon (Sketch)Glimmer BairnFaithless SalvagingTerminal AgonyChatterstormStep ThroughJade Avenger (Sketch)
FloodhoundMine Collapse (Old Border)Goblin AnarchomancerAbundant HarvestOrnithopter of ParadiseAeromoebaGalvanic Relay (Old Border)Goldmire BridgePhantasmal DreadmawThornglint BridgeWavesifter
GargadonFloodhound (Sketch)Jade AvengerTerminal AgonyChatterstorm (Old Border)Step ThroughGlimmer Bairn (Old Border)Faithless SalvagingMine CollapseGoblin Anarchomancer (Old Border)Abundant Harvest
Ornithopter of ParadiseAeromoeba (Old Border)Galvanic RelayPhantasmal Dreadmaw (Sketch)Thornglint BridgeGoldmire BridgeWavesifterBottle GolemsStep Through (Old Border)GargadonFloodhound

Uncommon Runs

The A uncommon run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. For cards that have a special version, one of the three copies is the special version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Barbed SpikeMonoskelion (Old Border)Scurry OakFlametongue YearlingYoung NecromancerLazotep Chancellor (Sketch)Arcbound JavelineerLiquimetal TorqueHerd BalothFast // FuriousScour the Desert
Arcus AcolyteSpecimen CollectorBlessed RespiteRadiant EpicureGlorious EnforcerGlinting CreeperRoad // Ruin (Sketch)Necromancer's FamiliarSteel DromedaryCombine ChrysalisStrike It Rich
Power DepotVile EntomberArcbound Shikari (Sketch)BatterboneArcbound WhelpTimeless WitnessFlay EssenceFlame BlitzVectis GlovesHealer's FlockClattering Augur
Raving VisionaryEthersworn SphinxBreak the IceAltar of the GoyfArcbound JavelineerYoung NecromancerSquirrel SanctuaryLucid DreamsBarbed SpikeLazotep ChancellorBlazing Rootwalla (Old Border)
MonoskelionScurry OakFlametongue YearlingScour the DesertLiquimetal TorqueBlessed RespiteArcus Acolyte (Sketch)Fast // FuriousRadiant EpicureSpecimen CollectorHerd Baloth
Strike It RichNecromancer's FamiliarGlorious EnforcerGlinting CreeperCombine ChrysalisSteel DromedaryPower DepotRoad // RuinBatterboneVile Entomber (Old Border)Flame Blitz
Timeless WitnessHealer's FlockFlay EssenceArcbound ShikariArcbound WhelpVectis GlovesClattering AugurRaving VisionaryEthersworn Sphinx (Sketch)Break the IceSquirrel Sanctuary
Altar of the GoyfLucid DreamsArcbound JavelineerYoung NecromancerBlessed RespiteScour the DesertBlazing RootwallaMonoskelionBarbed SpikeFlametongue Yearling (Sketch)Lazotep Chancellor
Scurry OakLiquimetal Torque (Old Border)Specimen CollectorRadiant EpicureFast // FuriousHerd BalothArcus AcolyteNecromancer's FamiliarGlorious EnforcerStrike It RichRoad // Ruin
Glinting CreeperBatterboneCombine Chrysalis (Sketch)Power DepotVile EntomberFlame BlitzSteel DromedaryTimeless Witness (Sketch)Healer's FlockArcbound WhelpArcbound Shikari
Altar of the GoyfFlay EssenceEthersworn SphinxSquirrel SanctuaryClattering AugurVectis GlovesRaving VisionaryBreak the IceBlazing RootwallaLucid Dreams

The B uncommon run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times. For cards that have a special version, one of the three copies is the special version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Archfiend of SorrowsProphetic Titan (Sketch)Slag StriderSaid // DoneWren's Run HydraSkyblade's BoonSweep the SkiesSanctuary RaptorConstable of the RealmGoblin TraprunnerRavenous Squirrel
Tide ShaperTireless ProvisionerKaleidoscorchFiligree AttendantFoundation BreakerSudden Edict (Sketch)Prismatic EndingDragon's Rage ChannelerJunk WinderRakdos HeadlinerLegion Vanguard
TerramorphGraceful RestorationThraben WatcherVedalken InfiltratorCaprichromeThe Underworld Cookbook (Old Border)Captain Ripley VanceUnderworld HermitAbiding GraceBrainstone (Old Border)Mystic Redaction
Feast of SanitySquirrel SovereignGhost-Lit DrifterSlag StriderBlossoming Calm (Sketch)Said // DoneSpreading InsurrectionProphetic TitanArchfiend of SorrowsScuttletideFae Offering
Sanctuary RaptorTide ShaperKaleidoscorchTireless ProvisionerConstable of the RealmGoblin TraprunnerRavenous Squirrel (Sketch)Foundation BreakerSkyblade's BoonLegion VanguardJunk Winder
Wren's Run HydraRakdos HeadlinerSweep the SkiesPrismatic Ending (Old Border)Sudden EdictFiligree AttendantDragon's Rage ChannelerGraceful RestorationCaprichromeVedalken InfiltratorThe Underworld Cookbook
TerramorphThraben WatcherGhost-Lit DrifterFeast of SanitySquirrel Sovereign (Old Border)ScuttletideCaptain Ripley VanceAbiding GraceMystic RedactionUnderworld Hermit (Sketch)Brainstone
Slag StriderSaid // DoneProphetic TitanSpreading InsurrectionBlossoming CalmFae OfferingArchfiend of SorrowsKaleidoscorchTireless ProvisionerSkyblade's BoonTide Shaper (Old Border)
Ravenous SquirrelConstable of the RealmSanctuary RaptorGoblin TraprunnerWren's Run HydraSweep the SkiesSudden EdictJunk WinderFoundation BreakerLegion VanguardPrismatic Ending
Rakdos Headliner (Sketch)Dragon's Rage ChannelerFiligree AttendantTerramorphCaprichromeThe Underworld CookbookVedalken InfiltratorGraceful RestorationThraben WatcherSquirrel SovereignGhost-Lit Drifter
BrainstoneFeast of SanityMystic Redaction (Sketch)Abiding GraceCaptain Ripley VanceUnderworld HermitScuttletideFae OfferingSpreading InsurrectionBlossoming Calm

Token Run

All of the marketing cards in Modern Horizons 2 have a token on the front face. They are printed in a 121 card run with items appearing different numbers of times.

SquirrelBirdPhyrexian GermTreasure (21)ThopterSquirrelElementalTimeless DragonBeastCrabSquirrel
Treasure (21)Food (18)Food (17)BeastGolemBeastSquirrelTreasure (20)CrabClue (15)Squirrel
Food (17)BeastClue (14)BeastInsectClue (14)Treasure (20)SquirrelCrabThopterSquirrel
Treasure (20)ZombieCrabThopterFood (17)SquirrelBirdThopterTreasure (21)BirdSquirrel
BeastCrabFood (18)Treasure (20)Food (17)CrabThopterFood (18)BirdSquirrelTreasure (21)
GolemFood (18)SquirrelElementalTreasure (21)CrabSquirrelThopterBeastTimeless WitnessSquirrel
InsectBeastFood (17)SquirrelThopterSquirrelCrabBeastZombieTreasure (20)Squirrel
Clue (15)SquirrelClue (14)Food (18)Timeless WitnessConstructBirdSquirrelClue (15)SquirrelCrab
Clue (14)BirdTreasure (21)Clue (15)BirdConstructTreasure (21)Food (17)Food (18)BirdZombie Army
SquirrelClue (15)ThopterBeastClue (15)SquirrelTreasure (21)Clue (14)ThopterZombie ArmyThopter
Treasure (20)GoblinBirdPhyrexian GermClue (14)GoblinSquirrelCrabTreasure (20)BirdTreasure (20)

Token Rarity
Timeless DragonTimeless Dragon × 1ConstructConstruct × 2ElementalElemental × 2
GoblinGoblin × 2GolemGolem × 2InsectInsect × 2
Phyrexian GermPhyrexian Germ × 2Timeless WitnessTimeless Witness × 2ZombieZombie × 2
Zombie ArmyZombie Army × 2Clue (14)Clue × 6Clue (15)Clue × 6
Food (17)Food × 6Food (18)Food × 6Treasure (20)Treasure × 8
Treasure (21)Treasure × 8BeastBeast × 10BirdBird × 10
CrabCrab × 10ThopterThopter × 10SquirrelSquirrel × 22

Tokens (With Reverse Side)
  1. Squirrel // Companion App
  2. Bird // Companion App
  3. Phyrexian Germ // Secret Lair
  4. Treasure (21) // MTGO
  5. Thopter // FNM
  6. Squirrel // Archetypes
  7. Elemental // Locator
  8. Timeless Dragon // Archetypes
  9. Beast // FNM
  10. Crab // Secret Lair
  11. Squirrel // FNM
  12. Treasure (21) // MTGO
  13. Food (18) // FNM
  14. Food (17) // MTGO
  15. Beast // Companion App
  16. Golem // Secret Lair
  17. Beast // Locator
  18. Squirrel // Secret Lair
  19. Treasure (20) // Locator
  20. Crab // FNM
  21. Clue (15) // FNM
  22. Squirrel // Companion App
  23. Food (17) // Locator
  24. Beast // Locator
  25. Clue (14) // MTGO
  26. Beast // Locator
  27. Insect // FNM
  28. Clue (14) // Secret Lair
  29. Treasure (20) // Archetypes
  30. Squirrel // Companion App
  31. Crab // Locator
  32. Thopter // Archetypes
  33. Squirrel // Secret Lair
  34. Treasure (20) // MTGO
  35. Zombie // Archetypes
  36. Crab // Secret Lair
  37. Thopter // Locator
  38. Food (17) // MTGO
  39. Squirrel // Secret Lair
  40. Bird // FNM
  41. Thopter // Companion App
  42. Treasure (21) // Secret Lair
  43. Bird // FNM
  44. Squirrel // Secret Lair
  45. Beast // Companion App
  46. Crab // MTGO
  47. Food (18) // Locator
  48. Treasure (20) // Companion App
  49. Food (17) // Secret Lair
  50. Crab // Companion App
  51. Thopter // MTGO
  52. Food (18) // Secret Lair
  53. Bird // FNM
  54. Squirrel // Archetypes
  55. Treasure (21) // Secret Lair
  56. Golem // Companion App
  57. Food (18) // Archetypes
  58. Squirrel // FNM
  59. Elemental // Archetypes
  60. Treasure (21) // Secret Lair
  61. Crab // Companion App
  62. Squirrel // Archetypes
  63. Thopter // Companion App
  64. Beast // Locator
  65. Timeless Witness // Companion App
  66. Squirrel // FNM
  67. Insect // Companion App
  68. Beast // Secret Lair
  69. Food (17) // Archetypes
  70. Squirrel // Secret Lair
  71. Thopter // MTGO
  72. Squirrel // Locator
  73. Crab // Secret Lair
  74. Beast // Locator
  75. Zombie // Companion App
  76. Treasure (20) // FNM
  77. Squirrel // Companion App
  78. Clue (15) // Secret Lair
  79. Squirrel // Locator
  80. Clue (14) // Archetypes
  81. Food (18) // FNM
  82. Timeless Witness // Companion App
  83. Construct // Archetypes
  84. Bird // Secret Lair
  85. Squirrel // Archetypes
  86. Clue (15) // FNM
  87. Squirrel // Companion App
  88. Crab // Archetypes
  89. Clue (14) // Locator
  90. Bird // MTGO
  91. Treasure (21) // Secret Lair
  92. Clue (15) // Locator
  93. Bird // MTGO
  94. Construct // Locator
  95. Treasure (21) // Archetypes
  96. Food (17) // Locator
  97. Food (18) // Companion App
  98. Bird // FNM
  99. Zombie Army // Archetypes
  100. Squirrel // Secret Lair
  101. Clue (15) // Secret Lair
  102. Thopter // FNM
  103. Beast // Companion App
  104. Clue (15) // Archetypes
  105. Squirrel // Secret Lair
  106. Treasure (21) // Locator
  107. Clue (14) // Secret Lair
  108. Thopter // Locator
  109. Zombie Army // Companion App
  110. Thopter // Archetypes
  111. Treasure (20) // Locator
  112. Goblin // Archetypes
  113. Bird // Secret Lair
  114. Phyrexian Germ // FNM
  115. Clue (14) // FNM
  116. Goblin // Archetypes
  117. Squirrel // Secret Lair
  118. Crab // Archetypes
  119. Treasure (20) // MTGO
  120. Bird // Companion App
  121. Treasure (20) // FNM

Belgian Pack Anatomy

The Belgian printing uses sequential collation with a non-standard common collation scheme. Possibly this scheme is used because there are so many commons that have alternate versions.

Packs are front-facing and have common-uncommon-rare ordering followed by an ad card. There are 10 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare. Between the uncommons and the rare is a new-to-Modern reprinted card (which can be uncommon, rare, or mythic). If there is a foil, it will displace a common and appear after the rare.

10 Commons3 Uncommons1 Reprint1 Rare1 Ad Card
9 Commons3 Uncommons1 Reprint1 Rare1 Foil1 Ad Card

There are three commons runs. The A and B runs each contain 40 distinct cards repeated 3 times each plus one copy of Bottle Golems. The C run contains 20 distinct cards repeated 6 times each. this makes Bottle Golems a 2/3 short-print. Each pack contains 4A+4B+2C. For commons with special variations, a third of the copies are the special version. A foil can displace a common from any of these runs, probably proportionate with their as-fan.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times plus Bottle Golems, the short-printed common. For cards with sketch or old border versions, one of the three copies is the special version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Echoing ReturnSmell FearArcbound SlasherTizerus ChargerDuskshell CrawlerSinister StarfishGouged ZealotNested ShamblerRift SowerLightning SpearCabal Initiate
Chatterstorm (Old Border)Arcbound TrackerWorld-WearyCrack OpenViashino LashclawTizerus ChargerDuskshell CrawlerBone ShardsGargadonEchoing ReturnFlourishing Strike
RevolutionistKitchen Imp (Sketch)Jewel-Eyed CobraTavern ScoundrelHell MongrelSmell FearViashino LashclawTourach's CanticleGlimmer BairnBattle PlanDiscerning Taste
Jade Avenger (Sketch)Galvanic RelayGilt-Blade ProwlerAbundant HarvestSkophos ReaverLoathsome CuratorDuskshell CrawlerArcbound SlasherCabal InitiateFunnel-Web RecluseFaithless Salvaging
Vermin GorgerOrchard StriderGargadon (Sketch)Tourach's CanticleJewel-Eyed CobraLightning SpearWorld-WearyChatterstormMount Velus ManticoreBone ShardsDeepwood Denizen
Tavern ScoundrelHell MongrelJade AvengerViashino LashclawNested Shambler (Old Border)Jewel-Eyed CobraRevolutionistSinister StarfishCrack OpenArcbound SlasherTizerus Charger
Smell FearFaithless Salvaging (Sketch)Loathsome CuratorFunnel-Web RecluseLightning SpearEchoing ReturnRift SowerSkophos ReaverSinister StarfishAbundant HarvestMount Velus Manticore
Bone Shards (Old Border)Glimmer BairnGalvanic RelayKitchen ImpDeepwood DenizenGouged ZealotNested ShamblerJade AvengerArcbound TrackerGilt-Blade ProwlerAbundant Harvest (Sketch)
RevolutionistVermin GorgerBottle GolemsFlourishing StrikeTavern ScoundrelLoathsome CuratorRift SowerGargadonDiscerning TasteOrchard StriderArcbound Tracker
World-Weary (Sketch)ChatterstormBattle PlanKitchen ImpFunnel-Web RecluseFaithless SalvagingGilt-Blade ProwlerGlimmer Bairn (Old Border)Gouged ZealotTourach's CanticleFlourishing Strike
Mount Velus ManticoreCabal InitiateCrack OpenBattle PlanHell MongrelDiscerning TasteOrchard StriderGalvanic Relay (Old Border)Vermin GorgerDeepwood DenizenSkophos Reaver

The B common run consists of 40 different cards each appearing three times plus Bottle Golems, the short-printed common. For cards with sketch or old border versions, one of the three copies is the special version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Soul of MigrationMine CollapseFloodhound (Sketch)Marble GargoyleBannerhide KrushokShattered EgoLandscaper ColosUrban DaggertoothRecalibrateBlacksmith's SkillTragic Fall
Hard EvidenceFairgrounds PatrolUnholy HeatStep ThroughKnighted MyrAeromoebaArcbound PrototypeCaptured by LagacsFoul WatcherArcbound MouserSo Shiny
Break TiesSteelfin WhaleBreathless KnightLandscaper ColosMental JourneySoul of MigrationShattered EgoTerminal Agony (Old Border)Unbounded PotentialBurdened AerialistPiercing Rays
Guardian KirinPhantasmal DreadmawFoundry HelixLens FlareEtherium SpinnerWavesifterMarble Gargoyle (Old Border)Parcel MyrMine CollapseArcbound PrototypeHard Evidence
Bannerhide KrushokSoul of MigrationFloodhoundUrban DaggertoothArcbound MouserLose FocusTragic FallMarble GargoyleShattered EgoUnholy HeatBlacksmith's Skill
Steelfin WhaleCaptured by LagacsKnighted MyrParcel MyrBreathless KnightGuardian KirinEtherium SpinnerDisciple of the SunFoul WatcherTerminal AgonyLens Flare (Sketch)
Mental JourneyUnbounded PotentialFoundry HelixPhantasmal DreadmawPiercing RaysBottle GolemsAeromoebaBlacksmith's Skill (Old Border)WavesifterRecalibrateDisciple of the Sun
Arcbound PrototypeSo ShinyLate to DinnerBannerhide KrushokLose FocusFairgrounds PatrolMine Collapse (Old Border)Burdened AerialistUnbounded PotentialUrban DaggertoothHard Evidence
Step Through (Old Border)Piercing RaysFloodhoundUnholy HeatBreak TiesMental JourneyGuardian KirinCaptured by LagacsRecalibrateLens FlareTragic Fall
Steelfin WhaleLate to Dinner (Sketch)Breathless KnightLose FocusArcbound MouserTerminal AgonyBurdened AerialistLandscaper ColosFoundry HelixParcel MyrBreak Ties
Phantasmal Dreadmaw (Sketch)So ShinyKnighted MyrAeromoeba (Old Border)Etherium SpinnerLate to DinnerDisciple of the SunFoul WatcherFairgrounds PatrolWavesifterStep Through

The C common run consists of 20 different cards each appearing six times. For cards with old border versions, two of the six copies are the old border version. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Chrome CourierSilverbluff BridgeDarkmoss BridgeDrey KeeperDihada's PloyRustvale BridgeSilverbluff BridgeChrome CourierFodder TosserGoblin AnarchomancerTanglepool Bridge
Darkmoss BridgeRazortide BridgeDrossforge BridgeRustvale BridgeThornglint BridgeOrnithopter of Paradise (Old Border)Storm God's OracleMyr ScraplingDihada's PloyTormod's CryptkeeperRazortide Bridge
Mistvault BridgeSilverbluff BridgeSojourner's CompanionThornglint BridgeTanglepool BridgeRazortide BridgeFodder TosserTormod's CryptkeeperRustvale BridgeGoblin AnarchomancerSojourner's Companion
Slagwoods BridgeDihada's PloyChrome CourierGoldmire BridgeGoblin AnarchomancerSilverbluff BridgeTanglepool BridgeSlagwoods BridgeGoldmire BridgeRazortide BridgeFodder Tosser
Storm God's OracleTormod's CryptkeeperGoblin Anarchomancer (Old Border)Drey KeeperSojourner's CompanionSlagwoods BridgeDrossforge BridgeMistvault BridgeFodder TosserGoldmire BridgeSojourner's Companion
Ornithopter of ParadiseDarkmoss BridgeTormod's CryptkeeperThornglint BridgeStorm God's OracleDrey KeeperDrossforge BridgeMistvault BridgeOrnithopter of ParadiseThornglint BridgeRustvale Bridge
Tanglepool BridgeDrossforge BridgeSojourner's CompanionRazortide BridgeMyr ScraplingStorm God's OracleSilverbluff BridgeOrnithopter of Paradise (Old Border)Thornglint BridgeSlagwoods BridgeGoldmire Bridge
Myr ScraplingChrome CourierDrossforge BridgeTormod's CryptkeeperDihada's PloyDrey KeeperDarkmoss BridgeDrossforge BridgeGoldmire BridgeTormod's CryptkeeperDrey Keeper
Storm God's OracleDarkmoss BridgeFodder TosserTanglepool BridgeMyr ScraplingOrnithopter of ParadiseGoblin AnarchomancerChrome CourierSilverbluff BridgeMistvault BridgeRustvale Bridge
Fodder TosserChrome CourierRazortide BridgeMyr ScraplingDrey KeeperGoldmire BridgeSlagwoods BridgeDarkmoss BridgeTanglepool BridgeThornglint BridgeDihada's Ploy
Rustvale BridgeSlagwoods BridgeGoblin Anarchomancer (Old Border)Myr ScraplingMistvault BridgeDihada's PloySojourner's CompanionStorm God's OracleOrnithopter of ParadiseMistvault Bridge

Japanese Pack Anatomy

The Japanese printing uses sequential collation with 112 card sheets (which is the usual for Japan). Probably the sheets are 14 × 8.

Packs are front-facing starting with the ad or placeholder card, then the rare, the new-to-Modern reprint, 3 uncommons, and 10 commons. If there is a foil, it will appear before the rare, displacing a common.

1 Ad or Placeholder Card1 Rare1 Reprint3 Uncommons10 Commons
1 Ad or Placeholder Card1 Foil1 Rare1 Reprint3 Uncommons9 Commons

There are 3 common runs: A, B, and C. A contains 27 distinct cards each appearing four times. Between the B and C runs, there are 74 distinct cards each appearing three times. The cards with special versions are on B and C, but the special version isn't always in the same run as the normal version. B contains normal versions of 36 cards and special versions of 16 cards. One of the special versions is a card for which the normal version is in C, and 4 of the special versions have their normal versions in C. In complementary fashion, C contains normal versions of 38 cards and special versions of 7 cards. One of the special versions is a card for which the normal version is in B. Each pack gets 2 to 3 cards from A followed by 3 to 4 cards from B and 3 to 4 cards from C. This means packs are either 2-4-4, 3-3-4, or 3-4-3. The exact ratios may depend on the way foil collation works.


Foils displace a common. As far as I've seen, there will still be at least 2 A commons, 3 B commons, and 3 C commons, and I have seen all three possibilities for common distribution given a foil.

Common Runs

The A common run consists of 27 different cards each appearing four times (which would leave 4 fillers on a 112 card sheet). The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Hard EvidenceDihada's PloySlagwoods BridgeRevolutionistDrossforge BridgePiercing RaysGoldmire BridgeTormod's Cryptkeeper
Thornglint BridgeShattered EgoRazortide BridgeStorm God's OracleFodder TosserViashino LashclawDrey KeeperMistvault Bridge
Breathless KnightDarkmoss BridgeDihada's PloyHard EvidenceSilverbluff BridgeCaptured by LagacsLightning SpearChrome Courier
Disciple of the SunDrossforge BridgeSteelfin WhaleSlagwoods BridgePiercing RaysRustvale BridgeViashino LashclawShattered Ego
Storm God's OracleTanglepool BridgeFodder TosserGoldmire BridgeRevolutionistThornglint BridgeBreathless KnightTormod's Cryptkeeper
Razortide BridgeSojourner's CompanionMistvault BridgeDrey KeeperDisciple of the SunSlagwoods BridgeDihada's PloyDarkmoss Bridge
Captured by LagacsDrossforge BridgeHard EvidenceRustvale BridgePiercing RaysStorm God's OracleShattered EgoTanglepool Bridge
Viashino LashclawFodder TosserThornglint BridgeRevolutionistChrome CourierSteelfin WhaleLightning SpearGoldmire Bridge
Sojourner's CompanionRazortide BridgeBreathless KnightSilverbluff BridgeTormod's CryptkeeperMistvault BridgeDisciple of the SunTanglepool Bridge
Dihada's PloyDrossforge BridgeViashino LashclawSlagwoods BridgeStorm God's OracleDarkmoss BridgePiercing RaysThornglint Bridge
Hard EvidenceDrey KeeperSilverbluff BridgeLightning SpearRustvale BridgeSteelfin WhaleChrome CourierSojourner's Companion
Shattered EgoCaptured by LagacsTormod's CryptkeeperRevolutionistGoldmire BridgeBreathless KnightFodder TosserRazortide Bridge
Disciple of the SunDrey KeeperTanglepool BridgeLightning SpearSilverbluff BridgeChrome CourierDarkmoss BridgeSojourner's Companion
Steelfin WhaleMistvault BridgeCaptured by LagacsRustvale Bridge

The B common run consists of 35 different cards each appearing three times, the two copies of the normal version of Glimmer Bairn (the sketch version of which is in C), plus the sketch versions (but not the normal copies) of Kitchen Imp, Late to Dinner, Lens Flare, and World-Weary. For those out of the 35 cards that have a special version, one of the three copies is the special version. The cards are mostly red and white. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Kitchen Imp (Sketch)Parcel MyrArcbound TrackerFoundry HelixRecalibrateTavern ScoundrelTragic FallEtherium Spinner
Mount Velus ManticoreGoblin Anarchomancer (Old Border)Mental JourneyGalvanic RelayBone ShardsAeromoebaArcbound SlasherBottle Golems
Step ThroughMine CollapseTragic FallFloodhoundGargadon (Sketch)Urban DaggertoothBurdened AerialistFaithless Salvaging (Sketch)
WavesifterPhantasmal DreadmawSkophos ReaverBannerhide KrushokPhantasmal Dreadmaw (Sketch)Gouged ZealotFoundry HelixParcel Myr
Battle PlanTerminal Agony (Old Border)Foul WatcherTavern ScoundrelUrban DaggertoothLose FocusGouged ZealotBannerhide Krushok
Burdened AerialistSkophos ReaverTragic FallFloodhoundBattle PlanWavesifterEtherium SpinnerGalvanic Relay
Terminal AgonyStep ThroughGouged ZealotWavesifterBottle GolemsLens Flare (Sketch)Bannerhide KrushokFoul Watcher
GargadonUrban DaggertoothPhantasmal DreadmawMine Collapse (Old Border)Goblin AnarchomancerLose FocusUnholy HeatOrnithopter of Paradise
RecalibrateMine CollapseTerminal AgonyEtherium SpinnerFaithless SalvagingFoundry HelixStep Through (Old Border)Mount Velus Manticore
Myr ScraplingBurdened AerialistArcbound TrackerGlimmer BairnParcel MyrUnholy HeatLate to Dinner (Sketch)So Shiny
Tavern ScoundrelBone Shards (Old Border)Mental JourneySkophos ReaverBottle GolemsAeromoebaGargadonWorld-Weary (Sketch)
So ShinyGalvanic Relay (Old Border)Goblin AnarchomancerMental JourneyBattle PlanOrnithopter of ParadiseAeromoeba (Old Border)Faithless Salvaging
Bone ShardsSo ShinyArcbound SlasherMyr ScraplingFoul WatcherUnholy HeatGlimmer BairnFloodhound (Sketch)
Arcbound TrackerOrnithopter of Paradise (Old Border)RecalibrateArcbound SlasherMyr ScraplingLose FocusMount Velus Manticore

The C common run consists of 34 different cards each appearing three times, the two normal copies of Kitchen Imp, Late to Dinner, Lens Flare, and World-Weary, plus the old-border version of Glimmer Bairn. For those out of the 34 cards that have a special version, one of the three copies is the special version. The cards are mostly black and green. The choice of first card is mostly arbitrary.

Abundant Harvest (Sketch)Sinister StarfishUnbounded PotentialChatterstorm (Old Border)Kitchen ImpBlacksmith's SkillDeepwood DenizenTourach's Canticle
Knighted MyrOrchard StriderDiscerning TasteGuardian KirinFlourishing StrikeNested ShamblerLate to DinnerSmell Fear
Echoing ReturnMarble GargoyleRift SowerTizerus ChargerLandscaper ColosJewel-Eyed CobraGilt-Blade ProwlerArcbound Mouser
Jade Avenger (Sketch)Loathsome CuratorFairgrounds PatrolDeepwood DenizenVermin GorgerArcbound PrototypeCrack OpenHell Mongrel
Soul of MigrationAbundant HarvestCabal InitiateUnbounded PotentialDuskshell CrawlerWorld-WearyBreak TiesChatterstorm
Sinister StarfishLens FlareOrchard StriderEchoing ReturnBlacksmith's SkillFunnel-Web RecluseNested Shambler (Old Border)Knighted Myr
Flourishing StrikeDiscerning TasteArcbound PrototypeGlimmer Bairn (Old Border)Tourach's CanticleGuardian KirinSmell FearTizerus Charger
Landscaper ColosJade AvengerGilt-Blade ProwlerArcbound MouserRift SowerKitchen ImpFairgrounds PatrolJewel-Eyed Cobra
Loathsome CuratorMarble GargoyleAbundant HarvestHell MongrelSoul of MigrationDuskshell CrawlerCabal InitiateLate to Dinner
Crack OpenVermin GorgerUnbounded PotentialChatterstormSinister StarfishBreak TiesFunnel-Web RecluseEchoing Return
Knighted MyrDeepwood DenizenDiscerning TasteArcbound PrototypeJade AvengerTourach's CanticleSoul of MigrationRift Sower
Gilt-Blade ProwlerMarble Gargoyle (Old Border)Crack OpenWorld-WearyGuardian KirinOrchard StriderNested ShamblerBlacksmith's Skill (Old Border)
Flourishing StrikeTizerus ChargerLandscaper ColosSmell FearLoathsome CuratorFairgrounds PatrolJewel-Eyed CobraHell Mongrel
Arcbound MouserFunnel-Web RecluseVermin GorgerLens FlareDuskshell CrawlerCabal InitiateBreak Ties